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Home Sound Effects

Seth Swaaley

Seth Swaaley is a Sound Designer / Field Recordist that works in Film and TV. Combining a love of sound with exploration, he records high quality and unique Libraries that can be used in any project.


  • Train Sound Effects Train Life Bundle Play Track 132 sounds included, 292 mins total $110

    The Train Life Bundle includes two Train Libraries, Train Life and Train Life 2.  In both these collections there’s a number of Exterior Freight Train Recordings with various speeds, perspectives, and locations.  Rumbling Trains in the Desert, Industrial, and Urban Areas. Horns Close and Distant, Passenger Trains, Rail Yard and Track Ambiences, and an assortment of other Train related sounds.








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  • Animal Sound Effects California Grassland Bundle Play Track 160+ sounds included From: $190 From: $150

    The California Grassland Bundle includes two Libraries, California Grassland Abandoned and California Grassland Wildlife. The recordings from this library mostly took place in The Carrizo Plain, an open expanse of Grassland located West of the Mojave Desert in California’s Central Valley.

    California Grassland Abandoned recordings feature dilapidated remnants of old ranches, water tanks, barns, metal sheds, farm machinery, and corrals.  Many of these were far off the beaten path and a number of miles were logged along dirt and gravel roads.  The focus was to record things that had a lot of character.  Also included are calm, medium, and higher winds in metal sheds, small houses, barns, tall dry grass, and in some exterior locations out in the Plain.

    California Grassland Wildlife features of over 30 different species of birds that can be found in Grassland, Plains, and High Desert Environments.  Also included are a few recordings of Coyotes, Grasshoppers, Insects, along with some quieter ambiences.

    At first glance, one wouldn’t think there’d be much wildlife out in such a vast remote area, but I discovered the Grassland has quite a bit going on.  A lot of the old structures, along with the few areas with trees become the resting place and shelters for birds and animals.  Over a span of two years I made a number of trips to this location trying to capture as much of the local wildlife as I could.

    More info on both libraries can be found by clicking on the Individual links.



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  • Train Sound Effects Train Life 2 Play Track 33 sounds included, 80 mins total $35

    I’ve got a thing for recording Trains and hanging out by Railroad Tracks so I decided why not do another mini Train Library.  Much like with my first Train library, Train Life, Freights were the main focus.  Included are a variety of Exterior Slow, Medium, and Fast Trains, some solo Locomotive Bys, Idling, Squealing, along with Train Horns from different perspectives.   Mic perspectives varied from up Close and Medium, and then some distant with the Horns.  Locations were in the High Desert of California and a couple of Train Stations that get a lot of Freights passing through.


    Sound Devices MixPre-6
    Sony PCM D-100

    Sennheiser MKH 8040 + MKH 30

    (31 of the Files were recorded using an MKH 8040+MKH30 in MS which were then decoded)

    Sony PCM D-100


    Detailed Metadata has been provided so that all of the sounds are easily accessible. Photos have been embedded with each file. UCS compliant, markers have been placed where applicable to make for quick navigation.

  • City Life Sound Effects City Life Los Angeles Play Track 115 sounds included, 143 mins total $60

    City Life: Los Angeles is a collection of Sounds recorded in downtown Los Angeles, Long Beach, and some of the surrounding areas around LA.  The focus was Ambiences, Vehicles, Horns, Sirens, and more of the grittier / vibey sounds that can really add to a Soundscape when working with Backgrounds in Film Projects.  This library consists mostly of Exterior locations and with Vehicles and sounds without People , but there’s some Interior / Exterior Public Places mixed in with Walla and more Movement.

    The idea for this library started a couple years ago.  I thought it’d be cool to take the recording gear and really explore the Downtown LA area.  There’s quite a lot going on from a sound perspective, whether you’re on a busy Street in the Historic Core with Cars and Motorcyles revving away, or hanging out above the City on Bunker Hill, on a Parking Garage Rooftop with the constant City Fill, or roaming the streets of Chinatown.  The idea was to try to capture some of the sounds in spaces that are particular to not only LA, but also a lot of busier Cities.

    25 miles South of LA is Long Beach.  It’s a smaller Big City, but one that has a lot of character sonically.  For those recordings I mostly recorded in a neighborhood on a rooftop just outside of Downtown.  With these you get more of a distant perspective.  A few of the other recordings took place in some of the surrounding Cities.


