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Home Sound Effects

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  • Recording of an Italian Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 with a 610 horsepower 5.2 L V10 engine.

    The Lamborghini Huracan LP610-4 sound library includes 17 takes from an exotic Italian sports car. The collection gathers the sound of its 610 horsepower 5.2 L V10 engine with 7-speed dual-clutch transmission with 340 sound fx in 21.98 gigabytes.

    The bundle includes a total of 32 channels of synchronized audio. The 12 onboard perspectives (13 channels) feature microphones mounted at the exhaust, in the interior, and in the engine. They capture driving at slow, medium, and fast speeds with steady RPMs, gearshifts, and ramps. The 9 exterior perspectives (19 channels) showcase departures, approaches, passing by, starting, and turning off while driving on straightaways and around corners.

    Also included is an Altiverb impulse response, embedded metadata in every clip, custom stereo mixes of the onboard perspectives, and Reaper and Pro Tools sessions with each take aligned for easy mixing and editing.

  • Car Sound Effects Mini Cooper S Play Track 8+ sounds included, 14 mins total $119

    Get the authentic sound of a Mini Cooper S with a turbocharged 1.6 litres inline 4 engine.

    The recording consists of eight channels, interior left and right, exhaust left and right, three engine and one turbo air intake channel.

    It contains start, stop, idle, revving, constant rpms without gear, driving, horn and a full surround driveby. The recording length is 13 min 58 s.

  • Featured Sound Creators Aston Martin DB9 Play Track 8+ sounds included, 12 mins total $119

    Get the sounds of an Aston Martin DB9 with a 5.9 litres V12 engine and 456 hps. The recording consists of eight channels, interior left and right, exhausts left and right and four engine channels.

    It contains start, stop, idle, blipping, revving on constant rpms without gear, accelerations, decelerations and driving. Full surround drive away and drive by added in the end. The recording length is 11 min 59 s.

  • Recording of a 2014 American Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck with a V8 Hemi engine with a custom 4” straight exhaust.

    The 2014 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck sound bundle features 192 sounds in 17.63 gigabytes of audio. It collects field recordings of a American V8 Hemi engine with a custom 4” straight exhaust.

    A total of 11 synchronized takes share both exterior and onboard field recordings of driving. 10 onboard perspectives in the interior, at the engine, and at the exhaust share driving with ramps, steady RPMs, and gearshifts. The 9 exterior perspectives showcase driving from slow to fast speeds while departing, passing by, and arriving.

    The sound library includes Pro Tools and Reaper mixing sessions, 18 fields of Soundminer metadata, plus BWAV metadata and MacOS Finder comments, 3 stereo mixes of the onboard perspectives, and metadata keyword import files in 7 languages.

  • The Gut-Wrenching Gore Library gathers 712 clips in 26.96 gigabytes. Recorded from 6 synchronized perspectives in 192 kHz, it shares horror sound design elements in two themes: male and female vocalizations and fruit destruction.

    The vocalization showcase screams, choking, gurgling, gobbling, teeth and biting, and breathing, each with a variety of takes and performances. Body blows, stabs, hits, and gore were provided by tearing, breaking, and squeezing fruit, vegetables, and other food such as watermelons, leeks, porridge, yogurt, tomatoes and others.

    The package includes Pro Tools and Reaper mixing sessions, and embedded metadata in every clip.

  • Car Sound Effects Nissan GT-R Play Track 8 sounds included, 22 mins total $179

    Recordings of a heavily modded Nissan GT-R with a turbocharged 3.8 litres V6 and 500 hp. The recording consists of eight channels, interior left and right, exhaust left and right, three engine and one turbo.

    It contains startup, idle, blips, revving at constant rpms without gear, engine stop, horn, door slams, accelerating and decelerating at different speeds, driving and a eight channel surround drive by. The recording length is 22 min.

  • Recording of the American 2017 Polaris Ranger EV. Powered by an electric utility vehicle’s 48-volt high-efficiency AC-induction motor.

    The American 2017 Polaris Industries Ranger EV sound collection shares 44 sounds in 3.49 gigabytes of audio. It showcases the sound of an electric utility vehicle’s 48-volt high-efficiency AC-induction motor in 4 channels with 2 custom stereo mixes.

    The sound pack includes 4 synchronized takes of onboard driving. 4 channels of audio capture the engine and onboard perspectives, with 2 custom stereo mixes provided. Performances include driving slow and fast, with steady RPMs and ramps, starting, stopping, and more.

    The package includes Pro Tools and Reaper mixing sessions, full professional metadata, and metadata import files in 7 languages.

  • A library of grunt sound effects including breathing, groans, moans, fighting vocalizations and more.

    The Grunts Sound Library includes 211 sound clips and 8.4 GB of male and female grunts and breathing.

    Recorded with a whisper-quiet Ehrlund EHR-M1 microphone with sound-design friendly 192 kHz/24-bit fidelity, the grunt sound effects feature performances from four female and four male voice actors. Categories of breathing, combat, and dying present running, jumping, and sliding breathing, punches, receiving hits, and battle cries, as well as death rattles, dying sounds, and much more.

