Sound effects ideas 2020 Asbjoern Andersen

Earlier this year, we ran a survey to figure out what sort of libraries you were having trouble finding anywhere. The idea? To inspire indie SFX creators to create what you're looking for - and after some processing, here are the results of the survey. A big thanks to all of you who sent in your ideas!

Hope it comes in handy - and a quick heads up for SFX creators: Before you go ahead and use this list as inspiration for making your own libraries, be sure to research what's currently available in the marketplace for your given idea.

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Before we start – want to know what’s already out there? Try searching through the vast number of libraries on A Sound Effect to get an idea. Try some variations on your topic keywords to get a feel for the current coverage.

Search for sound effects below:

Ideas for new sound effects libraries – 2020 edition:

About the list:

• In places where we had ideas for existing libraries that could fit the bill, we’ve added our suggestions in parentheses, and ideas that have been carried over from last years’ list are marked with an *.
• If you have any additional ideas, suggestions for existing libraries that could come in handy for the requests below, or entries that could be merged, do let us know in the comments.


SFX ideas list 2020:

• Abandoned house ambiences – no activity (libraries such as British Stately Home, Historical Houses & Barns, Old Cottages, Abandoned Doors and additional searches like this one libraries could bring up some useful content)
• Affordable car engine and exhaust ramp – a single recording of the entire rev range for implementation with REV and Wwise and loopable sections of steady RPMs / Vehicle engine and exhaust recordings at set RPM rates. Ideal for simple modeling of car engines (something like the Game Audio Engines library might be useful)
• African-american walla *
• Air from different environments for the center channel *
• American and UK English office walla / Office Ambiences *
• Animal Foley – movements / actions / steps (The Stomps and Paw Creature Foley libraries could be worth checking out)
• Animals that communicate outside of our hearing range, that are then lowered in pitch so they are audible, rats are particularly interesting / bat shrieks *
• Anime Japan Sound Effects library (If you’re looking for old school anime sounds, this library could come in handy) *
• Arctic / Polar / Greenland ambiences *
• Aztech death whistle *
• Bar and restaurant Walla (libraries such as London Pubs, the Restaurant Ambiences and the Crowds at the restaurant libraries might help here) *
• Beach buggy *
• Bicycles – various kinds (these libraries could be a good starting point)
• Birds from all over the world, a large collection of close-up recordings *
• Bodyfall collection – there are already some, but it is not covering enough materials
• British / European specific Crowds
• Car interior – A “standard” car at normal speed, exterior drive by or continuously rides (there are a large number of everyday cars in the car category here, and here’s a collection dedicated to everyday cars)
• Cemetery ambiences and atmospheres *
• Children – small group, 12 to 25, reacting to a magic act or other indoor performance. Cheers, laughter, applause, vocal reactions, but not all in unison
• China Ambiences – countryside, no humans *
• Classic cars collection going back to the 60’s, 50’s and 40’s
• Clocks (here are some interesting clock libraries to start with) *
• Contact Mic Horse Hooves *
• Dog foley – “footsteps”, panting, breath * (some paw sounds & animal foley can be found here and here)
• Dolphins (high sample rate) *
• Electricity – more and new libraries (there’s an ongoing stream of new electricity releases – here’s an overview)
• Engine failures
• European Windows – Open and Close *
• Everyday cars – normal civilized drive mode with maneuvers, parking / no action skid material, easy to combine interior and exterior, prepared for editorial to match normal car movements in feature films ( here is a collection of everyday cars and also have a look into the car category for more normal car libraries )
• Everyday quiet surround room tones (here are some useful libraries) *
• Fight punches – John Wick-style
• Fishing sounds *
• Footsteps in Kontakt or Battery format, new collections *
• Foley-type sounds, a large collection – recorded from a distance of 2-5 meters from source
• Formula E race cars
• Futuristic SciFi vehicles – including helicopters, aircrafts, cars
• Geiger Counter
• Geographically unspecific exteriors *
• Global events (Olympics, World Cup, Tour De France etc) **
• Go-kart engine & driving sounds *
• Grabbing / touching / knocking different items/things/surfaces with hands (metal, wood, ceramic etc.) / Subtle hand touches and rubs on a variety of materials / Touching skin, handshakes, bumps, hi-five (for skin/hands-on-body types of sound, check out the Skin and The Hand library)
