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Home Sound Effects World War II Firearms

World War II Firearms

From: $135


Bring your World War II-themed games and movies to the next level with this biggest-ever World War II firearms library. Recorded at an extraordinarily high quality with the most modern techniques, it includes weapons from all sides of the infamous conflict.

Containing 25 renowned World War II firearms, from the first assault rifle to pistols with designs still in use, this pack has the most important weapons of the Second World War period. With both shots and mechanical sounds, it is an absolute must for any sound design for movies and interactive media focused on mid-20th century combat.

WORLD WAR II FIREARMS | Sound Effects | Trailer

What’s inside

Included sounds – keywords

action, assault, automatic, bipod, blowback, bolt, brit, buckshot, bullet, bursts, close, collar, drop, gas, gauge, gun, handheld, machine, magazine, mechanical, muzzle, pistol, rattle, recoil, rifle, semiautomatic, shotgun, submachine, war, weapons, WWII


Licensor: : BOOM Library Categories: , , , .
Type: Gun sound effects / recordings
Specs: 9178 sounds • 1210 files • 24 Bit / 96 kHz • 26,05 GB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

World War II Firearms Construction Kit



These were the weapons that defined the battles they were in. High-quality sounds of this grade and caliber are an absolute necessity for sound design in a game, film, movie, or podcast that broaches the subject of World War II, and will work for anything to do about guns – crime, sports, war, and so on. We’ve included 10 different shots for each gun, and, depending on the weapon, we have also recorded single, burst and fully automatic firing. This allows for maximum versatility for fast workflows.



The sounds were captured on a hill-top near a forest; the natural outdoor reverb providing ultra-crisp and full tails. With our array of modern mics – including shotguns to omnidirectional mics in AB, XY, ORTF configurations plus Ambisonics and ORTF 3D spatial audio setups – we were able to capture every sound in their full, rich intensity.



Not only were the firing sounds included, but also all the mechanical sounds as well. We recorded everything from reloading/changing magazines, pickups to cocking actions, and dryfire. We even managed to capture bipod sounds when the gun had one.



  • Files: 1,013
  • Sounds: 8,148
  • Size: 23,9 GB
  • Content Info: PDF + XLS
  • Available As: Download
  • Format: WAV – 24bit – 96kHz / Windows + Mac

World War II Firearms Designed

With 25 of the most well-known World War II firearms, like the MG42 and the M1 Garand, this library is presented in stunningly crisp detail and character. With the Designed pack we went even further in creating for you the perfect, ready-to-use sounds.



Each shot was designed and processed with three styles to coax out different use-scenarios.

Mechanical: Close-up sounds a gun makes when firing; shots are light and subtle with short tails
Modern: Precise and powerful with long tails, perfect for the modern first-person-shooter game
Punch: Designed for an extra impact and robust character



Our Designed sounds are always crafted with true drag-and-drop use in mind. With the designed gun mechanics completing the sonic profile of the shot, you can rest assured these sounds can be added where you need them without any additional need for revising. Combined with the Construction Kit to add any extra character or effects, this is a truly powerful toolbox of weapons sounds to have.



  • Files: 197
  • Sounds: 1,030
  • Size: 2,14 GB
  • Content Info: PDF + XLS
  • Available As: Download
  • Format: WAV – 24bit – 96kHz / Windows + Mac


World War II Firearms

THE BUNDLE – The best of both worlds at a discounted price.
The Construction Kit and Designed truly stand out when used together. In the Designed part, the Mechanical Shots were crafted to provide the full process of firing the gun. While the Construction Kit comes with all the source material so that any Foley sound you might want for further customization can be used.


  • Files: 1,210
  • Sounds: 9,178
  • Size: 26.05 GB GB
  • Content Info: PDF CK + XLS CK + PDF DS + XLS DS
  • Available As: Download
  • Format: WAV – 24bit – 96kHz / Windows + Mac

What we recorded

We scouted for a recording location that would be perfect for truly astounding firearm reverb tails, which not only make the shot sound naturally bigger, but also keeps it flexible enough for indoor use or to place it anywhere else. With an array of sub machine guns, light machine guns, pistols, and rifles, we hauled up the hillside and began shooting.

For every firearm, we’ve included handling sounds such as pickups, reloads, cocking, and dryfire.

