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Home Animal Sound Effects Page 12

Animal Sound Effects

Authentic animal sound effects, animal recordings and designed creature and monster sound effects.

  • • In Great Lakes: Sandhill Cranes, get a collection of ambiences from some of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. Hear the calming openness of still water and the magical echoes of regal waterbirds. Hear the startled alarm cries of Ospreys and the prehistoric calls of Sandhill Cranes so visceral you’ll think pterodactyls are still alive.
    • This library offers you an extensive collection of Sandhill Crane ambiences from the pristine lakes of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Hear these majestic birds and feel the power of their intense calls as they sing across the Great Lakes of North America.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
    • Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.

    • 18 clip of Sandhill Cranes
    • Reverb tails on Crane calls as long as four seconds
    • Stationary bugles
    • Bugling and trumpeting in flight
    • Close visceral perspectives
    • Distant clips with immersive echoes
    • Osprey – alarm calls
    • Common Loon – tremolo and wail calls
    • Soothing coniferous and deciduous wind
    • This is not a parabolic dish library of close up and isolated Sandhill Cranes. It is an ambience library of Cranes within their natural habitat.
    • All recordings are from lake edges and surrounding forests.
    • This is not a water library, it focuses on ambiences with wildlife (mostly large waterbirds) and wind.
    • Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in an otherwise uniform waveform.
    • Markers are included in the Soundminer and BWAV description fields starting with the prefix “Marker Text”.
    • View larger version or Download CSV
    • Read 40+ testimonials for Thomas Rex Beverly Audio
    • Read my Field Recording Mastering Rules and learn more about how these recordings were mastered.
    • Browse the Library Info Master List to compare specs on all my libraries.
    • Browse the Metadata Master List to search my entire catalog.
    • MD5 and SHA 256 Checksums are included for each zip file in my catalog. Use these hashes to check the integrity of your downloaded files.
    • Sennheiser 8040s in ORTF
    • Sennheiser MKH50 and 30 in MS
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote ORTF Blimp
    • Rycote MS Blimp
  • • In High Desert Ambiences 5: Crickets, I revisit the place where my field recording journey started: West Texas. The heavy summer rains spawned a lively cricket chorus unlike anything I had heard before. Hear 10,000 cricket chirps weave into lush blankets of sound that gently float through mountain valleys. Hear the slowly sagging pitch of lush choruses as nighttime temperatures fall. Hear the joyous chirps of countless crickets that will make you want to take out your tent immediately.
    • This library offers you an extensive collection of crickets from a unique slice of time in the life of a desert. Hear the rejuvenating summer rains fill a desolate desert with 10,000 tiny violins.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
    • Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.

    • 27 cricket choruses containing only crickets. Some of these 27 tracks also include bats in ultrasonic frequencies or other occasional ultrasonic insect sounds.
    • 4 clips of crickets with Western Screech-Owls or Great Horned Owls.
    • All tracks are 3-6 minutes in length
    • Recordings from 4 nights in 15 different locations.
    • Recordings are ordered by night, then location, then part. Listen to nights and parts in sequence to hear the pitch drop with the falling temperature.
    • This is a library of cricket choruses. Individual crickets can be hear as part of a chorus, but this library does not contain solo, single crickets.
    • The pitch shifted demo is the normal demo at quarter speed. Please note: the “Pitch Shifted Demo” was made to demonstrate the potential of the sounds in this library. However, HDA5: Crickets does NOT include pitch shifted sounds, only mastered field recordings.
    • Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in an otherwise uniform waveform.
    • Markers are included in the Soundminer and BWAV description fields starting with the prefix “Marker Text”.
    • View larger version or Download CSV
    • Read 40+ user reviews for Thomas Rex Beverly Audio
    • Read my Field Recording Mastering Rules and learn more about how these recordings were mastered.
    • Browse the Library Info Master List to compare specs on all my libraries.
    • Browse the Metadata Master List to search my entire catalog.
    • MD5 and SHA 256 Checksums are included for each zip file in my catalog. Use these hashes to check the integrity of your downloaded files.
    • Sennheiser 8040s in ORTF
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote ORTF Blimp
  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences African Rainforest Play Track 69+ sounds included, 330 mins total From: $99

    African Rainforest is an expansive collection of recordings made in the various types of rainforest that lie on the Ugandan side of the Albertine Rift, ranging from high-altitude afromontane to tropical lowland jungles.

