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Home Genres Horror Sound Effects Page 5

Horror Sound Effects

Scary, creepy, nasty horror sound effects and gore sounds

  • Gore Sound Effects Pumpkin Gore Play Track 12+ sounds included, 6 mins total $5

    Our ​Gore library​ was​ ​recorded ​in ​the ​​weeks​ ​preceding ​Halloween ​2017. We decided ​to ​have​ ​some fun​ ​because​ ​we ​generally​ ​only​ ​have ​access​ ​to ​​pumpkins​ ​this​ ​time ​​of​ ​year​ ​and​ ​thought​ ​why​ ​not​ ​create something ​​fun​ ​for​ ​us,​ ​and ​​our​ ​friends​ ​and ​colleagues​ ​to ​use. Please ​enjoy​ ​the ​use​ ​of ​these​ ​recording​ ​in all​ ​your​ ​spooky​ ​movies​ ​and ​sound design.

    Provided ​are 750 MB of ​LR ​and ​MS Recordings. ​​​LR ​is​ ​decoded ​from​ ​the​ ​MS​ ​and​ ​has the​ ​approximate ​stereo ​​width ​as​ ​an ​​XY ​recording.​​ ​On ​​the ​MS ​tracks​ ​the mid ​mic​ is​ ​on ​the ​left ​and ​the ​​side ​mic​ on ​​the ​​right.

    The ​​LR ​​can ​be ​encoded ​back​ ​into ​MS​ ​or​ ​if ​panned ​center, ​​cancels​ ​out ​the side​ ​mics​ ​to just ​play​ ​the ​mid ​mic. ​Alternately​ ​in ​​the ​provided ​MS ​​file, ​the right ​​side ​channel ​​can ​be dropped ​​so ​you ​can ​​use ​the ​mono ​​center. The ​2 ​​files​ ​are ​​mastered ​​the ​​same. Occasionally ​​the ​​levels​ ​vary​ ​on ​the ​MS track​ ​as​ ​these ​are ​the ​levels​ ​set ​to ​​keep ​the ​the tracks​ ​phase ​coherent. ​All tracks​ ​are ​​edited ​to ​be ​M&E ​​friendly, ​and ​monitored ​through ​a ​​phase ​scope to ​again, ​​keep ​the​ ​tracks​ ​phase ​coherent.

    All ​recordings​ ​were ​recorded ​In ​a​ ​foley​ ​studio ​at ​192kHz​ ​with ​​a ​Fostex​ ​FR-2 recorder, ​Project ​​Studio ​​C4 ​mic, ​and ​​Ambient ​Emesser​ ​ATE-208 bi-directional ​​mic​ ​and ​​mastered ​​in ​Pro ​​Tools.

    All ​recordings​ ​are ​recorded ​​in ​​Toronto, ​​Ontario ​Canada, ​​by​ ​Ryan ​​Macneill and ​Steven ​​Ejbick​ ​of ​​Textures​ ​Sound.

  • Creature Sound Effects Bowed Cactus 2 Play Track 1200+ sounds included, 60 mins total $110

    • In Bowed Cactus 2, get massive cacti covered with menacing 4 to 6 inch spikes. Take a violin bow to these long spines and hear guttural screeches with stuttering bass and grit. Hear wobbling bass as long needles are plucked and clear musical pitches pinging. Hear thick, bowed spines performed to sound like large mammals and whistling whines only the grit of a cactus needle can create.
    • This library offers you an extension to Bowed Cactus 1. Use both libraries together to create otherworldly creatures brimming with ultrasonic energy.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
    • Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.

    • Animalistic vocalizations
    • Bowed gestures performed to mimic the calls of large mammals
    • Visceral scraping
    • Guttural stutters
    • Intense chalkboard-like scrapes
    • Wild screaming harmonics
    • Single plucked needles with clear musical pitches
    • Please note: the “Pitch Shifted Demo” was made to demonstrate the potential of the sounds in this library. However, Bowed Cactus 2 does NOT include pitch shifted sounds, only mastered field recordings.


