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Home Sound Effects

The Amazonic

The Amazonic is the first audio company in the world focused in creating premium virtual ethnic instruments played by native people and connected to social causes.

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The Amazonic began when Antonio Teoli—an award-winning game composer and sound designer—lived in the Amazon for 4 years and fell in love with the culture and musicality.

In his pursuit for new sounds, Antonio found a vast number of unknown instruments in the Amazon jungle created by native people. Once discovered, he saw the opportunity to make those sounds, played by the indigenous, available to the world.

After 6 months of researching with the help of his new team, they recorded the first ever sample library recorded in the Amazon forest, AMA I, containing more than 100 native instruments that were carefully recorded, edited and mixed.

The unique tool they’ve created offers composers, producers and sound designers the opportunity to access and utilize these sounds and incorporate them into their own projects.

In addition, a portion of every purchase is given to the native people and animals of the Amazon to elevate their quality of life. A personalized video is created for each contribution, showing who specifically was helped by your purchase.

At the core of our essence, lies three main causes: to create inspiring tools for game and film composers, to inspire future generations to connect with their native roots and to support the Amazon forest and its people!

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  • Bundles Low Percussion Bundle Play Track 440 sounds included From: $5

    Amazonic Low Percussion Bundle

    Included Instruments:

    Amassador Macaco, Caixa de Marabaixo 1 Aguda, Caixa de Marabaixo 2 Grave, Cajon Cuia, Gamba de Maues Grave, Gamba Grande, Gamba Medio, Gambazinho, Surdo, Tambor de Alfaia, Tambor de Marabaixo, Tumbadoura

  • Amazonic Woodwind Bundle

    Text here:

    Flauta com Cariço, Flauta Cotia, Flauta de Jupati, Flauta Dupla, Flauta Indígena, Mawaco Femea, Mawaco Infantil, Mawaco Macho, Mawaco Tariano, Yapurutu, Yapurutu Pachiuba

  • Amazonic Shaker Bundle

    Included Instruments:

    Caracaxa, Casa de Caba, Cheque Triplo, Chocalho de Aroré, Chocalho de Coco, Chocalho de Nhambé, Chocalho de Saterê, Chocalho de Tucumã, Favamaraca, Nhambé Inajá, Nhambé Seringa, Peito de Moça, Re Cuia, Rocar, Tauari

  • Bundles Textures Bundle Play Track 777 sounds included From: $5

    Amazonic Texture Bundle

    Included Instruments:

    Apito Embolo, Apito de Grilo, Apito de Mari, Bacururu Maior, Bacururu Menor, Balanco da Rede, Buzina Bambu, Buzina Motor, Buzina Tariano, Cancao, Canto da Guariba, Chocalho de Jatoba, Chocalho de Rodelas, Chua Chua, Cipo Dagua, Gaviao Real, Ocarina, Ocarina Passaros, Papagaio de Moleira, Pau de Chuva, Remo, Sapo Cururu, Sapos, Tambor de Mola, Tambor Sideral, Trototo, Trovao, Trovao de Mola, Uru, Vassourao

  • Amazonic High Percussion Bundle

    Included Instruments:

    Cuia Boco, Glock de Castanha, Jon Cuia, Macacaracuia, Palminhas, Tambor de Barriga, Tamborinho

  • Amazonic Mid Percussion Bundle

    Included Instruments:

    Bongo de Cuia, Caixinha, Repique, Taboquinha, Tambor D’Agua, Tambor de Cassa, Tambor de Cuia Maior, Tambor de Cuia Menor, Tambor de Porto Velho, Tambor de Tubo, Tambor de Tucuma, Tambor de Vara, Trocano 1, Trocano 2

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