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Animal Sound Effects

Authentic animal sound effects, animal recordings and designed creature and monster sound effects.


    Our BOOM Signature Series Basics collection gives you the essentials of the BOOM Library experience. A strong selection of sounds (about 10%) from each of our 89 full BOOM Library collections.

  • The Australian bush is something very close to my heart. Most of these recordings were taken on my family's property in Molong NSW.

    This collection includes a large number of natural bush ambiences recorded at all times of day. There are plenty of birds, some sheep, turkeys, bees, cicadas, crickets, dogs and chickens. As well as motor vehicles on gravel, chainsaws, campfires, generators, footsteps, and even a wall construction. There is as always some random stuff fin there as well.

    Recorded with a Sound Devices 633 and Sennheiser MKH8040s. The library is 2GB and includes 126 x 24bit 48kHz .wav files. Sound Miner metadata embedded.

  • Bird Sound Effects Birds Play Track 45 sounds included $50

    The Audio Hero Birds collection features 45 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. Included in this library are Loons, Falcons, Flamingos, Peacocks, Woodpeckers, Nightingales, Robins, Ravens, Parrots and much more! These sounds are all hand-picked from the Sound Ideas Just Birds and Animals, Wild World of Animals, International, Series 1000, Series 2000 and Series 6000 libraries.

  • Animal Sound Effects Joshua Tree Bird Party Play Track 22 sounds included, 18 mins total $10

    A while back we stayed at an AirBNB near Joshua Tree National Park. The hosts set up a bird feeder right outside the porch which inevitably drew what seemed to be the entirety of the region’s wildlife to our doorstep, including a bobcat and some coyotes. Unfortunately, we didn’t get any sound from the bobcat, and only mediocre recordings from the coyotes, but the Gambel’s Quails stole the spotlight and gave us a lot of interesting and goofy sounding bird calls to listen to. The atmosphere the birds created was so interesting to us that we spent countless hours listening, taking photos and recording them.

  • Wild Animals Sound Effects Tasmanian Devils Play Track 50+ sounds included $10

    Meet the Tasmanian devil! Recorded in the Copenhagen Zoo, this library features huffs, sniffs, growls, barks, bite and chewing – and those eerie and weird critter screams.

    If you need strange animal or monster sounds, do check out this library:

  • This collection features 150 wolf and coyote sound effects.  This library includes howls, roars, barks and more from single and multiple coyotes and wolves.

    These sounds have been handpicked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, Series 1000,  Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2, Premiere Edition and Animal Planet libraries.

  • Bird Sound Effects Sichuan Nature Ambiences Play Track 21 sounds included, 63 mins total $29

    This library features ambiences recorded in China’s Sichuan Mountains, captured primarily from dusk to dawn using drop rig recording equipment. While I aimed to exclude all human-made sounds in this collection, one of my favorite recordings has the sound of distant Buddhist prayer bells chiming as birds begin their morning chorus. A couple of files contain minimal human presence, but the vast majority are purely natural soundscapes. Finding locations free from human activity in China is difficult, making these recordings especially valuable.

    The recordings are enriched with UCS naming conventions and detailed metadata, including identifications of many sub-tropical bird species identified using Chirpity and Merlin Bird ID. Some species you can expect to hear include Cuckoo Birds, Great Barbets, Koels, Nightjars, Thrushes, and Roosters.

    Listeners can experience low-noise natural ambiences featuring dawn bird choruses, frogs and crickets at night, bat activity, water sources, and rainfall recordings.

    *Note: All sounds in this library are included in the Soundscapes of Modern China (SSMC) collection.

  • Recorded by pioneer of film sound design, Ann Kroeber, the Ann’s Animals library showcases a unique variety of animal sounds and vocalizations. Including common, wild, and exotic creatures – ranging from pigs and frogs to capuchin monkeys, caribou and more – this special collection is equally useful and inspiring for practical sound editing and creative sound design.

    Animal recordings play a significant role in Kroeber’s sonic legacy, and she is widely celebrated for her natural approach and incredibly expressive results. Her sense of presence with the animals and finely tuned listening shines through in these sounds – from the gentle, subtle breaths and purrs of cheetahs to a sprawling chorus of jungle frogs. Create thoughtful and powerful creature designs with these characteristic animal roars, shrieks, snorts, cries, buzzes, and more.