    Vehicles (These are Singular Individual Sound Files)

    Bus (9 Files) – Close, Bys, Away, Brake Squeaks

    Cars (19 Files) – Close, Medium, Distant, Bys, Revs (Think less generic and more Engines with a lot of character)

    Freight (8 Files) – Close, Rattle Bys, Garbage Trucks

    Motorcycles (10 Files) – Close, Distant, Revs, Bys, Aways

    Truck (6 Files) – Low Bys, Aways

    Sirens (9 Files) – Close Medium, Wailers, some Fast Doppler Bys

    Horns (16 Files) – Close Medium



    Birds (2 Files) – Seagulls, Crows

    Construction (5 Files) – Larger Busy Worksites

    Public Places / Walla (9 Files) – Mostly Interior, Chinese Cafe, Library, Park, Street Vendors

    Traffic / Transportation / Urban (15 Files) – Parking Garage, City Fill, Traffic Bys, Under Bridge, Industrial



    Helicopter (5 Files) – Circling and Bys


    Recording perspectives varied throughout this library.  Sometimes I had a full rig set up and other times I opted for the more stealth route with hidden mics attached to a backpack.


    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-6

    Sony PCM D-100



    Sennheiser MKH 8040 and MKH 30 (Decoded to MS)

    Sennheiser MKH 8040

    Sennheiser MKH 8020

    DPA 4060

    Sony PCM D-100



    All the files have detailed Descriptions, along with UCS.  For some of the files I’ve included the words Downtown and Rooftop along with city locations so with a quick search it’s easy to navigate to the different perspectives and areas.  Photos are included to give a bit of a sense of where they were recorded.

  • Animal Sound Effects California Grassland Wildlife Play Track 95 sounds included, 227 mins total From: $120

    California Grassland Wildlife is a collection of 95 Stereo and 33 Quad Recordings of over 30 different species of birds that can be found in Grassland, Plains, and High Desert Environments.  Also included are a few recordings of Coyotes, Grasshoppers, Insects.  Some other quieter ambiences are included as well.

    Most of the recordings from this library took place in The Carrizo Plain, an open expanse of Grassland that spans 50 miles long and 15 miles wide West of the Mojave Desert in California’s Central Valley.  It’s an arid area far from any towns, and a fairly harsh environment that most years gets very little rain.  A number of dirt roads go on for miles and stretch across the flat plain and hilly landscape, eventually leading up to the Temblor and Caliente Ranges.  Abandoned and weathered dilapidated remnants of old ranches, water tanks, barns, metal sheds, farm machinery, vehicles, and corrals from a bygone era of the west can be discovered if one ventures off the beaten path.

    At first glance, one wouldn’t think there’d be much wildlife out there, but I discovered it’s an area that has quite a bit going on.  A lot of the old structures, along with the few areas with trees become the resting place and shelters for birds and animals.  Over a span of two years I made a number of trips to this location trying to capture as much of the local wildlife as I could.  

    Included are sounds from Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Dusk, and late evening.  Perspectives vary from extremely close to medium and distant.  I’ve split out the sounds by species and more Active, Medium, Specific, in order to give a lot of flexibility when trying to use these sounds for projects.

    Barn Owls chirping overhead, the single rhythmic call of Bell’s Sparrows, the close hooting of Great Horned Owl’s, the constant cooing of Doves, Ravens slowly traveling over an open field, Finches swarming and providing quite the cacophony.  Detailed sounds of wings of birds and grasshoppers.  Coyotes howling in the distance.  It was a lot of fun putting this one all together.

    California Grassland Abandoned is the companion library to this one and is more focused on Ambiences, winds, and sounds from Abandoned Structures.

    Prominent Birds with multiple recordings

    Barn Owl, Bell’s Sparrow, Bullock’s Oriole, Cassin’s Kingbird, Common Nighthawk, Eurasian Collared-Dove, House Finch, Great Horned Owl, Mourning Dove, Raven, Say’s Phoebe, Western Kingbird

    Other Birds Featured

    Ash-throated Flycatcher, Bewick’s Wren, Brewer’s Blackbird, Brown-headed Cowbird, California Quail, California Towhee, European Starling, Hooded Oriole, Horned Lark, House Wren, Least Bittern, Mountain Bluebird, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-winged Blackbird, Rock Wren, Sagebrush Sparrow, Song Sparrow, Spotless Starling, Western Meadowlark.


