Home Animal Sound Effects Page 13
Authentic animal sound effects, animal recordings and designed creature and monster sound effects.
AudioHero’s Animals collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. This library includes wildcats, snakes, birds, bears, baboons, wolves, horses, cats, dolphins, zebras, pigs, whales, elephants and much more! These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Wild World of Animals and General HD collections as well as the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax libraries.
The Animals Volume 2 collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. Included in this library are birds, wildcats, reptiles, sea life and much more! These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Just Birds & Animals, Series 6000 and General HD 1, 2 and 3 sound effects libraries. Included are cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, wildcats, whales, birds and much more.
An epic collection of dog sounds, recorded in Ultra-HD 24bit 192k resolution. This library features a variety of vocal sounds from 14 trained animals. Included are barks, whines, yelps, growls, snarls, and sounds that can’t even be defined.
The Australian bush is something very close to my heart. Most of these recordings were taken on my family's property in Molong NSW.
This collection includes a large number of natural bush ambiences recorded at all times of day. There are plenty of birds, some sheep, turkeys, bees, cicadas, crickets, dogs and chickens. As well as motor vehicles on gravel, chainsaws, campfires, generators, footsteps, and even a wall construction. There is as always some random stuff fin there as well.
Recorded with a Sound Devices 633 and Sennheiser MKH8040s. The library is 2GB and includes 126 x 24bit 48kHz .wav files. Sound Miner metadata embedded.
To set an exotic scene, or to illustrate a different and luxuriant nature, exotic birdsong is a great asset. Even if it is very difficult to identify each of them, the bird’s songs of this collection will bring you far from home. Feel surrounded by those songs recorded in Brasil, Thailand, Maldives and France.
Dark Seals is a unique collection of close up, expressive seal vocalisations. It includes everything from aggressive growls, funny gargles, snapping snarls, howling wails & disgusting snorts and slobbers.
Recorded on location in Namibia and the United Kingdom, the library consists of many incredibly up-n-close recordings of individual seals, both adults and pups. The close proximity and large variety in vocal ranges between adults and pups makes this material highly malleable and perfect source for creature sound design. Check the demo to hear examples of these sounds playing at half speed.
The files are organised per individual seal and often carry on for minutes with continuous vocalisations, resulting in many variations of a similar type of call. The content is therefore very suitable for game audio design.
Besides individual seals, there are also various recordings of a huge colony of Cape Fur Seals. These will come in useful when designing sounds of creature hordes.
Get an extensive collection of South African nature ambiences (average duration: 5 minutes), from places like the Mhkaya Jungle, Kruger National Park, The Wetlands and more. Locations include jungles, swamps, ponds, rivers and towns. Featuring all sorts of crickets and cicades, of course – but there’s also plenty of other South African wildlife, like mosquitoes, birds, fighting baboons and snorting hippos The sounds were captured during various times of both day and night and give you a huge variety of ambiences to work with.
The Midlands Farm Sounds is a collection of sound effects recorded in the beautiful, quiet hillsides of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
These 330 sounds range from animal noises, farm objects, metal squeaks to ambiences of rivers and fields. The aim of this library is to provide a large variety of farmyard sounds for film, games, documentaries, podcasts or musical projects.
A big thanks goes to the Bates, who let me record on their beautiful farm.
26 Natural ambiences
74 Animal sounds
61 Farm objects/Foley sounds
104 Metal sounds
60 Sound design elements
From massive swarms in different densities and activity levels to individual passby sounds and landings, this insect sound library covers pretty much all variants of insect wing buzz sounds.
Below is a quick audio demo using 18 of the 185 sounds in the collection.
• 185 WAV sounds of bees, flies, mosquitoes, cicadas and designed insect sounds
• Single insect sounds & swarms
• Isolated insect sounds
• Seamless loops & long recordings
• Varied activity levels
• Purchase supports WWF & NABU
• Descriptive filenames
• 96 kHz / 24 bit WAV files
• Embedded Soundminer metadata
• 2+ hours of audio
The Norway sound library comes with 44 unique Norwegian sounds (58+ minutes of playtime), featuring recordings of animals and insects, atmosphere, beach waves, glacier sounds, mountain stream, steps and vehicles.
G4F SFX06 – Horses is a sound effect library dedicated to sound of horses.
Whatever your needs are, this soundbank will meet your expectations with a collection of 170 files (wav).
Nb Files: 170 wavs
Nb SFX: 206
Size: 885 Mo (Zip archive of 624 Mo)
UCS Naming and Classification
This library was recorded in southern France and Komagane, Japan for a diverse collection of cricket, grasshopper and frog sounds. With a Fostex FR2, Sennheiser 418S and Olympus LS11, these focused sounds were captured without the rumbling of nearby traffic or wind. They are clean enough to be dropped right into your project, and they are long enough to offer loop points for interactive use.
From deep growling and gargling vocals to nasal sounds, this unique collection provides a wide array of camel vocals and noises. These camels has been hunted in the arid deserts of Jordan and Morocco and captured with high-quality equipment.
