Bee Hive Interior
Interior ambiences and isolated steady buzzes and passbys inside a beehive, including ultrasonic Sanken recordings of the interior.
This library centers mostly around the interior of the beehive: several degrees of busy ambiences, and isolated fluffy individuals bypasses and steady buzzing for long period, recorded with DPA4060s and MikroUsiPros. We even put an ultrasonic Sanken CO100K deep into the hive! The ultrasonic recordings make for fantastic design material, with roaring basses and fluttery wings. To wrap things up, we have two nice long exterior ambiences, where we set up an AB of Schoeps CMC1 MK4 as well as MikroUsiPro on top of the hive.
Tibo Csuko –
Honestly, add a few sounds in your sessions and drop the playback rate to 25% , nothing more to say, loving this library.
Alex Lane –
Awesome little library that does exactly what it says, plenty of variety and nice long ambiences. Made it super easy to cover a 10 min scene, pretty much using just these sounds. If you need bee hive sounds there’s no reason not to buy this!
Alexandre Jaclain –
Very good sound library. High-quality recordings.