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Home Sound Effects

Unity Gain Sound

  • Recorded in many different locations in at least 4 states over 36 years, I present you a very large (11.97GB) and thorough collection of winds.  It is my aim that this be “one-stop-shopping” for you as there is so much and so varied.

  • Here is the thunder I recorded in 1988, to DAT with an ORTF pair of Schoeps MK-4s, which includes a strike from ~12′ away!  Hair standing up on end and everything.  You may know some of this material as what I released through “The Hollywood Edge Signature Series” back in 1993.  Well, a lot has changed.  More than half the material was then unusable back then due to rain ‘ruining’ the recordings.  Not so with Izotope RX 7 Advanced.  Rain?  What rain?  Not a drop survived.  Not.  A.  Drop.

    Painstakingly remastered to 96kHz 32-bit floating-point (no shortcuts padding it with useless zeros: That would be cheap and lazy).  Embrace it; it’s our near-future and everything I publish from here on out will be as such.

    ​   Hundreds and hundreds of mic capsule failures were repaired along with plenty of distortion – without removing any time; so if you line up the old with the now new, they won’t hold sync for long.  Back then all I could do was cut out time.  No more.  Come hear the utter clarity and crispness of this thunder as it should be.  To differentiate and make it quick and easy for people to cut, I’ve called the very close strikes “Lightning” and the not-as-close strikes “Thunder”.  Already prepped in/for Soundminer ready to go, and a spreadsheet document for those using other systems.

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