Home Sound Effects
Mid 20th Century UK payphone, dialling, coin insertion, button presses, receiver up and down and more.
Click to view the full sound list for this SFX library::
A Button No Coin_01.wav
A button press Ten Pence Piece_01.wav
A button press Ten Pence Piece_03.wav
A button press Two Pence Piece_01.wav
A button press Two Pence Piece_02.wav
B button press Ten Pence Piece_01.wav
B button press Ten Pence Piece_02.wav
B button press Ten Pence Piece_03.wav
B button press Ten Pence Piece_04.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_01.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_02.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_03.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_04.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_05.wav
Coin Insert Ten Pence Piece_06.wav
Coin Insert Two Pence Piece_01.wav
Coin Insert Two Pence Piece_02.wav
Coin Insert Two Pence Piece_03.wav
Coin Remove From Tray_01.wav
Coin Remove From Tray_02.wav
Receiver Down_01.wav
Receiver Down_02.wav
Receiver Slam Down_01.wav
Receiver Slam Down_02.wav
Receiver Tap_01.wav
Receiver Up_01.wav
Receiver Up_02.wav
ANIME MAN VOICE is a pack of screams, efforts, sighs, laughs and more in an exaggerated anime style.
Some sounds are open to interpretation, some efforts can be used for hits. See doc for full list.
There are two folders of sound files. One full quality VO and one with a treatment to sound 8 bit style, good for a vintage arcade fighting type game or similar.
From the start of the preview file to 18 seconds you can hear samples of the full quality VO. From 18 seconds to the end is the 8 Bit style.
Here we have nine different individual manual typewriters various brands and eras, recorded closely at various typing speeds and one simulated office ambience with three typewriters tapping away simultaneously. Great for period piece historical drama or scenes on stage screen or video game.
What’s your type? Well you have plenty to choose from here. Most manual typewriters sound very different to one another and here we have nine different individual manual typewriters various brands and eras, recorded closely at various typing speeds and one simulated office ambience with three typewriters tapping away simultaneously. Great for period piece historical drama or scenes on stage screen or video game.
Carriage returns, carriage bell, individual key strikes, hammer jams, paper feed, paper remove, case open and close.
Records, lots of records. Some vinyl, some shellac some acetate and flexi disc. Sounds of scratching, crackle, needle drops and lifts, records being smashed, crate digging sounds and more. See excel doc for full details.
This pack contains an English female voice actor reading Sat Nav like instructions. The streets and directions are all fairly generic sounding and are created for use in Film, TV Theatre, Video Game etc as background for any scene that requires a Sat Nav voice.
There is also a small selection of UI Alert type beeps.
There are 4 sets of the 75 voice samples
1. Full fidelity untreated
2. Small Speaker effect
3. Tiny Speaker effect
4. Pitched down & slightly robotic
A sample of each can be heard in the preview file.
A collection of intimate Foley sounds of cricket equipment recorded in a studio.
Ball, bat, wicket, stumps, hand and glove.
See list for all sounds included.
The sounds of an electric guitar being bashed about and smashed.
Pete Townshend of The Who claimed that he first smashed a guitar out of anger when he accidentally put the head of his Rickenbacker through a low venue ceiling, damaged the guitar and decided to finish the job.
Well, that opened the floodgates and plenty of guitar players have followed suit.
I took a guitar and an amp and gave them hell, so that when you are making a documentary on the history of Rock music, you can get some Strat smashing feedback howling sounds for it without having to ruin your own precious axe.
There are sounds of the guitar being hit (with varying velocity) and dropped both unamplified, amplified, feedback howls, string twangs and general mangling of the instrument.Please note, there is no audience sound effect in this pack, this is only heard in the sample.
No (decent) guitars were harmed in the making of this pack.
A collection of random soundscapes from Everyday England.
Like an up-to-date version of one of those classic ‘BBC Sound Effects LPs’, ‘Sounds of England Volume One’ showcases just a few of the soundscapes you might hear in everyday England (the one of people going beserk when England win a big soccer game isn’t everyday but is glorious).
Parklife, skateboarders, traffic, police helicopters, a distant pub, fireworks night and much more make up the first volume in this series.
MP3 and WAV included.
Amy, an English woman in her 30s has recorded hundreds of great ’emote’ sounds all ready to drop in to your video game or similar project.
Meet Amy. Yes that really is Amy in the photo, and this is ‘Amy Speaks!’ 487 brilliant ‘Emote’ sounds all delivered with Amy’s fun charming unique voice. Hear her laugh, hear her cry hear her pretend to be a pirate, a cowgirl and hear her…puke!
Well, in this pack Amy has given you plenty to work with for your next production! See a full list of her VO samples in the excel document. Let’s hear it for AMY SPEAKS! :)
(WAV and MP3 files both supplied)
A collection of short UI and voice samples.
Meet Cartoony, Clicky, Squidgy, Talkie and Techy. They are the ‘Funny Buttons’. Each one of the gang has their own set of sounds, UI, voice, click, squelches, computer sounds and more.
169 unique sounds in total and the wav set is duplicated in an MP3 folder too.
Sounds from a town covered in fresh snow
I woke up on Sunday morning here in England and pulled back the curtains to see a town covered in snow. So I got my winter clothes on, grabbed my digital recorder and spent the whole day in the town, recording all the snowy wintry sounds I could find. This pack is the results. The pack consists of some general ambiences, some snowball hits, footsteps, ice in a barrel being chipped, a snowball fight, cars driving and struggling in the snow and much more.
There are WAVS and MP3s supplied.
Police radio and general walkie talkie comms sounds.
This pack contains both ‘police radio’ and general radio communications sounds.