Firearms included:

Sub Machine Guns

  • Thompson M1928A1 SMG
  • M3 SMG
  • Sten Gun Mark II SMG
  • MP 40 SMG
  • Bergmann MP28 SMG
  • PPS 43 SMG
  • PPD 40 SMG
  • Light Machine Guns & Pistols

  • MG 42 LMG
  • FG 42 LMG
  • Bren MG LMG
  • DP 27 LMG
  • Walther P38 Pistol
  • Walther PPK Pistol
  • Tokarew TT 33 Pistol
  • Assault Rifles & Semi Auto Rifles

  • StG 44 Assault Rifle
  • M1 Garand Semi Auto
  • M1 Carbine Semi Auto
  • Gewehr 41 Semi Auto
  • Tokarew SVT 40 Semi Auto
  • AVS-36 Semi Auto
  • Sniper Rifles & Shotguns

  • Kar98K Sniper Rifle
  • G33 Sniper Rifle
  • Mosin Nagant M1938 Sniper Rifle
  • M30 Drilling Sniper Rifle
  • M30 Drilling Shotgun
  • What makes World War II Firearms special?

    As time advances, sounds from truly genuine weapons of the World War II-era are becoming increasingly hard to find. We handled only authentic weapons made during the period, and no later reproductions.



    WORLD WAR II FIREARMS was recorded with a 30-channel microphone setup. This extensive positioning allows you to place your shooter virtually anywhere you want in relation to the gunshot. The 30 separate channels are only included in the Construction Kit. In the Designed edition, we created pre-designed sounds in various different styles by using different combinations of the 30-channel array.


    With all these channel options, using your DAW you can mix the different microphones exactly the way you want to achieve exactly the sound you are after. For example: Do you need a more mechanical sound? Simply boost the mic that was attached to the shooter’s trigger wrist or collar. Need something with more distance? The Sennheiser AMBEO VR Mic captured the sound from 100 meters away. This setup provides for the ultimate level of customization in your sound design.


    Compatible Software

    This BOOM Library of World War II firearms sounds comes as WAV files, meaning you can import and work with them in any software that can handle this file type. Here are the most common audio and video editing software tools that work perfectly with our sound FX:

    Audio Software

  • Logic Pro
  • Nuendo
  • Pro Tools
  • Cubase
  • Ableton Live
  • Video Editing Software

  • Premiere Pro
  • After Effects
  • Media Composer
  • Final Cut Pro X
  • Vegas Pro
  • Rich Metadata Embedded

    To provide you with the fastest and easiest workflow possible, all files contain extensive metadata like file description & keywords to quickly find the sounds you’re looking for. Metadata can be read and processed by audio management tools. Some digital audio workstations feature an included search tool that can also read embedded metadata. Here are the most common audio management tools:

  • Soundminer
  • Basehead
  • Soundly
  • Universal Category System
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    BOOM Library

    The BOOM Library is part of DYNAMEDION, Europe’s biggest game audio studio. Our sound designers worked on great games like

    • “The Elder Scrolls Online” (Zenimax)
    • “The Settlers” series (Ubisoft)
    • “Anno” series (Ubisoft)
    • “Sacred” series (Deep Silver)
    • “Drakensang” (Big Point)
    • “Alan Wake” (Microsoft)
    – and many many more

    The BOOM Library prides itself on providing high-end, ultimate sound effects for all media and audio professionals. Our products have this specific edge you will not find anywhere else: Every collection comes with a 96 KHz high definition, huge source library of our original recordings + a great variety of designed SFX, ready to use. All BOOM Library products are royalty free – which means you get unlimited synch rights with every purchase.

    When producing a new BOOM SFX Library, we put all our sound design expertise into the production process to ensure top quality and instant usability. Not only for game projects but for any project that needs to be boosted with a set of great SFX.

    BOOM SFX have been used in great projects such as:

    • THOR – The Dark World
    • SIN CITY: A Dame To Kill For
    • Machete & Machete Kills
    • The Hobbit – The Desolation Of Smaug (Online Trailer)
    • Prometheus (Trailer)
    • Disney’s John Carter
    • The Dark Knight Rises (Trailer)

    Our mission is to provide top notch sound effects and source recordings in high definition. All treated with great Sound Miner metadata, fast to use, easy to access and epic sounding: BOOM!