    Following the acclaimed sound libraries Cinematic Winds, Industrial Sounds with Soul, Stallion, and Beautiful Bugs, Ann’s Animals is the fifth exclusive release by Pro Sound Effects curated from Sound Mountain: Kroeber’s venerable private recording collection created over decades of film sound work with her late husband, Alan Splet. Kroeber has since worked on or supplied sounds for film, television, and games – including 6 movies that won an Academy Award® in sound, and 7 additional nominations.

    Each sound file in this library is embedded with rich, detailed metadata to help you find the exact sound effect you need with descriptions that that go beyond the literal to detail the emotional power of these unique recordings. Ann’s Animals is also included in Pro Sound Effects’ CORE: Standard.

    List of animal sound effects included:

    • Alligator
    • Camel
    • Caribou
    • Cheetah
    • Cobra
    • Cougar
    • Dog (Husky, Pitbull)
    • Elephant
    • Frog
    • Jaguar
    • Leopard
    • Lion
    • Monkey (Howler, Capuchin, Siameng, Spider, Tamarin)
    • Ocelot
    • Pig
    • Tiger
    • Vole
    • Wolf

    Key Features:

    • 115 sound effects (1.69GB)
    • 24-bit/48kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Rich embedded metadata descriptions
    • 100% Royalty-Free
  • Cats are remarkably expressive creatures. And capturing their voices can be a daunting task. Not anymore…

    The “Meow” sound library provides all the core cat vocalizations you'll need in a single package.

    Using 11 different cats cherry picked for their characters, this library provides over 272 vocalizations for your productions.

    From sweet mewls, to longing cries, or vicious shrieks, this library has got you covered.

    This library also includes the Sonic Worlds “CAT” sound pack.

    Meet the beasts:

    A lunatic Calico. A treasure trove of enraged vocalizations.

    Sweet natured Russian Blues for that soft gentle character.

    A nasty mean tomcat, hence his name. A Tabby with a rich growl.

    Deep threatening growls and hisses. A Ginger in a foul mood.

    Whiny sounding Ginger cats. For those hungry begging cries.

    Classic meows that work like a charm.

    A sad sounding Tabby cat. For those longing mewls that will break your heart.

    An absolute sweetheart black cat. Purry meows galore.

    Cat sounds included:
    ● Screeches and Shrieks
    ● Snipes
    ● Yelps
    ● Mewls
    ● Cries
    ● Purrs
    ● Growls
    ● Grumbles, Groans and Moans
    ● Whining and Begging
    ● Hisses
    ● Squirms
    ● Meows in a huge variety of characters
    ● And more…
  • The Audio Hero Farm Animals collection features 62 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  Included in this library are cows, pigs, horses chickens, sheep and more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from the Sound Ideas General HD, Just Birds and Animals, Wild World of Animals and Series 6000 libraries.

  • The Seagulls sfx library includes 28 tracks of both single, isolated seagull screams, and bigger flocks of nesting seagulls, calling out to each other and their chicks. There are plenty of classic call sounds, but also some weird throaty and raspy screaming, and what could sound like seagull laughing sounds.

    All tracks are recorded with the very useful zoom function of the Telinga microphone and dish.
    Library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction processed tracks have carefully been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Though these birds are in an abundance around most harbours and industry around here, they are not always easy to record. You mostly hear them from a distance, or from places not easy to access. When you try to get close to them, they will usually fly away.

    Many hours have been spent on rooftops, gardens, backyards, a junkyard, and different harbours to get this material.

  • Insect Sound Effects Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids Play Track 14+ sounds included, 38 mins total $20

    Get some real insect sounds with this SFX library – almost entirely recorded in and around one large grassy meadow throughout various times of day and season. GRASSHOPPERS, CRICKETS & KATYDIDS is a small collection of 14 crisp recordings focusing on 12 insect species commonly found in open fields and forested areas of northeastern North-America. Each sound is 2:30 mins or longer (96kHz/24bit), for a total of 38+ mins of sound.

