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Home Environments & Ambiences Weather Sound Effects Page 2

Weather Sound Effects

Weather sound effects and recordings, including rain, wind, thunder, storms and lightning

  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Ambisonic Cromer Beach Play Track 16 sounds included, 125 mins total $18

    Binaural and Ambisonic ambiences from Cromer Beach on the Norfolk North Coast. No people, mixture of Sandy and Stony beach, lovely crisp ambiences. Variety of distances will make this very useful for anyone working with VR work.

    All recorded with the Sennheiser AMBEO VR and a Zoom F8.

    Combination of Heavy and Light Waves

    B-Format Ambisonics and Binaural Stereo Files.

  • Weather Sound Effects High Desert Winds 2 Play Track 59+ sounds included, 165 mins total $70

    In the second installment of the High Desert Winds Series, get the blustery sounds of High Desert Winds 2 recorded in the resonant mountains of West Texas. This library was recorded during a massive two-day wind storm with gusts up 75 mph! These extreme winds rattled and shook the house in wonderful ways. The creaking and groaning windows, doors, and walls were vibrating so much that I could record wind for the first time using a contact microphone! There are also recordings of leaf vortexes, sand blasts, tarps popping, umbrella destruction, and much more. If you need the sounds of a stunning desert storm to complement the recordings in High Desert Winds 1, this is the library to check out.


    Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!


    • 90% bird and insect free
    • Turbulent hurricane-force gusts ranging from 20-75 mph
    • Droning and singing wind whistles
    • Open plastic bottle and wine bottle wind whistles
    • Mountain ridge top wind
    • Desert grass, scrub oak, and pinyon pine wind
    • Indoor ORTF perspectives: adobe house, wooden storage shed, and mid-sized truck
    • Indoor contact mic perspectives: chimneys, windows, doors, and walls
    • Plastic tarps and umbrellas whipping in 50-75 mph winds
    • Locations: Davis Mountains, Texas
    • Named markers included in each file to help find interesting events. Starting in Soundminer 4.5Pro_v252 you can now read text markers from within Soundminer!
    • Marker text included in the Soundminer Description and BWAV description fields.

    • Sennheiser MKH 8040 Matched Pair
    • Aquarian Audio H2a-XLR Hydrophone – Used as contact microphone
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote ORTF Blimp

    • View in browser or Download CSV
    Need More Winds? Listen to High Desert Winds 1!
  • A larger focus on wind – with trees, brush, crickets, and other sounds often included. There are also plain wind sounds recorded on exceptionally quiet wilderness winter nights that can be layered over most every project for several minutes or longer. Additionally includes some branches breaking in high winds and rain patter.

  • 204 retro-themed samples for guaranteed flashbacks.

    These sounds are ideal for:
    Item Pickup / Drop • Unlock • UI • Weather • Weapon

    Click for email support: Contact us anytime for custom sound effects, edits, or to let us know what type of pack we should make next.

  • • Harmonic Series Drones is an extension of several of my music compositions. Over the past few years, I’ve been very interested in data sonification, writing several pieces that turn real-time weather data into music. This library was created using a drone generator that turns weather data into sound. I built this drone generator for my piece Sitka for piano and seasonal electronics.

    • Instead of pulling weather data from Sitka, Alaska, as I did in the piece, I used 2016 daily temperature data from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, a fragile place wrapped up in current political drama and now open to drilling. This library is a sonification of 2016 temperature data in ANWR. The highest global temperature on record was recorded in 2016 (2016 Global Climate Report). It is even worse in the Arctic where temperatures are warming at twice the rate of lower latitudes (2016 Arctic Report Card). With this library, you’ll be able to hear the warming, and I hope this library helps to draw attention to the rapidly changing environment of the Arctic.

    • Each of the forty-eight drones corresponds to the average temperature of a day in 2016, with twelve drones from each of the four seasons. The drones are built from pure tones made from tightly filtered pink noise. These pure tones are then stacked in harmonic series relationships. For instance, a winter drone might consist of the fundamental and four lowest partials. A summer drone could have the fundamental and partials seven, fourteen, and thirty-two.

