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Home Sound Effects

Watson Wu

  • Car Sound Effects Nissan Rogue SUV Play Track 161 sounds included, 66 mins total $79

    The following is a 2021 Nissan Rogue Sport SUV single license sound effects library (with

    Specification: 2021, 4 Cylinder, 2.0 Liter, 141 HP, Front Wheel Drive, Automatic SUV

    The Onboard recordings are in 2 channels (Engine and Exhaust). Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recording is in stereo from a fixed position.

    Definitions & FAQs:
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives (in or on the vehicle)
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.
    If you need specific shots for your film, TV, and video game projects, Watson is available for hire to record all types of vehicles.

  • The following is a Large Airboat single license sound effects library (with Metadata).

    Specification: 1970 18 feet Airboat with a 1947 AVCO Lycoming brand v6 aircraft motor
    (8.8 liters, 350 horse power)

    Number of Wave Files: 70
    Runtime: 3 hours and 4 minutes
    Format: 32 bit, 96 kHz wave files
    Library size: 19.2 GB (uncompresed), 10.9 GB (compressed .rar file)

    The Onboard recordings are in 3 and 4 separate channels (Helm, Motor, Exhaust, and Prop -> propelle)r. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recording is in MS stereo (Mid-Side).

    Definitions & FAQs:
    This library can also be used if you need prop plane sounds (because of the aircraft engine).
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives (in or on the vehicle)
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.

    If you need specific shots for your film, TV, and video game projects, Watson is available for hire to record all types of vehicles.

    Special thanks to Captain Mike Reark!

  • The following is a 2020 Lexus LC500 sports car sound effects library (with Metadata).
    Vehicle Type: Sports Car
    Brand: Lexus
    Model: LC500
    Year: 2020
    Specification: 471 Horse Power, v8, 5.0 Liter, 10 speed gasoline car

    There are 37 minutes worth (4.37 GB), 63 ready to use wave files, in 32 Bit, 96 kHz and
    additional takes in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. Files are divided into External Following, Foley, and Onboard
    sounds. For Mac users we recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar. The
    Onboard recordings are in 4 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files
    into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mixed
    versions of the OnBoard recordings.

    Onboard Settings:
    Chan 1 = Engine Left, Chan 2 = Engine Right, Chan 3 = Exhaust Left, Chan 4 = Exhaust Right
    External Settings:
    Following (Stereo in Left & Right Channels, tracking the car)

    Definitions & FAQs:
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.
    If you need specific shots for your film, TV, and video game projects, Watson is available for hire
    to record all types of vehicles.

  • The following is a 2018 Nissan 370Z sports car sound effects library (with Metadata).
    Vehicle Type: Sports Car
    Brand: Nissan
    Model: 370z
    Year: 2018

    Specification: Modified with an aftermarket HKS brand exhaust, 332 Horse Power, 3.7 Liter, v6,
    6 speed manual, rear wheel drive, gasoline car

    There are 68 minutes worth (23.7 GB), 170 ready to use wave files, in 32 Bit, 96 kHz. Files are
    divided into External Following, External Static, Foley, and Onboard sounds. For Mac users we
    recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar. Ambisonic mic was placed in
    Cab of the car. There are various rendered versions from the ambisonic recording (Ambisonic B
    Format, 5.1 surround, 7.1 surround, and Stereo).

    Onboard Settings:
    Ch 1-4 = Cab in Ambisonic Format B, Ch 5 = Engine, Ch6 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Following (Stereo shotgun mic, tracking the moving vehicle)
    Static (Stereo mic on a fixed stand for panning)

    Definitions & FAQs:
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.
    If you need specific shots for your film, TV, and video game projects, Watson is available for hire
    to record all types of vehicles.

  • The following is a 2021 Toyota Camry car sound effects library (with Metadata).

    Vehicle Type: Sedan Car
    Brand: Toyota
    Model: Camry SE
    Year: 2021
    Specification: 203 Horse Power, Inline 4, 2.5 Liter, Front Wheel Drive, 8 speed gasoline car

    There are 67 minutes worth (7.48 GB), 170 ready to use wave files, all in 32 Bit, 96 kHz. Files
    are divided into External static, Foley, and Onboard sounds. For Mac users we recommend
    UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar. The Onboard recordings are in 4 separate
    mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then
    align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings.
    The External recordings are in stereo from a static (fixed) position.

