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Home Sound Effects Sci-Fi & Fantasy Sounds Volume 1

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Sounds Volume 1


The first pack of designed sound effects from Sky River Sound provides you with over 80 sound effects I’ve created taking inspiration from video games in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres. Types of sounds you’ll find include ranged and melee weapons, magic spells and rituals, vehicles, UI elements and creature sounds. The sound effects were designed to be ready to be used as they are now, but can also easily be used as building elements for further sound design.

Sale Policy: To keep things simple, I never put any of my libraries on sale or offer any kind of discount. I sell them at a reasonable price given the effort to record and compile them, I find this is the most honest and transparent approach to the sale of sound effects.

Licensor: : Sky River Sound Categories: , , , , , , .
Type: scifi sound effects / recordings
Specs: 108 sounds • 81 files • 481.2 MB • Includes metadata
Approx. 12 minutes total
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout
AMBTech_Storm On Planet Below 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREABeast_Ugly Roar 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAHmn_Bipedal Demon 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAHmn_Ghoul 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAHmn_Ghoul Moan 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAHmn_Heavy Breathing 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAMnstr_Angry Growl 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAMnstr_Imp 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAMnstr_Imp 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
CREAMnstr_Large Deep Growl 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
DSGNErie_Communion With Spirits 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
DSGNErie_Portal To The Netherworld 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
ELECZap_Scifi Vehicle Discharge 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EQUIPTech_Hud Zoom In 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EQUIPTech_Hud Zoom Out 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Anti Personnel Mine Interior Space 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Energy Build Up And Burst 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Energy Launcher Explosion 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Evil Energy Grenade Detonate 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Explosion Against Tank Armor 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Scifi Grenade Launcher Close 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Scifi Grenade Launcher Close 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Scifi Grenade Launcher Distant 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Scifi Grenade Launcher Distant 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
EXPLDsgn_Scifi Rocket Launcher Blast 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
FGHTMisc_Game Style Multi Attack 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GAMEVideo_Indie Hero Whoosh Attack 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNArtl_Scifi Grenade Launcher 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNArtl_Scifi Grenade Launcher 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNArtl_Scifi Rocket Launcher 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNArtl_Tank Cannon Fire 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNAuto_Scifi Smg 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNMisc_Scifi Grenade Launcher Reload 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
GUNTech_Scifi Sidearm 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Huge Laser Cannon_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Large Lasers 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Plasma Blaster Charge 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Plasma Blaster Single Fire 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Plasma Blaster Single Fire 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Simple Yellow Laser Blaster 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Speeder Blasters 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRGun_Standard Issue Laser Rifle 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
LASRImpt_Standard Issue Laser Rifle Humaniod Target 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGAngl_Healing Spell 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGElem_Conjuring Fire Spell 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGElem_Ice Freeze Flow Spell_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGElem_Ice Smash Attack 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGElem_Massive Fire Spell 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGEvil_Burst Of Blight 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGEvil_Charged Slam 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGEvil_Confronting Hela_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGEvil_Opening Portals To Fire Realm 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGMisc_Large Magic Creature Swiping Arms 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
MAGSpel_Conjuring A Storm 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIDoor_Heavy Doors Close 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIDoor_Heavy Doors Open 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIEnrg_Approaching Enemy Force Field 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIEnrg_Do Not Touch This Thing 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIEnrg_Overload Error 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIShip_Cargo Bay Large Ship 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIVeh_Speeder Accellerate 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIVeh_Speeder Idle 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIVeh_Speeder Side Thrust 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Auto Rifle Burst Fire 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Auto Rifle_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Change Weapon 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Launcher Cooldown 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Launcher_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Sword Engage_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Sword Swipe 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Sword Swipe 02_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Energy Sword Swipe 03_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Evil Grenade Launcher_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Ice Shuriken Impact 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
SCIWeap_Ice Shuriken Throw 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
UIMvmt_Scifi Hud Zoom In 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
UIMvmt_Scifi Hud Zoom Out 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
VEHMil_Scifi Tank 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
WEAPBow_Enchanted Crossbow 01_JATH_DSFF.wav
WEAPMisc_Video Game Viking Axe Swing_JATH_DSFF.wav
WEAPSwrd_Game Style Sword Unsheathe 01_JATH_DSFF.wav


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I’m James Thatcher and I am passionate about recording and creating unique sounds. I particularly love recording nature ambiences, and have thus far released libraries of natural soundscapes from Death Valley, the Pacific Northwest and also Alaska. Other, non-nature libraries are also available here on ASE 

Also visit me at www.skyriversound.com

Find some free examples on social media:


Instagram, Facebook as Sky River Sound.