    • The drones stand on their own without the story. If you never knew they started with weather data, you would still find a variety of pure, rich, microtonal drones with enough variety to fit the mood of any project.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

    • All files are sample seamless loops. So, there are no fade-ins and outs and the files are ready for looping in any DAW.
    • Consonant and dissonant drones
    • Simple and complex drones
    • Each of the 48 drones is between 1 and 1.5 minutes in duration
    • Non-periodic undulating drones
    • Each harmonic has a randomized gain, so the drones pulse non-periodically.
    • Drones were made from tightly filter pink noise, so drones have a small amount of soothing and airy pink noise.
    • Microtonal harmonic series relationships create beautiful beating between drone harmonics.
    • All drones have a fundamental of G1 (49Hz). Transpose them as needed to fit any project.
    • Partials are included in the metadata, for example, “fundamental_G1_harmonics_1_2_3_4_7_16”.
    • Weather data included in the Soundminer Description and BWAV description fields.
    • Temperature data was translated as a combination of lowest harmonic, number of harmonics, and highest harmonic.
    • Generally, lower temperatures include bass harmonics and higher temperatures include treble harmonics. For example, the hottest day of the year only included harmonics 18 and 24.
    • Location: weather data is from the NOAA station at Helmut Mountain, Alaska in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

    • View in Browser or Download CSV

    • Max/MSP 7

    • Harmonic series artwork by Jason Charney: http://www.jasoncharney.com/
    • 2016 Arctic Report Card: http://arctic.noaa.gov/Report-Card/Report-Card-2016/ArtMID/5022/ArticleID/271/Surface-Air-Temperature
    • 2016 Global Climate Report: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/sotc/global/201613
    • NOAA Weather Data: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cdo-web/
  • Weather Sound Effects Cinematic Winds Play Track 98 sounds included, 180+ mins total $199

    Recorded and designed by film sound legends Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet (well known for their work with David Lynch), the Cinematic Winds sound effects library delivers diverse recordings from eerie, hollow wind sounds to whipping, stormy moodscapes.

    Cinematic Winds is an exclusive collection of sound effects selected from the venerable Kroeber-Splet private recording archive, Sound Mountain. “Of all the sounds from our library, the wind recordings are some of the most iconic and evocative,” says Ann Kroeber, having created an extensive sound catalog with her late partner Splet over decades of pioneering their craft.

    Wind is one of the most difficult elements to record. This is why Pro Sound Effects is proud to offer this carefully curated library from two artful sound designers and recordists we have tremendous respect for. Take your next sound design project to the next level by dragging and dropping the work of Kroeber and Splet into your scene.

    This special collection includes over 3 hours of 24-bit/48kHz WAV format wind effects and recordings perfect for inducing subtle, subconscious emotion, imposing a powerful presence, and creating earthy or surreal soundscapes in your production.

    Descriptive embedded metadata helps you find exactly the sound you need with practical, literal interpretations as well as emotional impressions of the sound effects. The wind sounds are grouped into five categories:

    • Moody Winds: Tonal, eerie, mournful, lonely
    • Interior Winds: Resonant staircases, barns, caves, pipes
    • Nature Winds: Through trees, over mountains, water, sand
    • Wild Winds: Gusting, whipping, whooshing, swirling
    • Storm Winds: Intense, howling, rumbling, shrieking

    Key Features:

    • 98 wind sound effects (3.3GB)
    • Over 3 hours of emotive, iconic wind recordings
      • Average file length: 1 minute 57 seconds
    • 24-bit/48kHz broadcast WAV files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free for use in any project

    Cinematic Winds is also included in Pro Sound Effects’ CORE: Standard.

  • Environments & Ambiences Hurricane Winds Play Track 38 sounds included, 117 mins total $25

    Hurricane Winds features some of the biggest and most violent winds hitting the Danish coastal area in many, many years. Both both interior and exterior recordings are included.

    In hindsight, it's been crazy and stupid to be recording at some of these locations, but here they are – three years of unique storm recordings.

    Key features of Hurricane Winds:

    • 21 tracks of hurricane/storm recordings from a yachting and commercial harbor. Wind screaming as it flies through rigging, wires, masts etc. Plastic covers, structure, flags moving.

    • 6 tracks of hurricane/storm in the city. Trees moving, wind howling, small debris passing.

    • 2 tracks of storm in the forest. Trees creaking, as wind moves through tree tops.

    • 9 tracks of interior recordings. Roof moving, draft from windows. Small debris hitting window.

  • Mechanical Sound Effects Windmills Play Track 27 sounds included, 62 mins total $20

    This is the windmills sound effects archive from Morten Green Sound FX

    27 soundfiles of totally 62 minutes of sound in 96 kHz 24 bit.

    The windmills recorded in this archive are 6 old 45 metre tall windmills, generating electricity on the coast of the small Danish island Orø. They are rather old and worn out, so they generate a lot of interesting noises, especially when you get very close to them.

    The structures are from metal, bolted into a concrete foundation with small openings, so you can actually get the microphones underneath the reverberant structure itself, for sounds from inside the windmills. The blades are made from glass fibre and pretty worn, so they give a lot of nice whistling noises.

    There are recordings from many different distances to the windmills, ranging from 150 m to right underneath the windmill structure.

    Most of the sound files are more than 2 minutes in length.