Each track contain various variations of:
This collection provides original voice textures to design monsters and animals! All Faunethic tracks includes metadata carefully edited with Soundminer
Get the sounds of exotic birds – a huge collection of seagull recordings – with the Birds Extension SFX library:
This collection of sounds contains a nice variety of birds: 18 different species spread across 41 audio tracks – including Chachalaca, Great Kiskadee, Crow, Goose, Great-tailed Grackle, Hen, Macaw Parrot, Magpie, Motmot Turquoise Sourcils, Nestor Kea Parrot, Peacock, Rooster, Snow Owl, Yucatan Woodpecker and more. The sounds have been recorded in Mexico, Finland and France. Seagulls available in a separate pack.
The sounds have been recorded in 24bit / 96 kHz Stereo or Mono, the Mono tracks have been recorded with a wide-frequency response microphone (30 Hz to 50 KHz).
Library specs: 41 tracks mono or stereo (mostly stereo) • 949 MB • 29 minutes total
This collection of sounds contains 20 seagull tracks, and a nice Tern close-up recording. You will find a nice variety of seagulls vocalizations such as calls, scream, screeches. Some single close-up recordings and some large group recordings. All the sounds have been recorded in Finland and France.
The sounds have been recorded in 24bit / 96 kHz Stereo or Mono, the Mono tracks have been recorded with a wide-frequency response microphone (30 Hz to 50 KHz).
Library Specs: 20 tracks mono or stereo (mostly mono) • 371 MB • 14 minutes total
Contains both packs above, at a special price!
Bundle Specs: 61 tracks mono or stereo • 1.32 GB • 44 minutes total
Get the stunningly detailed sounds of one of nature’s tiniest aerial acrobats flapping and fluttering in one of the quietest outdoor places in the continental United States. With their ultrasonic chirps, mesmerizing flight abilities and evolution-exhibiting beaks, this library captures the sounds of these rarely heard creatures from a mere two inches away.
2% for the Planet:
Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
Need real snake sounds? This compact, hand-picked pack delivers recordings of actual snakes hissing, inhaling and exhaling, shaking, rattling – and striking. Features snakes such as Boa, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Mexican Rattler, African Puff Adder, and Gopher Snake.
Get some real insect sounds with this SFX library – almost entirely recorded in and around one large grassy meadow throughout various times of day and season. GRASSHOPPERS, CRICKETS & KATYDIDS is a small collection of 14 crisp recordings focusing on 12 insect species commonly found in open fields and forested areas of northeastern North-America. Each sound is 2:30 mins or longer (96kHz/24bit), for a total of 38+ mins of sound.
Allard's Ground Cricket • Carolina Ground Cricket • Northern Bush Katydid • Oblong-Winged Katydid • Red-Legged Grasshopper • Roesel's Katydid • Short-Winged Meadow Katydid • Slender Meadow Katydid • Snowy Tree Cricket • Spring Field Cricket • Sword-Bearing Conehead Katydid
– as well as multiple mixed choruses of various sizes!
If you need snake sound effects, these designed, hand-picked SFX from the Soundelux catalog deliver a great selection – covering snake strikes, misses, hisses, breaths, jaw snaps, snake pits, wrapping, wiggling, slithering and much more. Comes in two packs of 120 SFX – or a bundle featuring both packs at a special discount, delivering 240 designed snake sound effects in total.
Get the sound of honey bees – inside and outside their hive – with this 96kHz and 24bit Beehive sound library.
All files were recorded outside the town, far away from the roads to capture the clean sound of the hardworking bees.
I had a chance to record those insects before the feeding time, so they were hungry and really active.
My main goal was to capture different sounds, not only the ambiences but also some close ones, like the sound of the bees landing on their landing zone or just the interior sound of the hive.
14 stereo files were recorded with Sound Devices 702, Sony PCM-M10 recorder, two DPA 4061 microphones hidden inside a hive and two Sennheiser MKH 8040 to capture the ambience in front of the hive.
Every stereo AB interior recording can be split to mono to isolate the single buzzes, and the library features a total of 44 minutes of bee sound recordings.
This Otter sound effects library was recorded by our sound recordists in Thailand in 192 kHz, 24-bit WAV format. It includes a huge variety of sounds from baby otters, including moans and other unique vocal gestures. An exciting resource for post-production or game audio sound design!
This Black Leopard SFX library was recorded by our sound recordists in Thailand in 192 kHz, 24-bit WAV format. It includes a huge variety of sounds from groans, growls, sniffs, roars and everything in-between, recorded at a pristine audio quality. If you’re looking for a definitive library for the Black Leopard for film, game audio or sound design, this is the library for you!
This Parrot SFX library was recorded by our sound recordists in Thailand in 192 khz, 24-bit WAV format. It includes a huge variety of sounds from calls, cries and vocal gestures. A great resource for post-production or game audio sound design.
Get the sounds of 10 species of frogs, toads and treefrogs in this unique animal SFX library.
