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Home Sound Effects

Big Room Sound Inc.


Big Room Sound is led by award-winning sound designer J.R. Fountain who works in film and television in Toronto, Canada. The libraries found here are a result of his passion for having fresh, original and tailored content for the projects he works on. You can be sure that these sounds have been tested in the real world and will become a valuable asset to your collection.

IMDB credits

  • Built in 1917 Parkwood Estate was the home of R.S. McLaughlin, founder of General Motors of Canada. It is now a National Historic Site and popular filming location.

    This collection of 13 antique doors showcases each floor of the mansion. Wood utility doors from the basement, a variety of glass, metal and wood doors from the main floor and wooden bedroom doors from upstairs. Many were chosen specifically for their skeleton key locks which were also captured. Bonus material includes a vintage elevator gate, elevator buttons, light switches, and floorboard creaks.

  • Car Sound Effects Ford F100, 1963 Play Track 114 sounds included, 296 mins total $199

    This 1963 Ford F100 is a full size pickup truck with a grizzly V8 engine. It’s seen better days but that’s what makes it a great character vehicle. With loads of performances and perspectives you’ll be covered for everyday country driving to full out hillbilly car chases. Also included are the old doors, hood, switches, wipers and roll up windows.

    25 takes in total, all organized and synced up for fast efficient cutting.

  • Foley Sound Effects Typewriters Play Track 400 sounds included, 45 mins total $69

    This typewriter collection features 3 models, the IBM Selectrics II a 1970’s office stalwart, the Smith-Corona Pride Line also from the 70’s and a manual Olivetti Studio 44 from the 50’s. All aspects of each machine were captured with close up, room and contact mic perspectives for maximum versatility. You’re covered whether you need to cut period offices or you need a playground of mechanical source material for your futuristic designs.

  • This 1979 Spezio Sport Prop Plane, aka the “Tuholer” (for its two holes to sit in) is a home built hobby plane fitted with a 125HP Lycoming engine. Recordings were made at a quiet grass airstrip in the country which allowed for low altitude pass by’s and ground maneuvers including stationary throttles. Onboards were recorded with 5 channels and mastered as 5.0’s. Also included are cockpit switches and yoke moves.

  • Car Sound Effects AMC Rambler, 1964 Play Track 236 sounds included, 408 mins total $199

    This 1964 Rambler was your typical family car back in the 60’s. A mid-sized 4-door sedan with a V8 engine. All the performances and perspectives you’ll need to fill out your edit. Includes a stereo mix down of the onboard engine/tailpipe mics. As well a full compliment of doors, gearshift, switches, windows, leather seat moves and the horn (dopplers too).

  • Foley Sound Effects Still Cameras Play Track 917 sounds included, 54 mins total $89

    A wide array of of still cameras from the 40’s, 50’s, 80’s and 2000’s. Shutter clicks, switches, servos, lens/body handling, close and roomy perspectives. Recorded for literal uses like press scrums, crime scenes and surveillance, as well as for source material for gadgetry and weapon mechanics.

    Bonus material like flashbulb crackles, electronic flash pops and charge whines.

    Models: Bronica SQ-A, Canon 5D MkII, Canon T2i, Graflex Speed Graphic, Kiev 88, Leica M2, Nikon D50, Nikon D80, Nikon FM2, Nikon N2000

  • City Life Sound Effects Exterior Crowds Play Track 59 sounds included, 110 mins total $99

    A collection of exterior crowd ambiences covering locations like downtown city streets, suburban parks and markets. Canada, USA, Mexico and England.

  • Human Sound Effects Crowd Reactions Play Track 116 sounds included, 55 mins total $89

    A large collection of crowd reactions such as cheers, applause, laughter, boo’s, heckling and more from a variety of crowd sizes. Enhance an existing concert, sports or event crowd or build one from scratch. Also included are crowds clapping to the beat for music.

  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences Birds and Nature Play Track 86 sounds included, 124 mins total $89

    Over two hours of birds, crickets, cicadas and frogs primarily from Southern Ontario, Canada, but also from Britain and Costa Rica. Specific calls and ambiences from the forest, the beach, the neighbourhood or on the dock of a quiet pond. Essential sounds to bring background tracks to life.

  • Trucks, Buses & Van Sounds GMC Pickup Truck Play Track 42 sounds included, 23 mins total $39

    A grumbly old GMC pick up truck you might find on the farm, likely from the early 90’s. Exterior pass by’s, up and stop’s, start and away’s, idles, revs and doors.

  • City Life Sound Effects Backhoe Play Track 34 sounds included, 40 mins total $59

    A collection of sounds from a typical backhoe construction vehicle. Big metal bucket slams and creaks, hydraulic legs extending and retracting, big dirt scrapes and of course working away digging a hole.

  • Car Sound Effects Volkswagen Golf 2003 Play Track 128 sounds included, 49 mins total $79

    The Volkswagen Golf is one of the most popular hatchbacks around. This set of recordings was made from a 2003 gas fuelled, 5-speed manual transmission model. The coverage is extensive with exterior, interior and onboard sounds.

