This library includes 33 unique boat horns, organized in a chromatic scale, from A2 to F#5. We recorded 4 blasts of each horn, from short to long ones, for convenient editing. Each horn comes in 3 audio files, with 3 different microphone perspectives.
In addition, you get recordings of an air siren, custom made from a boat horn, and 5 edited loops of it, plus 3 different train steam whistles.
Equipment used:
– Recorders: Sound Devices 744T, Sound Devices MixPre-10 II
– Microphones: Sennheiser MKH 8020, MKH 8040, DPA 2006A, Neuman TLM 103, Sennheiser SM57.
We hope you’ll enjoy this very rare collection, that we all wish we had in our sound library.
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