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Home Sound Effects



Sounds of nature, soundscapes, everyday ambiances, anthrophony sounds and other.


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  • Thunderstorm, thunder strike and rain recorded in ambisonic. Recorded in urban and natural environment. Clean long recordings.

    Check the sound list for additional info.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator (ch. gain).
    B-format (Ambix) – RAW files and stereo files (binaural) rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser plugin), A to B format converter  and they are ready to use. FX library sound preview is in binaural stereo.

    25 %
  • Car Sound Effects Ford Ranger Play Track 141+ sounds included, 154 mins total $33

    Ford Ranger 4×4 truck, 24/96 FX sound library.
    Car in drive, on road and off road, exterior and interior of the car, booth in drive and stationary. Parts of the car, sensors, engine etc.
    Many perspectives of the car in drive and stationary – from close to distant, from left to right, from front to…around the car.
    Off road drive in low gear ratio (4×4) and high gear ratio included. During recording microphones are positioned on the vehicle body, roof etc.
    Normal, road drive like city/suburbs drive, highway drive, open road drive also included.
    Interior “room tone” of the vehicle in drive/stationary is also included. Check the sound list for add info.

    Various microphone setups used as well as microphones. Description and equipment info in metadata chunk. Recorded with Sound Devices recorder.
    RAW recordings without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters) with max. peak level: -5dBFS.

    15 %
  • European mountain forest Soundscapes, Ambiences and Textures,
    sound library with more than 5h 30 mins of recordings. In total 11.6 GB, 100 files of high-quality recordings.
    Long nature recordings. Without noise pollution and air traffic.
    Soundscapes of the forest recorded in all seasons.
    Soundscapes and ambiences, backgrounds and textures for your project. Some recordings are
    more present others are more in the background. Nocturnal recording included as well as “background silence”.
    Anthrophony (human made) sounds in the woods included (logging, vehicles, etc.).
    The maximum peak level on all recordings is -5 dBFS (for great dynamic range, great headroom, no dynamic compressors are applied on recordings). Recorded with various microphones and microphone techniques. Recording info included in metadata chunk (equipment, microphone technique).

    18 %
  • Crickets, insects, soundscapes/recordings, recorded in Ambisonic. Recorded in spring  summer and early autumn. Daytime and nocturnal recordings, with wind in background or without. With birds and without birds in background. Close or distant perspectives. In nature environment, urban or in rural area. Check the sound list for additional info.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer/ included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.
    B-format (Ambix) – RAW files and stereo files (binaural) rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser plugin), A to B format converter  and they are ready to use.

    20 %
  • Fire Sound Effects Torch Burning – fire Play Track 59 sounds included, 20 mins total $25

    Torch Burning – fire FX library

    Fire torch burning recorded outdoors and in underground military complex-with rich natural echo.

    Many torch burning actions including: stationary, moving torch, walking around, away,… mics. Check the sound list for add info.

    59 RAW files without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is approx. -5 dBFS. Silent background.

    Recorded in MS stereo, NOS stereo, XY stereo, various perspectives and distance from torch-fire. Check the sound list for additional info.

    Equipment used: Sennheiser MKHs mics, Rode NT1a mics (matched), LOM Usi Sound Devices recorder/mixer (for every file in the metadata chunk there is a description ).

    Metadata tagged with list of equipment and microphone technique/stereo setup used.

    17 %
  • Natural soundscapes in Ambisonic recorded in Spring and Summer. Forests, meadows, lakes, streams ambiences. Long recordings.

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR mic (Rycote blimp) and Sound Devices recorder

    (all ch. matched with noise generator). Metadata tagged with info. Mic position is upright.

    RAW files: B-format, Ambix (4 ch.) and Binaural stereo (preview is in Binaural stereo).

    Check the sound list for add. info.

    23 %
  • Fire Sound Effects Fire: Campfire, Bonfire Play Track 42 sounds included, 68 mins total $25

    Fire: Campfire, Bonfire FX sound library 

    Very detailed sounds of fire burning, including:

    burning, crackling, sizzling,…big fire, small fire, gentle fire, embers-coals sizzling, dropping fuel-oil, water, branches in the fire, paper in the fire, starting fire-putting out fire, flames…etc.

    Many different perspectives and mic positions. Just listen to the sound preview. 

    The 42 RAW files without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is around -5 dBFS. Silent background.

    Recorded in MS stereo, NOS stereo, XY stereo, various perspectives and distance from fire. Check the sound list for additional info.

    Equipment used: Sennheiser MKHs mics, Rode NT1a mics (matched), LOM Usi Sound Devices recorder/mixer (for every file in metadata chunk there is description ).

    Metadata tagged with list of equipment and microphone technique/stereo setup used.