    From the spooky croaking choruses of black and white colobus monkeys to barking baboons, hooting DeBrazza’s monkeys, moaning Mona monkeys, screaming chimpanzees, warbling mangabey and the otherworldly twang of the blue monkey, these forests are packed to the brim with primates calling from the canopy. Yet beyond all the monkey exuberance, these recordings are characterised by tranquility and spaciousness, where slow lazy bird calls are interspersed by gently fluttering insect choruses and pinging tree frogs.

    Available in stereo and surround and covering all times of day, African Rainforest not only features lengthy ambient recordings but also includes a number of close-up vocalisations of two kinds of great ape: chimpanzee and mountain gorilla, recorded on location in their natural habitat.

    Library highlights:

    • 5.5 hours of lush ambiences in surround & stereo
    • 10 primate species
    • 50+ birds
    • Numerous frogs and mammals
    • Bonus recordings of close up chimp & gorilla vocalisations

  • Bird Sound Effects Crows Play Track 30+ sounds included $45

    The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.

    Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.

    The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.

    The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.

    All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.

    This is the ultimate collection for professional and high quality sound design. All 89 original BOOM Library packs guarantee you the right sound at the right time for professional post-production, trailers, games, movies, TV shows and anything else that needs a striking sound design.

    This is the ultimate collection for professional and high quality sound design. All 89 original BOOM Library packs guarantee you the right sound at the right time for professional post-production, trailers, games, movies, TV shows and anything else that needs a striking sound design.

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  • The Animals Volume 3 collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  Included in this library are birds, wildcats, reptiles, sea life and much more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Just Birds & Animals, Series 6000 and General HD 1, and 2 sound effects libraries.  Included are cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, wildcats, whales, birds and much more.

  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences Cicadas Play Track 140+ sounds included, 300 mins total $60

    Cicadas is a collection of summer ambiences recorded in Southern Spain over the course of 2018 summer. You will get massive chorus in different densities and areas, individual chirps, and a designed section.

    The temperatures during this time of the year are so high, ranging from 30ºC to 45ºC (86ºF to 113ºF), that cicadas are always present in daytime. The higher the temperatures, the more cicadas chirp. Having this in mind, some recordings from early June have less cicadas than the ones recorded in July and August. In addition to this, there are recordings both in the morning, where the cicadas are not so many but are already present, and in the evening, chirping all of them as a chorus after a whole day under the sun. The library contains:

    • Cicadas in the countryside, recorded in different months and times of the day. Some recordings only contains cicadas and some others also include birds, dogs barking, flies buzzing and rooster calls (26 audio files).
    • Close ups of single cicadas, to build your own atmosphere or design insects, creatures and other specimens (17 audio files).
    • Cicadas in urban environments, such as parks (16 audio files) and residential areas (8 files).
    • Ambisonics recordings, also decoded into binaural by using Harpex-X (20 files).
    • Designed Section: includes abstract ambiences, futuristic alarms, glitches, flybys, flapping of winds, flock of birds, individual birds, frogs, and much more (71 files).
    • Descriptive markers that highlight interesting events in an otherwise featureless waveform. These markers can be read in programs such as Izotope RX, Reaper and Soundminer.

    All files come in 96 kHz / 24 bit and with embedded metadata, both in Soundminer and BWAV.

    UCS compliant metadata. Fields included CatID, Category, Subcategory, FX Name, Filename, Description, BWDescription, Library, RecType, RecMedium, Microphone, Designer, Manufacturer, Keywords, VendorCategory.

    Featuring more than 250 minutes of cicadas recordings plus 65 minutes from the Designed Section.

  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences Birds and Nature Play Track 86 sounds included, 124 mins total $89

    Over two hours of birds, crickets, cicadas and frogs primarily from Southern Ontario, Canada, but also from Britain and Costa Rica. Specific calls and ambiences from the forest, the beach, the neighbourhood or on the dock of a quiet pond. Essential sounds to bring background tracks to life.

  • This collection features 200 sound effects including horses, elk, moose and donkeys. These sounds have been handpicked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, Series 1000,  Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2, Premiere Edition and Animal Planet libraries.

  • Animal Sound Effects Collections Animal Hyperrealism Vol I Play Track 290+ sounds included $170

    Animal Hyperrealism Vol I is a library containing sounds themed animal vocalisations, from real to designed creatures totaling more than 1300 individual sounds in 290 files.

