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Home Sound Effects

All You Can Eat Audio

All You Can Eat Audio was founded by Jeremy Zussman in December of 2016 under a single concept- record as many different sounds as possible using a single object. A Foley Artist by nature, Jeremy has a fascination with manipulating objects to create unique and unnatural sounds.


  • Friction Mallet_Pack 01 is a pack of friction and impact recordings using a Unlimited Soundpoet Silicone Rubber Friction Mallet against a Long Cardboard Box. Recorded with microphones directly pointing inside the opening of the 58 inch x 12 inch x 7 inch box. The long box size gives us a wide range of recording times, from less 1 second, to around 15 seconds!

    Using this Egg Shaped Friction Mallet gets you a fun combination of Groans, Tonal Rumbles, Vibrates, Impact, Bounces, Tight and Loose Slides, Swipes, and wild Pitch Bends.

    Packed in at 3.9GB, 838 single triggered sounds totaling around 40 minutes to use as a creature, sound design, vehicle layer or any other layer you can think of! (Or maybe farts?)

    These sound files were recorded at 32bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, Sennheiser MKH30 and Sanken CO-100K microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-10ii.
    All are metadata tagged using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, and also searchable in Soundly, and Basehead.

  • Dial It_Pack 05 includes recordings using a Vintage Candlestick Rotary Phone. This pack includes recordings of pick up, hang ups, slams, turning dial, knocking, shaking, and more! Dialing includes various speeds, friction and stress, and potential resonances as these recordings encase the entire extended spectrum at various dynamic ranges. Also included are various performances to capture as many new sounds as possible- whether they sound good, or interesting…(bad-ish).
    2648+ sounds over two microphone setups, or 1302+ sounds with 1 microphone set up; all packed in 194 sound files

    These sound files were recorded at 32bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, Sennheiser MKH30 and Sanken CO-100K microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-10ii.

    All are metadata tagged using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, and also searchable in Soundly, and Basehead.

  • I’ve lived in houses near busy roads. Cars driving by at all hours of the day…. Pass Bys… Vehicle Revs, Engine Rumbling, etc etc etc…..Ruining perfectly good recordings. But this time, it’s used to our advantage. All recordings are made during sound effect record sessions. Instead of removing unwanted car sounds, they are amplified, isolated, gained up, increased level.

    All recordings range from 0-500Hz and can be used to create organic, real drone like sounds. Rumble, Tremble, Quake, Shake, Sci Fi, Pitch Bends, Rev, Resonates, Trembles and more. Use as a layer in a drone, vehicle, LFE/Subwoofer channel, and whatever else comes to mind. So buckle up and listen carefully, put on your best headphones or listen on your best speaker system.

    Disclaimer: Be cautious, these sounds have extreme high volumes in the lower frequencies. Please take care, don’t listen too loudly.

    Exterior Rumble Inside uses no special processing other than EQ, adjusting gain, and using iZotope Rx to assist in selecting frequencies to adjust.

    These sound files were recorded at 32bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, Sennheiser MKH30 and Sanken CO-100K microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-10ii.
    All are metadata tagged using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, and also searchable in Soundly, and Basehead.

  • It’s A Plain Phone_Pack 07 is seventh installment in the It’s A Plain Phone_Collection. This pack includes recordings of a GE 2-9050NIB Telephone pressing buttons, pick up, hang ups, slams, detach (using a pocket knife tool) and reattach cable to the handset, switches, and more! 4620+ sounds over two microphone setups, or 2310+ sounds with 1 microphone set up; all packed in 312 sound files. These sound files were recorded at 32bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and Sanken CO-100K microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-10ii. The Sennheiser MKH8050 grabs the extreme Low Frequencies while the Sanken CO-100K grabs the Extreme High Frequencies.

    Some sounds may be weird, but hey… that’s how older, rarely used phones sound like…

    All are metadata tagged using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, and also searchable in Soundly, and Basehead.

  • It’s A Plain Phone_Pack 06 is sixth installment in the It’s A Plain Phone_Collection. This pack includes recordings of a ClearSounds 40XLC Amplified Telephone pressing buttons, pick up, hang ups, slams, detach and reattach cable to both phone and base, switches, and more! This specific phone is designed for those hard of hearing, thus multiple additional switches and settings. 7358+ sounds over two microphone setups, or 3679+ sounds with 1 microphone set up; all packed in 670 sound files. These sound files were recorded at 24 bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050/30 and Sanken CO-100K/ Sennheiser MKH30 microphones into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    All are metadata tagged using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, and also searchable in Soundly and Basehead.

