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Home Sound Effects Nissan Silvia Skyline

Nissan Silvia Skyline


Nissan Silvia with a R33 engine from Nissan Skyline. Japanese classics blend.

A comprehensive vehicle recording library with onboards and external pass-by setups. The library also contains a VR-compliant recording with a Sennheiser AMBEO interior mic setup.

The exhaust of the car was rigged with a 3 mic setup, as well as 3-5 (I had too many..) mics in the engine bay including Sennheiser MKH 8020. The Interior has a stereo mic setup in the form of a rather rare but amazingly sounding Sanken CMS9.

External takes include: takeoffs, startups, revving, a variety of passbys recorded with 4-channel stereo setups, and also car arrivals and even reverse (why not).

We did regular driving, exaggerated driving, accelerations, steady driving, burnouts, donuts, and drifting. All takes are described in detail in the metadata document attached below. The metadata is compliant with UCS.

Passby and onboards have mixes for each take for your convenience. Enjoy.

Licensor: : Pursuit Sound Categories: , .
Specs: 293 sounds • 24 Bit / 96 kHz • 4.9 GB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
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Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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Hi, I’m Andrei Leskovski, UK based sound recordist primarily working in the automotive sector occasionally venturing into the sound effects world.
