Plug-Ins and Standalone tools for all of you mixing and sound design needs
PSP HertzRider2 (frequency shifter plug-in) is the successor to the PSP HertzRider. It benefits from algorithm optimization and adds numerous significant new features. It’s been designed to be as simple as possible, to take as few resources as possible, and to incur only a very slight (and frequency dependent) latency.
PSP HertzRider2 can be an incredible tool for tuning inharmonic sounds like snares, and for harmonic sounds it becomes a creative and crazy destructive tool. In addition to a wide range of shifting settings the algorithm contains an LFO (low frequency oscillator) to provide interesting modulation options allowing you to further creatively experiment with this tool.
Main features:
* high quality frequency shifting
* LFO control
* independent frequency shifting of left and right channel
New features in version 2:
* LFO synchro mode – synchronisation to musical note values referenced to an audio host’s tempo setting
* Envelope Follower with side chain
* SideChain Bar with smooth mix between internal and external source
* More presets
PSP InfiniStripFIRE is an infinitely configurable channel strip plug-in (AAX, AudioUnit, VST, VST3, RTAS) based on 20 years PSP experience in developing HANDCRAFTED PLUG-INS for tracking, mixing and mastering. PSP InfiniStrip can be used for mixing, tracking or live streaming/broadcasting anywhere you need a great sounding and easy to configure channel strip, without having to worry about latency!
That’s right – you can configure PSP InfiniStrip with whatever modules you need and track through them with confidence that the plug-in isn’t adding any latency at all to your recorded signal! ZERO LATENCY. FULL IMPACT.
The PSP L’otary2, is our ultra high quality emulation of a rotary speaker (VST, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX). We based our algorithm upon two original and legendary models: the Leslie® 122 and 147, and spent hundreds of hours perfecting our simulations. In other words, this is not just another modulation effect! PSP L’otary is capable of reproducing as precisely as possible the classic sounds of those famous rotary speakers.
That said, the PSP L’otary2 is capable of creative divergences from the original. For example, you could set up both the rotating high frequency horn and the rotating low frequency drum independently from each other and emulate speakers with a static drum or even a broken horn or drum engine.
PSP MasterComp is a high fidelity stereo dynamics processor (plug-in VST, RTAS and AAX for Windows; AudioUnit, AAX, RTAS, VST for Mac OSX Universal Binary). Its double-precision (64-bit floating point) and double-sampled (FAT – Frequency Authentication Technique) processing offers transparency even at extreme compression settings and high sample rates.
PSP MasterComp installer includes two version of the plug-in:
PSP MasterComp – which is mainly designed for mastering compression and expansion and
PSP MicroComp – designed for using on buses and track processing during mixing.
Usually mastering equalisers are solely focused just on equalization, but PSP MasterQ2 is not merely a masteringEQ; the “Q” stands for “Quality.” We designed it to be a creative tool for mixing and mastering and wherever its features and quality are needed for the job.
Yes, we can try to impress you with the features: it can operate at sampling rates ranging from 44.1 to 192kHz. It offers seven filters: 12, 24, and 36 dB/oct low cut and high cut filters; low shelf and high shelf filters which can be switched to peaking filters; and low-mid, middle and high-mid peaking filters— all with adjustable frequency and Q over a wide range. The EQ graph displays an overview of the EQ curve, as well as the individual characteristics of each filter. In addition to its powerful filters, PSP MasterQ2 also offers you a selection of limiting and “soft- clipping” algorithms to help you shape your signal and keep it from digitally peaking.
And yes, we can blind you with the technical details: PSP MasterQ2 employs 80-bit extended floating point computations in all filters to deal with accumulation errors. It also allows for optimal filter operation at even the lowest frequencies with high gain and Q factor settings. PSP MasterQ2, uses our proprietary Frequency Authentication Technique algorithm. FAT is a double sampling technique which allows for proper filter operation at the highest frequencies. FAT utilizes high order linear filters to prevent phase errors and linear errors from the audio bandwidth caused by double order sampling. This technique results in double sampling without sample rate conversion artifacts.
But we’d rather you experience it for yourself. Use it as a precise, surgical EQ for mastering or a color processor for sound design and mixing. Once you try it, you’ll understand what a creative sound shaping tool the PSP MasterQ2 can be.
PSP McQ captures the sonic character and functionality of various classic console equalizers such as the versatile MCI console EQs. However, while PSP McQ was inspired by these analog classics, we added several modern features such as adjustable high pass and low pass filters, steepness (resonance) control for the shelving filters, optional bell filters for the low and high bands, and three nominal Q values for the midrange filters. We packed the PSP McQ full of musical features, such as gain following Q factors for the midrange bell type filters. By this, we mean that the Q factor of these filters gradually increases along with increases in boost or attenuation. The PSP McQ is especially suited for deep track tweaking in order to get a desired sound for a track, or to get great track separation in the mix.