    17 %
  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Campfire Ambisonic Play Track 18 sounds included, 43 mins total $14

    Campfire FX, Ambisonic. Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR mic (Rycote blimp) and Sound Devices recorder

    (all ch. matched with noise generator). Metadata tagged. Mic position is upright.

    RAW files: B-format, Ambix (4 ch.) and Binaural stereo (preview is in Binaural stereo).

    Check the sound list for add. info.

    13 %
  • Other Instruments Church Bells Play Track 32+ sounds included, 50 mins total $20

    Church bells from Middle Ages to early 20th century. European traditional bells made in bronze. Various churches, bells and sound perspectives. From near field recordings recorded in church towers to far field recordings – soundscapes of bells in countryside/city, small town, villages…
    Maritime bells included (old sailing/steamships from the 19th century). Recorded in the Museum of Maritime History.
    Finest equipment used like: AKG, Sennheiser,…mics, Sound Devices recorder/mixer. (Few recording captured in mono with dynamic mic-high sound pressure/level)
    Metadata tagged with list of equipment and approximate age of bells.
    Check the sound list for further info.

    20 %
  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Ambisonic – Rain Play Track 34+ sounds included, 258 mins total $24

    Rain recorded in ambisonic. Check the sound list for info.

    RAW files + stereo rendered files. Recordings without any dynamic manipulations (Eq, compressor, limiters). Max. peak level at -5dBFS.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

    here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

  • Tesla Model 3, long range, recorded in stereo and multichannel (MS stereo + mono – omni mic).

    First 6 files in library are multichannel rec. (in sync): file 01A is mono mic positioned under the car body, near the rear motor; file 02B is stereo (MS) file positioned in the car; (following 02+04; 05+06)

    You can mixed these channels at your taste.

    Other recordings are: stereo (MS, NOS, AB, XY) and a few mono recordings (car body- motor).

    Including: car passing by, interior, in drive, stationary, car parts,  audio warnings, etc. (check the sound list).

    Metadata tagged with equipment list and short info.

    RAW recordings without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters) with max. peak level: -5dBFS. Recorded with Sennheiser MKHs, LOM Usi, Primo, Rode NT1-As, Rycote blimps, Mogami cables, Sound Devices MixPre, 744T

  • Roomtones Room Tones 2 Play Track 110+ sounds included, 347 mins total $25

    Room tones and ambiences, various objects, buildings and facilities, various room sizes. Check the sound list for more info.

    Recorded with Sennheiser mics MKH series, Sound Devices Recorder/mixer, LOM Usi , etc.

    Metadata tagged with description (room size etc.) and equipment list included.

  • Asphalt Paving A Road

    Asphalt Road Construction in urban environment.

    Ambiences and close perspectives of heavy duty machines.

    Clean recordings of: Road paver finisher-asphalt finisher: Vögele super 1900-3i; Asphalt roller: Hamm dv 8;

    Many sound perspectives including far, mid and close mic distance, various angles of recording etc.

    Metadata tagged with detailed description of equipment and object of recording

    Recorded in MS and NOS stereo with Sound Devices recorder, Tascam recorder, Sennheiser MKH mics, LOM usi mics. Recorded in Winter. Metadata tagged with detailed description of equipment and object of recording. No air traffic.

    RAW files, without any eq., and dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is -5 dBFS.


  • Fireworks FX library recorded in Ambisonic. New Year Eve. Many different sound perspectives and variety of  explosions, whistles and other sounds.

    Metadata tagged with equipment list and info.

    4 ch (RAW) recordings and stereo rendered recordings without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters), eq.; max. peak level: -5dBFS.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

    here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application. Mic position: upright.

    17 %
  • Car Sound Effects Nascar – Car Race Play Track 31+ sounds included, 57 mins total $25

    NASCAR – car race. Recorded in NOS stereo and MS stereo.
    Clean recordings without any crowd (except few files), air traffic, birds…

    Recorded with Sound Devices 744T/Mix Pre recorder, Sennheiser MKH mics, Rode NT1 (matched pair) mics, Rycote blimps (windjammers). Tripod used, recorded from hand-following the object (check sound list for info).

    Recorded on Grand prix circuit. Long recordings. Metadata tagged with detailed description of equipment and object of recording.

    RAW files, without any eq., and dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is -5 dBFS .

  • Fireworks FX library including recording of mining/blasting. Recorded with Sennheiser MKH 40/30 mics (Rycote blimp) in MS stereo via Sound Devices 744T, Sound Devices Mix Pre; Lom usi (Rycote BBG windshieldx2) via Sony PCM M10 in NOS stereo.

    Metadata tagged with equipment list and info.

    Stereo (RAW) recordings without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters) with max. peak level: -5dBFS.