    • New cactus species: Ferocactus (barrel cactus) and Stetsonia Coryne (toothpick cactus)
    • Much larger cacti
    • 4-6 inch cactus spines vs. 1-2 inches in Bowed Cactus 1.
    • Longer spine lengths = more bass
    • Longer spine lengths = more variety in plucked pitches
    • Recorded with a Sennheiser MKH8040/MKH30 MS pair vs. an MKH50/30 MS pair in Bowed Cactus 1.
    • Make sure you check out Bowed Cactus 1 ($99) – here.

    • View larger version or Download CSV
    • A spectrogram is included for each audio file. Double click on the photo in the file list to enlarge.
    • Read 40+ testimonials for Thomas Rex Beverly Audio
    • Read my Field Recording Mastering Rules and learn more about how these recordings were mastered.
    • Browse the Library Info Master List to compare specs on all my libraries.
    • Browse the Metadata Master List to search my entire catalog.
    • MD5 and SHA 256 Checksums are included for each zip file in my catalog. Use these hashes to check the integrity of your downloaded files.
    • Sennheiser MKH8040 and MKH30 in MS
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote MS Blimp
    • These recordings have not been de-noised. However, noise profiles/roomtones are included for each audio file. These profiles give you the flexibility to de-noise sounds to your taste while sound designing.
  • Mechanical Sound Effects The Dentist Office Play Track 100 sounds included, 25 mins total $39

    Dr. Daniels is the only dentist I’ve ever known and he was gracious enough to let me roam around his office after hours collecting these sounds.

    The intent was to gather source material for hi-tech gadgetry so the library contains a nice selection of tools and equipment including drills, a mouth vacuum, an ultrasonic water sprayer, dental lathe, dental kiln, a creepy sounding dentist chair and a wicked cool CEREC machine (diamond tipped milling machine that cuts dental implants).

    The handheld tools are “performed” so as to create movement, pass by’s and simulate power fluctuations.

  • A collection of over 530 96k/24bit HD Gore sound effects that comes with an additional 262 48k/24bit sounds!  Come and get your body damage galore.  Punches, bone, blood, intestines, goops, splats, flesh movement, chewing, tearing, snapping, breaking, blade sounds… It’s BLOODY CARNAGE!

  • This Double Bass & Violin sound effects library not only includes weird low double bass bow strokes, stabs, vibrating strings, drones, harsh harmonics, string scrapes, bow stroke voices, and bright violin tones and screams. It also includes the opportunity to open up a whole new set of sonic adventures.

    Why? All double bass sounds have been recorded at 192K/24 bit, with an amazing stereo set of close up Sanken CO100K microphones, and a stereo set of Sennheiser Mkh 8020 microphones, capturing low end and room. All violin sounds have been recorded with a single Sanken CO100K microphone.

    Common for all Sanken files is that you're able to either extreme time stretch/time compress, or pitch up and down the files, and by this discover a whole new world of sounds – without adding nasty degenerating artifacts or muffling the sound. The ultra-high frequency range of the Sanken microphones does really make a great difference!

    Recordings these sounds was a pure blast. The amount of versatile organic material in the set is great. The bass instrument has been played in a very innovative way, using both regular bow on strings and bass body, but also finger cymbals attached to specific places for a vibrating ring or rattle noise, creating some really other-worldly sound effects, and almost vocal-like patterns.

    While the double bass material produces a massive low end without any further processing, the violin recordings really benefit from being stretched and pitched. This makes all the non-audible bright sounds captured by the Sanken microphones come through.

    The Horror Jumpscares library contains terrifying stinger and riser sound effects and gives you everything you need to create sudden and scary shocks. Designed from the source material of screams, strings, synths and metal, these sounds are a must-have for horror projects.

    Use the sounds to build up creepy atmospheres and bring the nervous tension to a climax with an unexpected jumpscare. Loud and painful noises are a fundamental part of horror films and games, perfectly underlining fast-cut and action-packed sequences.

    Included are 111 sound effects that guarantee goosebumps and are not for the faint of heart.

  • The scary and creepy creature sounds you`ve been looking for your projects.

    Dark Creature Sounds is a creature sound effects library created following the highest standard to provide the maximum quality. The perfect sounds for your game, film or media project.