  • Weather Sound Effects Cinematic Winds: Volume 2 Play Track 77 sounds included, 180+ mins total $119

    Create with the dynamic energy of wind. As one of the most challenging subjects to record, wind sounds also inspire a range of creative and practical uses on projects of all types. That’s why we’re proud to present Cinematic Winds: Volume 2 – the exclusive followup to our most popular specialty library, Cinematic Winds.

    Like its predecessor, much of this wind sound effects library is curated from legendary film sound designers Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet – both well known for their work with David Lynch and more. Volume 2 expands on this with even more moody, colorful wind recordings from Academy Award®-winning sound artist Richard King (Dunkirk, Inception) plus recordist/sound designer Colin Lechner (Raconteur Sound).

    These sounds are full of character – from light breezes and swirling heavy gusts, to carefully-crafted whistling wisps and ghostly roaring swells. Capture the emotive power of wind as it rustles through leaves and howls through windows – ideal for inducing subconscious emotion, imposing a powerful presence, or creating both earthy and surreal soundscapes.

    Descriptive embedded metadata helps you find exactly the sound you need with practical, literal interpretations as well as emotional impressions of the sound effects. The wind sounds are grouped into five categories:

    • Moody Winds: Tonal, eerie, mournful, lonely
    • Interior Winds: Resonant staircases, barns, caves, pipes
    • Nature Winds: Through trees, over mountains, water, sand
    • Wild Winds: Gusting, whipping, whooshing, swirling
    • Storm Winds: Intense, howling, rumbling, shrieking

    Key Features:

    •  77 sound effects (7.48GB)
    • Over 3 hours of powerful wind recordings
      • Average file length: 2 minutes 30 seconds
    • 24bit/48k, 24bit/96k, 24bit/192k broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free


    Ann Kroeber, Alan Splet, Richard King, Colin Lechner

  • Environments & Ambiences The Rustle Play Track 58+ sounds included, 165 mins total $59

    The Rustle is a sound effects library with recordings of grass, leaves, scrubs, branches, rods, twigs & trees rustling in the wind.

    It gets you a versatile collection of high-quality recordings of natural sounding ambience and foley sweeteners – and includes sounds from sources such as small leaves, large leaves, grass rustling, scrubs, small and large hedge leaves, bamboo leaves, thick leaves, dangling bamboo rods, bamboo fields, maple tree branches, dry field grass, trees – and more!

  • The Drip delivers a comprehensive set of dripping sound effects that could be used in movies, video games etc. with both ambience sounds for backgrounds, and single sounds for spotting individual drops on various surfaces.

    A variety of microphones were used to capture the different sounds in this collection: Telinga Microphones for a real zoom perspective, Mkh8040+30 for ambiences, a Mkh416 & Emesser mic for certain sfx sounds, and a set of Mkh 8020 for the real quiet sound effects sources.

    The Drip features:

    • Rapid and slow, loud and quiet water dripping sounds, easily loopable
    • Water dripping sounds, from wet clothes and faucet, onto different materials (porcelain, plastic, metal, wood, paper, cups, bottles, bowls, stone)
    • Rain on roofs, tents, porches, grass, car windshields and car roof (interior and exterior perspective)
    • Exterior water/mud dripping sounds recorded with a Telinga Parabolic mic
    • Interior big hall water dripping sounds recorded with a Telinga Parabolic mic
    • Sewer water dripping sounds
    • Radiator water dripping sounds
    • House drain water dripping sounds

  • NSL – ATMOS Vol.1 is a 40 Files Sound-Pack composed of Backgrounds Sounds made to be used in Dolby Atmos Format. You will have access to many samples: Forests, Rivers, Airfields, Alpine Mountains, Winds, and many more sounds…

  • This collection features 200 Space Whooshes and Wind Science Fiction sound effects. These sounds have been hand-picked from the Sound Ideas HD – Space Whooshes and Winds library.

  • Environments & Ambiences Windy Forest Play Track 22 sounds included, 87 mins total $40

    Windy forest is a collection of forest ambiences with wind ranging from soft to strong. We spent two stormy days out in the deep forests of Norway and managed to capture a wide variety of wind sounds. The recordings are nearly 100% bird free so they are very usable internationally.

  • NSL – Ubrique is a 44 Files Sound-Pack composed of Spain Life Sounds, All Royalty-FREE to use in your productions. You will have access to many samples: Spain Neighbourhoods, City Life, Farm Animals, Nature Winds, and many more sounds…

  • Weather Sound Effects Rain and Thunder Play Track 73 sounds included, 39 mins total $30

    Do you want to add some tension with thunder sound effects? Are you looking for immersive rain? Do you need perfect loops of rain in your game?