    Onboard Settings:
    Chan 1 = Engine, Chan 2 = Cab Left, Chan 3 = Cab Right, Chan 4 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Static (Stereo in Left & Right Channels from a fixed position)

    Definitions & FAQs:
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.

    If you need specific shots for your film, TV, and video game projects, Watson is available for hire
    to record all types of vehicles.

  • The following is a 2007 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe motorcycle sound effects library (with Metadata).

    Vehicle Type: Motorcycle
    Brand: Harley Davidson
    Model: Softail Deluxe
    Year: 2007
    Country origin: USA
    Specification: 1584cc, 2 cylinder, 4 stroke, V-Twin, manual 6 speed, fuel injection system.

    There are 46 minutes (2.52 gb), 84 ready to use wave files, all captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. Files are divided into External following, External static, Foley, and Onboard sounds. Download is a 1.2gb compressed .rar file. For Mac users we recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar.

    The Onboard recordings are in 2 separate mono wave files, channel 1 for engine and channel 2 for exhausts. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo, one for following (tracking) and the other at a static (fixed) position.

    Special thanks to Richard for his time and effort!

    Check out the other Harley library (1999 Harley Fatboy). The Carburetor version sounds quite different from this modern Fuel Injected Softail Deluxe.

  • This is a 2004 Triumph Daytona 955i motorcycle single license sound effects library (with Metadata).

    Specification: 955cc, 3 cylinder, 4 stroke, liquid cooled, manual 6 speed sports bike and modified with a Two Brothers Racing brand aftermarket exhaust.

    Number of Wave Files: 108
    Runtime: 64 combined minutes
    Library size: 5.3 GB (uncompresed)
    Format: 32 bit, 96 kHz

    Onboards were 3 separate mics (2 for Engine, 1 for Exhaust)
    Externals were from 2 separate MS (Mid-Side) stereo mics (1 for Follwing and 1 Static, fixed on a stand)

    Special thanks to Paul for his generous time and effort!

  • This is a 192 kHz, 32 Bit, Watson Wu Ultrasonic Gun Foley single license library (with Metadata). 4 separate high quality microphones were used to capture 12 weapons including drop sounds of bullet casings. The high amount of variations will add flavors to your film, tv, and video game projects. files can be naturally used or be pitched and mangled by sound designers. Enjoy!

    Bundle ($30 off for combined library)

    Number of wave files: 2,248 (mono files)
    Size of library: 4GB (uncompressed)
    Microphones: Sanken CO-100K, Earthworks M30, Sennheiser 8040, Rode NTG5 (not ultrasonic)
    List of weapons:
    Desert Eagle 50
    Ruger BearCat revolver
    Ruger SingleSix revolver
    Sig Sauer p226
    M4 (M16 & AR-15 sounds like an M4 rifle)
    Remington 700 sniper
    Remington 870 shotgun
    Winchester 9422M lever action

    Handguns Only Library

    Number of wave files: 1,080 (mono files)
    Size of library: 1.8GB (uncompressed)
    Microphones: Sanken CO-100K, Earthworks M30, Sennheiser 8040, Rode NTG5 (not ultrasonic)
    List of handguns:
    Desert Eagle 50
    Ruger BearCat revolver
    Ruger SingleSix revolver
    Sig Sauer p226

    Rifles Only Library

    Number of wave files: 1,368 (mono files)
    Size of library: 2.2GB (uncompressed)
    Microphones: Sanken CO-100K, Earthworks M30, Sennheiser 8040, Rode NTG5 (not ultrasonic)
    List of weapons:
    M4 (M16 & AR-15 sounds like an M4 rifle)
    Remington 700 sniper
    Remington 870 shotgun
    Winchester 9422M lever action

    15 %
    15 %
  • The following is a 2016 Bell 407 GX Helicopter single license
    sound effects library with Metadata (1.8gb compressed .zip file, 2.5gb Uncompressed).

    All 17 wave files at about 85 minutes long are in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. The Onboard recordings are in 4 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also ready to use stereo mix versions of the Onboard recordings. External recordings are in mono, stereo, and Ambisonic Format B wave files.