    Includes a variety of roars, groans, hisses, grunts, warning, screeches, throat, breaths, hurt and death sounds from monsters, golems, zombies, dragons, dinosaurs, devils, cyborgs, mutants and other world creatures.

    Ready to use and royalty free sounds.

    • Number of files: 116
    • Format: WAV 192kHz/24Bit Stereo
    • Includes Metadata

  • Horror Sound Effects Mutation Play Track 200 sounds included, 40 mins total $20

    “Mutation” is a collection of 200 mutation sound effects aimed to be used in horror/sic-fi productions.
    The pack is focused on bloody and creepy transformations where you can hear how the flesh, blood and bones of the subject are being transformed and reshaping into something else.

    Uncommon sources like plastic and scrap movements, dry leaves and metallic guitar picks were used to create this collection.

    The library contains 20 files (WAV, 24 Bit / 96 kHz), 10 variations each, summing a total of 200 sfx.

    As a bonus I included the sources (32 sfx) used to create the sounds in the library.

  • Horror Sound Effects Horror 1 Play Track 28 sounds included, 48 mins total $75

    Spooky, scary sounds – in ambisonics format. Hollow winds, strange metal resonances, all those sounds are natural and not coming from any kind of sound generator – you will be able to spread them all around the room and make them move as you like. If you plan to do a horror film, this is a must have.

    About Ambisonics:
    This is an Ambisonics sound effects library - and by using the free SoundField SurroundZone 2 plugin you can convert the B-format files into your preferred format (stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround). Note: The library also contains ready-made stereo mixdowns for your convenience.
  • Wood Sound Effects Bunretsu Play Track 281+ sounds included, 78 mins total $13

    A collection of rending, snapping, and striking bamboo SFX + some extra added goodies.

    28 %
    BOOM Library’s newest sound effects outgrowth has surfaced: MUTATE ORGANIC, the deliciously abnormal collection of mutating and morphing lifeforms and rogue organic matter. Discover the full spectrum of size, dampness and gut-wrenching movement this library provides in its ready-to-use Designed collection as well as the ultra-detailed comprehensive Construction Kit.



  • Horror Sound Effects Haunting Ambiences Play Track 46 sounds included, 136 mins total $20

    Haunting Ambiences contains dense, multilayered horror construction kits. Everything you need to build a world around your scenes with separated stems. We captured and designed field recordings from multiple countries, voices, instruments and synthesizers all in 24Bit 96kHz allowing for further manipulation.

    These dense ambiences include split stems to encourage experimentation, allowing you to add or subtract certain elements, balance them or combine them with sounds from other construction kits in the pack. Perfect for your horror films, video games or escape room/live experiences.

    Here are the included Construction Kits:

    Haunted Factory: Moving gears, pipe bursts and the deafening buzz of industrial lighting.

    Haunted Forest: Weird birds, crows, wolves, owls, tree creaks and much more!

    Haunted House: Distinct creaks of a wooden building under a bed of creepy winds and clocks.

    Haunted Neighbourhood: Dog barks, crickets and clocktowers sit above layered crickets and streetlights.

    Haunted Sewers: Build a wet and dripping scene with flowing water and more distinct drips echoing through.

    Haunted Swamp: Misty wind, bugs and water splashes suggest an evil presence, combined with frogs and more!

    Nightmare: A discomforting array of voices, hums, and rumbles.

    Zombie Apocalypse: A crowd of Zombies are taking over the city, breaking into anything they can find.

    Torture Chamber: A deep and surreal ambience with screams, drills, tools and other torturous sounds.

  • Cinematic & Trailer Sound Effects Rituals Play Track 550+ sounds included, 100 mins total $99

    Rituals is a new toolbox of unique sounds and production elements, organic instruments and hybrid processing, highly stylized cinematic sound design to compose epic and sinister tracks with dark and ominous mood that brings visuals to another level.

    Rituals has been produced for the modern horror trailer style and suspence score with eerie violin fragments and phrases, sinister soundscapes, dramatic benders, destructive glitch, distorted synths, heavy hitting sound design elements, clocks and much more.