    'Rain and Thunder' is a collection of high-quality sounds recorded over a timespan of several years at different locations with a Mid-Side and XY rig. This sound pack contains variations of rain: soft, hard, under metal, under plastic, on top of plastic, and with and without thunder rumble.

    This pack is guaranteed to immerse the listener with the pattering drips of water and the roaring thunder!

    All sounds included are tagged with metadata (keywords and description) for use in Soundminer/Basehead, etc.

    Rain and Thunder includes:
    • Rain Hard Loop (12 sounds)
    • Rain Hard and Stream Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain Pouring Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Pouring and Thunder Rumble Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft Loop (11 sounds)
    • Rain Soft and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft and Stream and Bird Loop. (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft and Thunder Really Long Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain and Distant Thunder Loop (5 sounds)
    • Rain and Distant Thunder Rumble Loop (11 sounds)
    • Rain and Stream Loop (5 sounds)
    • Rain from Inside Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain on Plastic Inside Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Plastic Outside Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Rocks Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Water and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain under Metal Loop (4 sounds)
    • Rain under Metal and Thunder Rumble Loop (6 sounds)
    • Rain under Umbrella Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain, Distant Thunder Rumble and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain, Distant Thunder and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Thunder and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    Gears & Specs
    • Every file included is tagged with metadata keywords and a description for use in Soundminer, Basehead, etc.
    • Recorded with a Oktava MK-012 in Mid Side configuration and Zoom H6 XY.
  • Nolan Sound Library – ALL IN ONE Bundle.

    Get 1500+ Files in one bundle: Nature Soundscapes, Radio Noises, Motocross, Foley Sounds, Spain Ambiences, Planes, Airports, New York Life, Mountains Winds, Forests and many more…

    Also includes the NSL in ATMOS Format for big productions.

  • Environments & Ambiences Wind Harp Play Track 41+ sounds included, 154 mins total $85

    • In Wind Harp, get an expansive collection of musical winds from the mountains of the American Southwest. Hear singing wires brought to life by 30 mph gusts and desert winds meshing perfectly with musical drones. Hear blustery blasts whipping through mountain valleys and scrappy desert foliage rustling frantically. Hear dancing grasses strike fretboard strings, pinging rich melodies with each swaying stalk. 
    • To record this library an acoustic guitar was transformed into an aeolian harp. I hope this library gives you a chance to hear the wind in a way you haven’t heard it before. Enjoy listening to the natural music of the wind as it sings on long thin wires

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

    •100% bird free
    •Created using an acoustic guitar in open A (E-A-C♯-E-A-E) and open D (D-A-D-F♯-A-D) tunings.
    •Don’t worry about the wind drones clashing with the music in your project. The notes are listed in the filenames for easy pitch shifting!
    •Open guitar tunings allow the strings to resonant freely in the wind as beautiful chords
    •Strong 20-40 mph winds
    •Rich overtone filled wind drones
    •Dead winter grass
    •Coniferous and deciduous wind from desert foliage
    •A violin bow was used to bow the strings in a few clips.
    •All recordings were made outdoors.
    •A Sennheiser MKH 50 and 30 in Mid/Side were using for most recordings
    •DPA 4060s were used under the strings of the guitar to capture more overtones. In a few cases, I combined a DPA 4060 and Sennheiser MKH 30 and matrixed it as mid/side for a unique perspective.
    •Bowed guitar clips were recorded in ORTF.
    •Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in files with multiple variations.
    •Markers are included in the Soundminer and BWAV description fields starting with the prefix “Marker Text”.
    View larger version or Download CSV
    •Read behind the scenes stories from this field recording trip in my blog post: The Natural Music of the Wind

    • Read 30+ user reviews for Thomas Rex Beverly Audio
    • Read my Field Recording Mastering Rules and learn more about how these recordings were mastered.
    • Browse the Library Info Master List to compare specs on all my libraries.
    • Browse the Metadata Master List to search my entire catalog.
    • MD5 and SHA 256 Checksums are included for each zip file in my catalog. Use these hashes to check the integrity of your downloaded files. 
    •Sennheiser MKH 50 and 30 in Mid/Side
    •DPA 4060 and MKH 30 in Mid/Side
    •DPA 4060s in AB
    •Sennheiser MKH 8040 Matched Pair in ORTF
    •Sound Devices 702
    •Rycote MS Blimp
    •Rycote ORTF Blimp
  • Weather Sound Effects Urban Rain Play Track 44 sounds included, 62 mins total $29


    Recorded over years in different cities, this highly detailed and very usable library will satisfy your rain and stormy weather needs for urban settings for years to come. High frequency range and meticulous recording techniques makes this a must have for city rain scenes in various media formats, from film to television to games.

    Contains various city rain intensities on various surfaces. Wet traffic pass-bys. Drainage systems. In-vehicle rain… and more. Check the video below!

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