Behind the Haunting Sound of Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me – with sound supervisor Doug Murray:
In celebration of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me‘s 30-year anniversary: Sound supervisor Doug Murray shares lots of fascinating sound stories behind the haunting film and the Twin Peaks series, the creative joys of “sound painting” with David Lynch, channeling Alan Splet’s sensibilities, its impact on film sound today, the sound for signature scenes – and how it transformed him as a sound designer:He Heard a Wind — Behind The Sound design In Twin Peaks, with Dean Hurley:
Step into the mind of David Lynch and how he approaches sound in his work as told by frequent collaborator (on Inland Empire & Twin Peaks: The Return) and music supervisor Dean Hurley:Behind the weird, wonderful sound of Twin Peaks: The Return:
In our in-depth interview, Dean Hurley and Ron Eng – long-time collaborators with legendary director David Lynch, and sound supervisors/re-recording mixers on Twin Peaks: The Return – share the creative work that goes into bringing David Lynch’s unique, wild and vivid sonic visions to life, that ‘David Lynchian’ sound, the role of the sound designer, the key to good sound (and the importance of silence) + lots more:
David Lynch on Alan Splet, sound and music:
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