    Featuring 550 cutting edge sounds and 16 categories, this is a collaboration between composer, sound designer and electronic musician Si Begg and SampleTraxx.


    01 Tortured Strings
    02 Bender
    03 Feedback Larsen
    04 Horror Hits
    05 Pulsing Sub
    06 Tonal Objects
    07 Dark Event
    08 Dark Textures
    09 Flute Swells
    10 Horror Loops
    11 Low Hits
    12 Raw Synth – Bass
    13 Swell
    14 Riser
    15 Reverse
    16 Spare Noise

  • Cinematic & Trailer Sound Effects BRAAAM Strike Play Track 100 sounds included, 12 mins total $39

    If you understand BRAAAM then you know exactly what inspires this epic sound library. Hollywood blockbuster movies like Inception, A Dark Knight and Transformers were the birthplace for BRAAAM and today we proudly present to you an all new and epic collection of these scene making sounds.

    Within you’ll find 100 unprecedented ultra high quality 96k 24bit .WAV files, all new and original recordings, filled with some authentic sonic hot sauce for your custom productions.

  • Need to create suspense, tension and movement in your production? AXmos Cinematic Guitars is great for you.

    Atmospheric elements, crazy chords, impacts, movements, reverses, soundscapes, distorted melodies, musical sound design and transitions are some of the things you will find in this collection, produced using a stratocaster type electric guitar. For that reason the sounds have a deep and musical feeling with such versatility that you can use them as effects or to enhance musical productions, generate a sound design musical moment and even compose tracks.

    Apart of being a great library for Horror or Sci-fi games and movies, this collection is great for trailers too.

    Sounds included:

    Atmospheric elements (designed, distortion, high, low and tremolo) • Chords (evocative chords, dark arpeggios and fantasy) • Impacts • Melodies • Movements • Pads • Reverses • Soundscapes (surreal and tension) • Transitions

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Annihilation – Dark Drones & Horror Ambiences Play Track 100 sounds included, 199 mins total $35

    With Annihilation sound library Sound Response brings you a versatile, high quality, dark cinematic ambient sound arsenal ranging from massive, bassy, braam-like drones sound effects, creepy, otherworldly, organic, alien-like soundscapes and tension-building atmospheres, to the eerie, resonating, hair-raising, horror ambience sounds that will easily find a way into your next movie, game, trailer, video, music track, and more!

    Perfect for any production involving dystopian and post-apocalyptic scenes of destroyed futuristic cities, deserted towns, haunting, eerie spaces and landscapes, huge, abandoned underground facilities, creepy halls, corridors, tunnels, and devastated, gloomy, industrial-like areas, this professionally designed sound library will provide you with a vast variety of drones, soundscapes, atmospheres, textures, and horror ambience sounds that will bring a sonic perspective to the scenes and images of the day after a doomsday event and it’ll sonically immerse your audience into a dystopian, post-apocalyptic, sci-fi world!

    Annihilation sound library contains 100 drone sound effects (6.45GB) in 24bit/96khz Stereo WAV format, embedded with metadata to speed up your workflow.

    If you like the sound of Annihilation sound library then be sure to check out Ominous Drones, Into Abyss and Dystopian Drones for even more post-apocalyptic soundscapes, atmospheres, dark textures & horror ambiences!

  • Screaming is a collection of different types of scream sounds covering everything from funny anime to disturbing horror screams. Unlike other libraries out there, we have recorded a wide variety of male and female screams in specific situations which include: anime screams, warrior screams, screams of a football fan, falling from height, horror screams, screams inside a tunnel and much, much more.

    Our Audio Craftsmen recorded performances of our in-house voice artists from various distances. We have captured screams close-miked, from distant perspectives and even shouts and screams from a tunnel which has a haunting natural reverb. These samples were then meticulously edited, meta tagged and made UCS compliant so you can find your desired sounds and drag them straight to your projects effortlessly. All the files are available unprocessed in 192 kHz which gives you a lot of room for sonic manipulation if required (you can pitch and time stretch to create monster voices or high pitched creatures.)

