Full sound effects list for Dragon Talk:
02 Fire breathe fast / 0:16 / Close-mic’d deep, rapid huffs, can hear saliva on in-breath.
03 Fire breather medium / 0:35 / Close-mic’d, longer & shorter huffs, with mucus detail on in-breath.
04 Fire breather fast with cavern echo / 0:14 / Like track 02 but with a big echo.
05 Fire breather short & sibilant /0:05 /Close-mic’d fast & serpent-like hisses.
06 Fire breather sibilant with extended slither echo / 0:12 / Close-mic’d, sibilant, fast powerful hisses.
07 Fire breather with sibilant cave echo / 0:16 / Close-mic’d medium-paced short-echoing hisses, longer & shorter, pitched higher than track 03.
08 Fire breather slithery who-are-you /0:16 / Close-mic’d medium & fast hisses.
09 Deep crunchy chuckle snorts / 0:10 / Close-mic’d & grunty.
10 Deep gutsy bellows /0:07 /Three slightly different grunty roars.
11 Deep relaxed breathy snorts / 0:11 / Close mic’d, rumbling, ominous.
12 Fast talking chatter in the colony / 0:06 / Mid distance busy, rapid clucking.
13 Grunty munching / 0:14 / /Close-mic’d, scary crunching of what sounds like fruit, flesh … and small bones!
14 Laughter in the colony / 0:31 / Mid distance chuckling of several animals.
15 Pterodactyl trill / 0:07 / Fairly close-mic’d reptilian bleating.
16 Chatter in the colony medium speed / 0:31 / Mid distance alien groans/grunts: several animals.
17 Scary grunts with snapping jaws / 0:06 / Close mic’d mandibles clacking – prepare to be eaten!
18 Slow colony chatter in middle distance / 0:31 / Mid distance grunty roars – sounds like 2-3 animals. Don’t amp this one up – it’s a background effect.
19 Roaring echoing grunty chatter in middle distance/ 01:53 / Same as track 18 but with an echo.
20 Distant deep echoing croaks / 0:12 / Bellowing, throaty, in the distance, but loud.
21 Distant echoing howls / 0:15 / Four distant musical wails – sounds like they’re coming from deep underground.
22 Distant echoing laugh / 0:02 /Single resonant laugh from a distance.
23 Distant echoing mournful wail / 0:24 / Two deep, long wails – from deep underground.
24 Distant echoing sob / 0:19 / Single wrenching resonant sob from far away
25 Distant mournful yelps with long natural echo / 01:50 / Seven varyingly pitched sounds; long echo on these Is natural, not an effect.
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