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Home Sound Effects

forward audio

forward audio delivers premium plugins with a philosophical approach to modern music production and how we use plugins.

  • Get your Phase problems fixed in seconds
    faTimeAlign is a reliable workhorse, proven to work with any kind of multi microphone source material. Time Alignment is a delicate and often time consuming task, so you want nothing less than the best possible solution. Easily adjust your tracks, relative to the other tracks, with positive or negative delays and make A/B comparisons to absolutely nail the correct setting.

    But that’s not all! You can also arrange your tracks into different sub-groups and delay them relative to each other to align different instruments or instrument groups.

    Easy to use and flexible
    One of many great reasons you will love faTimeAlign is its unique user interface. The range of the delay knob can be set to any value narrow or wide, which lets you easily sweep through different delay spans. Furthermore, the feature that allows you to enter values in feet, samples, meters or milliseconds gives you all the flexibility you’ll ever need.


  • faGuitarAlign – Automatic Phase Alignment
    faGuitarAlign will radically reduce your workload when recording electric guitars, basses and basically everything with strings attached to it! Its revolutionary X/Y Pad lets you quickly find the right sweet spot between the correct phase and the mix of your different tracks, resulting in a perfect blend of both! To make this task progress even more smoothly there is also an automatic alignment feature, which accurately finds the right phase offset for you! With this reliable tool you’ll be able to save a huge amount of your valuable recording and mixing time, which you can then spend with much more exciting tasks!

    Suited for a wide range of recording situations
    Whether you want to make your phase alignment by ear or automatically, the integrated Phase Density Scope gives you reliable visual feedback in every conceivable situation. This exciting concept is derived from a Vectorscope, which would be used in a stereo tool, and carefully optimized and enhanced for phase alignment purposes. This tool is unrivalled by any other Plug-in on the market.

    Inspire your creativity
    faGuitarAlign is carefully optimized for every kind of recording, whether it involves one sound source and multiple microphones and/or DI tracks. There are a lot of people who use it creatively for recordings with the fiddle, cello, double bass, piano or even choir tracks. Its creative design will inspire you to go beyond the known possibilities of any other alignment tool.

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