    We have used a variety of male and female voices and captured different variations covering almost all types of screams needed for your projects, which saves you from hiring a voice actor.
    This library is a great addition to your audio collection and perfect for your anime, video games, films, and TV productions.

  • AudioHero’s Dinosaurs collection features 99 professionally produced sound effects, ready for use in your productions.   Included in this collection are T Rex roars, Pterodactyl screams, Stegosaurus growls and more!  These sounds are all hand-picked from the Sound Ideas Jurassic Dinosaurs, Monsters and Creatures and General HD libraries.

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects unEarthly Ambience Play Track 74 sounds included, 82 mins total $39

    UnEarthy Ambience features 74 designed ambiences ranging from eerie organic textures, thick industrial machine rooms, and futuristic sci-fi atmospheres.

    Add a polished layer of subtle tension, evolving textures, otherworldly roomtones, complex soundscapes or natural environments twisted into new spaces. UnEarthy Ambience gets you 2.8 GB of dark, futuristic, organic, designed drones and soundscapes from original field recordings and modular synth sampling in total.

  • Inject life into your MONSTER INSECTS, SPIDERS or SCORPIONS with this gigantic pack of realistic, royalty-free, high-quality creature voice overs, foley and just about every other sound you’ll ever need! Some of the included sounds are: ATTACK, IDLE SOUNDS, WARNING ROARS, HURT AND DIE SCREAMS, BODY & MOVEMENT SOUNDS … and many more, all in 3 creature sizes – SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE!

    [If you need even broader variety of beast-like birds/flying reptiles and other sky creature sounds and sound effects of all other monster species, be sure to get our Complete Creatures pack here instead!] 



    Each audio file is drag-and-drop ready, presented in high-quality MP3 and WAV formats, including many in multiple takes, edits (long, short, fast, slow, looping), with meticulously labeled keywords, so you can create the perfect experience for your players/audience in a matter of moments!  Enrich your title in seconds with beautifully mixed, AAA quality sounds brought to you by our team of industry veterans, whose 1,000+ games worth of experience have culminated in this extraordinary pack of sounds.


    • Video Games
    • Slot Games
    • Film / Animation
    • Ads / Trailers
    • YouTube Videos
    • Live Events
    • Sound Design

    …and all other audio-visual productions!


    • 480 Audio Files (160 original sounds)
    • WAV Format: 24 Bit / 96 kHz, 16 Bit / 44 kHz
    • MP3 Format: 320 Kbps
    • Unpacked Size: 300mb
    • Total Run Time: 18m 48s


    DOWNLOAD NOW to instantly turn your project into a true masterpiece!

  • Horror Sound Effects Affright Play Track 208 sounds included, 45 mins total $30

    Affright” is a collection of 208 sounds (Wav, 24 Bit / 48 kHz) aimed to induce tension, fear and urgency in horror productions.

    You will find looped percussive elements (clocks, metals, hits, alarms, musical elements and more at 75 bpm), designed rhythmic elements (75 bpm) and fx (atmospheric elements, reverses, noises, risers, drops).

    If you are a musician who wants to define the building blocks of an intense horror track or maybe you are a sound designer who needs to create a musical moment in a scene from a sound design perspective, this library can help you to achieve those things.

    Metals, vinyl noises, voices, ukuleles, flutes, guitars and clocks were used to create this intense pack of 164 loops and 44 Fx.

    Check the main demo!! It was created very quickly using only the sounds of the pack with NO ADDED EFFECTS, only mixing the levels of the sounds and shows you the intensity of what you can create with this library!!

  • No need to barricade yourself in an old farmhouse to keep yourself safe from the swarm of zombies outside. This horror sound effects library is totally safe for use in any studio, video game or post production house. It’s a haunting cataclysm of horror sound effects featuring over 1200+ dark and devious sounds. They might just make your little brother cry (but that would be mean).
    This horror-able sound pack includes all the essentials and sonic inspiration to awaken latent darkness in any post production session. Perfect for your next zombie horror masterpiece. But use with caution.

  • Dehumaniser 2 is a powerful vocal processing tool perfect for creature sound design. Utilising incoming live or pre-recorded signals, the software allows you to dynamically tailor effects while creating multi-layered sound instantly.

