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Home Sound Effects Rural Passenger Trains Volume 2: The East Anglia Short Sets

Rural Passenger Trains Volume 2: The East Anglia Short Sets


This sound library boasts a collection of sound recordings that capture the character of locomotive-hauled passenger trains in the East Anglia region of the United Kingdom. All of the recordings were taken at locations in and around Norfolk and feature trains hauled by Class 37 and Class 68 diesel locomotives.

The Class 37 is a classic type of British-built diesel locomotive originally introduced in the early 1960s and features a 4-stroke V12 English Electric turbocharged diesel engine.

The Class 68 locomotives are much more modern locomotives, being introduced in 2013 and feature a 16-cylinder Caterpillar diesel engine.


  • Station arrivals and departures recorded from the station platform.
  • Pass-bys and other lineside recordings.
  • An on-board recording demonstrating the traditional “clickety-clack” sound of jointed track at speed.

Licensor: : Infrastructure Recordings Categories: , , , .
Type: Rural train sound effects / recordings
Specs: 20 sounds • 20 files • 16 bit, 44.1 kHz • 169 MB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout
About the recordings:

Most of the file names include basic information such as the “class” or type of train as well as the nature of the movement such as whether the train is departing a station, or passing at speed.
More detailed information can be found in the individual file’s metadata under the “description” field.

Many of the recordings are “long play” type recordings that begin and/or end with silence. Others may be detailed “one-shot” type sound effects or loops.

All recordings are at least 44100Hz in quality and in full stereo unless otherwise stated.

All sound files have been mastered to peak at -0.5dB, except in some cases where the sounds are part of a set that would make the master level of related sounds disproportionate when linked.

Class 37 Locomotive Idling Loop1 (0:06)
Class 37 Locomotive Idling Loop2 (0:19)
Class 37 Locomotive Idling Under Station Canopy Loop (0:20)
MkII Coach On Board Window Ambience at Speed on Jointed Track (2:14)
Class 37 Departing Station Full Throttle (On Board) (0:15)
Class 37 Departing Station Full Throttle2 (On Board) (0:25)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Arriving and Departing Brundall Station (2:05)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Arriving at Brundall Station (0:26)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Brundall Gardens Station and Pass Full Throttle (0:53)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Brundall Station from Footbridge (0:48)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Brundall Station From Platform Level (0:55)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Brundall Station Full Throttle (0:51)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Norwich Station1 (0:30)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Departing Norwich Station2 (0:39)
Class 68s and MkII Coaches Arriving and Departing Brundall Station from Footbridge (1:27)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Passing Breydon Curve (Distance) (1:23)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Passing Gt Yarmouth Vauxhall Junction1 (0:56)
Class 37s and MkII Coaches Passing Gt Yarmouth Vauxhall Junction2 (0:42)
Class 68s and MkII Coaches Passing Breydon Curve1 (Distance) (0:40)
Class 68s and MkII Coaches Passing Breydon Curve2 (Distance) (0:21)


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Infrastructure Recordings is a small enterprise founded by Chris Richmond, whose life-long interests in sound and music have developed into an up and coming brand of high-quality audio recordings.

Chris’ links with the public transport industry means he has a great deal of experience with buses, refining an ear for detail, which, combined with his own curiosity has enabled him to produce a number of high-quality sound libraries defining each vehicle’s unique sonic characteristics.

A railway enthusiast at heart, Chris is also passionate about railway recordings- particularly the sounds of fast-disappearing heritage vehicles, attempting to preserve those characteristic soundtracks we all take for granted, which will soon all be consigned to the history books.