It features amphibians such as American Bullfrog, American Toad, Gray Treefrog, Green Frog, Mink Frog, Northern Leopard Frog, Pickerel Frog, Spring Peeper, Wood Frog, Western Chorus Frog as well as mixed frog chorus recordings.
The library has been recorded in Québec locations such as Laval, Knowlton, Bondville, Brome, Coaticook, St. Hubert, Sutton, and Longueuil. A total of 50+ minutes of frog recordings are included!
This Bugs SFX library is all about insects, mostly crickets and cicadas. There are legions of them and they are all different. We bring you some clean and sharp ones, captured in french countryside at both daytime and at night.
Looking for animal sound effects for your projects? The independent sound effects community has recorded a huge number of original animal sound libraries, covering everything from tiny chirps to earth-shattering roars.
From animal sounds heard in Antarctica’s freezing cold to the wildlife of the scorching hot deserts of Namibia, the sound libraries have been recorded across the globe - giving you unique atmospheric ambiences, as well as rare and expressive recordings of individual animals.
So whether you need sounds of domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses and cows, or wild animals like lions, tigers, bears and wolves, you'll find them in these sound libraries. You can also find sounds from exotic and endangered species like pandas, gorillas, elephants and rhinos, or discover the sounds of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
The sounds are highly useful for both films, documentaries and game projects, and can be used to create realistic or designed sonic environments, as well as for monsters, beasts, fantastical creatures, aliens and so much more.
Bark, bleat, buzz, caw, chirp, croak, growl, hoot, hiss, meow, moo, neigh, oink, quack, rattle, ribbit, roar, snarl, squeak, tweet
Q: What are some of the most popular animal sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular animal sound effects libraries
Q: Are there any animal sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by animal sound libraries on sale
Q: How do I download the animal sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen animal SFX.
Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required
Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.
The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep Vol 2 offers a collection of 53 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations carefully captured to ensure exceptional quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to swap or combine different microphone takes depending on the needs of the project.
For this occasion, a Sennheiser MKH 8050 and a Sanken CO-100K microphone were used, along with a Zoom H6 recorder to capture the stereo sound. In this second volume, we have gotten even closer to the animals than in the first volume, managing to capture a greater amount of ultrasonic information. This is especially useful if you want to tone down sounds to create fantastic creatures or other sound effects, providing an exceptional richness of frequencies.
The recordings were made at 24-bit and 192 kHz/96 kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth in each track.
This collection includes a wide variety of bleats, from adult goats, mountain goats, kids and sheep, to group bleats, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any production, be it documentary, film, video games or creative projects.
In addition, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove any external noise, such as birds, wind or people, ensuring a clean and professional experience. Thanks to ultrasonic microphones, any tonal modification will maintain a unique frequency richness, perfect for creating custom sounds.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 53 (250 Individually)
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.
Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.
The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.
The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.
Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.
All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.
Experience the distinctive call of the Laughing Kookaburra with this meticulously crafted sound library, offering 30 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations to suit the needs of any project.
Organized for seamless use
Recordings are uniformly labeled to ensure effortless integration into your workflow, allowing for easy selection, combination, or swapping of takes based on your creative vision.
Accurate recording with professional equipment
Captured at an intimate distance of just 20cm, these recordings deliver unparalleled clarity and detail.
Equipment used is as follows:
– Sennheiser MKH 8050: For direct, natural sound capture.
– Sanken CO-100K: Ideal for capturing ultrasonic frequencies.
– Zoom F6: Professional audio recorder that allows recording at 192Khz.
– Zoom H6: For capturing a stereo recording.
Ultrasonic capture ensures that even when sounds are pitched down, their depth and frequency richness is preserved, making them perfect for designing fantastical creatures or unique soundscapes.
Professional Standards & Quality
– Resolution: Recorded at 24-bit/192kHz and delivered at 96kHz/24-bit.
– Editing: Tracks have been carefully cleaned of external noises such as distant birds, wind, footsteps or human activity, ensuring a pristine, professional-quality product ready for immediate use.
With The Animal Symphony: Laughing Kookaburra, you’ll have access to a versatile, perfect for enhancing any audiovisual project or creative endeavour.
Ideal applications:
– Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
– Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
– Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
– Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.
Technical details:
– Total audios: 30 (544 aprox Individually)
– Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
– Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and Sanken CO-100K microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
– Duration: 04:44
Urban Crows is a library full of interesting sounds of single crows and swarms.
These proud birds deserve a lot more attention than they usually get. They are amazingly intelligent, social and by no means aggressive or monotonous when it comes to their communication capabilities.
The library evolved throughout winter 2015/16 and was taken from the attic of a house surrounded by trees were the crows frequently stayed overnight. So it was a great pleasure to record them arriving in the evenings as well as hearing them chatting during the dawn. They have a huge arsenal of clearly distinguishable single caws, funny sighs or nervous screams that often evolved to a huge cluster of noises that became stronger when the church bells began to ring and the sun came up.
All takes are recorded in Mid-Side stereo, with Sennheiser MKH-70 shotgun for a strong mid-signal and AKG-C394B for the ambience. The total playing time of the library is approx. 1h 30min.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.