    Perfect for audio professionals, this versatile tool makes a strong addition to any film, TV or video game post-production process. Its flexibility also makes the plugin ideal for use in live environments, including theatre performances, Halloween attractions or voiceover/dialogue sessions.

    Ships with over 100 monstrous presets and 133 high-quality animal recordings, including Tigers, Leopards, Pigs, Parrots and more.

    System requirements:
    Dehumaniser is a VST/AU/AAX Plugin – requires a supported host/DAW. Covered under the Dehumaniser 2 EULA. An iLok account (available for free at ilok.com) is required to activate and use the software. A dongle is not required, but if you want to use one, an iLok 2 or later is the one to use.
  • Bowed cymbals are one of those sound effects that just never get old.

    Perhaps it's the chilling sound of bow on bronze that puts us on the edge of our seat that we love so much. Or maybe it's the hauntingly beautiful tones that ring from a large ride cymbal with a large bow.

    Add some real bronze to your project today:

Horror sound effects libraries

Horror sound effects libraries

If you want to terrify your audience - whether it's for a game, movie or another project that calls for bone-chilling sounds - the horror sound effects libraries from the independent sound community are a fantastic tool for making that happen.

They give you everything from haunting ghost sounds, gruesome and gory sound effects and demonic possessions, to frightening and disturbing ambiences, screams, whispers and grotesque zombie sounds - making sure your audience will get a sonic experience that's sure to leave a mark.

Horror sounds commonly found in this category:

Bones breaking, breathing, chains rattling, creaking doors, demonic laughter, footsteps, ghostly whispers, gore splatter, heartbeats, knife slash, monster roar, music box, screams, screeching violins, siren, stabbing, thunder, water dripping, wind howling, zombie groan

Horror sound FAQ:

Q: What are some of the most popular horror sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular horror sound effects libraries

Q: Are there any horror sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by horror sound libraries on sale

Q: How do I download the horror sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen horror SFX.

Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required

Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.

Trending horror sound libraries:

  • The second part of the tournament begins!

    This is the second volume of our “Fight Fury” library series, in which you will find at your disposal 445 high-quality sound effects so that you can create the best fighting experience in your video games, movies or audio projects.

    In this volume we have focused on sounds that we thought were missing in our first volume, such as various announcer voices, special hits, special bone breaking effects, a high variety of bone and blood sounds, etc. (See full list of sounds in the Metadata PDF).

    All of our sound effects have been previously recorded with ultrasonic microphones such as the Sanken CO-100K at 192kHz-96kHz and 24-bit, later edited at 192kHz and finally also distributed at 192kHz – 24-bit, so whether you are a sound designer or just want to drag any of the sounds into your project, you will be guaranteed the highest possible quality.

    For this library, you can separately purchase the construction kit called “Veggie Fury”, with which we have created all the bone, gut and blood sounds, so that you too can create your own version of these sounds.

    More about the pack
    – Intuitive file naming
    – All you’ll ever need regarding magical elemental sounds [Use them again & again
    – Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.
    – Totally mono compatibility
    – All sounds have several variations.
    – Use your imagination and feel free to use any sound for a creature other than the one described, remember that the world of sound is totally subjective.
    – For any questions or problems: [email protected]

    – 445 unique fight sounds
    – Format: 192KHz / 24 bits
    – Do Sound FX loop No
    – Minutes of audio provided: 7 minutes and 25 second

  • Forged in Fury Vol. 1: Modular Sounds for Epic Combat

    Break down, customize, and master every detail of your combat effects with Forged in Fury Vol. 1, a collection of 394 brutal sounds in 192kHz/24. Includes katana, heavy axe, metal claws, and layer-by-layer edited vocals for total control.

    🔪 Katana (193 sounds):
    Double whooshes, precise slashes, impacts, blood splatters.
    Mix layers of edge and secondary effects (e.g. combine a quick whoosh with a feminine scream).

    🪓 Heavy Axe (96 sounds):
    Powerful whooshes, crushing blows, equip sounds, blood effects.
    Combine the roar of metal with the sounds of breaking bones.

