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Home Genres Sci-Fi Sound Effects Page 2

Sci-Fi Sound Effects

Spectacular sci-fi sound effects, from robot sounds, spacecraft and lasers to other futuristic sounds

  • Electricity Sound Effects Radio Nomad Play Track 75 sounds included, 78 mins total $10

    This is an extended and re-mastered source part of more advanced Radiomorph library.

    Shortwave radio is a strange, noisy and constantly changing soundscape, but it can pick up lots of interesting things: whine, fading stations, atmospheric noises, heterodyne, voices in foreign languages from distant broadcasts.

    Time of day, location, weather, solar activity, ionosphere – all these things have huge impact to what receiver can pick up.

    This affordable library is a great way to add unique, squelchy, noisy, unpredictable LoFi sounds to your arsenal!

    Equipment used: Evaton RF Nomad eurorack module, Sound Devices MixPre 6


    – 75 sound effects made from eurorack shortwave radio receiver module

    – 96khz/24bit quality

    – Perfect source of dark, gritty and noisy radio textures for SFX production

    – Universal Catalog System (UCS) compliant

    – Contains BWF metadata for search engines

  • Welcome to SoundMorph’s Future Weapons soundpack, one of the most advanced weapon sound effects libraries ever created.

    Inspired by some of the latest modern sci-fi films, Future Weapons takes high tech weaponry to whole other universes.

    Divided into two factions ‘Alliance’ and ‘Resistance’, Future Weapons sound effects create sonic signatures for both good and evil forces.

    Providing excellent designed sounds and source to get you started on crafting your own advanced arsenal, Future Weapons is a must have for the twenty-first century sound designer!

  • This SFX library is a complete collection of everything ENERGY, covering Electricity, Power Ups, Shockwaves, Sparks, Force Fields, Zaps, Loops, and plenty more.

    ENERGY is created in collaboration with talented French sound design duo Frederic Devanlay and Cedric Denooz, and features more than 625+ sounds and 6.4GB of 24bit/96khz .WAV files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata.

    Sounds include:

    • Energy Loops (start, loop, end)
    • Neutrons and Particles
    • Electricity sparks, zaps, impacts
    • Energy Weapons / Special Powers
    • Whoosh and Passbys
    • Energy Foley
    • Ambiences
    • Hums and Buzzes
    • Lightning Elements
    • Power Ups and Power Downs
    • Source Tool Box – Create your own sounds from scratch!

  • Roomtones Office Space Play Track 134 sounds included, 360 mins total $39

    Office Space is an extensive and the go-to collection for clean and constant office environment room tones and ambiences. The library has over 6 hours / 11.7 GB worth of material that covers a whole large modern office building from top to bottom. The length of each room tone is 3 minutes and all the room tones are calibrated to -30 LUFS.

    Office Space was recorded with a custom designed very low self-noise (4.5 dB) ORTF rig that gives you only the noise of the room and minimal noise from the recording equipment itself.

    The huge variety in the sounds of the room tones gives you a great palette to experiment with various sound design tools so you can create e.g. spaceship ambiences, drones and otherworldly textures.

    You get the sounds in two formats: 96 kHz, 24 bit and in 44.1 KHz, 16 bit, for more convenient ways of utilizing the sounds in games and other media.

    Room tones / locations:

    Auditorium • Bunker Shelter • Cleaning Closet • Communal Kitchen • Corridor • Elevator Interior • Elevator Lobby • Gaming Area • General Open Office Area • General Open Office Printer Area • Hallway • Large Meeting Room • Large Room • Large Storage Room • Large Vestibule • Lobby • Lounge • Main Lobby • Massage Room • Meeting Room Lounge Area • Parking Garage • Printer Room • Recycling Room • Restaurant Corridor • Restaurant General Dining Area • Restaurant Kitchen • Restaurant Service Cashier Desk • Sauna • Sauna Changing Room • Sauna Lounge Area • Sauna Shower Area • Server Room • Small Cleaning Closet • Small Communal Kitchen • Small Kitchen • Small Meeting Room • Small Phone Booth Room • Small Room • Small Shower • Small Vestibule • Staircase • Storage Room • Toilet

    Bonus content:

    As bonus content you will get over 20 minutes worth of recordings of an elevator and a large office printer. The bonus content was recorded in both XY and ORTF so you can easily mix and match them to your projects.