    17 %
  • Insect Sound Effects Crickets and other Insects Play Track 94+ sounds included, 180 mins total $31

    Recordings of most common insects: Crickets, Bees, Bumblebee, Cicadas and other recorded over many years. Soundscapes, ambiences, textures and “solo” recordings of insects recorded in pristine nature and in rural environment etc. Variety of recordings and situations.

    Long recordings. Metadata tagged with detailed description of equipment and object of recording, time of day or night etc.


    These are RAW files. Without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is -5 dBFS .

    Gear Used: Sennheiser MKH 60/30, 40/30; AKG C391B/CK94; Rode NT1s, LOM Usi ; Telinga parabolic mic, Sound Devices 744T Recorder and Sound Devices Mix Pre field mixer (Lundahl input transformers), Sony PCM M10, Tascam DR05X, Rycote blimps (windjammers), Manfrotto tripods, Mogami cables , Neutrik XLRs…

  • Crickets, insects, soundscapes recorded in Ambisonic. Recorded in spring and summer. Daytime and nocturnal recordings, with wind in background or without. With birds and without birds in background. In nature environment or in rural area. Check the sound list for additional info.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

    here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

  • European wetlands/marshes sounds: soundscapes and animals recorded in spring, summer and autumn on various location. Soundscapes of the forest swamp with individual birds call/song included.

    Recorded in MS stereo, SASS stereo, with parabolic reflector and underwater mics (hydrophones). Background soundscapes for film. Individual sounds of most common birds/amphibian included (scientific name included in metadata). Check the sound list for additional info.
    Recorded with Sennheiser MKHs, Telinga parabolic mic, Sound Devices recorder/mixer, etc.
    (equipment – info included in metadata)

    25 %
  • Sound library full of winter soundscapes, ambiences and textures recorded in pristine nature and in urban environment.

    Here you can find (separated in folders by the character) following sounds:

    Sounds of snow: falling,… from trees, roof tops, blizzard, melting snow, road covered with snow blanket-traffic, etc.

    Sounds of ice: cracking of the ice, ice on frozen lake cracking, ice blocks flowing on stream, etc.

    Sounds of winter soundscapes: wind in background, distant village etc.

    Sounds of mountain climbing in winter: snow, ice, ice axes and climbing tools and equipment.

    Sounds of wind: wind in background, wind in trees, dead lives, blizzard, wind in dead winter grass, etc.

    Sounds of winter Foley: walking on snow, ice, ice mountain slope, walking/moving in deep snow, running on snow etc.

    And some urban sounds in winter/snow conditions.

    All recordings are birds free (except those few with birds recorded intentionally) and free of (air) traffic sounds.

    Recorded with pro grade recording equipment, in high resolution/sampling rate. Long recordings. Metadata tagged with detailed description of equipment and object of recording.

    These are RAW files. Without any dynamic manipulation (compressors/limiters etc.). Maximum peak level is -5 dBFS .


    Gear Used: Sennheiser MKH 60/30, 40/30; AKG C391b/Ck94; LOM Usi ; Primo mics…, Sound Devices 744T Recorder and Sound Devices Mix Pre field mixer (Lundahl input transformers), Sony PCM M10, Rycote blimps and windjammers, Manfrotto and Triton tripods, Mogami cables and Neutrik XLRs…

  • Seabirds (marine birds) on this library are:
    Seagull (Yellow-legged gull-Larus michahellis);
    The European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) a species of cormorant; The Common Tern (Sterna hirundo);
    Recorded in natural environment and in urban environment.
    Recordings from the nature are recorded during ornithology monitoring of the birds (nests) on offshore islands and in National Parks.
    Urban recordings coming in variety of situations: birds are recorded in flight, stationary, singly, several birds or in flock, near/mid/far field etc.
    Recorded in various microphone techniques and with some special mic arrays (Jacklin disc, Olson’s wing) to get height on some recording (birds in flight), description included in metadata chunk. Generally recorded with Sennheiser MKH 60/40/30 microphones in MS pattern with Sound Devices Mix Pre or 744T recorder (equipment list included in metadata chunk).

  • Weather Sound Effects Wind Ambisonic Play Track 28+ sounds included, 73 mins total $25

    Wind recorded in urban and nature environment in ambisonic audio format. See the track list for info.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

     here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

    1h 04 mins of  stereo/rendered recordings ready to use, total time 2h 13 mins, metadata tagged.

  • Water & Ocean Sounds Ambisonic – Sea, Seaside Play Track 59 sounds included, 284 mins total $30

    Sea, Seaside recorded in Ambisonic: calm sea, restless sea, sea storm, sea in port (near, mid, far field/distance).,

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

     here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

    2h 04 mins of  stereo/rendered recordings, metadata tagged, birds free.

  • Water & Ocean Sounds Ambisonic – River Flows Play Track 58 sounds included, 163 mins total $30

    River flows recorded in Ambisonic, near, mid, far field/distance, soundscapes nearby the river.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

     here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

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