    🔗 Metal Claws (37 sounds):
    Mechanical opening/closing, scratching, cutting whoosh.
    Ideal for fast movements and surprise attacks.

    🗣️ Male & Female Voices (68 Sounds):
    War cries, moans of pain, grunts of effort.
    Use them alone or synced with weapon effects.

    ✨ Key Feature:
    Each sound includes its own editable layers (e.g. whoosh + impact + blood). Do you want a bloodless ax swing? only the whoosh of a katana?, only blood? Modify it instantly.

    🎚️ Studio Quality:
    Recorded in 192kHz/24-32 bits, delivered in 192kHz/24 bits. Perfect for toning down, adding distortion or manipulating without losing clarity.

    More about the pack
    – Intuitive file naming
    – All you’ll ever need regarding katana, heavy ax and claw [Use them again & again]
    – Use the sound effects over and over, in any of your projects or productions, forever without any additional fees or royalties. Use the SFX in your game, in your trailer, in a Kickstarter campaign, wherever you need to, as much as you want to.
    – Totally mono compatibility
    – All sounds have several variations.
    – Use your imagination and feel free to use any sound for a other than the one described, remember that the world of sound is totally subjective.

    24 %
  • The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived, and the virus is spreading fast. This comprehensive sound library features 20,000 high quality zombie sounds, making it the most complete zombie sound collection ever released.

    Expert Vocalizations
    In today’s films and video games, zombies have four distinct vocal archetypes. The renowned creature voice talents from The Monster Factory have expertly performed all these vocalizations, covering every genre of zombie imaginable—from the fast-paced, ultra-rabid freshly infected to the slow, hauntingly wailing undead. Our team has been trusted by AAA video game companies for over 15 years, contributing creature vocalizations to games like Star Wars Outlaws, Dead by Daylight, Until Dawn, Hellblade 2, Baldur’s Gate 3, and many more. Their expertise in creating immersive audio nightmares is highly sought-after in the industry.

    More Actions and Variations
    Unlike typical sound libraries that limit diversity by offering only a few choices, Zombie Apocalypse delivers a wider range of actions and variations. With more options for nuanced performances, you can ensure that the sounds match every movement and action of your characters. The Zombie Apocalypse library covers a wide range of actions and intensity level, including:

    • Breathing, Walking, Running
    • Idle, Detection, Attacks
    • Pain & Death sequences
    • Biting, Chewing, Choking, and much more!

    For the full list of actions, click here.

    Voice Layering Options
    For greater customization, we recorded each action with a consistent phonetic script, ensuring that different voice techniques can be perfectly layered together. You can mix 2, 3, or even 4 different voice techniques, giving you endless possibilities to create unique zombie sounds or even non-zombie creatures. Though designed primarily for zombies, this library’s layering capabilities make it versatile enough to design an array of creatures and monsters. It’s the most flexible collection of creature vocalizations available.

    Distant Microphone Recording
    While recording, we used a second Sanken CO-100K microphone positioned 3 meters away from the first, adding depth and nuance to the recordings. These distant microphone audio files will help you create richer ambiances, ensuring that not all zombies sound the same or come from the same distance.

    Unparalleled Level of Audio Quality for Unparalleled Level of Terror
    Recorded at Tone Studio in Montreal by James Duhamel, the Zombie Apocalypse library offers pristine audio fidelity with a 192 kHz/24-bit sample rate. This, combined with the talents of trusted voice actors and the increased variety of actions and variations, the layering option to keep your listeners immersed and on edge, makes Zombie Apocalypse the most complete and unique sound library on the market. If it is not the first zombie sound library you have bought, this one will definitely be your last.

    Rich Metadata Embedded
    Every file comes with UCS naming and detailed metadata, including file descriptions and keywords, ensuring that you can quickly find the right sounds for your project.

  • This release features 873 screams, shouts, moans, grunts, hisses from female/male humans, zombies, monsters and creatures. Fantastic for horror, suspense, thrillers, action movies and games

    All sounds are 100% dry. Reverb was just applied for the demo.

    60 %
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