  • Recording of a 2018 Mercedes AMG GT R sports car with a twin-turbocharged V8 petrol engine.

  • You get the sounds of a real semi truck with this SFX library, featuring a 1992 Volvo F12 truck with a straight 6-cylinder diesel engine. The recording contains of both onboard and exterior material, and covers startup, idle, shutdown, accelerating and decelerating through gears, driving at steady rpms, blips, approach, passbys at different speeds and more.

  • Car Sound Effects Jeep Cherokee -94 Play Track 9+ sounds included, 47 mins total $179

    Very in-depth recordings of this 4-wheel drive with an inline six cylinder engine.

    The first part consists of eight onboard microphones, two interior, three engine and three on exhausts. The exhaust on this vehicle has been modified and has a really rich sound. The second part is 8 channels of external microphones in surround. The total recording time is about 48 minutes (internal 42 min, external 6min).

    It consists of real traffic driving, startup, idle, blips, shutdown, steady rpm:s without gear, steady rpms driving with load, accel/deceleration ramps at different speeds and even horn, switches and doorslams recorded.

    Pro Tools session and cue list included. The recording length is 47 min 54 s.

  • This library features the original Hummer with the model name H1. The Hummer was originally designed for military use, the Humvee M998, but became popular also on the civilian market. This vehicle has the bigger V8 turbo diesel engine with 195 horsepower. The recordings consist of eight onboard channels, four engine, two exhaust, interior left & right and twelve exterior channels. It contains startups, idle, shutdowns, blips, steady RPMs, accelerations and decelerations, passbys, approaches, aways, and more.

  • A sound effect library of vehicle foley including a diverse mix of switches, dials, suspension creaks, doors, horns, levers, and much more from aircraft, cars and trucks, military vehicles, and motorcycles and ATVs.

    The Vehicle Doors and More Library is an authoritative package of performed vehicle sound effects. It includes 2,205 clips in 25.45 gigabytes of professional field recordings.

    Categories include recordings from aircraft, cars, tracks, military vehicles, motorcycles, and ATVs. Featured vehicles showcase sounds from propeller planes, helicopters, and WW2 fighters, as well as sedans, muscle cars, trucks, buses, electric cars, and others from the mid 21st century to the modern day. Also provided are recordings from ground military vehicles such as tanks, APCs, trucks, and others from World War II to now, and also race bikes, cruisers, UTVs, snowmobiles and much more.

    Full resolution recordings share sounds of buttons, switches, knobs, trunks and hoods, pedals and gear selectors, and seat belts. Speciality recordings of aircraft rudders and flaps, as well as military weapon and ammunition systems compliment essential recordings of horns, ventilation, movement and suspension fx.

    The package is organized neatly by category and effect type, and includes more than 18 fields of crafted embedded metadata to ensure you find precisely the clip you need.

  • Recording of a Ferrari 488 from 2016 with a 3.9-litre twin-turbocharged V8 661 horsepower engine.

    The Ferrari 488 exotic car sound collection features 302 clips in 19.39 gigabytes of audio. It features the sound of the 2016 Italian sports car’s 3.9-litre twin-turbocharged V8 661 horsepower engine performing in 17 takes.

    The sound bundle includes 9 onboard and 10 exterior perspectives. The 21 exterior channels capture the car travelling at fast, slow, and medium speeds on straightaways and around corners at close and distant perspectives. The 10 onboard channels recorded engine, exhaust, and interior driving at steady RPMs, with gearshifts, and with ramps. Also included are starting, stopping, passing, and other exterior maneuvers.

    Every sound effect is embedded with over 18 fields of Soundminer, BWAV, and MacOS Finder metadata. In addition, every take is provided aligned and ready for tandem-track mixing and editing in Reaper and Pro Tools session.

  • Car Sound Effects Dodge Challenger 426 Hemi -70 Play Track 117+ sounds included, 26 mins total $249

    An in-depth recording of a Dodge Challenger 426 Hemi from 1970. This engine is the all-time most-famous American V8.

    It is a 426 cubic inch engine with hemispherical combustion chambers and it is rated 425 horsepower from the factory.

    The recording consists of eight onboard channels, intake, two engine, three exhaust and interior, and eight exterior channels.

    It contains startups, shutdowns, idle, driving at different speeds, accelerations and decelerations, kickdowns, burnouts, aways, approaches, stops, passbys, foley and much more. Total recording time is 25min 58s.

  • This is a recording of the historic twin-engine World War II bomber, the B-25 Mitchell with the air-cooled 14 cylinder Wright R-2600 Cyclone radial engines. The recording covers two stationary ground runs and a flying session.

    The stationary runs cover startup, idle, steady RPMs, throttle movement, and shutdown, with 22 exterior tracks and 6 onboard tracks. The flying session covers startup, taxiing, takeoff, several flybys, landing and shutdown, with 15 exterior tracks and 8 onboard tracks. The library also includes performed effects such as bomb door opening and closing, flaps, horn, brakes, and switches, and engine maintenance with mechanics pumping oil and electrically turning the propellers. Finally it includes the plane being towed.