    Features insects such as:

    Allard's Ground Cricket • Carolina Ground Cricket • Northern Bush Katydid • Oblong-Winged Katydid • Red-Legged Grasshopper • Roesel's Katydid • Short-Winged Meadow Katydid • Slender Meadow Katydid • Snowy Tree Cricket • Spring Field Cricket • Sword-Bearing Conehead Katydid

    – as well as multiple mixed choruses of various sizes!

  • Recorded by renowned innovators of film sound design Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet, the Beautiful Bugs library features an expressive collection of natural and designed insect sound effects including rhythmic cicada swells, dense locust drones, mosquito cries, isolated fly buzzes and more.

    The impressive spectrum of emotion conjured by these artful insect recordings ranges from ominous, frightening, irritating, and disgusting all the way to lonely, tranquil, and soothing. Inject mystery and surrealism in your scenes or add unique character and texture to your creature design with impressionistic buzzy swarms, chirpy choruses, and heavy rhythmic pulsing.

    Following the acclaimed sound libraries Cinematic Winds, Industrial Sounds with Soul, and Beautiful Bugs is the fourth exclusive release by Pro Sound Effects curated from Sound Mountain: Kroeber and Splet’s venerable private recording collection created over decades of film sound work. Kroeber has since worked on or supplied sounds for film, television, and games – including 6 movies that won an Academy Award® in sound, and 7 additional nominations.

    The Beautiful Bugs library brings you 88 insect sound effects that were recorded and designed while working on major feature films including David Lynch’s Blue Velvet and Peter Weir’s The Mosquito Coast. These masterful recordings were captured on excursions in the jungle of Belize, the Alaskan wilderness, muggy summertime North Carolina, and an insect lab in Berkeley, California.

    Rich, descriptive embedded metadata helps you find the exact sound effect you need with descriptions that detail the emotional power of the recordings beyond the practical interpretations.

    Key Features:

    • 88 sound effects (2.55GB)
    • 24-bit/48kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free
  • Animal Sound Effects Ultrasonic Insects Vol 2 Play Track 1000+ sounds included, 87 mins total $79

    Recorded over an entire year, Ultrasonic Insects Volume 2 contains dozens of new insect songs recorded with love, precision and a lot of patience! More than 3 000 kilometers were traveled to get to 12 beautiful french sites sheltering common and endemic species. All insects were recorded in quiet environments with close-miking for unparalleled quality.

    Want to get brand new sound material from nature? Listen to the songs of those tiny creatures, pitch them as much as you want and find inspiration for your next sound design.


    • 22 species of grasshoppers, crickets, bush-crickets and cicadas
    • Rare death’s head hawk-moth vocalisations
    • 5 species of flying insects
    • Solo insects recorded with Sanken CO-100K
    • 8 bonus stereo ambiances recorded with MKH 8040


    • 192 KHz/24 bit
    • Metadata UCS-compliant
    • Each species is identified with scientific name, common name and picture
    • No insects were harmed while recording this library (except a few mosquitos!)

  • AudioHero’s Animals collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  This library includes wildcats, snakes, birds, bears, baboons, wolves, horses, cats, dolphins, zebras, pigs, whales, elephants and much more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Wild World of Animals and General HD collections as well as the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax libraries.

  • The Audio Hero Herbivorous Mammals collection features 162 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. Included in this library are Pandas, Beavers, Camels, Cows, Donkeys, Elephants, Llamas and more! These sounds are all hand-picked from the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax library.

  • Expand your sonic arsenal with this collection of pony whinnies, nickers and blows. 24bit, 96kHz reflection-free recordings means they’re great for creature sound design.

  • This collection features 200 sound effects including horses, elk, moose and donkeys. These sounds have been handpicked from the Sound Ideas General HD collections, Series 6000, Series 1000,  Just Birds & Animals and Wild World of Animals libraries, as well as the Digiffects Library and the Hollywood Edge Animal Trax, The Edge 1 & 2, Premiere Edition and Animal Planet libraries.

  • Need real snake sounds? This compact, hand-picked pack delivers recordings of actual snakes hissing, inhaling and exhaling, shaking, rattling – and striking. Features snakes such as Boa, Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake, Mexican Rattler, African Puff Adder, and Gopher Snake.