PSP McQ also includes our unique second generation SAT(uration) option in the output section. This both protects against digital clipping in software or hardware following the plug-in, and adds a smooth, overdriven sound to hard-driven signals. The SATuration algorithm is located after output level control in PSP McQ’s internal chain and its ceiling reference level is setup a fraction of dB below 0dBFS.
PSP N2O is a semi-modular multi-effect plug-in which offers unparalleled flexibility and total sound creation freedom. The high-quality sound processing modules can be routed in any configuration, allowing for endless musical journeys. While built upon the same basic concept as PSP Nitro, PSP N2O, with its new modules and extended modulation features, explores completely new sonic areas. The plug-in engine has been rewritten and redesigned from scratch in order to improve the sound and take full advantage of the optimizations offered by modern CPUs. The enhanced user interface improves the experience of both sound designers creating their own soundscapes as well as everyday users who aren’t as fond of looking under the hood.
Check out the list below to find out about exciting PSP N2O features—or better yet, take a deep breath and give it a try! And remember, don’t tell your neighbors about your experience! While legal in the US, many states have laws regulating the possession, sale and distribution of N2O. Some reports say it is highly addictive…
PSP Neon is a fully featured linear phase equalizer plug-in (VST, RTAS and AAX for Windows and AudioUnit, VST, RTAS and AAX for OSX) that offers eight bands of equalization, each of which can be assigned one of seven filter types. PSP Neon uses frequency-domain fast convolution based linear phase algorithms for the best balance between CPU efficiency and phase accuracy. For those who want to use the excellent analog-modeled PSP Neon filters in even more CPU critical applications, you can even toggle off the linear phase mode and take advantage of PSP Neon’s minimum phase error Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) mode!
PSP Neon also features one of our most user friendly interfaces ever, offering unparalleled easy of workflow. Once you experience for yourself the pristine, transparent response and intuitive design of this plug-in, we believe it will become your “go to” linear phase equalizer for mastering and other critical audio applications.
Version 2 of PSP Neon comes in three flavors:
• PSP Neon HR – compatible with PSP Neon HR version 1, so your sessions will open and your presets will load. Just like its predecessor, It offers linear phase processing as well as three spectral resolution levels.
• PSP Neon STD – like HR, but with standard (std) spectral resolution. This is sufficient for all but the most demanding mastering purposes (for which you can always grab HR). STD offers greatly reduced latency (by factor of ~3) and much gentler memory requirements.
• PSP Neon MIX – with its minimum-phase filters (no linear-phase processing) it is very well-suited for mixing, as it introduces almost no latency (just 31 samples), while still providing all other important features such as oversampling, middle-side processing, a spectrum analyzer and the advanced Neon user interface.
PSP Nexcellence is a rich-sounding, spring emulation inspired by and modeled after “Necklace-type” reverb units. It provides two different spring set processors and can use one or both of its processing engines simultaneously. The algorithm has improved on the original hardware by providing a handy set of parameters to let you control inherent aspects of the spring reverb.
PSP NobleQ combines the features of passive program equalizers with a wide range of frequency settings and extended functionality. To make this plug-in a versatile tool we added several modern features such as an adjustable high pass filter, and the ability to switch high peak and shelf filters to Boost or Attenuation operation.
The PSP NobleQ stands out for its warm sound, its boost and attenuation low-shelf filters and its combined peak and shelf high frequency processing. The warm and musical sound in PSP NobleQ is made possible thanks to its finest processing utilizing FAT double sampling for a natural analog-like response. We also added an output valve-like rounding algorithm with adjustable processing depth.
The low shelf filter actually combines two shelving sections: the first one allows you to boost low frequencies while the other one attenuates them but is tuned slightly higher. Together they help to get a rich bottom end without low-midrange muddiness.
The high frequency range consist of two filters – a peaking filter with adjustable band width (usually set to Boost) and a shelf filter (usually set to Attenuate). Both filters interact in such a way that the more attenuation to high frequency is applied the more selective peaking filter becomes while keeping its center frequency similarly boosted.
PSP oldTimerMB is a vintage-style multi-band compressor designed for demanding track processing, buss and mix compression, and mastering. (VST, VST3, AudioUnit, AAX and RTAS plug-in) Our aim in developing this plug-in was to design a high end multi-band processor based on the algorithm from our best-selling PSP oldTimer compressor. The result is a musical and warm sounding processor with a range of controls making it a vital tool for virtually any kind of music. Switchable and adjustable output valve emulation give’s you a choice of additional color to the sound. Thank you, and please enjoy the versatility and quality of PSP oldTimerMB!