    The sounds were partly recorded with animals trained for media production, partly recorded in zoos and wildlife centers. The asset list includes but is not limited to: african lions, bengal tigers, horses, donkeys, cows, exotic birds, owls, bobcats, pumas, dromedaries, wolves, dogs, geese, lemurs, gibbons and many more.

    All the content has been recorded at 192KHz with a Sanken CO100K plus a Sennheiser 8050 for center image and a couple of Sennheiser MKH8040 for stereo image. All files are delivered as stereo bounce of these four mics, though in some instances an additional couple of CO100K was added to the sides.

    The resulting ultrasonic spectrum is rich and allows for truly extreme manipulation of the content.

    Bonus: Two extra libraries included for free:
    This library also includes two additional releases from Mattia Cellotto - for free: Crunch Mode delivers 230 crunchy sounds made with a variety of vegetables, fresh bread, pizza crust and a selection of frozen goods. The Borax Experiment gets you 158 squishy, gory, slimy and gooey sounds.

  • The Seagulls sfx library includes 28 tracks of both single, isolated seagull screams, and bigger flocks of nesting seagulls, calling out to each other and their chicks. There are plenty of classic call sounds, but also some weird throaty and raspy screaming, and what could sound like seagull laughing sounds.

    All tracks are recorded with the very useful zoom function of the Telinga microphone and dish.
    Library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction processed tracks have carefully been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Though these birds are in an abundance around most harbours and industry around here, they are not always easy to record. You mostly hear them from a distance, or from places not easy to access. When you try to get close to them, they will usually fly away.

    Many hours have been spent on rooftops, gardens, backyards, a junkyard, and different harbours to get this material.

  • This collection features 150 wolf and coyote sound effects.  This library includes howls, roars, barks and more from single and multiple coyotes and wolves.

    These sounds have been handpicked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, Series 1000,  Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2, Premiere Edition and Animal Planet libraries.

  • This collection features 200 rodent and reptile sound effects.  Included in this library are mice, bats, possums, chipmunks, guinea pigs, rats, porcupines, otters, raccoons, squirrels, snakes, toads, lizards, frogs and more!

    These sounds have been hand-picked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, Series 1000, Series 4000, Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2 and Animal Planet libraries.

  • This collection features 200 monkey and primate sound effects. It includes gorillas, howler monkeys, chimps, gibbons, orangutans and much more!  These effects have been hand picked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, L2, Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2 and Animal Planet libraries.

  • Sounds for this library were recorded over 5 sessions – in a private zoo and in the field, all in cooperation with professional birds trainers.  All of them were recorded outdoor (and just a few in an outdoor aviary). Trainers helped us to get variety of bird calls and vocalisations, like: shriek, cry, squawk, screech, whistle, scream.

    Three sessions, were recorded extremely close to birds on very quiet big field. The intention was to grab very isolated and rich sounds, useful for sound design. For this sessions we used Sanken CO-100k and Sennheiser MKH-8060, which were super close (just a few centimeters away from brids beaks) and Schoeps CMC-6XT MK41 a bit wider for more natural/open sound. Although sometimes Sanken and Sennheiser sound very similiar (they were in similar position), we left both files. Sanken recordings (@192kHz) are amazing for pitch shifting, yet sounds recorded by Sennheiser are very natural in neutral pitch.
    When pitch shifted, all sounds become very evocative and emotional sound design sources.

    All files contain natural sequences and rhythms of calls. There are also close wing flaps, movements and even sounds of birds eating recorded in macro close POV.
    The library is extensively metatagged in Soundminer.

    Please note: Pitch shifted files in the demo are presented only to show potential of those recordings and aren't included in the library.

  • The Farm is a sound library that I compiled about a year ago just for fun and I kept adding sounds recorded at the same location in the Canadian countryside at 4 different farms. During the recording session, I’ve been lucky enough to have met some fantastic people ready to share their passion for farming and pointing me out to what they felt was an essential part of their everyday soundscape.

    I had the chance to stumble on two late 50s John Deere tractors that where still functional and that marked the end of an era. It is a comprehensive farm sound library that is not just about tractors or animals.

    You will find, in the bonus section, 6 different footsteps surfaces each with a walk and run variation and some more. There are five main categories in this library: Ambiances, Animals, Footsteps, Misc (Various SFX) and Vehicles ready for creating a convincing farm soundscape for your project.

