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Home Sound Effects Zombie Specimens Vol. 3

Zombie Specimens Vol. 3


Zombie Specimens Vol. 3 comprises dynamic zombie wails, growls and vocalisations intended to fill the gap in the female and child zombie voice market.

Our Audio Craftsmen recorded and designed strange, guttural voice performances to yield 7 different characters.

The collection of vocal variations includes lamenting wails, demonic growls, aggressive grunts, mangled groans, lethargic moans and breathy hisses. Use these sounds to add a unique sense of horror to your Film, TV and Game characters, or sprinkle them into your backgrounds for an immersive, expressive effect.

Sounds have been separated into the following categories:

Zombie Specimen CMX368: This agitated teenage zombie still has some energy left to whine about how hungry she is.

Zombie Specimen ETG106: A large, slow-moving zombie who craves human flesh but is simply too lazy to go and get it! Expect long, deep moans.

Zombie Specimen HPW592: This aggressive, impatient zombie won’t hesitate to rip your head off the first chance it gets.

Zombie Specimen KPA811: This talkative small-fry is all snarls and growls, with a higher, babyish voice.

Zombie Specimen MZO492: A roaring, wailing creature unfortunate enough to have been exposed to both the virus and radiation.

Zombie Specimen QBR157: Something evil has inhabited this zombie. Demonic hisses and groans emanate from within.

Zombie Specimen RNS772: A bloated, middle-aged zombie desperate for some bloody food! (pun intended)


All sounds are delivered in 24Bit 192kHz format allowing further sonic manipulation, and have been meticulously edited and tagged with extensive UCS compliant metadata for ease of use.

Licensor: : 344 Audio Categories: , , .
Type: Zombie sound effects / recordings
Specs: 67+ sounds • 24 Bit / 192 kHz • 307 MB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
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Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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For The Curious And The Extraordinary™


We have been crafting custom sound effects for almost 10 years. Now we would like to share them with the world.
