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Home Sound Effects Jaguar iPace – Electric Car SUV

Jaguar iPace – Electric Car SUV


Jaguar iPace – An electric SUV designed by Ian Callum, launched in 2018. This is the first fully electric car created by Jaguar.The sound of the car or what Jaguar calls an “acoustic alert system” was designed ahead of legislation requiring all-electric vehicles to emit an exterior sound to notify pedestrians of its presence.

The library consists of a wide variety of both onboard and exterior sounds. We recorded foley of doors, knobs, locking mechanisms etc. Exterior pass-bys at various speeds, arrivals, and takeoffs. An extensive amount of onboards, driving at very slow paces with both steady and varying speeds, city driving, higher speeds, various accelerations and decelerations at various paces. The library offers 19.5GB of sound in total.

The way car sound is set up is it’s emitting a tone through exterior speakers at speeds up to 30mph, which then fades away while starting to feed an interesting tone through interior speakers to compliment the feeling of acceleration for the driver and passengers.

All of the sounds have labelled ISO tracks and also a mix for each take for your convenience. Sounds captured at 24bit/96khz. Enjoy.

Licensor: : Pursuit Sound Categories: , .
Specs: 338+ sounds • 24 Bit / 96 kHz • 19.51 GB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
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Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

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Hi, I’m Andrei Leskovski, UK based sound recordist primarily working in the automotive sector occasionally venturing into the sound effects world.
