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Home Vehicle Sound Effects Train Sound Effects

Train Sound Effects

Modern train sounds, steam train recordings, passing and distant trains, closely recorded trains, engines

  • City Life Sound Effects NYC Subway Immersive Binaural Play Track 12 sounds included, 23 mins total $125

    Take a sonic dive into the NYC subway – in immersive binaural stereo … the next best thing to being there. Roaring trains, squealing wheels, deep announcer echoes. Recorded from the platform – and on the train. Take a little trip … with the Audio Ninja.

    Logo: modified from an original image by Gordon Johnson at Pixabay.com

    14 %
  • Train Sound Effects Train Life Bundle Play Track 132 sounds included, 292 mins total $110

    The Train Life Bundle includes two Train Libraries, Train Life and Train Life 2.  In both these collections there’s a number of Exterior Freight Train Recordings with various speeds, perspectives, and locations.  Rumbling Trains in the Desert, Industrial, and Urban Areas. Horns Close and Distant, Passenger Trains, Rail Yard and Track Ambiences, and an assortment of other Train related sounds.








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  • Train Sound Effects Wooden Roller Coaster Play Track 50+ sounds included, 125 mins total $100

    This is a sfx library of a classic wooden roller coaster built in 1932 that is in operation at Bakken theme park in Klampenborg, Denmark. It was recorded in 5 takes with four onboard microphones, multiple stereo rigs placed around the track and a 4 channel sps200 ambeo microphone placed in the middle of the coaster for the first two takes, above the cart in the station for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th takes, and the last take underneath the photobooth hill next to the station.

    Sounds included are hill pass-bys, climbing, large bank turn, driving through tunnel, onboard sounds, and 4 channel atmos recording.

    This is a great library for designing trains, subways, future machines, and of course, roller coasters. All are recordings contain no park patrons while the park was closed. On one or two of the recordings (while the cart is off mic ) has some light construction noise from park cleaners, this does not affect the usable and editable coaster sounds. I have included a few cut plane by’s and atmospheres that were picked up in-between takes.

    If you are curious if a certain sound will work for you please send me a message at [email protected]

    Wooden Roller Coaster was recorded with Sound Devices 788, Mixpre3, Zoom H4,H5,H6 with a variety of microphones from DPA, Sennheiser, Line Audio, Soundfield and with wind protection from Bubblebee Industries, Rycote and Cinela.

    17 %
  • Binaural soundscapes from Grand Central Station – recorded to have plenty of background (and some mid & foreground) voices without anything too recognizable – so you can add your own dialogue in the foreground, OR loop sections you like most without it being obvious. The central concourse soundscapes are fairly static – but others move at walking speed – between different locations from street level entrances, through the concourse to the platform. There’s even a couple of revolving doors and an empty escalator/platform to add your action onto. Recorded on (my) dummy head with high-quality omni mics – listening back in headphones instantly immerses you in the middle of the sound field. Binaural stereo – the next best thing to being there! And all with just two channels. So put your headphones on and take a little trip – with the Audio Ninja.

    Logo: modified from an original image by Gordon Johnson at Pixabay.com

    10 %
  • Environments & Ambiences Ambience Colors Play Track 309+ sounds included, 984 mins total $61.60

    Ambience Colors is a surprisingly diverse, vast collection of atmosphere tracks and sound effects. Pack of unforgettable memories collected over few years and places. Let’s go deeper into the highlights:

    Herde of cows on a meadow | Inside a wasp nest | Bali hindu ceremonies with crowds, brahmins and announcers | Bali Village with dogs, roosters and crickets | Cambodia village around a marketplace and calm streets | Latin church mass catholic with a quiet crowd | Diffused city noise | Distant fireworks on New Year’s Eve| Inner courtyards of old Prague houses | City streets | Crowd indoors at film shooting locations, restaurants and celebrations | Crowd outdoors around beer gardens | Industrial indoors with a meat processing factory | Huge poultry farm | Industrial outdoors on a building site or foresters machinery | International airports with crowds and announcers | Nature day in jungle, forest, swamp, pond, lake and meadow | Nature night in Asia and Europe | Ocean waves | Rain inside a tent or behind windows | Heavy rain outdoors | Roomtones and quiet places | Trains passing by and inside | Craftsmen workshops with power and hand tools