  • Door Sound Effects Locker Doors Play Track 104 sounds included, 4+ mins total $12

    This is a collection of 5 different metal lockers, opened, closed, banged and handled for all of those school hallway situations you’ll come across. They are super clean and were recorded with close and “roomy” perspectives for all but one.
    Multi-channel, mono close, stereo room.

  • Door Sound Effects Worn Out Wood Door Play Track 60 sounds included, 6 mins total $12

    This is a dying wood door from my sister’s garage. It works great for old cabins, cottages and barns.

    Besides all the opens and closes, there are lots of creaky swinging moves to add detail or subtleties. Hard bangs and slams for drama. Plus grabs and handling to glue it all together.

  • This is a metal dumpster door with a really emotive creak. It’s pretty heavy sounding on it’s own but you’ll notice in the demo, as each sound plays, a one octave lower version of the same sound plays immediately after to show how well these pitch. The last slam is two octaves below the original.

    Awesome source material for designing larger doors, creepy atmospheres and dramatic booms.

  • Hand Combat Sound Effects Fight Moves Play Track 188 sounds included, 8 mins total $19

    Whooshes are a key component for energy and drama in a fight scene, but can sometimes be over the top. So I recorded a simple but very useful library of cloth moves specifically for fights. They work like whooshes but sound a lot more natural.

    Three different fabrics: jeans, nylon shorts and a cotton pillow case. All with the same coverage: grabs, single moves (varying intensities), sequenced moves for more variation, and struggling moves for when your character is pinned.

  • Human Sound Effects Babies Play Track 66+ sounds included, 11+ mins total $19

    Be gentle with these babies, they’re mine. Recorded from when they were 2 weeks old and 3-6 months old. Plenty of cute and cuddly coo’s, baby talk, breaths, efforts, sighs, yawns, coughs, snorts and crying.

    Lots of subtle sounds for when you just need a bit of presence from that baby onscreen.

  • The torch whoosh is a staple amongst whoosh sounds. Great movement, different speeds and bursts with nice bottom end for pitching. Add some variety to your collection with these fiery by’s.

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Light Sabre Play Track 63 sounds included, 5+ mins total $9

    Ok, ok, before you hit the preview button…back in school a friend made a short film with lots of fighting and light sabres. Who doesn’t want to try their hand at making those? This was my valiant attempt as a fledgling sound designer. They ain't the real thing but perhaps useful nonetheless. Enjoy!

  • Trucks, Buses & Van Sounds GMC Savana 2010 Play Track 188+ sounds included, 120 mins total $159

    The GMC Savana (identical to a Chevrolet Express) is one of the most popular vans in North America. It has a 6.0L, small block V8, 361 hp engine with a 6-speed automatic transmission. This library features a full range of speeds and performances, recorded from interior, onboard (engine/tailpipe) and exterior perspectives of a 2010 model. Also included is a full compliment of doors (front, side, rear and hood), chimes, switches, power windows, gearshift and the horn.

  • Bicycle Sound Effects Retro Bicycle Play Track 29 sounds included, 12 mins total $19

    A 1960’s styled bicycle riding around at a leisurely pace, wobbling to stay straight, walking along the sidewalk or being handled and chucked to the curb. Squeaky brakes, loud gears, and clumsy metal give this bike nostalgic character.

  • Car Sound Effects Smart Fortwo, 2005 Play Track 60+ sounds included, 37 mins total $39

    The Smart Fortwo is a unique everyday car. Under the hood, or rather under the trunk (it’s a rear mounted engine) this hatchback sports a tiny 41hp diesel engine. Normally covered for obvious reasons, we opened it up to expose the engine and get some super clean onboard recordings from inside the car.

    Also, because the Fortwo has a quasi-manual transmission, we were able to perform the gear changes with dramatic sequences in mind. So they are more pronounced, adding some character that is sometimes lost in a fully automatic transmission.

    Included are a full set of exterior and onboard (engine/tailpipe) recordings at varying speeds as well as all the doors and a couple dashboard chimes.

  • This 2005 Toyota Highlander is a mid-size crossover SUV with a 3.3L, V6, 225 hp engine. With a full range of speeds and performances, onboard and exterior, this collection provides the material needed for edgy car chases down to suburban trips to the grocery store. Another solid everyday car to add to your library.

    You’ll also get a full compliment of doors, switches and power windows that can extend the use of this collection far beyond regular car sounds. Useful source material for creating high tech devices and gadgets.

  • Car Sound Effects Chevrolet Berretta, 1990 Play Track 68+ sounds included, 54+ mins total $69

    Regular everyday cars are part of any working sound designer’s toolbox. Vehicles with some character but nothing that calls too much attention to itself. This 1990 Chevrolet Berretta is one of those cars:

    It’s got a little oomph when the engine revs up and still maintains presence at low speeds. It works great for taxi cabs, police cruisers or regular sedans.

    This collection will give you a proper amount of coverage at a variety of speeds including by’s, start & aways, up & stops, 3 point turns, onboards (engine/tailpipe) as well as some character doors (interior and exterior), and switches.

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