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Ambisonic Sound Effects

Ambisonics sound effects libraries are captured with a special, full-sphere surround sound technique for 3D audio.

  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Ambisonic Cromer Beach Play Track 16 sounds included, 125 mins total $18

    Binaural and Ambisonic ambiences from Cromer Beach on the Norfolk North Coast. No people, mixture of Sandy and Stony beach, lovely crisp ambiences. Variety of distances will make this very useful for anyone working with VR work.

    All recorded with the Sennheiser AMBEO VR and a Zoom F8.

    Combination of Heavy and Light Waves

    B-Format Ambisonics and Binaural Stereo Files.

  • The library is a collection of atmosphere recordings of different sized/aged spruce and birch forests during spring time in Eastern Finland.

    In these recordings you can hear a variety of common birds during different times of the day and also change of the weather such as multiple states of the wind or even sudden snowing.

    The library contains 28 files (14 B-format and 14 Stereo files) captured at 24bit/96kHz. Total length of about 2.5 hours.

    B-format files are in FuMa format.
    With the free SoundField SurroundZone 2 plugin you can convert the B-format files into your preferred format (stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround). There's also other plugin options such as Harpex-B.

    The library also contains ready-made stereo mixdowns for your convenience.

    These recordings are very raw. Very little or none denoising, EQ or any other processing method was used.
    Note: The preview is in binaural stereo, so please listen with headphones!

  • Featuring 38 pristine nature recordings from remote locations across the U.S., Biophony delivers a diverse collection of ambient environmental sounds. Delivered in 24-bit/96kHz FuMa Ambisonics format as well as stereo, this library contains amphibians, sea animals, insects and other wildlife interacting within distinct biomes. Use these sounds to enliven your nature scenes with a rich, authentic ecological backdrop.

    To capture these sounds, recordist Jason Strawley and videographer Andrew Garraway traveled to four states from Florida to California with the goal of capturing a variety of ecosystems including swamps, ponds, and forests. The result is a dense collection of vibrant wildlife recordings brimming with life. According to Strawley, one of the most difficult aspects of the process was finding locations unaffected by human intervention, be it noise pollution or the overarching effects of climate change. In his own words:

    “Human-made noise pollution foiled many a recording, forcing us to travel to more and more remote locations. We should all be advocating to preserve more wild lands, but it’s not just about the land – we need to preserve the soundscape and darkscape as well. Some national parks are doing a great job with this and I hope we can contribute to awareness in some tiny way.”

    Each sound file is embedded with rich, descriptive metadata to help you find the exact ecosystem and animal recording you need. Biophony is also included in Pro Sound Effects’ CORE: Pro.

    Key Features:

    • 38 sound effects (14.5GB)
      • Delivered in both FuMa Ambisonics and Stereo
    • 24-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free


    • Blackguard Stock Media Group
    • Jason Strawley – Recordist / Editor / Producer
    • Andrew Garraway – Producer / Photographer / Videographer
  • Ambisonic Sound Effects The Road Play Track 50+ sounds included, 192 mins total $129

    Streets and stop signs, freeways and highways, and yes, even a roundabout! This is a massive library featuring traffic ambiences that range from quiet suburb avenues, to downtown rush-hour. Not just urban environments, we also “hit the road” and drove north to sleepy desert towns, and single lane canyons. There's a ton of variety here!

    Recorded with the stunning Sennheiser Ambeo microphone, each ambience is delivered in both AmbiX and FuMa formats, as well as Stereo, 5.1, and 7.1.

    What’s more- a 360 video reference is provided to offer a fully immersive image of the sound effect being captured!

  • City Life Sound Effects Prague – Ambisonics Play Track 41 sounds included, 194 mins total $40

    Explore the beautiful soundscape of this impressive historic city.

    In this soundlibrary you can hear more than just the popular tourist center. You can also explore outskirts and suburbs, trams, busses, subways and more.

    41 georgeous ambiences, recorded carefully, professional and inconspicuous. With the 1st-order ambisonics AmbiX format you are completely free in what you want to do. For VR productions or to decode it into stereo, binaural stereo or multichannel-formats.

    The ambiences are ready to use edited, detailed metadata included.

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