    Elevator Door Open Close (Interior and Lobby perspectives) • Elevator Interior Move Up Down Ground Floor to 4th Floor • Office Printer Paper Tray Open Close • Office Printer Print Start Loop End • Office Printer Scan Glass Start Loop End • Office Printer Scan Paper Holder Start Loop End • Office Printer Wake Up From Sleep Mode

  • It’s been 5 years since the release of our Robotic Lifeforms 1 library, and we just felt we could do more! So we teamed up with an epic team of Sound Designers to create an ultimate follow up to it all with Robotic Lifeforms 2. This is no joke, a library of love and over 4,100 files and 12.5GB!

    Using some of the most advanced microphones, Kyma, and synths, we really went all out to bring what we think is the most advanced and modern Robot library ever created. Not only do you get over 2,700 designed sounds, but you also get over 1,300 source audio files recorded in 192 kHz 24Bit with the Sanken c1000 mic, so you can pitch the sounds to infinity to create some stellar new sounds of your own.

    In our opinion, this is THE robot library to have in your tool box. We aren’t just saying that because we made it, we are saying it because we believe it to be a fact.
    Take Robotic Lifeforms 2 for a ride, and you will be happy to own the most advanced robot library ever made so far!

    Library highlights:

    • 2,700+ designed sound effects
    • 1,300+ source audio files recorded in 192 kHz 24Bit with a Sanken c1000
    • Transforms, Mechanisms, Movements
    • Power
    • Servos
    • Air Hydraulics
    • Energy
    • Footsteps
    • Impacts
    • Computer
    • Devices
    • Attack Defense
    • Textures
    • Engines
    • Synth
    • Whooshes
    • Drills
    • Air Pneumatics
    • Motors
    • Bonus Recordings
  • TURBINE is a revolutionary sound design plug-in that gives you access to a wide range of authentic virtual engines based on their real-world counterparts. Over the last 4 years of intense research and development we shaped this breakthrough software tool that revolutionizes the way we do sound design. TURBINE is here to blow your mind and to simplify your work in so many ways.

    You can change and automate all parameters in real-time, giving you full control over the final result.

    Key features:

    • Control Engines in Real-Time
    • Create realistic Flight Paths and Fly-bys in seconds
    • More than 50 versatile Presets

    Go Far Beyond Engine Sounds and Use Turbine for:

    Whooshes, pressure releases, robotics, sirens, musical fx, sci-fi elements, futuristic engines, home appliances, electric tools, flame bursts and more

    Please note:

    • TURBINE is a software plugin (VST, AU, AAX) for Windows & Mac. It requires an audio host software, and does not work as a standalone application.
    • TURBINE works with the most common audio host software apps that support VST 2.4, AU or AAX plugins, such as Logic Pro, Pro Tools (11+), Cubase, Nuendo, Ableton Live, Reaper.
    • A free ilok account is required to activate and use the software. A dongle is not required, but if you want to use one, an iLok 2 or later is required.
  • 25 libraries of production elements and soundscapes suited to all forms of broadcast media. From glitched-out future computers to dark, ominous atmospheres, these libraries feature organic elements, analogue source material and extreme digital processing for a blend of the familiar and the experimental side of sound design.

    Think Dystopian environments, unexplored Science Fiction spaces, unsettling horror ambiences, signals gone awry, abstract textures and harsh walls of noise.

  • Alchemy of Guns is a comprehensive weapon laboratory of single sounds made to be mixed, assembled and fit with each other.
    We built the library as an array of modular layers, each one bound to a specific alchemical element, each one made with a specific Xfer Serum setup, and since we enjoyed finding ourselves sketching on paper combinations of elements according to the combinations of the samples, we kept this general structure.

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  • Get a huge variety of simple or complex lockdown mechanism sounds with a wide array of different latches and impacts with Lockdown, a performable Kontakt instrument and sound effects library.

    We brought in dozens of props big and small to generate a massive array of source material recorded at 24 bit 192kHz. These included cameras, carabiners, wrenches, rack cases, knives, can openers, tongs, crimpers, solder suckers, file cabinet doors, vehicle doors and servos and much more – all with multiple unique performances per set.

    Great care was taken to record each performance with the highest sonic quality and detail. We chose a pair of MKH50s in XY as our primary setup, creating a big, clean stereo image on every sound.

    Lockdown is divided into two parts –
    elements and designed:

    The elements collection has all of the source recordings in their unaltered states. Each sound is edited, cleaned, volume matched and carefully metadata tagged.

