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  • Creature Sound Effects The Undead 2 Play Track 618 sounds included, 106 mins total $60

    A hell spawned collection of powerful zombie vocals; Guttural grunts, growls, bites, snarls, roars and screeches to cover nearly every zombie vocal need!

    It’s been four long years since ShotgunMike’s The Undead was unleashed upon the unsuspecting sound community, leaving a trail of bloody sound designers in it’s wake. Well now they’re back in The Undead 2 and they’re bigger, angrier and hungrier than ever!

    Based upon ShotgunMike’s extensive experience in game and cinematic sound design, The Undead 2 is a much larger collection of less defined but more varied powerful zombie vocals. Guttural grunts, growls, bites, snarls, roars and screeches to cover nearly every zombie vocal need. Things have been kept simple, rather than individual assets what you’ll find in this library is larger files defined by their intensity, vocal type and length, which will make editing and creating variations much easier. It also includes zombie hoard soundscapes in varying locations, including urban, interiors and tunnels. 

    So why less defined assets? Over the last four years since the release of the first The Undead library, ShotgunMike has worked on a lot of in game audio and cinematics, and it’s predominantly not pre-defined or over designed material he’s reached for when crafting the sounds of creatures (or anything else for that matter), it’s often texture, tonality, movement and intensity. To that end, making more varied content for The Undead 2 without putting too many labels on them will give sound designers and editors more choice and flexibility when designing their own creature vocals. With over 600 assets, including zombie hoard soundscapes, this library is full of the kind of material that will add power and aggression to zombies, trolls, ogres, orcs, vampires and any other hell spawned creature you can think of!

  • Small Motors – Volume 1 is a collection of pristine close mic recordings of electric and battery powered motors and mechanisms. It’s the perfect source material for creating robot movement, sci-fi doors, alarms, futuristic devices, flying vehicles, alien technology and so much more.

    Recorded and edited in 96K 24 bit with a stereo pair of DPA 4060s, this library contains over 30 different objects, including beard trimmers, blenders, drills, electric toothbrushes, epilators, hair clippers, juicers, toys, vacuum cleaners, sanders and many more.

    It includes a variety of starts and stops, short and long takes and plenty of objects to choose from, selecting the perfect source material for your designs will be easy with this library.

  • These are no ordinary zombies, they’re not your mindless, shuffling, flesh craving human husks. An evil runs through what remains of these creatures’ bodies. Flesh has all but decayed from their bones and whatever humanity they had in life has long since departed.

    This library is dedicated to the chilling vocal sounds of the zombie. It is ideal for films and games, TV or trailers and includes 102 bespokely designed zombie vocal assets, including breaths, idle grunts and groans, attacks, pains, death, war cries and more.

    Whilst this library caters primarily for the more aggressive variant of the undead, it wouldn’t sound out of place when used on other terrifying abominations.

    All assets are delivered in 96kHz, 24-bit stereo files and include full Soundminer metadata.

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