    • 22 sub-libraries with 319 files inside!
    • Over 3 years of work, over 16 hours of content!
    • High quality equipment used, recorded mostly on Sanken CO100K+Sennheiser MKH30+Sound Devices Pre6/Zoom F8 or Sony PCMD100
    • 96 or 192 kHz
    • 45 GB unpacked!
    • LR stereo, with Train Pass Bys AMBIX bonus
    • Rain Season ambiences bonus
    • UCS compliant, longer descriptive filenames
    • Basic metatags in Soundly




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  • Let your audio projects take flight with our Public Spaces – Basic Transportation Sounds, a curated ambient sound library designed to enrich any scene involving public transport. Featuring aircraft interior sounds, unique cabin ambiances during flight phases, authentic city traffic recordings, backgrounds of hustle and bustle of urban life with car passbys and distant horns. Discover the sounds of airport lounges, the hum of crowds, luggage movements, freight train and cruise ship sounds. Add depth, realism and transform your story into a captivating auditory journey with Public Spaces – Basic Transportation Sounds from Epic Stock Media.

    • 132 lightly edited long field recordings
    • All in 96k 24bit .wav
    • 8.7GB of audio samples
    • 4+ hours of sound of ambience sound
    26 %
  • Bundles UK Big City Bundle Play Track 87+ sounds included $25

    UK Big City Bundle contains three libraries with ambiences and sounds unique to some of the biggest cities in the UK captured during our field recording sessions. With a total runtime of 173 mins and a file size of 5.6 GB, this bundle has everything you need to build a multi-layered city soundscape.

    Our Audio Craftsmen travelled through some of largest cities of England including London, Manchester, Sheffield and Liverpool capturing exclusive ambiences to build your perfect city atmosphere. We recorded ambiences from tunnels, construction sites, shopping malls, book stores, technology stores, cafes, restaurants, toilets, busy train stations, buses, trams, elevators, escalators, street sweepers, crowds, skylines and much, much more. The sessions were planned at different times of the day to give you the most authentic and grounded representation of the UK city life to use in your projects.

    You will be saving 30% on the total cost of the individual libraries when purchasing the bundle, an awesome value for money addition to your general sound effects libraries. All of the included sounds are carefully edited and provided dry in 24Bit/96kHz and are tagged with extensive UCS compliant metadata to help you find the right sound for your scene.

    50 %
  • This library contains 17 different trains as they pass through the station, arrive and depart a rural station in Sweden. Trains include double decker passanger trains, local metro passanger trains, and few heavy freight train passes. They were recorded with two 4060s on the tracks with a mkh60 following, they are syncable.

    These have a nice isolated stereo image and great for sound designing space ships and sci fi stuff. Also work Wonderfully for transition elements and corporate video introductions. Feel free to inquire before buying here.


    40 %
  • Train, Train Station, Railway Ambience

    Including: train sounds, trains passing by, different perspectives and distances, In urban and remote area etc.; Many types of trains, locomotives, service train vehicles etc.; Train horns;

    Mechanical, pneumatics sounds. Train stationary sounds.

    Train station/railway ambience, both interior (inside building, room tone) end exterior. Crowd. PA announcement, train operator whistling etc.. Train station soundwalk. Restaurant…Train station in city and in rural; Rail crossing; Train room tone. Locomotive room tone; 

    Structure borne sound of train passing by, sound recorded with contact mics on railways; Recorded in daytime and nighttime, all year round. Total time is approx. 280 mins. Comprehensive train FX library. European railways, trains, recorded in Europe.

    Various microphone setups used as well as microphones. Depends on application. Description and equipment info in metadata chunk.
    Edited RAW recordings ready to use. No dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters) used, max. peak level: -5dBFS. No recorder’s limiter used during recording – full dynamic recordings.


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  • Need the sound of vehicles passing by? This sound pack is a composite collection of pass-bys, featuring (Suburban-, Passenger-, Freight-) Trains, Trucks and Cars that I on various freeways and railroads. These sounds come in handy not only for for the obvious purpose of giving the right sonic feel for trains, trucks and cars passing by – but also as design elements ans a great starting point to create a vast number of sci-fi style whooshes and pass-by effects.