• Hands hit/slap/grab/touch a window. Like that hollow sound, you get when someone is on the other side of a window tapping or banging on it. *
• Heavy object slides and drags (this library could be useful)
• Human reactions and children’s voices – a wide range * (something like this might come in handy)
• Industrial machines and factory equipment – constantly updated
• Kids, not babies, both genders, multiple characters, solo, not field recordings, a wide variety of natural/not-hammy laughs, screams, emotes, etc. Avoiding words/accents to remain internationally applicable **
• Large cracks library – longer duration, stone friction, grinding, big breaks like the size of a wall
• Light pedestrian backgrounds (small town or community) There’s lots of busy city stuff that’s too busy. How about some nice nature ambiances without a lot of birds… I’m tired of cutting around birds *
• Loop Group – Shoutouts/Callouts; Doughnuts; Mic Bys; Presence; 2-3 People talking (dry); Casual Conversations (M/F); Different languages; Different Ages – Specifics (Not general wallas) that would go on optional for M&E (Actor buyout)
• Loop Group Walla – Different sizes, genders, races, moods/emotions – reactions for scenes requiring specific groups reactions rather than generic background walla *
• Marine mammal – High-quality library with a focus on Walrus, Whales, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Elephant Seals, etc.
• Mechanical creatures
• Metal cable hits, whips, pulls, drags *
• Mexico Ambiences and Various Walla *
• Mine hauler *
• Mobile phone ring tones – well-prepared, “up to date” ring tones that can compete with the sound of the big brands, no FM-experimental a-tonal sounds. Those are liked by directors/show runners
• Modern car alarms *
• Motorcycle, KTM 400 *
• Mountain Bikes (this library contains some mountain bike recordings that could be useful)
• Multichannel walla collection – big choice in intensity and without modern sound like traffic
• New cars are always a challenge. Full set doors, switches, alarms. electric, and internal combustion *
• Non-Discernable-English PA announcements for Psychiatric wards and hospitals for use in building generic M&E’s *
• Non-Discernable-English Walkie-Talkie call-outs for use in building generic M&E’s (crime scenes, police cars, military, etc.) *
• On-board 5.1 ambience of a car driving less than 10 mph. Every 5.1 amb of a car driving I have sounds like it’s going 40 mph and those suspension bumps don’t match when the picture is less than 10. *
• Penguin vocalizations *
• People Moving – sitting down, getting up, single and groups * (for chairs, check out Take A Seat and Modern Seating)
• People, People, People – all languages, walla, groups in different sizes, moods, and surroundings
• Pitched, Non-Obvious Sounds – I’d love to see some building blocks that are super-distinctive, don’t claim to be anything in particular, and aren’t driven by a particular piece of gear/recording technique
• Polar bear vocalizations and grunts *
• Prairie ambiences (this library could be useful) *
• Prius LFE bys *
• Psychedelics
• Punches and bodyfalls / Generic punchy impacts (there are quite a few hand combat libraries here)
• Pure airy whooshes – no reverb, no distortion, no resonance
• Quiet crowds *
• Ratchets. All sorts. Wood, metal, bone. Various lengths *
• Reward sounds and win melodies with midi files for added layering possibilities
• Rock / Stone library – very big and clear, but not overly pre-designed (something like this library could be the one you are looking for – lots more rock libraries here)
• Rural and urban (definitely no birds) *
• Scrapnel/debris, hitting a fuselage *
• Simple smooth smartphone UI sounds -text, email *
• Smoke alarms, emergency sirens, security systems (with proper rights clearance or soundalikes) *
• Sneaker footsteps – Chuck Taylors and other normal sneakers on lots of surfaces, walk / run / scuff / toe-heel, etc
• Sound design elements to create different gui sounds for clicks, hover, select, etc *
• Sparse and distant Birds Library *
• Steam / Air
• Street call outs *
• Stuka Siren / Plane
• Suction through tubes – “foomp” type sounds of various sizes
• Surround room tones and variety of ambiences (you can find a a large collection of surround libraries here which might be a a good starting point)*
• Synthy cartoon SFX (goofy or anime-style SFX) *
• Tires – not skids (you can get a lot of isolated different tyre and car chassis sounds from the Grip plugin)
• Tundra ambiences *
• Twirling and lunging sounds, extensive library *
• Ultra basic foley – 1) stuff put on a table like a book, glass – 2) presence
• Victorian Era Industrial revolution Engineering equipment *
• Walla / Crowd reactions that convey specific emotions (panic, relief, surprise, happy, sad, etc.) – Without specific language
• Weapons, 50.-Caliber – sounds firing, and foley
• Whales (high sample rate) *
• Whistles, human and instruments *
• Women’s Sports – General field walla, call outs and vocalizations *
• Zuzz – canvas, nylon, etc.