  • At last, another has arrived. I am the next pack of the DIAL IT Series, DIAL IT_Pack 04. Unlike the previous three packs, I am only a handset. No base or receiver attached. I am stand alone, Dial, Pick Up, Hang Up, all in one. I have a metal hook to attach to your belt, like the Electric Lineman professionals, a side button to press and lock while on the call. I am filled with over 692 sounds. My pack includes pick ups, set downs, slams, shakes, dialing 0-9, squeezing and more! Pack 04 is recorded at 24 bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphone combo into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    All are meta-data tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • It’s A Plain Phone_Pack 05 is fifth installment in the It’s A Plain Phone_Collection. This pack includes recordings of a Clarity C35 Model Phone pressing buttons, pick up, hang ups, slams, detach and reattach cable to both phone and base, switches, and more! 1694+ sounds packed in 45 sound files, recorded at 24 bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphone combo into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    All are meta-data tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • Foley Sound Effects Driveway Ice Snow Shoveling Play Track 1000+ sounds included, 78 mins total $25

    It’s Cold… It’s Dark… And the snow has frozen over…. Time To Shovel

    Driveway Ice Snow Shoveling is a collection of Shoveling Recordings and various ambiences taken while shoveling.

    Shovel Recordings recorded using the LOM UsI Pro Microphones feeding into the Zoom H1 Recorder, at 24 bit, 96kHz, clamped onto the shovel. Recordings include Digs, Scrapes, Scoops, Debris, Pokes, Stabs, and more!

    Ambience recordings recorded using the Sony D100 Recorder, at 24 it, 192kHz, at various positions. Recordings Include Distant Shoveling, Car Pass Bys, Icy and Crunchy!

    Stay in the nice warm house.
    All files are meta-data tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • City Life Sound Effects Suburbs of Chicago: Night Play Track 1000+ sounds included, 315 mins total $40

    Suburbs of Chicago: Night is the 8th in the Suburbs of Chicago Series. Included in this pack are recordings from all four weather seasons, and recorded for over a year. All recordings are within the times of 6PM- 6AM.

    Recordings include:

    – Front Porch During Rain, Hitting Roof
    – Traffic Rumble, Rustling Leaves

    – Snow Against Cars, Windshield Interior
    – Snowing Parking Lot

    – Subdivision, Park
    – Bedroom Room Tone, Thunder Crack

    – High School Baseball Game
    – Raining Outside, Open Window

    All tracks are recorded using the Sony D100 Portable Recorder, recorded at 192kHz, 24 bit. Over 5 hours of recordings, metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. As in all the other packs in this series, you will hear distant traffic and planes throughout.

  • It’s A Plain Phone_Pack 04 is the next installment in the It’s A Plain Phone_Collection. This pack includes recordings of an older office phone pressing buttons, pick up, hang ups, slams, detach and reattach cable to both phone and base, switches, and more! 1260+ sounds packed in 40 sound files, recorded at 24 bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphone combo into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    All are meta-data tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • My Trip To LA_Overnight 2_Saturday to Sunday is the fourth in a four part collection.

    This pack includes the second night of the 2 part overnight recordings, set on a cabin balcony in the summer at Lake Arrowhead. These recordings are between the hours of 12:30AM to 7:15AM and are broken up into around 15 minute increments, with files ranging anywhere between 7 minutes and 18 minutes.

    Hear the changes in exterior ambiences in the summer time from Night to Early morning.

    You’ll hear a variety of bird chirps, critter calls, dog barks, crickets, distant voices, car/traffic, acorns falling/ hitting the wood balcony, motor hums, and more!

    All recordings are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recorded using the Sony D100 Handheld Portable Recorder.

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the night.

  • My Trip To LA_Various Ambience is the second in a four part collection. This pack is filled with a variety of different recorded locations. Locations visited are:

    – Wild Wood Canyon
    – Lake Arrowhead
    – Muscle Beach (Santa Monica)
    – Huntington Beach
    – Broad Museum
    – Los Feliz Library

    Most recordings are exterior, with a few interior sprinkled in.

