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Home Sound Effects

Discover Oregon

These tracks are stripped highlights from the hundreds of hours of field recordings I use to make my nature films, and feature only our best ambiences.
I use this audio in my own films, and you can hear these sounds and others in context here: http://discoveroregon.org/videos/

  • The west is still wild.  A collection of clean and loopable natural ambient atmosphere elements – each 3 minutes long. This collection represents my best content and works great in multitrack layers.

    The core of this collection are natural sounds captured in the wilds of Oregon, USA – Western North America. The wildlife in the forests, streams, lakes, coast, and deserts of Oregon are a good substitute for most US and Canadian states west of the Rocky Mountains, including Washington, California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, British Colombia, Alberta, Alaska, and Wyoming.

    These recordings are from a pristine environment that avoid any human caused sounds.

  • Need high-quality volcanic audio from a film featured by National Geographic? You can hear it pop and snap, and occasionally rocks forming, shearing, and breaking apart. Thankfully – I didn’t melt the recorder!


  • A larger focus on wind – with trees, brush, crickets, and other sounds often included. There are also plain wind sounds recorded on exceptionally quiet wilderness winter nights that can be layered over most every project for several minutes or longer. Additionally includes some branches breaking in high winds and rain patter.

  • Wild Animals Sound Effects Coyotes Play Track 22 sounds included, 28 mins total $39

    Coyotes are classic sounds of the American Wild West. A few recorded during the day, but many at dusk or deep into the night.  There are also several tracks of much closer coyotes that happened to walk near the recorder as you can hear in the samples.

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  • High-quality nature ambience of wild landscapes in eastern Oregon – with a focus on bird sounds in the high desert across times of day and seasons. These are authentic western desert sounds appropriate for use in westerns, wild west, and related games and films.

    Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer. Species include woodpeckers, meadowlarks, woodpeckers, distant owls, and more. Includes bonus clips of fly buzzes and a few bats. A number catch birds quite close to the recorder.

  • Small trickles, to gentle streams, raging rivers, waterfalls, and the Pacific Ocean (in Hawaii and Oregon). Many are quite long and are a perfect long background to a water-related section of your film or project.

  • Insect Sound Effects Wilderness Crickets Play Track 18 sounds included, 93 mins total $49

    High-quality nature ambiance of wild landscapes in both eastern and western Oregon – with a focus on different cricket sounds by day and night.

    Types range from hot desert heat to cold windy forest nights, to vibrant riversides. Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer.  A number catch crickets quite close to the recorder

  • Wind, birds, the occasional chattering squirrel and more. A focus on daytime, with some sections covering the entire progression of first light through late morning in ever louder bird sounds. A variety of thrushes, jays, woodpeckers, etc in isolated clips and long ambiances of minutes or more.

  • Bird Sound Effects Ravens and Robins Play Track 22 sounds included, 19 mins total $49

    Recorded in Eastern Oregon’s Great Basin and High Desert Region – classic sounds of the American West, forest or desert.

    These tracks are stripped highlights from the hundreds of hours of field recordings I use to make my films. A number of them include the birds fluttering and making deep natural calls right next to the recorder – about as close as you can hope to get of birds in the wild.

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