    All files have been carefully mastered.  Detailed Metadata and labeling of species has been provided so that all of the sounds are easily accessible.  Photos have been embedded with each file to help out with getting an idea of what birds are typical in particular landscapes.  UCS compliant, markers have been placed throughout the files to allow for quicker navigation.

    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-3

    Sound Devices MixPre-6


    Sennheiser MKH 8020

    Sennheiser MKH 8040

    Sennheiser MKH 8040+MKH 30 MS

    Sennheiser MKH 8040 Pair + MKH 30 DMS

    A / B Spacing was used with the MKH 8020’s. ORTF with the MKH 8040, along with a MKH 30 in MS and Double MS.

    MS Recordings have been decoded to Stereo and Double MS have been decoded to Quad Format.

  • Environments & Ambiences California Grassland Abandoned Play Track 111 sounds included, 84 mins total From: $70

    California Grassland Abandoned is a collection of 65 Stereo and 18 Quad Recordings focused on Abandoned old structures, various Int / Ext Winds, Metal Latches, Gates, Wood Creaks, and an assortment of other interesting sounds.

    The recordings from this library took place in The Carrizo Plain, an open expanse of Grassland that is located West of the Mojave Desert in California’s Central Valley. Abandoned and weathered dilapidated remnants of old ranches, water tanks, barns, metal sheds, farm machinery, and corrals from a bygone era of the West can be discovered if one ventures off the beaten path.  

    An old rusted corral gate’s latches, hinges, locks, and ronks.  A 1950 Ford Truck’s wild sound door creaks.  The still quiet of morning ambiences.  A very animated barn door.  A water tank in the middle of no man’s land bending and booming as the elements of nature have their way.  Calm, medium, and higher winds in metal sheds, small houses, barns, tall dry grass, and in some exterior locations out in the Plain.  

    The goal was to try to capture anything I could that had a lot of character along with providing a sense of what a lot these areas sound like.  These recordings aren’t meant to be absolutely desolate so in a few of the wind and ambience tracks there is some light birds, and sometimes a few insects.  

    The companion library to this, California Grassland Wildlife contains a number of different bird species and a couple of other animals and insects native to the environment.

    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-6


    Sennheiser MKH 8020

    Sennheiser MKH 8040

    Sennheiser MKH 8040+MKH 30 MS

    Sennheiser MKH 8040 Pair + MKH 30 DMS

    Barcus Berry Contact Mic

    A / B Spacing was used with the MKH 8020’s. ORTF with the MKH 8040, along with a MKH 30 in MS and Double MS.

    MS Recordings have been decoded to Stereo and Double MS have been decoded to Quad Format.

  • Bird Sound Effects Forest Day Play Track 59+ sounds included, 132 mins total $56

    FOREST DAY is a diverse collection of 59 isolated Forest Ambiences and Wildlife Sounds.

    This library came out of a love for hiking and exploring Mountains and Forests and capturing the wonderful soundscapes of that world. Most of these recordings took place in California, in particular, a number of areas throughout the Angeles Forest. You’ll also come across sounds from high atop the Eastern Sierras, San Jacinto Wilderness, Los Padres Forest, as well as a few other Forests.

    A variety of different bird species are included, at lower elevation settings, higher Mountains, throughout the day, some in isolation, others sometimes alongside wind.

    Also included are isolated Mountain winds in different variations and with vegetation and tree creaks. There’s Cicadas and a few day crickets.

    Detailed metadata and markers have been provided so they’re easily searchable. Photos are embedded in every file to give an idea of what the location was like. Checking out the Metadata Sheet will give on a better idea of everything else that’s in the library.

    Anyone looking for more in depth Forest Sounds that include Rivers, Lakes, along with the Forest at night can pick up FOREST LIFE. That comes with multiple libraries at a bit of a discount along with the bonus mini library FOOTHILLS.