  • Beef up your sound design with the ferocity of Gators – from beastly bellows and monstrous growls to aggressive hisses and vicious jaw snaps. This one-of-a-kind, exclusive speciality library delivers stunning alligator sound effects ready to add power and intensity your audio projects.

    And “one-of-a-kind” is no exaggeration. There’s a reason you will not find a similar collection dedicated to alligator or crocodile sound effects anywhere else. These sounds can not only be dangerous to record, but they are extremely difficult to capture as alligators are typically very stealthy, quiet creatures… except during mating season.

    Luckily, recordist Colin Hart embarked on several excursions to the swamps of Florida to develop a method for cueing the monstrous sounds from these cold-blooded beasts – so you don’t have to. After seven years (plus a mangled blimp, destroyed boom pole, JBL baby stroller, and a couple testing subwoofers from Boeing), these incredible alligator recordings are now available for your own projects.

    In addition to bellowing mating calls, warning hisses, terrifying snarls and more alligator sounds, the Gators library also provides partially submerged hydrophone recordings as well as marsh and bird ambiences.

    Add this rare secret weapon to your sound design toolset and give life to creatures, monsters, dragons, dinosaurs, crocodiles, and other beasts. The organic immensity of these sounds also make perfect layers for explosions, thunder, fire, engines and more. Gators is also included in Pro Sound Effects’ CORE: Standard.

    Key Features:

    • 75 sound effects (520MB)
    • 24-bit/192k and 24-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free
  • The Animals Volume 2 collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  Included in this library are birds, wildcats, reptiles, sea life and much more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Just Birds & Animals, Series 6000 and General HD 1, 2 and 3 sound effects libraries.  Included are cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, wildcats, whales, birds and much more.

  • The Audio Hero Horses Volume 2 collection features 50 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. Included in this library are interior and exterior whinnys, galloping, trotting, equestrian jumping and much more! These sounds are all hand-picked from the Sound Ideas General HD, Just Birds and Animals, Wild World of Animals, Digiffects and Series 6000 libraries.

  • The Animals Volume 3 collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  Included in this library are birds, wildcats, reptiles, sea life and much more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Just Birds & Animals, Series 6000 and General HD 1, and 2 sound effects libraries.  Included are cats, dogs, monkeys, horses, wildcats, whales, birds and much more.

  • Animal Sound Effects Falcon-Birds of prey Play Track 222 sounds included, 41 mins total $50



    – Screams, voices, eating, wings, landings, breathing and other e t c

    – 48 KHz, 24 bit

    – 2 Spots, 3 mics

    – 3 x schoeps ccm (card and omni), sys AB, dir, Zoom F8

    – RAW files only

Animal sound effects libraries

Animal sound effects libraries

Looking for animal sound effects for your projects? The independent sound effects community has recorded a huge number of original animal sound libraries, covering everything from tiny chirps to earth-shattering roars.

From animal sounds heard in Antarctica’s freezing cold to the wildlife of the scorching hot deserts of Namibia, the sound libraries have been recorded across the globe - giving you unique atmospheric ambiences, as well as rare and expressive recordings of individual animals.
So whether you need sounds of domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses and cows, or wild animals like lions, tigers, bears and wolves, you'll find them in these sound libraries. You can also find sounds from exotic and endangered species like pandas, gorillas, elephants and rhinos, or discover the sounds of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
The sounds are highly useful for both films, documentaries and game projects, and can be used to create realistic or designed sonic environments, as well as for monsters, beasts, fantastical creatures, aliens and so much more.

Animal sounds commonly found in this category:

Bark, bleat, buzz, caw, chirp, croak, growl, hoot, hiss, meow, moo, neigh, oink, quack, rattle, ribbit, roar, snarl, squeak, tweet

Animal sound FAQ:

Q: What are some of the most popular animal sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular animal sound effects libraries

Q: Are there any animal sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by animal sound libraries on sale

Q: How do I download the animal sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen animal SFX.

Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required

Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.

Trending animal sound libraries:

  • The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep Vol 2 offers a collection of 53 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations carefully captured to ensure exceptional quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to swap or combine different microphone takes depending on the needs of the project.

