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Home Sound Effects

Depth of Sound – Sound Design

Depth of Sound – Sound Design is a german production sound service for location sound and sound design. In addition to working on film productions, Depth of Sound – Sound Design produces fine-sounding sound libraries.

  • The BINAURAL ORCHESTRA SOUND EFFECTS library delivers 1340 unique orchestral sounds from 13 different instruments – including violin, cello, tuba, double bass, contrabassoon, trombone, trumpet, musical saw, flute, piccolo, clarinet, marimba,  and a wind machine.

    All instruments recorded in musician perspective with an binaural microphone, in listener perspective with an dummy head microphone and mono. Each instrument plays different notes of the harmonic series with three variations of each fundamental frequency. Furthermore plays each instrument three glissando or transposition variations. The recordings took place in a great-sounding concert hall.

    The library is perfectly suited for sound designers, composers and musicians. All sounds are in WAV, 24 bit & 48 kHz and include metadata.

  • The Machine Factory library delivers 265 unique impact & foley sounds with over 26 minutes of playtime – including sounds such as metal doors, stairway, wood impacts and many other like metal impacts or thundering metal. The library is perfectly suited for post production, audio books, radio broadcasts and other audio channels. All sounds are in WAV, 24 bit & 96 kHz and include metadata.

  • Winter Sound Effects Winter Sound Effects Play Track 49+ sounds included, 55 mins total $35

    49 unique winter sounds with over 55 minutes of playtime – including sounds such as footsteps, wind, winter sports and many other like glacier sounds or flowing stream in the snow. The library is perfectly suited for post production, audio books, radio broadcasts and other audio channels. All sounds are in WAV, 24 bit & 96 kHz and include metadata.

  • The Norway sound library comes with 44 unique Norwegian sounds (58+ minutes of playtime), featuring recordings of animals and insects, atmosphere, beach waves, glacier sounds, mountain stream, steps and vehicles.

  • The Paper SFX library gets you 186 paper sounds – including: blow, cut, cutter knife, flip, folding, kink, roll, rub, rumple, scrape, scroll, special, stretch, tap, tape, tear and wag sounds. The sounds were produced in various variations and on different paper thicknesses. All sounds are in WAV, mono, 24 bit & 96 kHz and include metadata.

  • Water & Ocean Sounds Water Sound Effects Play Track 84+ sounds included, 75 mins total $35

    The Water SFX library comes with 84 water sounds, with a total playing time of more than 75 minutes. It includes sounds such as a mountain stream, river, splashing, water-skiing, waterfall and waves. The library is perfectly suited to post production, audio books, radio broadcasts and other audio channels. All sounds are in WAV, 24 bit & 96 kHz and include metadata.

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