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Home Sound Effects City Plaza 1

City Plaza 1


People in the street without any traffic, that’s what this collection delivers – featuring city life, with restaurants and pedestrian commercial streets. Most of those sounds have been recorded in Venice, which is one of the largest pedestrian zone in the world.

About Ambisonics:
This is an Ambisonics sound effects library - and by using the free SoundField SurroundZone 2 plugin you can convert the B-format files into your preferred format (stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround). Note: The library also contains ready-made stereo mixdowns for your convenience.

Licensor: : Spheric Collection Categories: , , .
Type: Traffic-free Pedestrian & Crowd Ambisonic sound effects / recordings
Specs: 17+ sounds • 17 files • 24 bit / 48 kHz • 1.2 GB • Includes metadata
Instant - blazingly-fast - digital download
License type:
Royalty-free - you can select the number of users on checkout

Ambisonic library demo

These are binaural demos, encoded for headphone listening - many other possibilities available with the source material:

City Plaza Ambisonics Sound Effects Library

GN00444-Rumor on the street at night Montmarte stairs-wxyz (2:25)
GN00445-Voices in the stairs of montmartre at night-wxyz (1:22)
GN00622-Place in a pedestrian area-wxyz (2:17)
GN00726-Calm street on an island-wxyz (3:00)
GN00728-Crowded pedestrian in a narrow street-wxyz (2:24)
GN00729-Crowded pedestrian street-wxyz (2:43)
GN00731-Narrow street cloister in Bruges-wxyz (2:13)
GN00732-Pedestrian street few voices and traffic in the distance-wxyz (1:25)
GN00733-Pedestrian street in the distance-wxyz (2:07)
GN00734-Plaza Campo dei carmini bells ring 7pm-wxyz (3:00)
GN00735-Plaza St-Marco on the evening 1-wxyz (3:46)
GN00737-Plaza St-Marta people lunch outside-wxyz (3:15)
GN00738-Plaza calm during day time-wxyz (1:02)
GN00739-Plaza hubbub in the distance-wxyz (2:17)
GN00740-Plaza in Bruges footsteps and backgroud voices-wxyz (1:58)
GN00741-Plaza painter and tourist voices-wxyz (0:45)
GN00745-Voices in a narrow street-wxyz (1:00)


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