Looking to create an independent sound effects library? Do this first:

If you’re looking to into independent sound effects – or you’re considering what library to make next – be sure to check out this read for some thoughts on a crucial first step that many SFX creators tend to forget.


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A Sound Effect gives you easy access to an absolutely huge sound effects catalog from a myriad of independent sound creators, all covered by one license agreement - a few highlights:

  • The ROCKS Library is a collection of more than 700 designed rock and stone sound effects, ready to use.
    From single stone impacts to large heavy collapsing rocks, avalanches, rockslides sounds, rolling and falling stones, debris sounds….

    Originally recorded at 192 kHz with two Sennheiser MKH8040, a Sanken CO-100K and a Sound devices Mixpre 6. Delivered at 96Khz.

    Each sound file has been carefully named and tagged for easy search in Soundminer and is Universal Category System (UCS) compliant.

    (see the full track list below).

  • This sound library was carefully recorded, processed and crafted to offer a unique toolset for your ice-cold freezing design needs.

    Great for fantasy genre with ice based magic, enchantment and supernatural elements, shining motion graphics, time lapse and flow motion freeze sequences.

    Bonus Aztec death whistle recordings processed by glass and icy textures.

    This Sound Library is a part of the Slava Pogorelsky – Complete Bundle.


    Victor Mercader – AAA Sound Designer (Apex Legends)
    “I find myself continuously using Slava’s SFX libraries to blend it’s pristine and detailed sound designs into my own sounds. They always add that cutting edge I am missing and make my sound designs more unique and pristine.”

    Enos Desjardins – Sound Designer/Sound Effects Editor (Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Black Mirror)
    “Slava has been creating some really cool libraries which I find myself using time and again. Really high quality recordings to start with but then the cool processing he has used for example in his cinematic whoosh libraries really stand out. They are not just your standard generic whoosh sounds but are loaded with character and have a unique feel to them that is really fresh and cuts through in the nicest of ways.”

    Bjørn Jacobsen – AAA Sound Designer (CyberPunk 2077, HITMAN, DARQ)
    “Slava has for several years made high quality sound effects for me to play with. I use his sound libraries across multiple projects as lego blocks of my creations.”

    Ginno Legaspi – SoundBytes Music Magazine‎
    “As far as the sound goes ‘Cinematic Magical Ice’ is both beautiful and mystical. I happen to like the icy textures that are oozing with coldness. Overall, this sound library boasts a good variety of effect samples ready to drop in various cinematic projects.”

    Yarron Katz – AAA Composer and Sound Designer
    “Slava makes some wonderful libraries. He’s relatively new on the scene and his libraries have come to critical acclaim. He takes some general ideas, like whooshes and he injects some extremely revolutionary and innovative ideas to them, so you’re not getting another whoosh library – you’re getting something very unique, very fresh. He brings some wonderful ideas to the table.”