    For this occasion, a Sennheiser MKH 8050 and a Sanken CO-100K microphone were used, along with a Zoom H6 recorder to capture the stereo sound. In this second volume, we have gotten even closer to the animals than in the first volume, managing to capture a greater amount of ultrasonic information. This is especially useful if you want to tone down sounds to create fantastic creatures or other sound effects, providing an exceptional richness of frequencies.

    The recordings were made at 24-bit and 192 kHz/96 kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth in each track.

    This collection includes a wide variety of bleats, from adult goats, mountain goats, kids and sheep, to group bleats, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any production, be it documentary, film, video games or creative projects.

    In addition, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove any external noise, such as birds, wind or people, ensuring a clean and professional experience. Thanks to ultrasonic microphones, any tonal modification will maintain a unique frequency richness, perfect for creating custom sounds.

    Ideal applications:
    Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    Total audios: 53 (250 Individually)
    Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.

  • Bird Sound Effects Crows Play Track 30+ sounds included $45

    The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.

    Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.

    The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.

    The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.

    All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.

  • Experience the distinctive call of the Laughing Kookaburra with this meticulously crafted sound library, offering 30 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations to suit the needs of any project.

    Organized for seamless use
    Recordings are uniformly labeled to ensure effortless integration into your workflow, allowing for easy selection, combination, or swapping of takes based on your creative vision.

    Accurate recording with professional equipment
    Captured at an intimate distance of just 20cm, these recordings deliver unparalleled clarity and detail.

    Equipment used is as follows:
    – Sennheiser MKH 8050: For direct, natural sound capture.
    – Sanken CO-100K: Ideal for capturing ultrasonic frequencies.
    – Zoom F6: Professional audio recorder that allows recording at 192Khz.
    – Zoom H6: For capturing a stereo recording.

    Ultrasonic capture ensures that even when sounds are pitched down, their depth and frequency richness is preserved, making them perfect for designing fantastical creatures or unique soundscapes.

    Professional Standards & Quality
    – Resolution: Recorded at 24-bit/192kHz and delivered at 96kHz/24-bit.
    – Editing: Tracks have been carefully cleaned of external noises such as distant birds, wind, footsteps or human activity, ensuring a pristine, professional-quality product ready for immediate use.

    With The Animal Symphony: Laughing Kookaburra, you’ll have access to a versatile, perfect for enhancing any audiovisual project or creative endeavour.

    Ideal applications:
    – Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    – Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    – Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    – Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    – Total audios: 30 (544 aprox Individually)
    – Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    – Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and Sanken CO-100K microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
    – Duration: 04:44

  • Take a journey back in time with Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle! Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.

    About Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle

    With this collection you will have access to a carefully curated collection of Medieval Warfare, Medieval Town and Green Witch’s Cauldron sound effects. It covers your most essential historical needs with 1.200+ sounds, recorded and designed professionally.

    You can find rope stressing sounds, listen to the rain on a beach from a bush perspective, bottle up potions, and hear a soldier as he gets ready for a battle. Listen to barn animals, horses, weapons and tools; town ambiences, mine, blacksmith, tavern, field, church bells; dried seeds and herbs, defensive spells and transfiguration spells. Go ahead and check out the contents of these three different collections included in the Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle one by one and start imagining a story already!

    You’ll find yourself first on a brutal battlefield, then come back to the busy town a little. Don’t be afraid to ask for some healing magic from the Green Witch! Travel back to the Middle Ages and take Ultimate Medieval SFX Bundle with you!

    These sounds are available in 24-bit / 96kHz, were recorded delicately with DPA 4060s and Neumann KM184 pairs, have clarity and room for further sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for customization.

    About Medieval Town SFX Pack

    400+ sound effects from a simple town’s parts such as; barn, field, grassland, tavern, blacksmith, carpenter, library, church, graveyard, mine, and many more a medieval town could offer. With the Medieval Town Sound Effects Bundle you will have access to dressage sounds, kitchenware sounds, church bells, town ambiences, medieval mechanical devices, mining sounds, animals, tools, weapons and more. Medieval Town Sound Effects Bundle was recorded and designed delicately for all your historical needs.

