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Home Sound Effects Personal Cassette Player_Pack 01

Personal Cassette Player_Pack 01


Before streaming, before the mp3 Player, before the portable CD Player, the Portable Cassette Player reigned supreme. Now you could walk and listen to your favorite tunes!

Personal Cassette Player_Pack 01 is the first in the Personal Cassette Player collection. Pop in that cassette and listen to the GPX Cassette Personal Stereo Player. Included are various buttons with and without batteries in, with and with out the tape in, open and close of both the tape compartment and also the battery compartment. Flip that cassette to the b side and pop it in. Maybe shake it a bit and squeeze first.

Over 700 sounds fills out the 30 files. They were recorded with the Sennheiser MKH8050 and MKH30 microphones and exported in stereo. Recorded at 24 bit, 192kHz. All metadata updated using the Universal Category System in Soundminer, Basehead, and Soundly.

Play and run the tape, or fast forward to the good part, plug in those headphones and enjoy!

Licensor: : All You Can Eat Audio Categories: , .
Type: Cassette Player sound effects / recordings
Specs: 700+ sounds • 30 files • 2.06 GB • Includes metadata
Approx. 29 minutes total
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
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Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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All You Can Eat Audio was founded by Jeremy Zussman in December of 2016 under a single concept- record as many different sounds as possible using a single object. A Foley Artist by nature, Jeremy has a fascination with manipulating objects to create unique and unnatural sounds.
