What started out as a somewhat smaller camera sound effects recording project quickly evolved into an obsessive need to find new cameras with different sounding shutters and winders.
Every flee-market and camera enthusiasts’ gathering were thoroughly scanned for more, more, more…
As a fun side-note, sellers tend to give you some strange looks when you’re listening to one camera after another, instead of looking through the finder on the various models for sale.
All tracks include metadata of specific camera name and model, as well as specific action(s) performed.
Recorder: Sounddevices 702. Microphone: Sennheiser Mkh 416, and Aquarian Audio H2 XLR hydrophone (used as contact microphone)
Sonic Salute is constantly striving to find new and unique sources to record, and make a big effort in getting in touch with the right people to get permission to get the recordings right.
The goal is to provide sound designers and editors with hard-to-get, quality sound effects and ambiences for their projects.
Sonic Salute’s libraries are recorded and edited in 96K / 24 bit. The delivery format is .wav stereo LR ,and or Mono/MS format, for versatility.
Each sound in the libraries has been carefully named and tagged for easy search in Soundminer etc.
Sonic Salute libraries have been packed in zip format. This means a smaller package to download, and at the same time, no compromises are made to the audio quality.
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