    The designed collection uses samples based on the elements recordings that have been transformed into entirely new and different sounds using heavy processing and layering. It was created to produce interesting design and transition sounds quickly and easily. Lockdown includes over 500 fully lockdowns of all sizes and scales.

    Lockdown highlights

    • more than 1700 elements files
    • 192 kHz source recordings
    • 500 heavily designed sounds
    • 96kHz designed collection
    • 2 full kontakt instruments (full version of Kontakt 5.5 required)
    • soundminer and bwav metadata

    Note: Can be used without Kontakt too!
    All Kontakt instrument libraries include fully unlocked and accessible metadata tagged .wav files. You don't need any version of Kontakt to use these files as a standalone sample library.

  • 'Organic Lifeform Textures' by Bluezone Corporation is an inspirational sound effect library offering a selection of 99 ( 24 bit / 96 kHz / stereo ) unusual and mysterious sounds : From huge organisms to tiny insects, unexpected groans to invertebrate creatures moving through mud, this SFX library will offer you ultra high quality malleable textures for all your projects. This downloadable sample pack is very usefull for pro editors, film makers, music producers and video game sound designers.

    All sounds were recorded using various sources and processed meticulously using high-end gear. These sound effects have been layered to give you ready-to-use elements. You can easily pitch, modulate, mangle and stretch these sounds to create thousands of variations. 'Organic Lifeform Textures' has been designed to enhance science fiction, mystery, suspense and fantasy video game and scoring projects. Note: The background ambience in the demo is not part of the product but is added free of charge.

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Artificial Life Play Track 477+ sounds included $25

    Artificial Life is a collection of designed and raw sci-fi sound effects dedicated to non-organic lifeforms, alien machinery and abstract expressive articulations. Inside you will find sounds of energy bursts, piercing lasers, heavy sparks, warm synthetic drones and otherworldly textures, whimsical glitchy reactions, beautiful beeps and calculations, and much more.

    This library will be a nice addition to your palette of futuristic sound effects, whether you are working on a video game, motion picture or a music track.

    Artificial Life features sounds such as:

    • Designed / Articulations – Abstract
    • Designed / Articulations – Bursts
    • Designed / Articulations – Reverses
    • Designed / Articulations – Transitions
    • Designed / Impacts and Hits
    • Designed / Interface – Beeps
    • Designed / Interface – Gestures
    • Designed / Interface – Glitch
    • Designed / Interface – Calculations and Telemetry
    • Designed / Texures and Drones
    • Raw / Impacts and Bursts
    • Raw / Interface and Glitches
    • Raw / Textures and Drones
    • Raw / Whooshes

  • Foley Sound Effects MOVES Play Track 772+ sounds included $89

    MOVES is a collection of character foley clothing and gear movements that cover a large range of characters such as Special Forces, Medieval Soldier, World War Soldier, Policeman, and High-tech Soldier among many others.

    MOVES will make a great addition to your sonic arsenal and help you achieve that personal character sound that you have in your head. MOVES does not replace a Veteran Foley artist, but will come in handy if you have a restricted budget or if you need a good sound to enhance the movements of your characters.

    You get several walks, runs and stop movements for every type of character.

    Two versions included:To speed up your workflow, the library comes with two versions of the same content, tailored for people working either in the Video Game or the Cinema industry:

    • Video Game Workflow: For every variation, you will have a single wav file, making it ideal for people who like to have every sound already cut and ready to be used in their DAW or middleware. It consists of 772 sounds.
    • Cinema Workflow You will find several variations of the sounds in single wav files here. It consists of 151 wav files sounds.

    And as mentioned, both versions are included, so you can pick whatever works best for your way of working.

    Features props and characters such as:
    Bullet-proof vest, medieval chain mail, dress, leather jacket, old robot, policeman, World War II soldier, Special Forces, Thin Android, Winter Jacket, medieval foot soldier, plastic character, rattle character, shield, sword, weapons, helmets, high tech soldier, winter jacket

    As always, all sounds are embedded with useful Soundminer metadata. I really hope you will find this collection inspiring and useful in your future projects.

    Have a great day designing your new characters with MOVES!

    Best wishes,
    Michel Marchant.

  • Hum, Buzz & Glitch Sound Effects Designed Circuits Play Track 272 sounds included, 46 mins total $25

    Designed Circuits features 272 cinematic sci-fi sound effects, ambiences, glitches, drones, and more, that range from heavily designed to basic elements. It captures the essence of electric circuits and transforms them into something new.

    Recorded with a LOM Elektrosluch 3+, designed with various fx tools.