    Onboard Settings:

    Channel 1 Front Left
    Channel 2 Front Right
    Channel 3 Rear Left
    Channel 4 Rear Right

    Notes: If you need specific shots of this helicopter, Watson is available for hire to re-record this or similar sounding aircrafts.

    Special thanks to James, his crew, and to Chad Dion (photographer)!

    External = Sounds recorded from outside of the aircraft (flybys, etc)
    OnBoard = Recording perspectives on and in the aircraft

  • There is simple two step process to download this library.

    The following is a 17 foot Medium engine boat single license sound effects library with Metadata (6.4 GB compressed .zip file, 8.5 gb Uncompressed wave files).

    This boat has a 2004 Mercury 90 horse power, in line 3, 2 stroke motor. All 53 wave files were captured in 32 Bit, 96 kHz. External sounds are in stereo. Onboard sounds are in 4 separate mono wave files. drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The combined recorded time is 74 minutes long.

    Onboard Settings:

    Channel 1 – Helm Port Side
    Channel 2 – Helm Starboard Side
    Channel 3 – Stern Port Side (next to motor)
    Channel 4 – Stern Starboard Side (Next to Motor)

    Notes: If you need specific shots of this boat, Watson is available for hire to re- record this or similar sounding watercraft.


    OnBoard = Recording perspectives on and in the watercraft

    External = Recording perspective from bystander view

    Helm = where the captain operatives the watercraft
    Bow = front of the watercraft (more cutting through water and bounce sounds) stern = back of the watercraft (mixed of motor & water churning sounds)
    Port side = left side of the watercraft
    Starboard side = right side of the watercraft

    Special thanks to Captain Nelson Italiano!!

  • There are no Onboard sounds in this sound effects library. Download is compressed .zip file.
    For Mac users we recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar.

    This is an external only sound effects library of an Astar AS50 Helicopter performing a Startup, Idle, Lift, Fly Away, and Flybys (with metadata). The 7 ready to use wave files are in 24 bit, 96khz, stereo wave files with runtime of 10 minutes.

  • The following is a Maule M7 Seaplane with Metadata single license Ambisonic sound effects library (6.59gb compressed .rar or .zip file, 6.9gb Uncompressed).

    All 8 wave files at about 20 minutes long are in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. The Onboard sounds were recorded from an Ambisonic A-Format mic (converted to B-Format). There are also ready to use stereo mixed, 5.1, and 7.1 files.

    There are only Onboard sounds from this library (no external sounds were recorded).

    Thank you for your purchase of this sound effects library.
    For Mac users we recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar.

    Onboard Settings:
    Ambisonic Mic was positioned in middle of aircraft (behind pilot and passenger)

    If you need specific shots of this aircraft, Watson is available for hire to re-record this or similar sounding planes.

    OnBoard = Recording perspectives on and in the aircraft

  • The following is a 1926 Ford Tri-Motor antique aircraft sound effects library.
    with Metadata single license library (2.2gb compressed .rar or .zip file, 2.4gb Uncompressed).

    All 14 wave files at about 39 minutes long are in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. The Onboard recordings are in 2 separate mono wave files (left and right stereo). drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also ready to use stereo mix versions of the Onboard recordings. External recordings are in stereo wave files.

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 Left side (port side),
    Channel 2 Right side (starboard side)

    External Settings:
    Stereo in Left and Right Channels

    Notes: If you need specific shots of this aircraft, Watson is available for hire to re-record this or similar sounding planes.

    External = Sounds recorded from outside of the aircraft (passbys, etc)
    OnBoard = Recording perspectives on and in the aircraft

  • The following is a 2.5 Ton diesel powered 2010 Military Truck LMTV (Light Medium Tactical Vehicle)
    single license library (3.6gb compressed .rar file, 5.4gb Uncompressed) with Metadata.

    For Mac users we recommend UnRarX. For Windows users we recommend WinRar.

    All 194 wave files are in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. The Onboard multi-track recordings are in 6 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also ready to use stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. the External sounds are in stereo wave files. The combined driving time is more than 94 minutes long.

