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Home Sound Effects Dragon Talk

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Dragon Talk


A package of organic, realistic-sounding dragon/dinosaur/pterodactyl hisses, grunts, munching, clacking jaws, howls – from close and breathy, to distantly echoing, as well as colony chatter. All created from real (and unusual) animal field recordings. All in 48KHz/24 bit stereo. Bring a big and scary or a cute and chattery creature alive in your podcast, game or film production. And avoid having to get your own mic covers singed!

Take a little fantasy trip … with the Audio Ninja.

Licensor: : Audio Ninja Categories: , , .
Type: Dragon, Creature, Organic sound effects / recordings
Specs: 25 sounds • 25 files • 174.6 MB • Not metatagged
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

Full sound effects list for Dragon Talk:

Fire breather slow / 0:45 / Close-mic’d & fiery, short & faster huffs.

02 Fire breathe fast / 0:16 / Close-mic’d deep, rapid huffs, can hear saliva on in-breath.

03 Fire breather medium / 0:35 / Close-mic’d, longer & shorter huffs, with mucus detail on in-breath.

04 Fire breather fast with cavern echo / 0:14 / Like track 02 but with a big echo.

05 Fire breather short & sibilant /0:05 /Close-mic’d fast & serpent-like hisses.

06 Fire breather sibilant with extended slither echo / 0:12 / Close-mic’d, sibilant, fast powerful hisses.

07 Fire breather with sibilant cave echo / 0:16 / Close-mic’d medium-paced short-echoing hisses, longer & shorter, pitched higher than track 03.

08 Fire breather slithery who-are-you /0:16 / Close-mic’d medium & fast hisses.

09 Deep crunchy chuckle snorts / 0:10 / Close-mic’d & grunty.

10 Deep gutsy bellows /0:07 /Three slightly different grunty roars.

11 Deep relaxed breathy snorts / 0:11 / Close mic’d, rumbling, ominous.

12 Fast talking chatter in the colony / 0:06 / Mid distance busy, rapid clucking.

13 Grunty munching / 0:14 / /Close-mic’d, scary crunching of what sounds like fruit, flesh … and small bones!

14 Laughter in the colony / 0:31 / Mid distance chuckling of several animals.

15 Pterodactyl trill / 0:07 / Fairly close-mic’d reptilian bleating.

16 Chatter in the colony medium speed / 0:31 / Mid distance alien groans/grunts: several animals.

17 Scary grunts with snapping jaws / 0:06 / Close mic’d mandibles clacking – prepare to be eaten!

18 Slow colony chatter in middle distance / 0:31 / Mid distance grunty roars – sounds like 2-3 animals. Don’t amp this one up – it’s a background effect.

19 Roaring echoing grunty chatter in middle distance/ 01:53 / Same as track 18 but with an echo.

20 Distant deep echoing croaks / 0:12 / Bellowing, throaty, in the distance, but loud.

21 Distant echoing howls / 0:15 / Four distant musical wails – sounds like they’re coming from deep underground.

22 Distant echoing laugh / 0:02 /Single resonant laugh from a distance.

23 Distant echoing mournful wail / 0:24 / Two deep, long wails – from deep underground.

24 Distant echoing sob / 0:19 / Single wrenching resonant sob from far away

25 Distant mournful yelps with long natural echo / 01:50 / Seven varyingly pitched sounds; long echo on these Is natural, not an effect.


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Diane Hope is a sound recordist/audio producer who has sold her sound for major feature film sound designer and made award winning audio features for various podcasts, BBC Radio and Australian Radio National. With 14 years of experience, she specializes in high quality stereo location sound – especially binaural stereo soundscapes .. that will help you establish an immersive feel to your productions.
