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Home Sound Effects Wave Arts MR Click 6

Wave Arts MR Click 6


– Noise Reduction Plug-in

MR Click combines click and crackle filtering for cleanup of phonograph recordings or other impulsive contamination. MR Click has separate processors for clicks and crackles because of the different nature of the contaminants. We use the term “click” to mean a large disturbance, such as caused by a phonograph scratch or a splice in a digital signal. The click processor automatically detects clicks and reconstructs the audio signal in the neighborhood of the click to eliminate it. We use the term “crackle” to mean the high frequency scratchiness you get from dust or wear in the grooves of a phonograph. The crackle processor automatically detects crackle and eliminates it by smoothing the signal in the neighborhood of the crackle event. The crackle processor also contains an onset detector that will inhibit de-crackling the onset of events like snare hits or cymbal crashes.
MR Click has a scrolling time display that shows all the click and crackle events detected, so you can easily adjust the detection thresholds. There is also a monitor feature to hear the removed clicks and crackles.

Licensor: : Wave Arts Categories: , .
Specs: Not metatagged
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
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Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

• Separate algorithms optimized for click and crackle processing
• Sophisticated detection algorithms for clicks and crackle focus processing on contaminating events
• Onset detection allows crackle processing to bypass onset events, keeping attacks bright
• Monitoring feature for hearing eliminated clicks and crackle
• Comprehensive stereo display of signal level, clicks, crackle, and onset events
• Latency compensation via compatible hosts
• Up to 192 kHz sampling rate

Operating System: mac OS 64-bit and later
Supported Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AU, AAX, RTAS

Operating System: windows Win 7 and later
Supported Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AAX, RTAS


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Founded in 1998 by MIT Media Lab Ph.D. Bill Gardner, Wave Arts develops professional audio processing software for a variety of markets.

Our principal products are plug-ins for digital audio workstation software. These provide audio processing functionality needed for mixing, mastering, audio restoration, and sound design. Used by recording studios, television and radio stations, and musicians, our plug-ins combine innovative algorithms with thoughtful user interfaces designed for efficient workflow. Our plug-ins sound great, are easy to use, and don’t hog CPU resources. We support our plug-ins with frequent updates to address bugs and compatibility issues, and provide prompt customer support via email.

Wave Arts also develops and licenses technology products. Recently developed technology products include vSpace, a high-definition 3D voice conferencing system; VQE, echo cancellation and voice enhancement for softphones; and AudioFix, a fully automatic system for video soundtrack post production. Legacy products include ART, an automatic surround sound equalization system for AV receivers, MobileSynth, a General-MIDI ringtone generator for cellphones, and WaveSurround, a virtual surround system for playback of 5.1 and 7.1 content over stereo headphones or speakers.