    Onboard Settings: Ch1 – Engine 1, Ch2 – Exhaust, Ch3 – Cab Left, Ch4 – Cab Right, Ch5 – CargoArea Left, and Ch6 – CargoArea Right

    External Settings: Stereo in Left and Right Channels

    Notes: If you need specific shots of this truck, Watson is available for hire to re-record this or similar sounding vehicles. Other types of vehicles are also available upon request.

    External = Sounds recorded from outside of the vehicle (passbys, etc)
    OnBoard = Recording perspectives on and in the vehicle
    Cab = Cabin, where the driver and in cab passengers sit
    Cargo Area = this is the opened area behind the cabin where troops sit and where cargo is stored.
    Ramp = is when vehicle is using a single gear (typically 1st gear) and smoothly driven from idle up the RPM redline, then engine brake back to idle. Ramps are often used in video game software.

  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences Dark Woods Play Track 68+ sounds included, 288 mins total $49

    The Dark Woods Ambience sound effects library contains sounds of natural night ambiences, all recorded in the woods in Southwest Florida, USA (under trees, woods, etc). All 68 ready to use and loop-able stereo wave files were captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz stereo (each in 3 or 5 minutes long). There are sounds of birds, a Coyote, frogs, insects, wild pigs, waves/water splashes from fish/wind, thunders, etc (check out the file names). See if you can identify what the two creatures are that approached my microphone. One of the creatures dragged the microphone fur a few feet away!

  • This library delivers the sounds of a 1999 Honda CBR Super Blackbird motorcycle(with Metadata).

    All 103 ready-to-use wave files were captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. Files are divided into External static sounds, External following sounds, Foley sounds, and Onboard sounds. The combined recorded driving time is more than 62 minutes long. The Onboard recordings are in 2 separate mono wave files, channel one for engine and channel two for exhausts. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo, one MS (Mid-Side) for following (tracking) and the other MS at a fixed (static) position.

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Following (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels tracking the moving vehicle)Static (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels from a fixed position)

    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives (in or on the vehicle)
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.

  • Get the sounds of a 2003 Suzuki GSXR 750 sports motorcycle. The 105 files included are divided into External static sounds, External following sounds, Foley sounds, and Onboard sounds.

    The combined recorded driving time is more than 40 minutes long.

    The Onboard recordings are in 2 separate mono wave files, channel one for engine and channel two for exhaust. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo, one MS (Mid-Side) for following (tracking) and the other MS at a fixed (static) position.

    Specs and settings

    Vehicle Type: Motorcycle
    Brand: Suzuki
    Model: GSXR 750
    Year: 2003

    Specification: modified with Level One Racing aftermarket exhaust, 750cc, in-line 4 cylinder 4
    stroke, liquid cooled, manual 6 speed, fuel injection double over cam/twin cam.

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Following (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels tracking the moving vehicle)Static (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels from a fixed position)

    Definitions & FAQs:
    Onboard: Sounds heard from driver and passenger perspectives (in or on the vehicle)
    External: Sounds heard from bystander’s point of view.

    This Suzuki motorcycle was modified with a Level One Racing aftermarket exhaust.

  • Get the sounds of a 1999 Harley Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle sound effects library (with Metadata).

    All 131 ready to use wave files were captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz. Files are divided into External static sounds, External following sounds, Foley sounds, and Onboard sounds. The combined recorded driving time is more than 42 minutes long.

    The Onboard recordings are in 2 separate mono wave files, channel one for engine and channel two for exhausts. drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings.

    The External recordings are in stereo, one MS (Mid-Side) for following (tracking) and the other MS at a fixed (static) position.

    Vehicle specs:

    Vehicle Type: Motorcycle
    Brand: Harley Davidson
    Model: Fat Boy
    Year: 1999
    Country origin: USA
    Specification: modified with straight pipes (without mufflers), 1450cc, 2 cylinder, 4 stroke, V-Twin, air cooled, manual 5 speed, carburetor fuel system (modified with larger jets), 63 horse power.

    Recording details:

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Following (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels tracking the moving vehicle)Static (MS Stereo in Left & Right Channels from a fixed position)

  • Vehicle Sound Effects Ford F-150 Truck Play Track 85+ sounds included, 52 mins total $99

    Get the sounds of a Ford F-150 2013 truck, captured by Watson Wu. Metadata is included with over 52 minutes of combined recording time split into 85 ready to use wave files. There are onboard, external, and foley sounds, all in high quality 24 bit resolution, 96khz sample rate. This is the right library when you need truck sounds for your film, TV, or game projects. Note that are no interior cab recordings in this package.