    Bird Species


    Acorn Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak, California Towhee, Canyon Wren, Common Raven, Cooper’s Hawk, House Finch, Hummingbird, Lawrence’s Goldfinch, Lazuli Bunting, Mountain Chickadee, Mountain Quail, Mourning Dove, Northern Flicker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Pygmy Nuthatch, Red Shouldered Hawk, Spotted Towhee, Steller’s Jay, Yellow Warbler, Western Bluebird, Western Wood-Pewee

    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-6 II
    Sony A10
    Sony PCM D100
    Zoom F6

    The Mics

    Sennheiser MKH 8040
    Sennheiser MKH 8020
    Sennheiser MKH 60
    Clippy EM272
    Line Audio CM4
    LOM microUsi Pro

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  • Bird Sound Effects Forest Life Play Track 104+ sounds included, 253 mins total $84

    FOREST LIFE is a diverse collection of 104 isolated Forest Ambiences and Wildlife Sounds. It includes all of the sounds from the FOREST DAY and the FOREST NIGHT Sound Libraries, along with the Rivers and Lakes featured in the OCEANS RIVERS LAKES library. In addition, I’ve included the free mini library FOOTHILLS.

    FOREST LIFE came out of a love for hiking and exploring Mountains and Forests and capturing the wonderful soundscapes of that world. Most of these recordings took place in California, in particular, a number of areas throughout the Angeles Forest. You’ll also come across sounds from high atop the Eastern Sierras, San Jacinto Wilderness, Los Padres Forest, and the Olympic Peninsula in Washington.

    A variety of different bird species are included, at lower elevation settings, higher Mountains, throughout the day and night, some in isolation, others sometimes alongside wind and when at night, insects.

    Also included are isolated Mountain winds in different variations and with vegetation and tree creaks. There’s Cicadas along with different sounding Crickets throughout various times of the night and day.

    In the water collection there’s everything from slow trickle creeks coming out of Abandoned Mines to the fast flow of the Hoh River to gentle lake laps high atop the glaciers of the Inyo Forest.

    The FOOTHILLS bonus library includes 9 files of Winds and Birds, and a few of the wonderful sounds of an Abandoned Ranch.

    Detailed metadata and markers have been provided so they’re easily searchable. Photos are embedded in every file to give an idea of what the location was like. Checking out the Metadata Sheet will give one a better idea of everything else that’s in the library.

    Bird Species


    Acorn Woodpecker, Black-headed Grosbeak, California Towhee, Canyon Wren, Common Raven, Cooper’s Hawk, House Finch, Hummingbird, Lawrence’s Goldfinch, Lazuli Bunting, Mountain Chickadee, Mountain Quail, Mourning Dove, Northern Flicker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Pygmy Nuthatch, Red Shouldered Hawk, Spotted Towhee, Steller’s Jay, Yellow Warbler, Western Bluebird, Western Wood-Pewee


    Common Poorwill, Great Horned Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, Western Screech-Owl.

    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-6 II
    Sony A10
    Sony PCM D100
    Zoom F6

    The Mics

    Sennheiser MKH 8040
    Sennheiser MKH 8020
    Sennheiser MKH 60
    Clippy EM272
    Line Audio CM4
    LOM microUsi Pro

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  • Amphibians & Reptile Sound Effects Forest Night Play Track 27+ sounds included, 81 mins total $25

    When the sun goes down the Forest comes alive. Well, at least a very different version of it. It’s a pretty amazing place, with the various rhythms and wildlife going about their business. FOREST NIGHT is 27 Files and includes the dense sounds of crickets all throughout the night and into dawn. You’ll hear birds making their nests, Owls and Poorwills calling out to one another. The random dogs barking in the distance, the cacophony of Tree Frogs.

    Most of this library came out of a few different over night recordings in the Angeles Forest. I taped a couple of mics to an Oak and Pine Tree and hoped for the best. There’s also a few others from when I was feeling a bit more adventurous and decided to roam around in the dark.

    Detailed metadata and markers have been provided so they’re easily searchable. Checking out the Metadata Sheet will give one a better idea of everything else that’s in the library.

    Anyone looking for more in depth Forest Sounds that include Rivers, Lakes, along with the Forest during the day can pick up FOREST LIFE. That comes with multiple libraries at a bit of a discount along with the bonus mini library FOOTHILLS.