I have recorded the police chatter stereo ‘PR’ files using real walkie talkies rather than affecting with software in post. There are some specific scenarios such as a police chase but mainly these will be best as undefined background or incidental sounds in a video game, film, theatre or other project.
The Police sound files in this pack are all English and reflect the style of classic TV shows like Z Cars, The Sweeney, The Professionals and The Bill.
The Garbled Radio Communications mono ‘GRC’ files are vintage recordings and suitable for any radio communications sounds from CB Radio to Military, other emergency services or even sci-fi.
The music in the preview is merely intended as an audio watermark and is not available in the pack.
I have read through the NATO alphabet three times. One is a flat read one has an upward inflection at the end of each word and one down, good for concatenation.
Have fun, hope they can help bring your project to life!
Wavs and MP3 versions both in the pack.
Short wave radio noises
A trip through the more obscure wastelands of the short-wave airwaves, interference, static, some voices and music creeping through the noise. Good for domestic radio, military, sci-fi and more.
Please audition sounds at a low level for the sake of your ears as there are some harsh frequencies and big, periodic jumps in volume.
Basic rock band instruments being practiced.
“The local rock group down the street is trying hard to learn their song”…So sang The Monkees in 1967. Well, practice is what it takes to make it and this pack is all about practice. You’ll find guitar, bass, drums, electric piano, ukulele, and more in this sound pack, from the sound of someone practicing and tuning their guitar to a little band bashing out a garage jam you will find many useful sounds for depicting rock music rehearsal and instrument practice in your project. See the supplied list for full details on all sounds included. Note: Please audition at a lower volume for your ear’s sake, some feedback, and other loud sounds.
A collection of gardening related sounds. Most of the sounds, such as digging soil, pruning roses, raking leaves, mowing grass and leaf blowing are recorded in a domestic garden. There are also some larger scale public garden sounds such as wood chipping, a sprinkler and chainsaws and there are also some ambiences of a garden centre store.
All recorded in England.
Sounds from a classic red phone box.
The classic red phone box is something that has been part of the landscape, here in Britain, for all of my life and long before. I decided to capture as many sounds from them as I could before they disappear from use. In this pack you will find such sounds as…
The door opening and closing, a tapping on the window (this could often be heard if you took too long on a call and the next person on line was getting impatient), phone rings and dialling (current and vintage), a man talking away in a phone box, the operator answering a call, room tones and more. Most of these sounds will also be ok for anything visuals that portray the less attractive ‘modern’ glass booths that first appeared in the mid 80s.
Old answering machine voice messages.
I have written and created these authentic sounding answerphone messages. There are male and female British accented messages, the content of which is typical for the period that people used answering machines. No mention of cellphones or social media here. Three voice actors, two male, one female are reading from the same script, with a few variations.
Good for use in TV, film, theatre production, video games, animation and more.
The messages are all recorded on a genuine old machine, so they will be lo-fi.
There are also some sounds of answerphone beeps, tape inserting and ejecting and tape cueing.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental
‘Quiet’ and ‘London’. Not two words that go together very often these days. But now…near empty bus and train stations, a market usually bustling with buyers. Commuter-free trains and tubes, empty streets. For a full list of sounds see the attached excel doc.
A quiet English town in the springtime. Public parks, a gentle flowing river, quiet streets, a young skateboarder rolls up and down. Listen to the forest on the edge of town with tweeting birds and breeze through the trees. No cars are in the car park. The groundskeeper mows the lawn by the bowling green and the water sprinkler inches along the lawn and church bells ring out. 22 ambiences, details of which can be seen in the excel document.
Vintage Air Travel – Planes, airports, stewardesses, pilots, announcements and more.
This pack contains some of the sounds associated with vintage air travel. Not a specific decade (some parts will be suitable for a contemporary setting), but think of the film ‘Catch Me If You Can’, 60s 70s 80s. An era when smoking was still allowed on planes, when PAN AM and TWA ruled the skies. I have created these ambiences, voices and sounds to suit that era.
There are two ‘tourist information’ tapes, based on the audio that would have accompanied a slide show for visitors to London and Los Angeles.
There are public address announcements that you might hear in an airport.
There’s stewardess VO as heard in the cabin of a jumbo jet and stewardess greetings as you board. A few pilot announcements, sounds of busy jumbo jets in-flight from a passenger perspective. A ride in a Cessna, with pilot chatter, planes passing overhead and more. For a full list of sounds, view the excel document, and play the preview file for a taster.
Welcome to my ‘TRAIN ANNOUNCEMENTS CONCATENATION KIT’. What does that mean? Well, it means you can use the words, numbers and phrases I have created to make your own station announcements, using whichever DAW you like to use.
With 90 popular UK stations phrases such as ‘We’re sorry to announce that the…’, ‘fast train’ slow train’ ‘is now boarding’ and ‘…has been cancelled’ you can create thousands of combinations of train times and destinations. I’ve made a couple of pre-canned ones for you as a sample and put one station background ambience in there too. All the VO is in a RP (well spoken) English male voice.
Three old style British Radio broadcasts. I have voiced and processed them to sound authentic for the respective eras.
• 1939 wartime news broadcast.
• 1962 weather report on the severe winter of the time.
• A 70s pirate radio style monologue.
Could be good for your radio, TV, film, animation or theatre project.
One hundred ambiences. From English pubs and cafes to Charles Bridge in Prague to a rooftop on Madison Avenue and the pastoral city ambience of Central Park. Great background ambiences for film, TV, games and many other uses.
All the sounds you need for a basic Blackjack game. Voice files are ‘Aces’ – ’21’, ‘Blackjack’ ‘Place Your Bets Please’ and more. Some UI sounds for various interactions and some card deal sounds. See list for full soundset.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.