    Designed Circuits highlights:

    272 24bit/96kHz WAV files / UCS (Universal Category System) Meta-tagged
    58 Ambiences
    17 Glitches
    24 Hums
    52 SFX
    44 Harmonics
    29 Interferences
    38 Noise Bursts
    10 Source Recordings

  • Cinematic & Trailer Sound Effects Cinematic Hits & Transitions 2 Play Track 333 sounds included $22.50

    SoundBits “Cinematic Hits & Transitions 2“ description:

    The Cinematic Hits and Transitions 2 sound effects library from SoundBits delivers 222 cinematic, epic, heavy, impacts and hits – ranging from very deep, earthshaking hits, to brutally distorted and mangled impacts. Some are dry, some with extra huge reverbs, others get you an instant attack while some come with a build-up for that extra tension. Lots of starts and tails of the sounds can be combined with each other to give you even more.

    But that’s not all. There are also 111 scary, haunting, unsettling and weird transitions and movements that instantly give you goosbumps and add that extra suspense for your productions. Lots of new sounds were recorded and got merged with existing SoundBits | Sound Effects. This fusion got mangled, crushed, edited and designed to create this cinematic experience.

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  • Get the sounds of a Printrbot 3D printer – with four NEMA 14 stepper motors -, in this interesting SFX library by New Sound Lab.

    The high torque motors connected to a pulley system control the X-Y-Z movements of the aluminum extruder and metal print bed. When printing three-dimensional objects, these fast and precise movements result in a unique barrage of percussive and rhythmic mechanical noise.

    These sounds were captured using three different recording setups: Barcus Berry contact mics, RF coils, and combined contact mic / RF coil into a Sound Devices 702 recorder.

    The resulting sounds are a mix of grainy, gritty atonal patterns, robotic percussive bleeps, glitchy digital beeps/clicks, low fidelity drones, and chaotic noise. Both raw recordings, and processed elements are included and ready for further sound manipulation.

  • Process Malfunction features 40 intricate future technology glitch production elements for science fiction scenarios where computers are going way out of control. You'll hear corrupt data streams, servers overloading, user interface issues, generative, abstract rhythms and more in this detailed exploration of what the computers of tomorrow may sound like when they go wrong.

    Perhaps the mainframe has been compromised from a series of lethal hacker attacks or alien communication signals are interfering with the network, maybe the CPU has just seen better days… Whatever the cause of the failure, the machines have been corrupted and they are struggling, screaming and hanging on for their last bleep…

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects SlipStream Play Track 425 sounds included, 34 mins total $115

    Welcome to SlipStream

    SlipStream is a trailblazing science fiction elements and energy SFX library from Brin Sound. Its sounds will take you out of this world and into a detailed universe of science fiction, technomancy, extraterrestrial, and cyberpunk. This designed, UCS compliant, library will ignite your creativity with cutting edge elements for your show-stopping cinematic moments, or layer with your hard FX for the ultimate flavor crystal library. Designed scenes, events, whooshes, and impacts will bring your library to the cutting edge.

    My career designing sound for games, film, and television has me on the hunt for the next great sounds. But no matter how many terabytes of sfx libraries I accumulate, creative weak spots emerge. SlipStream represents a ten month journey to create the library I needed most for my arsenal – an intricately abstract set of hybrid organic/synthetic modern sounds with fluidity, edge, flow, and tonality. I can’t wait to hear what you create with SlipStream!
    ~Brian Johnson

  • Binary Code interface sound library features high quality, futuristic interface sound effects perfect for video games, movies, trailers, videos, apps, and many other applications! This collection of sci-fi computer interface sound effects will give the project that you’re working on that futuristic, hi-tech vibe that you’re after. With the vast selection of beeps, readouts/calculations, and typing UI sound effects, you’ll easily find the type of sound that you’re looking for in order to create that sought-after, sci-fi, distant future ‘feel’ for your next project!

    UPDATE: Binary Code sound library update features 224 additional interface sound effects separated in 6 different categories including 1.Scanning and Processing 2.Typing 3.Transitions 4.Neutral 5.Negative (Access Denied) 6.Positive (Access Granted), raising the total number of sound effects to 800!

    The Binary Code soundpack contains 1.04GB of high definition 24bit/96khz sounds, embedded with metadata to speed up your workflow and separated into three main categories: 1. Beeps 2. Readouts/Calculations 3. Typing.

