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Home Sound Effects Practical Doors

Practical Doors


Practical Doors contains a range of interior and exterior door sound effects with common uses: open, close, creak, slam, keys, locks, latches, knocks and many more! They fit right into your tracklay, recorded at different perspectives to capture their natural reverb. Our award-winning Sound Designers recorded all sorts of doors in a variety of locations, some of which include: residential, office buildings, apartments, Victorian buildings, prisons and industrial units.

This library is your one stop solution to sound editing for doors. All effects were recorded in 24Bit 96kHz, allowing for further sonic manipulation.

If you need door effects with a natural, unprocessed tone, this library is for you! Practical Doors is ideal for use in Film, TV and Game projects, and will make a perfect addition to your sound design arsenal.

Here are the included folders:

Open, Close, Creak: Warm and full sounding doors, captured at different perspectives, gleaming with character.

Locks, Latches, Keys, Bolts and More!: A huge variety of ornaments to your door sounds, different keys, alarms and locks to fit different doors.

Door Knocks: Foley sounds of different knocks, rhythmic, aggressive, anxious and more.

Designed: Our team of Audio Craftsmen built castle drawbridges, bunker doors, battering rams and more from the original recordings.

Licensor: : 344 Audio Categories: , , .
Type: Door sound effects / recordings
Specs: 583+ sounds • 583 files • 24 Bit / 96 kHz • 675 MB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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For The Curious And The Extraordinary™


We have been crafting custom sound effects for almost 10 years. Now we would like to share them with the world.