    60 %
  • Get a range of sounds captured at a railway crossing – including trains passing, and numerous vehicles such as scooters, cars, buses, and bicycles as driving through the crossing.

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  • Train Sound Effects Trains from Bulgaria Play Track 23 sounds included, 9 mins total $8

    The first railway line built in today’s Bulgarian lands was the Ruse – Varna line. It was opened for traffic on November 7, 1866, and its length is 223 km.

    The original idea was for the line to improve transport and communications in the Ottoman Empire and to be incorporated into the international railway connecting London and Constantinople.

    This never happens due to the poor execution of the road. However, the railway line was included in the Paris-Tsarigrad route, and between 1883 and 1885 the famous “Orient Express” ran along the Ruse-Varna route.

    Trains from Bulgaria is a package containing a vast variety of sounds of passenger trains and freight trains.

    In this package, you can find all kinds of passing trains. It also includes leaving and arriving trains from small train stations, brake squeaking and train horns.

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  • Nolan Sound Library – ALL IN ONE Bundle.

    Get 1500+ Files in one bundle: Nature Soundscapes, Radio Noises, Motocross, Foley Sounds, Spain Ambiences, Planes, Airports, New York Life, Mountains Winds, Forests and many more…

    Also includes the NSL in ATMOS Format for big productions.

  • The Sonomar Collection: Trains is a collection of 53 train recordings that is sure to embolden your projects with the raw power of a 200-ton diesel locomotive. Explore the vast array of steam hisses, metal clanks, and squeals that this library has to offer. Use this versatile collection to provide your scenes with train arrivals, departures, and idles, or enhance them with crossing bells, air valve releases, and passenger walla.

    This library features a wide variety of trains including a 1907 steam train, modern electric commuter trains, diesel freight trains and more. From simple pass bys and horn blasts to the unique rattles of wagon couplings connecting, supply your project with the specific train sound your scene requires. Lengthy onboard recordings and train station ambiences allow you to supplement your scenes with an authentic backdrop.

    Each sound file is embedded with diligent metadata to help you find the exact sound effect you need with fast, pinpoint search. Enable creativity with detailed descriptions of each recording encompassing both literal sonic qualities as well as the images they invoke. Advanced metadata fields ensure compatibility across any database search platform such as Search by PSE, Soundminer, BaseHead, Netmix, Workspace (Pro Tools), Find Tool (Media Composer), Media Bay (Nuendo), Reaper, Adobe Premiere, and beyond.

    Key Features:

    • 53 sound effects (2GB)
    • 24-bit/48kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Rich embedded metadata descriptions
    • 100% Royalty-Free
  • Travel & Transportation Italian Rails: Trams Trains & Subways Play Track 270 sounds included, 96 mins total $50

    A collection of rail sounds captured in Italy, including sounds of trams (cable cars), trains and subways.

    The library contains sounds like arrivals, departures, pass-bys and on-board recordings. Metallic wheel sounds, pneumatic doors opening and closing, crowds / passengers, and engine sounds are also captured.

    Both interior and exterior recordings are included, as well as PA announcements in Italian.

    Each sound file has been carefully named and tagged for easy search in Soundminer and is Universal Category System (UCS) compliant.
    (see the full track list below).

    Just updated with more sounds:
    111 new recordings have been added to this library, including high-speed train pass-bys, cable car sounds and more – bringing the total number of files in the library to 270

  • Train Sound Effects Railway Rides: Sri Lanka Play Track 67 sounds included, 80 mins total $35

    Railway Rides: Sri Lanka is a thorough collection of 67 high-quality railway-related sounds, a bulk of which were curated from a 5 hour train journey through Sri Lanka’s Coastal line from Ahangama to Colombo.

    The main interior train recordings are from an S9 diesel-electric multiple unit (DMU) train, which has all the clacking-characteristics you’d expect from a less modern open windowed train.

