Our first theme-dedicated library and named after the Eternal Hammerer of Finnish lore, ‘Ilmarinen’ is a collection of blacksmithing sounds from anvil to forge. We visited three regional blacksmiths who operate three uniquely different styles of smithies. 302 files full of grindings, glorious hammer strikes, taps, and drops, tap hammer operation, blowers, forge fx, braces, clamps, squelches and more! They are impactful and bright in their nature, but can also achieve *sick* (we’ve done it) results with modulations applied.
The files are a mix of (mostly) 96kHz and (some) 48kHz (both at 24-bit resolution) and not all are single events. You will find some files to be a series of events that you are able to edit more conveniently. As always, we design each sound to stand robust and ready to use all on its own, but also able to modify freely as you see fit.
Dial up some heat and some metal and forge your own acoustic bliss.
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