The Audio Browser Page:
The Okamoid sound effects library comes with a custom audio browser page to help you find words, preview words and construct sentences via drag&drop into your DAW or editor. Here’s what it looks like:
This html page allow you to quickly audit all the included files and find the needed ones. It is also possible to preview the different effects, to help you in choosing the right one.
Voices: sentence building using a DAW or audio editor
Let’s say you want to build the sentence “game over”, with a little reverb, using a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation like Cubase, Logic, Live, Reaper, etc…) or an editor (like Audacity, SoundForge, etc)
Here’s how to do it:
1. open the audiobrowser html file. Find the “game___small_reverb.wav” and “over___small_reverb.wav” files.
2. import the files in the project (usually a simple drag&drop will just work)
3. time-align the two wave files in order to sound it right. You will need to set some overlap, so that the tail from the first word blends into the second one, and so on.
That’s it! If you need customizations or implementation help, contact Luigi at LeeVaudio here
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