  • Wild Animals Sound Effects Coyotes Play Track 22 sounds included, 28 mins total $39

    Coyotes are classic sounds of the American Wild West. A few recorded during the day, but many at dusk or deep into the night.  There are also several tracks of much closer coyotes that happened to walk near the recorder as you can hear in the samples.

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  • High-quality nature ambience of wild landscapes in eastern Oregon – with a focus on bird sounds in the high desert across times of day and seasons. These are authentic western desert sounds appropriate for use in westerns, wild west, and related games and films.

    Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer. Species include woodpeckers, meadowlarks, woodpeckers, distant owls, and more. Includes bonus clips of fly buzzes and a few bats. A number catch birds quite close to the recorder.

  • Insect Sound Effects Wilderness Crickets Play Track 18 sounds included, 93 mins total $49

    High-quality nature ambiance of wild landscapes in both eastern and western Oregon – with a focus on different cricket sounds by day and night.

    Types range from hot desert heat to cold windy forest nights, to vibrant riversides. Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer.  A number catch crickets quite close to the recorder

  • Bird Sound Effects Ravens and Robins Play Track 22 sounds included, 19 mins total $49

    Recorded in Eastern Oregon’s Great Basin and High Desert Region – classic sounds of the American West, forest or desert.

    These tracks are stripped highlights from the hundreds of hours of field recordings I use to make my films. A number of them include the birds fluttering and making deep natural calls right next to the recorder – about as close as you can hope to get of birds in the wild.

  • If you're looking for a cat sound pack that covers all the basics, look no further.

    3 cats. 21 sounds. Cherry picked for their versatility and usefulness.
    ​Meows, Growls, Hisses, Purrs, Cries and more…

    Meet the beasts:

    Deep threatening growls and vicious hisses.

    Classic meows that fit like a charm.

    Very versatile meows, cries and purrs.

    Want a larger cat pack? Check this out.

  • Cats are remarkably expressive creatures. And capturing their voices can be a daunting task. Not anymore…

    The “Meow” sound library provides all the core cat vocalizations you'll need in a single package.

    Using 11 different cats cherry picked for their characters, this library provides over 272 vocalizations for your productions.

    From sweet mewls, to longing cries, or vicious shrieks, this library has got you covered.

    This library also includes the Sonic Worlds “CAT” sound pack.

    Meet the beasts:

    A lunatic Calico. A treasure trove of enraged vocalizations.

    Sweet natured Russian Blues for that soft gentle character.

    A nasty mean tomcat, hence his name. A Tabby with a rich growl.

    Deep threatening growls and hisses. A Ginger in a foul mood.

    Whiny sounding Ginger cats. For those hungry begging cries.

    Classic meows that work like a charm.

    A sad sounding Tabby cat. For those longing mewls that will break your heart.

    An absolute sweetheart black cat. Purry meows galore.

    Cat sounds included:
    ● Screeches and Shrieks
    ● Snipes
    ● Yelps
    ● Mewls
    ● Cries
    ● Purrs
    ● Growls
    ● Grumbles, Groans and Moans
    ● Whining and Begging
    ● Hisses
    ● Squirms
    ● Meows in a huge variety of characters
    ● And more…
  • Dog Sound Effects Wimpy Dog Play Track 38+ sounds included, 7+ mins total $19

    “Wimpy Dog” is a collection of over 35 different recordings of a particularly sad German shepherd. He whines, he calls out, he yelps, he pants and pleads for attention in a truly expressive manner. He’ll be sure to bring some much needed character to any dog you’ve got onscreen or a creature you are designing.

    The takes are generous in length, with plenty of breaths before and after each vocalization simplifying the creation of complex sequences. All of this was recorded outside, with great signal to noise, ie. very little air. No kennel reverb or cage moves and only the occasional birds in the background. That adds up to sounds which will hold up to robust amounts of processing.

Animal sound effects libraries

Animal sound effects libraries

Looking for animal sound effects for your projects? The independent sound effects community has recorded a huge number of original animal sound libraries, covering everything from tiny chirps to earth-shattering roars.

From animal sounds heard in Antarctica’s freezing cold to the wildlife of the scorching hot deserts of Namibia, the sound libraries have been recorded across the globe - giving you unique atmospheric ambiences, as well as rare and expressive recordings of individual animals.
So whether you need sounds of domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses and cows, or wild animals like lions, tigers, bears and wolves, you'll find them in these sound libraries. You can also find sounds from exotic and endangered species like pandas, gorillas, elephants and rhinos, or discover the sounds of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
The sounds are highly useful for both films, documentaries and game projects, and can be used to create realistic or designed sonic environments, as well as for monsters, beasts, fantastical creatures, aliens and so much more.