    What’s Inside
    Medieval, Town, Ambience, Object, Church, Bell, Bird, Animal, Duck, Food and Drink, Lake, Horse, Blacksmith, Hammering, Fire, Tool, Metal, Nail, Chest, Materials Wooden Metal Iron Fire objects chest, iron bell vegetation nail tools bench firewood coin opening action closing creaking hammering breathing dropping ringing shaping picking rolling breaking church bell sunny peaceful weather with and without animals lake fire castle locations barn blacksmith church lake campsite animals actions birds chirping, flying ducks quaking cows mooing horse eating hay, from trainer’s hand, breathing, licking, chewing, bridle clicking perspective texture middle distant close very close heavy breaking pile ceramic tress rattling wallet heat blade shovel sand pebble doorbell saddle cart earthquake farrier book cough cloth cricket kitchen pottery frog mechanical winch copper lock rock axe mining pouring sailing boat rooster footstep rope tavern treasure water light.

    About Medieval Warfare SFX Pack

    Medieval Warfare Sound Effects Pack brings the most realistic 350+ medieval sound effects that you may need for your game/film/creative projects. It includes sound effects of; warriors, explosions, barn animals, horse sound effects, medieval life sound effects, weapons, and tools, human voices, and many more to find out.

    You will have access to weapon sound effects, animals, horse items, ambiences, medieval life items, sword hits, catapult, crossbow, arrow whooshes, battle cries, castle gates, foley sound effects and more. Medieval Warfare Sound Effects Pack is specifically designed for all your historical needs, with the texture of the sounds flexible for customization. Plus, you get the usual Vadi Sound craft and attention to detail!

    Great for film, video, game, advertisements, Foley and suitable further as sweeteners outside of the medieval genre as well.

    What’s Inside
    Medieval war warfare armor impact scrape leather punching footstep rattle arrow whoosh axe breaking bone gore hitting carriage castle gate chain catapult fire drag & drop ground rumble crossbow Leonardo style attack dagger sword destruction explosion flag wind flapping gate opening stabbing mechanical knife hammer hitting horse galloping concrete sand mud metal mount katana male grunt angry textile step chest inhale exhale hurt pain yell falling pushing laughter scream strong leg prisoner siege town arrow falchion buzzing shaking throwing shield clanking.

    Green Witch’s Cauldron SFX Pack

    Green Witch’s Cauldron brings you the 450+ sounds of healing white magic and spells of a playful and sometimes wicked witch. It includes collecting and drying herbs, bubbling boiling potions, bottling, casting spells with elemental magic, and many more you can find in a cauldron. With this pack, you will have access to cat sounds, witch reactions, dried seeds, dried herbs, defensive spells, attacks, transfiguration spells, whooshes and transitions and elements.

    Green Witch’s Cauldron Sound Effects Bundle was recorded and designed exquisitely for all your magical needs and covers all sound effects needs for any white magic, potion-brewing, voices and subtle sounds of a witch’s life for the relevant projects and games that you are working on.

    These meticulously recorded sounds have clarity and lots of room for further usage and sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for further customization. With 24-bit / 96kHz Wav format and easy to navigate naming, you can now set the bar higher for all your film, game, motion and video projects, advertisement, animation and all witchy projects.

    What’s Inside
    Medieval, town, ambience, fantastic magic magicka object, witch cauldron maddening opponent laughter mind air attack destruction burst element transition whoosh crackle wall braking hiss bubbling potion zinc bowl fireplace sizzling animal cat angry reaction eating food meowing attack basket dried seed plant falling shell braking boiling metal burning chained bush rustle stone glass chemical reaction glass lid bottle coin purse crumbling lavender palm wooden finger defensive shield destructive hand dusting off sprinkles creature pass by roaring cork casting healing glittery spice earth vacuum pouring acid pebble leaves leaf shaking shiny tree branch squeezed shuffling stirring grinder water bending ladle summoning teleporting time travel transfiguration imitating groaning laughing screaming wicked giggle eerie.

    What else you may need
    You may also want to check out our Gore for warfare, Essential Magic for darker magic and spells and All About Games Master Collection for a mega collection of 23 different packs for game audio sound effects.

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