    The package also comes complete with embedded metadata, custom mixes of onboard and exterior perspectives, and editing sessions in Pro Tools and Reaper formats.

    Please note: some perspectives recorded at a lower sampling rate.

  • Vehicle Sound Effects Willys Jeep 1945 Play Track 4+ sounds included, 30 mins total $119

    This sound pack of the WWII Willys Jeep will bring historical accuracy to your soundscape. You get four channels with all the characteristics of the vehicle from the cockpit left, right and rear and the exhaust. Also contained in this seven and a half minute recording is the vehicle starting, stopping, idling, driving, free revving, gear sounds and more. Few vehicles are more iconic from the WWII era!

  • Recording of a Nissan GT-R (R35) from 2012 with a 3.8 litre V6  gas engine with twin turbo and modified with a performance exhaust system.

    The Nissan GT-R (R35) sound fx collection includes 275 sounds from 20.14 gigabytes of audio. It shares the sound of a 3.8-litre V6 gas engine with twin turbo and a modified performance exhaust from a 2012 version of the Japanese car.

    The collection catalogs various performances in 13 synchronized takes from both exterior and onboard perspectives. The 9 exterior perspectives share departures, passes by, and arrivals at slow, medium, and fast speeds from four positions around a track. An additional 14 onboard perspectives and three custom stereo mixes gather recordings from the exhaust, engine, and interior as the car maneuvers with steady RPMs, ramps, and gearshifts.

    The sound library includes bonus Pro Tools and Reaper mixing sessions, professional embedded metadata, and metadata keyword import files in 7 languages.

  • Car Sound Effects Ford Ltd Crown Victoria 1990 Play Track 341 sounds included, 46 mins total $249

    This library has an extensive collection of sounds from a well-used 1990 Ford Ltd Crown Victoria with a 4-speed AOC automatic transmission. With its 302 cubic inch, 5 liter, V8 engine, rated 152 horsepower, you'll get thick beefy growls from this Ford. The library includes all kinds of driving at various speeds, cruising, startups, shutdowns, reversing, driving at constant RPMs, gearing, various accelerations and decelerations, and long and short ramps.

    Some foley is also included: doors, hood functions, parking brake and gear shifter, and IR sweeps. With 12 onboard channels covering several interior, engine and exhaust perspectives, and 13 exterior channels with microphones positioned at different spots around the recording location, you'll get up-close approaches, aways, passbys and more at different speeds.

  • This sound pack features a recording of a 75mm M4A1 Sherman cannon from World War II as it fires blanks. The library consists of about 20 channels with distances and perspectives ranging from 0 to 150 meters, and it features a large variation of microphones and recorders, such as Sound Devices and Zaxcom. With some hatch foley to top it off, this library has you covered if you're looking for the blasts and tails that only a tank can create.

  • Vehicle Sound Effects Leopard 2 Strv 122 Tank Play Track 7+ sounds included, 7 mins total $119

    Authentic recordings of a Swedish tank, the Leopard 2 or Stridsvagn 122, fitted with a 1500 hp´s diesel V12 during a sharp shooting exercise. The recording is done in two takes. Take one (7 mins 37 s) consists of three channels, engine, exhaust and the aggregates with snow-feet. It covers several starts and stops, idle and lots of driving.

    Take two (5 mins 45 s) consists of four channels, inside left and right, closeup on the machine gun muzzle and a distant microphone on the shootings. This take contains driving with lots of rumble and machine gun shooting. The recording length is 7 min 37 s.

  • Motorcycle Sound Effects Yamaha 24MX 125 cc Play Track 11+ sounds included, 19 mins total $179

    Get the sounds of a Yamaha 24MX 125 cc dirtbike – featuring onboard and exterior recordings.

    The recording consists of 11 channels, two exhaust, driver back, chain, two engine, intake and 4 synced exterior channels, left, right, surround and following shotgun. It contains several start, stop, idle, blips, revving at constant rpms without gear, various accelerations and decelerations, driving while braking to get even rpms etc.

    Driver back channel is missing for the first startup, and chain channel suffers from bad contact last startup, but we decided to keep those in since they still contain many useful parts. The recording length is 19 min 3 s.

  • Car Sound Effects Plymouth Hemi Cuda 1971 Play Track 125+ sounds included, 37 mins total $249

    In-depth recording of a Plymouth Cuda Convertible from 1971 with the extremely rare 426 Hemi engine and a 4-speed transmission.

    Only two of these with the manual transmission were produced in 1971 so this car is obviously a clone but a very well built one. An original 1971 HemiCuda convertible is today extremely valuable, selling prices up to $5 million. The engine has 2 x 4-port Carter carburator and is (under)rated 425 horsepower by the factory.

    The recording contains eight onboard microphones for interior, engine, intake and exhausts, and eight channels of exterior material.

    It includes startup, idle, shutdown, driving at steady rpms, steady rpms in neutral, cruising, ramps, accelerations and decelerations through gears, approaches, passbys, aways as well as some foley like doors, hoods and knobs. Total recording length is 37m 39s.

  • The Indoor Gun Acoustics 2 sound effects library features gunshot sounds from 6 different weapons in five room types.

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