    Onboard multi-track recordings are in 4 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo wave files. The download is a 1.5gb compressed .rar file (3.45gb Uncompressed).

    Text here:

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Near Air Intake, Channel 3 = Exhaust 1, Channel 4 = Exhaust 2

    External Settings:
    Stereo in Left and Right Channels

  • Vehicle Sound Effects Armored Military Humvee Play Track 74+ sounds included, 26 mins total $159

    Get the sounds of an Armored Military Humvee. Metadata is included with over 26 minutes of combined recording time split into 74 ready to use wave files. There are onboard, external, and foley sounds, all in high quality 24 bit resolution, 96khz sample rate. This is the right library when you need modern military humvee sounds for your film, TV, or game projects. Note that are no Ramp recordings in this package.

    Onboard multi-track recordings are in 4 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo wave files. The download is a 1.5gb compressed .rar file (2.25gb Uncompressed).

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Cab, Channel 3 = Exhaust 1, Channel 4 = Exhaust 2

    External Settings:
    Stereo in Left and Right Channels

  • Environments & Ambiences Hong Kong Ambiences Play Track 18+ sounds included, 75 mins total $49

    Welcome to the Hong Kong Ambience sound effects library (1 hour and 15 minutes long, 1.6gb compressed .rar file, 2.4gb Uncompressed). This package contains sounds of what the Cantonese people hear during their daily commutes and can be used for common Asian scenes, China Town scenes, etc. All 18 ready to use and loop-able stereo wave files were captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz (each in 3, 4, or 5 minutes long), and include metadata.

  • Car Sound Effects Subaru Crosstrek SUV Play Track 90+ sounds included, 35 mins total $69

    This sound effects library delivers the sounds of a 2017 Subaru Crosstrek SUV. Metadata is included, with over 35 minutes of recording time split into 90 ready to use wave files. There are onboard, external, and foley sounds, all in high quality 24 bit resolution, 96khz sample rate. This is the right library when you need stock sounds of a common Subaru vehicle.

    Onboard multi-track recordings are in 4 separate mono wave files. Drag & drop or import each of the files into your audio editing software, then align them for creative mixing. There are also stereo mix versions of the OnBoard recordings. The External recordings are in stereo wave files. The combined recorded driving time is more than 35 minutes long.

    Onboard Settings:
    Channel 1 = Engine, Channel 2 = Airintake, Channel 3 = Cab, Channel 4 = Exhaust

    External Settings:
    Stereo in Left and Right Channels

  • Firearms Sound Effects Battle Rifles and Pistols Play Track 133 sounds included, 80 mins total $129

    Battle Rifles and Pistols is an extensive library collection of modern firearms, recorded and designed by Watson Wu (Assassin’s Creed, Breach & Clear, Operation Flashpoint) and Nick Dixon (Call Of Duty, Homefront: The Revolution, Need for Speed).

    The collection has been mixed and designed from 10, 12 and 16 channel recording sessions. Each weapon features a full suite of ballistics, foley, casings on four surfaces and multiple firing modes where appropriate. The library includes close and distant range ballistics alongside a small selection of impulse responses for acoustic processing.

    Battle Rifles and Pistols includes:

    Firearms included:
    • AK47
    • FN SCAR
    • SKS
    • XM8
    • Micro Uzi
    • MP7A1
    • 44 Magnum
    • Baretta M9
    • Desert Eagle
    • Glock 18
    • TT-33
    • Benelli Supernova
    Casings Included:
    • 9mm
    • 45 ACP
    • 50 BMG
    • 223
    • 303

    Impulse Responses Included:
    • 5 Floor Apartment Stairwell
    • Underground Car Park

  • The Yamaha YZ250 Dirt Bike SFX library from Watson Wu delivers the sounds of this 2004 motorcycle with a 250cc 2 stroke engine. Files are divided into external static sounds, external following sounds, foley sounds, and onboard sounds. Captured Onboard – from the driver's point of view. External recordings: External Static is from a fixed stereo microphone. External Following is from an MS Stereo Shotgun mic following the traveling dirt bike.

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