    The 67 sounds included cover all major aspects of train travel and station activity, from exterior pass-bys and the bustling platforms of Ahangama and Colombo station, to the clattering and rocking interiors of the train itself at various speeds and stages in the journey. File lengths range from 6 second pass-by’s to lengthy 14 minute interiors.

    Each sound has been precisely edited and labelled to represent the specific speed, dynamics and stage of the journey to allow for easier cutting in the edit. Some sounds are also labelled with differing levels of walla and background chatter, some having clearly localised dialogues with others being indistinct or at times not present at all.

    The library was captured using a Stereo matched pair of Clippy EM272Z1 mics into a Zoom F3 recorder recorded at 96khz/32bit and is available at 96khz/24bit.

    Our personal favourite sound in this library is

    TRNClak_Short Train Horn And Pass By Loud Carriage Clack Sounds Medium Speed With Crossing Warning Bell Exterior_Decal Audio_RailwayRidesSriLanka

    Simply because of the memory recording this sound and how (scarily) close I was able to get to the train and the track. The power and sound I felt when stood by the tracks is truly captured in the recording!

    This library provides an authentic auditory experience of Sri Lankan and south asian train travel, making it an ideal resource for enhancing films, video games, and other creative productions with realistic and evocative railway sounds.


  • Vehicle Sound Effects High Desert Trains Play Track 50+ sounds included, 38 mins total $35

    High Desert Trains has the sounds of classic Southwestern freight trains. This library captures these monsters as they tear through the desert, rumbling past the observer and screeching to a halt when they reach their destination. These sounds were recorded at 192kHz, which offers you the freedom to stretch these sounds into new machines, monsters, and powerful droning ambiences. If you need a quick pack of train sounds with a lot of flexibility, this is the library for you!

    2% for the Planet:
    Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

    Key Features:

    • Passbys (fast and slow), approaches, departures, stops, idling, braking, horns (close and distant), mountain incline climbs, whining drones, piercing screeches, thunderous wheels, and a full start from idle.
    • GPS coordinates and location map included.

    Gear Used: 
    • Sennheiser MKH 50/30 MS Rig
    • Mid/Side recordings decoded to LR stereo
    • Sound Devices 702
  • Train Sound Effects Rusty Old Freight Trains Play Track 10+ sounds included, 28 mins total $20

    This sound effects library is a collection of field recordings of freight trains in the San Francisco Bay area with a route along San Jose, Richmond, Oakland, Emeryville, and San Francisco. All the recorded freight trains were old, rusty, and covered in graffiti. When in motion they come alive with very unique sounds such as metal on metal scrapes, heavy thuds, clunking, and screeching noises. All trains were recorded within 15-20 feet from the mic setup of Schoeps 2 CMC 6 U mic bodies, a Schoeps MK4 and MK8 mic capsules, and a Rycote windjammer fed into a Sound Devices 744T.

  • Train Sound Effects Sydney Australia Trains Play Track 55 sounds included, 46 mins total $10

    Sydney Australia Trains consists of 55 beautifully recorded and edited sounds, tagged with rich metadata. From pass bys and ins and outs, to atmos' and more.

  • Old and new types of freight trains recorded with a high quality binaural dummy head. All tracks are recorded up close to capture all the characteristics of each freight train.

  • NSL –French Trains is a 86 Files Sound-Pack essentially composed of Railway Related Sounds. You will have access to many samples: Rails Textures, High Speed Trains, Interiors, Stations, Level Crossing, and many more…

  • NSL – Everyday Life is a 216 Files Sound-Pack essentially composed of Backgrounds Sounds. You will have access to many samples: Forests, Cities, Transports, Amusements Park, Abandoned Places, Mountains, Room Tones and many more sounds…

  • Travel & Transportation Japan Train and Platform Play Track 43 sounds included, 103 mins total $10

    Train and ambience library recorded in Tokyo, Kobe, and Osaka. Bullet and regional trains, platforms, and station ambiences. Recorded at 96kHz stereo.

  • This library contains 7 steam locomotive whistles from the beginning of the last century!

    These huge monsters could still announce themselves very loudly!

    • Each recording is several repetitions of long and short whistles for each steam locomotive, recorded at close range.
    • The file name also includes the models of the locomotives, as each one’s whistle is unique!

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