Animal sounds commonly found in this category:

Bark, bleat, buzz, caw, chirp, croak, growl, hoot, hiss, meow, moo, neigh, oink, quack, rattle, ribbit, roar, snarl, squeak, tweet

Animal sound FAQ:

Q: What are some of the most popular animal sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular animal sound effects libraries

Q: Are there any animal sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by animal sound libraries on sale

Q: How do I download the animal sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen animal SFX.

Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required

Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.

Trending animal sound libraries:

  • The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep Vol 2 offers a collection of 53 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations carefully captured to ensure exceptional quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to swap or combine different microphone takes depending on the needs of the project.

    For this occasion, a Sennheiser MKH 8050 and a Sanken CO-100K microphone were used, along with a Zoom H6 recorder to capture the stereo sound. In this second volume, we have gotten even closer to the animals than in the first volume, managing to capture a greater amount of ultrasonic information. This is especially useful if you want to tone down sounds to create fantastic creatures or other sound effects, providing an exceptional richness of frequencies.

    The recordings were made at 24-bit and 192 kHz/96 kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth in each track.

    This collection includes a wide variety of bleats, from adult goats, mountain goats, kids and sheep, to group bleats, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any production, be it documentary, film, video games or creative projects.

    In addition, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove any external noise, such as birds, wind or people, ensuring a clean and professional experience. Thanks to ultrasonic microphones, any tonal modification will maintain a unique frequency richness, perfect for creating custom sounds.

    Ideal applications:
    Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    Total audios: 53 (250 Individually)
    Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.

  • Bird Sound Effects Crows Play Track 30+ sounds included $45

    The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.

    Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.

    The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.

    The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.

    All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.

  • Experience the distinctive call of the Laughing Kookaburra with this meticulously crafted sound library, offering 30 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations to suit the needs of any project.

    Organized for seamless use
    Recordings are uniformly labeled to ensure effortless integration into your workflow, allowing for easy selection, combination, or swapping of takes based on your creative vision.

    Accurate recording with professional equipment
    Captured at an intimate distance of just 20cm, these recordings deliver unparalleled clarity and detail.

    Equipment used is as follows:
    – Sennheiser MKH 8050: For direct, natural sound capture.
    – Sanken CO-100K: Ideal for capturing ultrasonic frequencies.
    – Zoom F6: Professional audio recorder that allows recording at 192Khz.
    – Zoom H6: For capturing a stereo recording.

    Ultrasonic capture ensures that even when sounds are pitched down, their depth and frequency richness is preserved, making them perfect for designing fantastical creatures or unique soundscapes.

    Professional Standards & Quality
    – Resolution: Recorded at 24-bit/192kHz and delivered at 96kHz/24-bit.
    – Editing: Tracks have been carefully cleaned of external noises such as distant birds, wind, footsteps or human activity, ensuring a pristine, professional-quality product ready for immediate use.

    With The Animal Symphony: Laughing Kookaburra, you’ll have access to a versatile, perfect for enhancing any audiovisual project or creative endeavour.

    Ideal applications:
    – Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    – Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    – Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    – Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    – Total audios: 30 (544 aprox Individually)
    – Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    – Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and Sanken CO-100K microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
    – Duration: 04:44

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  • Bird Sound Effects Urban Crows Play Track 31 sounds included, 90 mins total $35

    Urban Crows is a library full of interesting sounds of single crows and swarms.

    These proud birds deserve a lot more attention than they usually get. They are amazingly intelligent, social and by no means aggressive or monotonous when it comes to their communication capabilities.

    The library evolved throughout winter 2015/16 and was taken from the attic of a house surrounded by trees were the crows frequently stayed overnight. So it was a great pleasure to record them arriving in the evenings as well as hearing them chatting during the dawn. They have a huge arsenal of clearly distinguishable single caws, funny sighs or nervous screams that often evolved to a huge cluster of noises that became stronger when the church bells began to ring and the sun came up.

    All takes are recorded in Mid-Side stereo, with Sennheiser MKH-70 shotgun for a strong mid-signal and AKG-C394B for the ambience. The total playing time of the library is approx. 1h 30min.

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