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Home Sound Effects Military Buildings

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Military Buildings

From: $65

Military Buildings is a collection of 5.0 room tones/ambiences and stereo & mono spot effects and activities recorded on location

We extensively explored an array of interesting locations centered around an Abandoned Military Facility.

Bentwaters is a former Royal Air Force base housing a wide range of interesting sonic spaces including:

• Jet engine testing facility with exhaust tunnel.
• Aircraft Hangers used during the late 70’s Cold War era.
• Bomb stores, purpose built for the cold war to secure nuclear weapons.
• Military Barracks.
• A large Squadron Building with unique decontamination stations.
• A series of old dilapidated barns on the site likely used for storage and general purpose.
• K9 Dog kennels, jail cells and an array of lengthy corridors spanning the site.

Our first task was exploring the base in its entirety to record high quality 5.0 room tones of each individual space.
Some of these unique spaces have been untouched since the 70’s and are thus in a state of disrepair. Paint peeling off the walls, cracks scarring each room, window, and ceiling. The dilapidated state of these rooms creates minute details in the sonic architecture which add depth, character and can give a clear indication as to the size of the spaces and so have been left in the recordings.

Next we set about recording spot fx with multiple perspectives (close up and wide) within the different spaces.
These spot fx include:

Doors (manual and electric), light fixtures, buttons/switches/levers, metal impacts, BG activities, compound gates, and any other fixture or fitting we could open, close, turn, twist, rattle, shake, impact

All of our sounds have been recorded in high-quality 24bit, 96kHz using Sound Devices recorders and Sennheiser, microphones. Each file has been tagged with detailed Soundminer metadata to speed up workflow and increase organization.


Licensor: : If a Tree Falls Categories: , , , .
Type: roomtone sound effects / recordings
Specs: 106+ sounds • 106 files • 24 Bit / 96 kHz • 5.4/10.6 GB • Includes metadata
Approx. 155 minutes total
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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Surround & Stereo, Stereo Only


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