    With Binary Code sound library you also get 200 BONUS Sound Effects! These sound effects are examples of what you can expect from other interface sound libraries by Sound Response. You get 130 sound effects from Binary Code 2 sound library that features whopping 1000 high quality interface sound effects! You get 55 sound effects from The Future is Now sound library that features 700 UI sound effects, and you also get 15 sound effects from our DATA soundpack that features 170 data processing sound effects!

    If you like the sound of Binary Code sound library be sure to check out the most massive and the most diverse interface sound library from Sound Response to this date – Binary Code 3 – Interface Multiverse! The third installment features whopping 1300 (2.3GB) professionally designed, brand new HUD & UI sound effects separated into 10 different categories and it contains everything from neutral beeps & buttons, confirmed (access granted) and negative (access denied) UI sounds, sophisticated holograms & subtle transitions, various glitches, typing sounds, and much more!

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Granular Textures Play Track 40 sounds included, 25 mins total $12

    Granular Textures is a collection of Foley sounds, instrumentals and lo-fi recordings which were fed into granular processors to deliver a set of unique and versatile atmospheres which bear little resemblance to their original source. Instruments such as guitar, piano, kalimba and zither have been exploited, dissected, stretched, resampled and mangled beyond all recognition and served up as inspiring grainscapes which will find their home in a variety of productions.

    Whether your project calls for gritty, industrial and dystopian soundscapes, surreal, science fiction elements, twisted signals and transmissions, horror soundbeds, deep drones or experimental noise pieces, Granular Textures is a versatile collection which will serve as a great sonic asset, whatever field of multimedia you work in.

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Dodge This Play Track 173 sounds included, 25 mins total $25

    “..What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?..” Neo, The Matrix.

    “Dodge This” is a set of sounds aimed to enhance “Slow Motion” and “Bullet Time” moments in movies, trailers and video games.

    It has a very strong Sci-fi feeling. So, If you need to create “passing by” bullets like in the famous “Bullet Time” scene in “The Matrix”, evoke big “Slow Motion” movements like the giant robots in “Transformers” or induce a state of focus in “Slow Motion” modes in video games, this library is great for you.

    Also you will find a nice selection of impacts with a a powerful time sensation that are perfect for trailers.

    Categories included:
    Atmospheric Element • Bass Drop • Dodge_Pass By_Movement • Fx_Movement_Bass • Fx_Movement_Sci-fi • Fx_Movement_Tremolo • Fx_Reverse • Hit_Impact • Hit_Low • Hit_Shot_Sci-fi

    Earn the power to control time!

  • FSSF VOL 2 is a second installment of one of our bestsellers; foundation series sci-fi (used on projects like: Robot Will Protect You, Season 10 of Archer and many more).

    This pack is created with game devs, animators and sounds designers in mind.
    627 high quality sound effects, optimized for game devs and mastered to sound good on all sets of speakers and headphones.

    The library features:
    • Seamlessly looping ambiences
    • Buttons and switches
    • Cyber-Tech sound effects (cinematic transformations and robotics)
    • Sci-fi, futuristic door sound effects
    • Seamlessly looping drones
    • Exoskeleton sound effects (steps, servos, activations)
    • Micro-Tech sound effects (cinematic micro transformations and micro robotics)
    • Space racer fly-by sound effects (left to right and right to left)
    • Achievement/power-up/even sound effects
    • Energy Risers
    • Seamlessly looping radio glitches and static
    • Complex UI sound effects
    • Seamlessly looping UI Calculations and alarms
    • Simple UI sound effects
    • Weapons sound effects (gunshots + weapon foley: pickup/equip, reload)
    • Cinematic risers
    • Cinematic Tension Builders
    • Air release/gas leak sound effects
    • Extraterrestrial, big monster sound effects

    All SFX have baked-in Soundminer’s meta data.

    The download includes:
    96KHZ 24BIT version (1.11GB)
    44.1KHZ 16BIT version for Unreal Engine (0.4GB)
    RECORDED WITH: Sennheiser MKH8060, MKH8040, DPA4060, SONY PCM D100, JrF Coil Pickup
    EDITED AND MASTERED WITH: Pro Tools, FabFilter, Reaktor, Soundtoys, Klevgrand, McDSP, Zynaptiq

  • Roomtones Future Room Tones Play Track 61+ sounds included, 133 mins total $30

    Badlands Sound went to the future to recorded 42 room tones of various spaces like computer rooms, engine rooms, bathrooms, and much more all in 24bit / 96k. We also recorded electrical buzzes and distorted sci-fi winds. More than 2 hours of futuristic room tones and ambiences included in total.