    Night Birds

    Common Poorwill, Great Horned Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, Western Screech-Owl.

    The Gear

    Sound Devices MixPre-6 II

    Sony A10

    Sony PCM D100

    The Mics

    Sennheiser MKH 8040

    Clippy EM272

    Line Audio CM4

    LOM microUsi Pro

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  • Environments & Ambiences Oceans Rivers Lakes Play Track 36 sounds included, 83 mins total $40

    OCEANS RIVERS LAKES is a water themed library in the Rural Soundscapes series featuring 36 Files and 2.8 GB of Isolated Water in its various forms. Delicate water laps, babbling creeks, bubbling rivers, roaring oceans, crashing waves against rocks and sand, and tide pools. Most of these sounds are Ocean and River related and then there’s a few recordings of Lakes.

    I recorded this library over a span of three years while hiking and wandering around Forests, Mountains, and Coastal areas. Locations featured are the Angeles Forest in Southern California, The Inyo Forest in the Eastern Sierras, and the Central Coast of California. There’s also some recordings of various areas of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington, along with a few other places I was fortunate to stumble upon.


    Sound Devices MixPre-6 II
    Sony PCM D-100

    Sennheiser MKH 8040
    Sennheiser MKH 60
    Line Audio CM4

    Detailed Metadata is provided along with photographs and locations for where all of the sounds were recorded.

    NOTE: The Rivers and Lakes Sounds featured in this collection are also included in FOREST LIFE.


  • Train Sound Effects Train Life Play Track 99 sounds included, 212 mins total $100

    TRAIN LIFE is a detailed and in-depth collection of various Exterior Freight, Passenger Trains, and Railroad Ambiences.

    Rumbling Freights roaring through the desert landscape, horns reverberating across the hills, passenger trains zipping by. The metal groan, creak, moan and clack, screech and bang of slow moving rail cars. Idles, Arrivals, Departures, Bys and a variety of Horns from Doppler to Close and Distant Perspectives.

    You’ll also find a few old Electric Trains, a collection of Ambiences from Harbor Ports, Desert, and Railroad Yards, and Semi-Trucks rattling across the tracks.


    Sound Devices Mix-Pre-6 II
    Sony PCM D-100

    Sennheiser MKH 8040
    DPA 4060
    Line Audio CM4
    Rode NTG-3

    For a majority of these recordings, Sennheiser MKH 8040 (ORTF) and DPA 4060 (NARROW A/B) microphones were used. When those weren’t around I went with a Sony PCM D-100 or Line Audio CM4.


    A great deal of time and effort went into the mastering of this library so the files can easily be dropped into any project. Very detailed Metadata has been provided so that all of the sounds are easily accessible. Photos have been embedded with each file to help out. UCS compliant, markers have been placed where applicable to make for quick navigation.


    The Story to Train Life

    The first Trains I recorded were while traveling around Portland, Oregon. I was camping along the Columbia River Gorge not too far from the tracks and throughout the night I would constantly hear the rumble vibrating through the ground and the long Horns echoing and reverberating across the Mountains. A few days later I was hanging out by the Willamette River under the St. Johns Bridge and was fortunate enough to come across a Freight Train going through an hour-long process of idling and connecting cars. Huge slack metallic bangs, slow long drawn out groans and hydraulic bursts reverberated across Industrial buildings. I was hooked.

    Back home in Los Angeles, I set off on the quest to find more trains to record. After spending a number of times sitting idle and patiently waiting for hours only to come up empty, I did a bit more research. A big thanks goes out to a few Train museums and Railfans for providing much invaluable information and pointing me in the right direction. I learned the times of the local Passenger Trains and found out what areas were better for getting more isolated recordings. I discovered the major transportation routes where Freights run from downtown L.A. to the Ports near Long Beach. I drove out into the Mojave desert on multiple trips and took the back roads that lead out to Bakersfield where trains rumble through tunnels and rolling hills.

    As I gathered various sounds, I made a list of what I was missing and tried to find areas where I could catch a Train doing that. It was quite the challenge! Over time I also realized that even when sitting for hours on end waiting around, there was a particular wonderful sound to the surrounding environment, and I figured it was probably worth documenting as well. Eventually it all came together into TRAIN LIFE.

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