    Heard in these recordings range from a go cart race, ocean waves, leaves rolling on dirt canyon, Single Passenger Plane Overhead, Car Pass bys/ Traffic, swing set, Roller Coaster, Interior Library beeps, and more!

    All recordings are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recordings labeled using the Sony D100 Handheld Portable Recorder are recorded at 192kHz, 24 bit. Recordings labeled using the Rode ixy are recorded at 96kHz, 24 bit

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy.

  • My Trip To LA_Overnight_Night 1_Friday to Saturday is the third in a four part collection.

    This pack includes the first night of the 2 part overnight recordings, set on a cabin balcony in the summer at Lake Arrowhead. These recordings are between the hours of 2:30AM to 9:15AM and are broken up into around 15 minute increments, with files ranging anywhere between 4 minutes and 22 minutes.

    Hear the changes in exterior ambiences in the summer time from Night to Early morning.

    You’ll hear a variety of bird chirps, critter calls, dog barks, crickets, distant voices, car/traffic, acorns falling/ hitting the wood balcony, and more!
    All recordings are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recorded using the Sony D100 Handheld Portable Recorder.

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the night.

  • My Trip To LA: Airport Airplane is the first in a four part collection. Join us as we take our flights to Los Angeles, California from Chicago, Illinois. In the first pack, we hear various different areas inside two airports. LAX (Los Angeles) and Midway (Chicago). Have some lunch at both food courts, take a seat near the terminals, and get past security.

    All recordings are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Each are recorded at 192kHz, 24 bit into the Sony PCMD100 Portable Recorder.

    Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.

  • Environments & Ambiences Suburbs of Chicago: Lake Play Track 1500+ sounds included, 270 mins total $40

    Take a journey outside during the middle of summer to beautiful suburban lake…. surrounded by a highway and roads… and lots of trees and canoes!

    Suburbs of Chicago: Lake is the 7th in the Suburbs of Chicago Series. In this pack, we dive into the a large forest preserve in Illinois, bordered by in interstate, and cut in half by a long and busy road. Recordings include bikes, runners, walkers, and rollerbladers passing by on a bike path, in between large trees, lake water splashing from people canoeing, leaves and large grass/ plants rustle, and more!

    Recorded at 24 bit, 192 kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30 into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6, along with the Sony D100 Handheld Recorder. Total of 25 .wav audio files rounds of this pack.

    About four and a half hours of recordings packed with metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. As in the all the other packs in this series, you will hear distant traffic and planes throughout.

  • Environments & Ambiences Park N Planes Play Track 1500+ sounds included, 218 mins total $40

    What do you get when you combine a nature preserve, a small lake with a stream, and a nearby airport? You get beautiful scenery and a confusing soundscape. Walk along the path in the Barbara Key Nature Preserve in Illinois. But careful not to step on any plants of flowers.

    Park N Planes includes recordings of a small fishing lake inhabited by families and birds. Attached to the lake is a small stream, additionally recorded with a stereo pair of Aquarian H2a hydrophone microphones for low rumbles and high popping sounds. Listen as the birds chirp, bugs buzz and fly past the microphones, not to mention planes and helicopters flying overhead. Along with planes and helicopters, you will also hear distant vehicles.

    Park N Planes has over three and a half hours of recordings packed into 27 files, over 1500+ sounds, and 15.17GB. All files are recorded using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30 into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6. All Metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • What happens when you get lucky while figuring out a Cassette Player that hasn’t run in years? You bring out an annoying motor whine that last long enough to capture and record it.

    In the 3rd installment of the Personal Cassette Player Collection, Personal Cassette Player_Pack 03, includes recordings of the name-sake, the brand name, the leader of the pack, the Sony Walkman FM/AM Player. Included in this pack are sounds of buttons, fast forwards, rewinds, sliders, switches, opens, close, motors, and the surprising motor whine. Over 1875 sounds packed into 54 files and 48 minutes with loads of different motor sounds!

    All recordings are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recorded at 24 Bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphone combo into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    Plug in those headphones, sit back, relax, and listen to your favorite classic cassette tapes.

  • Environments & Ambiences Suburbs of Chicago: Woods Play Track 500+ sounds included, 103 mins total $22

    Suburbs of Chicago: Woods is the 6th in the Suburbs of Chicago Series. This pack takes us deep into another suburban forest preserve. This one drapes the sky in tall trees, providing shade and plenty of trails to walk through. Watch out for small critters jumping around as one recording in this pack caught a squirrel hopping through tall grass and weeds. There are plenty of grass and leaves rustles along with bird chirps. There is also a recording over 10 minutes at the intersection, filled with passing and idle vehicles, right out side the wooded forest preserve. Recorded at 24 bit, 192 kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30 into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    Over an hour and a half of recordings, all metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. As in the all the other packs in this series, you will hear distant traffic and planes throughout.