  • Rock / Stone Sound Effects Rocks Momentum Play Track 1100+ sounds included $37

    The Rocks Momentum sound effects library gets you more than 1100 sounds of rocks, bricks, wood logs, stones, impacting on different surfaces, rolling, being scraped one against the other and so on. The library was recorded in the Italian alps, and in Inverness, Scotland. Defective construction materials were used for the recording of bricks, roofing tiles, cement blocks etc.

    Bonus: Two extra libraries included for free:
    This library also includes two additional releases from Mattia Cellotto - for free: Crunch Mode delivers 230 crunchy sounds made with a variety of vegetables, fresh bread, pizza crust and a selection of frozen goods. The Borax Experiment gets you 158 squishy, gory, slimy and gooey sounds.
Explore the full, unique collection here

Latest sound effects libraries:
  • Environments & Ambiences Geophonic Sound Effects Play Track 98+ sounds included, 32 mins total $15

    This audio library features low-frequency drones, powerful impacts, metallic scrapes, resonant vibrations, and other rare audio textures.
    All sounds were recorded using the LOM Geofón, a device that captures low-frequency surface vibrations that conventional microphones cannot detect.

    The recordings were made with the TASCAM Portacapture X8 at 192 kHz/32 bit, ensuring maximum detail and sound quality.

    50 %
  • Environments & Ambiences Southeast Asia Play Track 147 sounds included, 225 mins total $32.50

    A field-recorded collection from Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand capturing the sounds of tropical environments, urban life, transport and religious sites.
    Southeast Asia includes jungle ambiences, heavy monsoon rains, street markets and traditional ceremonies.

    Last September, I spent 3 weeks vacationing in Southeast Asia, visiting Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
    During my stay, I recorded everything I thought could be characteristic of those cultures: from tropical to urban environments, religious ceremonies and places of worship, modes of transportation (from boats to tuk-tuks), spoken language, monsoon rain, etc.

    The recordings are situational, meaning I didn’t prepare anything before starting to record. If I found myself in a location that seemed suitable, I simply pressed REC.
    I used my Tascam DR100 MK3 or the Zoom F6 with a pair of Line Audio OM1 omnidirectional microphones

    Audio files are 96kHz/24 Bit. Cleaned and edited for professional use, with UCS naming and full metadata.

    50 %
  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Ambisonic Walla, Public Places Play Track 52+ sounds included, 172 mins total $21

    Walla, public places recorded in ambisonic B-format (ambix) and binaural.
    Including some actions like walking, running around mic etc.
    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone and Sound Devices recorder. See the track list for additional info.

    The download contains each recording in B-format (RAW-4ch.) and as Binaural Stereo files. The audio preview is binaural and should be listened to with headphones. All files are tagged with Metadata.

    9 %
  • Environments & Ambiences South African Walla Play Track 21 sounds included, 33 mins total $50

    This authentic South African Walla library will give any production a true sense of South African flavour with a variety of voices and languages.

    Featuring in-studio recordings with all South African cast, for a real South African feel without the distractions of exterior noise. These organic crowd murmurs, ambient dialogues, and background chatter reflect a variety of local languages, dialects, and cultural settings, making them perfect for film, TV, games, and immersive audio experiences. Elevate your sound design with the unmistakable authenticity of South African walla!

    23 %
  • Cold Weapon Sound Effects Anime Weapon Play Track 681 sounds included, 21 mins total $99

    Anime Weapon Sound Effects – 681 Stylized Sounds for Your Game!

    Bring your game to life with 681 high-quality anime weapon sound effects, carefully designed for easy implementation in any project. Whether you’re crafting an anime RPG, action-packed hack-and-slash, or futuristic mecha shooter, this sound pack delivers everything you need to create satisfying and immersive combat audio.

    Each weapon type comes with game-ready, clearly named files, making it simple to drop them into your project and features variations from light to heavy, critical, and epic, giving you full control over intensity and impact:

    🔹 Swords & Spears – Swings, swooshes, impact hits, and special skills
    🔹 Bows – String draw, arrow release, and impact sounds
    🔹 Lasers & Mecha – Power-up charges, shots, impacts, and skill effects
    🔹 Guns – Designed anime-style gunshots with skill variations


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