Home Sound Effects
It's not everyday you get the opportunity to record in the Smithsonian Institute when it's open…let alone when it's closed! Now you don't have to. This library contains sounds from seven museums, an administrative area and the National Zoo. All recorded in M/S using the ultra-quiet Sennheiser MKH40 and MKH30, and decoded into stereo files.
This library includes sounds from:
• The Museum of Natural History
• The Museum of American History
• The Museum of Air and Space
• The Museum of the American Indian
• The Freer Gallery
• The subterranean exhibits of the Sackler Gallery
• The Museum of African Art
• The Administrative Ripley Center
• The National Zoo
All told, three and a half hours of unique museum ambiences!
This collection gets you more than 9000 fabric sounds recorded in isolation – for when you just don’t have access to a quiet enough space to record subtle foley movements.
Designed with the idea that they can be combined in infinite ways to cover any movement you may need, it was recorded with a variety of microphones to provide multiple perspectives and cut down on time spent matching into the mix.
It contains a wealth of fabric types, movements, rubs, rustles, tears and rips, and even a few zippers/buttons/velcro strips to give you the coverage you need.
A collection of stereo urban ambiences, recorded in Cairo and Dubai, where you’ll find traffic, Arabic walla, and the Call to Prayer.
From the Spice Souk in Dubai to the back alleys of Studio Galal in Cairo, something is always moving.
The collection comes with over 50 files, ranging from 21 seconds to nearly 11 minutes in length, for a total of 90 minutes of unique ambiences to put you in the “Cradle of Civilization.”
This is a collection of all of the mechanical sounds you can get out of handling the specific weapons.
Included are sounds from the Glock 9mm, Walther P22, Smith and Wesson .38 revolver, Heckler and Koch MP4, M4 Carbine and M24 Sniper Weapon System.
All sounds are recorded indoors with both close and medium perspectives, giving you both dry and wet options to speed up your design process.
Cassette Deck is a set of sounds collected from a small group of analog cassette players. It’s filled with great mechanical buttons and switches, latches, a few motors at different speeds, and multiple microphones/perspectives per take. Great if you’re building some mechanical interfaces!
This library is loaded with some beefy, old-school, mechanical interfacing: buttons, switches, knobs and levers.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.