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Home Sound Effects

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Our mission is to provide the best quality sound effects and helping your projects with epic sounds!!

Recorded by field recordist / sound designer Hide Aoki.


    • PAPER & DRAWING FX have been created PAPER-BASED DAILY MOTION SOUNDS & DISTINCTIVE SOUNDS using unique paper quantities such as JAPANESE “Washi” PAPERS, CARDBOARDS, and BOOKS.
    • DRAWING FX SET features paper-based drawing effects: ODD TEXTURE EFFECT which can be processed as various sound effects such as whoosh, swish, boom, horror squeaking, and many.
    • Recorded @ 24bit 192kHz and carefully edited.
  • 43 locations from various perspectives.

    Each STREAM and RIVER have their unique flows, and varieties of topographies gives each its characteristic sound – and WATERFALLS from small to medium adds nature feeling to it.
    In addition, the library also features places where SPRING WATER GUSHES in Japan, and huge ELECTRIC WATER PUMP from New Zealand and more.

    Recorded @ 24 Bit / 96 kHz with ortf, spaced omni, XY and carefully edited.

  • RAIN features various kind of RAIN AMBIENCES and EFFECTS from different parts of CITIES and FORESTS.
    In the forests, you’ll find sounds of RAIN FALLING ON DIRT, LEAVES and more.
    In addition to the sounds of CARS PASSING BY and RAINY TRAFFIC in cities, you’ll also find RAIN COMING OUT FROM PIPES, HITTING THE ASPHALT and various kinds of RAIN POURING ON ROOFS such as PORCHES and LARGE PARKING LOTS and more.
    And THUNDER!!

    Recorded @ 24bit 96kHz with ortf, spaced omni, XY and carefully edited.

  • SHORES island edition features varieties of beaches and cliffs from Oshima island, Japan, and extra harbors & boats are also included.
    While calm beaches have relaxing atmospheres, cliffs sound aggressive that like onboard ships. And others like rocky beaches create colorful sounds.

    Recorded with ortf, spaced omni, wide A-B and carefully edited.

    SHORES island edition AND sound library

  • MOTOR FAN household edition features both Internal & External mechanical sound from household items.
    Motors and compressors found in the kitchen, ACs & outdoor units + heaters and compressors and more.

    Features motor, fan & compressor sounds from sources like:
    Refrigerators, microwaves, toasters, juicers, fans, AC / hvac, washing machines, boilers, compressors, vents, heaters, chain saws & more
  • CROWDS in TOKYO features Japanese crowds (walla) from authentic izakaya bars, cafes, train stations, and shopping streets, fish market streets and more.
    And STREETS in TOKYO features busy traffics on highways, main streets, and distant traffic from alleys and city rumble and more.

  • FOREST summer edition of Japan is nature sounds and ambiances captured in different forests of Central Japan, from the Kanto region.

    This library contains recordings of deep forest ambiances and direct close cicadas & birds and creeks, streams, and waterfalls in a Japanese forest.

    All of these nature ambiances are recorded using different microphone set-ups. Ortf stereo set-up and xy & ortf combination set up brings variations to stereo images from the locations.

  • This collection includes small to big waves on surfaces such as cliffs, beaches, rocky coasts, tetrapods.
    Captured from close, middle, and distant perspectives at the Bousou peninsula, Chiba, Japan.

  • Train Sound Effects TRAIN Play Track 105+ sounds included, 319 mins total $49

    A wide selection of local trains and subways from Japan, featuring recordings such as pass-bys, departing and arriving, interiors, rail chimes which really distinguish from other and many many more. Train and subway stations from Japan are also included to complete the railway atmosphere. A total of more than 5 hours of recordings are included.

  • Wood Sound Effects Bamboos Play Track 258+ sounds included $69

    This library contains a wide range of variety of bamboo hits.

    From thick bamboos to thin, hitting with drum sticks, mallets & brushes and scrubbing & scraping and even sawing. Additional sounds include water movement inside bamboos, captured with a contact mic, and beautiful sounds of bamboo wind chimes. Tweak it for sound design or make bamboo instruments from it.

  • This library contains various kinds of small to mid-size streams and waterfalls captured close and at a distance, for designing and spicing up your project. In addition, it features creepy water drips in a cave and water well pump sounds.

  • Door Sound Effects Doors Play Track 195+ sounds included $65

    From wooden doors to Japanese Shoji sliding doors – this bundle contains various kinds of door actions such as opening, closing, sliding and so on.

    Also other household sounds are included such as curtains, key chains, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, refrigerators, rice cookers etc.

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