  • Whoosh Sound Effects Organic Whooshes 1 Play Track 1215 sounds included $35

    More than 1200 whooshes from classic and unusual sources. Broom, fire, cable, pipe, fabric and many other swipes join wooshes from aerosol spray, combs, dish rack, and more strange sources.

    Each clip is carefully trimmed and meticulously organized in folders and with full metadata.

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Advanced Propulsion Play Track 1191 sounds included $149

    ADVANCED PROPULSION is a next-gen sound design toolkit built for creating dynamic sci-fi vehicle engines and passbys. The designed engine sounds are all seamless loops, making them perfect for use with various plug-ins and interactive applications. All raw source material used to design the engines is included, giving you maximum creative flexibility.

Science fiction sound effects libraries

Science fiction sound effects libraries

Make your futuristic projects shine with sci-fi sounds crafted by some of the finest sound designers in the world and, quite likely, the galaxy. Whether you're looking for sounds of spaceships, futuristic weapons and laser blasters, alien interfaces, advanced science and technology, otherworldly engine pass-bys, powerful robotic sound elements or many other types of sounds from the future, the 1000s of custom-designed science fiction sound effects from the independent sound community give you targeted collections to maximize the sonic impact of your futuristic projects.

Science fiction sounds commonly found in this category:

Alien voices, blaster shot, computer voice, drone engine, force field, futuristic door, glitch, hover engine, laser beam, morphed metal, pulse, quantum leap, robotic voice, sci-fi alarm, space ship, teleportation, time warp, tractor beam, warp drive, whoosh.

Science fiction sound FAQ:

Q: What are some of the most popular sci-fi sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular sci-fi sound effects libraries

Q: Are there any sci-fi sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by sci-fi sound libraries on sale

Q: How do I download the sci-fi sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen sci-fi SFX.

Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required

Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.

Trending sci-fi sound libraries:

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects MATTER Play Track 914 sounds included $135

    MATTER is both a cutting-edge, futuristic sound effects collection of ready-to-use sounds and a source of original effects for science fiction sound design mayhem. From strange alien ambiences and bio tech spheres to laser bursts and punchy explosions, this collection is full of science fiction sound effects for film, games, and more.

    MATTER | Sound Effects | Trailer

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects High Tech Interface Sounds Play Track 290 sounds included $30

    Looking for futuristic interface sounds? The High Tech Interface Sounds library is a targeted solution for just that. It features 280 sound effects in categories like Beeps, Buttons, Clicks, Data Processing, Micro High Tech and more – created by Sergey Eybog, who recently won an award for his user interface sound design.

  • Bundles Sci-Fi Interface Bundle Play Track 1844 sounds included, 723 mins total $50

    Design the futuristic user interface of your electric dreams with this feature complete bundle of next-gen, forward thinking science-fiction sounds.

    Inside Sci-Fi Interface Bundle you’ll find original frequency modulated content coming from a wide array of sources like complex modular synth squelches, simple sinusoidal beeps and bleeps from hardware, complex software patches generating both futuristic and retro sounds, electromagnetic recordings from a multitude of home appliances, long evolving takes of digital machine hums and other experimental soundscapes, synthetic drones, odd clanging rhythms and this is just scratching the surface.

    The bulk of this library is comprised of thousands of micro one-shot sound effects, all edited, mixed, cleaned up and ready to be dropped onto any science-fiction based project. Given the variety and cheer number of sounds present, you can create completely new and original content by layering and mashing these high resolution files with one another, mangle and destroy them with samplers, use complex effects chains to remodel something slick and clean onto industrial noises and make use of the Atmospheres folder and its long evolving files to generate background ambiences and computerized beeping. Your imagination is the limit.

    With over 18GB of content spread through 723 minutes, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect futuristic sound effect for your UI/UX projects.

    Sci-Fi Interface Bundle contains:

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  • Locked and loaded, ‘Fully Charged Vol.1’ is a collection of 205 sound effects from the science-fiction realm.

    Each sound is made from an original sound recording and can be used for energy movements, impacts, weapons and other alien sounds. They can easily be layered and further manipulated to create a range of new and exciting sounds.

    Please note that my sound libraries do not go on sale (this is so prices are fair all year round), and they are sold exclusively on asoundeffect. :-)

Can't find what you need? Search for more sci-fi sound libraries here
Science fiction sounds - related categories:

Futuristic weapons sound effects • Robot Sound Effects • Spaceship sound effects

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