  • Personal Cassette Player_Pack 02 is the 2nd in the Personal Cassette Player Collection. In this pack are recordings of the Sony VOR Cassette Player/ Recorder. Click record and make your own recording. Press play and listen back, but don’t forget to rewind it first! Included are different buttons and sliders including the Fast Playback, Mic Sensitivity, and Pause Switch. Slide the tape in the compartment, turn it in your hand, fast forward to the end, or take the batteries out.

    All metadata updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recorded at 24 Bit, 192kHz using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30 microphone combo into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6.

    Plug in those headphones, sit back, relax, and listen to your favorite classic cassette tapes.

  • Suburbs of Chicago: Heavy Winds is the 5th in the Suburbs of Chicago Series.  This collection takes you to the edge of a new suburban forest preserve, one that has a busy four lane road bordering the land. 

    Suburbs of Chicago: Heavy Winds includes 10 files of recordings during a windy day near tall straw, open fields, a busy road, and rustling leaves.  Take a listen as a small flying drone passes over the small lake, bikes and rollerblades pass by, and people and dogs take a nice walk on the path. 

    Recorded at 24 bit, 192 kHz using the Sennhesier MKH8050 and MKH30 into a Sound Devices Mix Pre-6. 

    Over an hour and a half of recordings, all metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. As in the all the other packs in this series, you will hear distant traffic and planes throughout.  

  • Mechanical Sound Effects Filmless Film Camera Play Track 694+ sounds included, 25 mins total $12

    Included in this library, Filmless Film Camera, are sounds recorded using a Canon TX film Camera taking pictures, rewinding, manually changing the Fstop on the lens, lens cap, opening and closing the back, and more!  This pack includes both 96kHz and 192kHz versions, both exported at 24 bit, and both have 26 audio files.  All metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly. Recorded using the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30 to the Sound Devices Mix Pre-6 and exported as Mono and Stereo.

  • Environments & Ambiences Suburbs of Chicago: Lagoon Play Track 300+ sounds included, 123 mins total $12

    Suburbs of Chicago: Lagoon is the second installment in the Suburbs of Chicago Series. This package contains ambiences from a suburban lagoon. There is no shortage of bird chirps, leaves and grass rustling in the wind, and bike pass bys. Canoe Paddling, both distant and close, can be heard as one of the outdoor activities. As in any suburb, there are distant cars and distant planes. There is also 20 minutes of various car passes on a side road. 18 files wrap up this small package and over 300+ sounds for a duration of over 2 hours, and exported at 48kHz, 24 Bit! All files are metadata tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • Suburbs of Chicago: Spring is filled with various ambiences and room tones all recorded in the springtime. This environment includes distant cars, car pass, motorcycle pass, bird chirps, close and distant lawnmowers, dog barks, leaf rustles, wet streets wind chimes, a tennis match. and even a dripping sewer!

    As an added bonus, this pack also includes inside a Hyundai Sonata driving during pouring rain, and while parked. Recordings are all exported as stereo 96kHz, 24 Bit stereo .wav files. Files range in length anywhere between 2 minutes and 55 minutes for ultimate creative control, or for the enjoyment of listening.

    All recorded using the Sennheiser MKH8050/30 and MKH20/30 in decoded MS, Audio Technica AT2022 in XY, Zoom H1 XY, and the Sound Devices USBPre2 into the Tascam DR70d.

    All files are meta-data tagged and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects I Had A Little Dreidel Play Track 1491+ sounds included, 196 mins total $25

    Over 5000 years in the making, I Had A Little Dreidel is the most extensive library of dreidels spinning on various surfaces. Surfaces include wood end table, snare drum top and bottom, various hand drums, steel drums, and more! These close up recordings include all the clicks, clanks, and drone line spins these spinning tops produce. This pack was recorded using the Sennheiser MKH8050, MKH30, Line Audio CM3, JRF Contact Mics, Audio Technica AT2022, and AT897. Included are recordings of two different dreidels close up, plastic and wood. All files are metadata and updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

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