PSP PianoVerb2 is a redesigned and improved creative resonant reverb plug-in (VST, VST3, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, VST3, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX) plug-in based on our famous and beloved freeware plug-in PSP PianoVerb. The new version offers redesigned GUI with a brand new resize feature and new presets management. Like the original PianoVerb it creates its unique sound with twelve resonant filters that mimic the behavior of piano strings. The ability to transpose, tune and detune the set of strings allow you to set up PianoVerb2 to deliver a wide range of reverberations ranging from traditional wide spread reverb to unique and unusual resonances. With the addition of a brand new modulation section and the ability to set up multiple settings of time and damping and decay freezing (via A/B comparison function) this little plug-in delivers amazing options for creative use. Add to that some other amazing new additions such as a high pass filter section, independent dry/wet controls and a reverb tail freeze control, and you can see just how PianoVerb2 has become a truly comprehensive and unique algorithmic reverb. Whenever you want to add some natural resonance to a weak piano track, vitalize your leading guitar with a bit of sustain or simply add a touch of a nice reverb to the selected track, PSP PianoVerb2 can do the job!
PSP preQursor2 offers PSP’s uniquely designed filters with low resonance peaks for reduced ringing artefacts, great band separation, and narrow notching when attenuating. All four filters are bell-type filters when boosting, and have progressive Q factors. The PSP preQursor2 introduces PSP’s Advanced Analog Modelling of preamplifier and filters to accurately recreate an analog-like behavior. The analog modelling algorithm can be enabled and controlled per instance, or globally per group of instances. The latter allows for easy control of the amount of analog- like processing on either selected tracks or all tracks in the mix. All these characteristics result in a processor that not only sounds excellent on acoustic tracks, overall mixes, or any other application, but also allows you to virtually create the input console for all tracks in your mix with easy and convenient controls. In every usage case, PSP preQursor2 will maintain the natural feel and definition of the material.
PSP RetroQ offers PSP Audioware’s unique take on a musical equalizer with unique sonic character and low phase distortion. This makes RetroQ sound smooth and musically natural. It’s shelf filters are based on fabulous-sounding VintageWarmer’s filters, and PSP RetroQ’s addition of a mid-range filter is designed using the same internal architecture. An adjustable high pass filter is added to make the plug-in a complete program equalizer. It was optimized for use on groups and mixes, but it is equally at home in any situation in which you desire some gentle sweetening in your overall processing chain.
The PSP Signature Bundle contains all the plugins that have made PSPaudioware famous over the last 2 decades at 50% OFF. The collection covers the key areas of music production including an award-winning modular channel strip, vintage Reverbs and EQs, full-featured delays, creative filters, the world-famous signal warming, and precision meters. It is all here, signed sealed and delivered by PSPaudioware.
• PSP InfiniStrip
• PSP VintageWarmer2
• PSP E27
• PSP 2445 EMT
• PSP 608MD
• PSP stompFilter
• PSP TripleMeter
PSP SpringBox is an emulation of a hardware spring reverberator (VST, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX). It recreates several features typical of a spring reverb, such as a convincing “boing” on transients and a repeatable resonating musical character with an adjustable presence. A selection of configurations from two to six springs total is provided, as well as the ability to set stereo spread and pan/balance configured to suit various mix setups – from a typical guitar reverb to a creative uses as a send reverb in the mix. Thanks to PSP SpringBox’s two channel A and B settings setup and range of presets operation is fast and easy.
PSP StereoPack is collection of 4 plug-ins (VST and RTAS format for Windows; AudioUnit, VST and RTAS for Mac OSX UniversalBinary and VST and MAS for OS 9). The set consists of: PSP PseudoStereo , PSP StereoEnhancer , PSP StereoController , PSP StereoAnalyser . These plug-ins are applied for creating, expanding, improving, controlling and analysing the image and quality of the stereo signal in single tracks or mixes thereof.
PSP stompDelay is a creative delay plug-in (VST, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX) designed to provide a wide range of sounds from lush analog tape delays through vibrant loops, from classic ping-pong to scratchy pitch shifts. It features both traditional delay effects and a looper when in “infinite operation mode” (called Infinity mode) that offers continuous tap tempo, as well as accurate tape simulation, including simulating the volume drop that occurs when fast-forwarding or cueing the tape.
PSP stompFilter is a creative tool designed to provide an exceptionally wide range of modulated filter and gain sounds (VST, AAX and RTAS for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, AAX and RTAS for Mac OSX). Its effects include a simple LFO-modulated low pass filter; auto-wah; low-, band-, or high-pass filter; and compressor. Thanks to the smoothly adjustable filter type and flexible cross-modulations of the LFO by the envelope of the signal, PSP stompFilter is able to provide vivid, expressive filtering. Just a pinch of adjustable LFO randomization will provide analog-like “imperfections,” ensuring that you will never get bored of it.
PSP TripleMeter is the successor to the PSP 2Meters bundle. It offers three different meters – VU meters, RMS meters, and PPM meters – with discrete features such as calibration and shared features such as trim faders, filters and a label strip. Our goal was to offer you the ability to choose between different audio measurement tools while processing audio. Now, with a single click you can check the volume units (VU) measurements of a signal and compare it to the peak indications or RMS values!
PSP Twin-L is a dual algorithm classic limiter. The aim of this plug-in is to provide a wide variety of shaping options. The plug-in is able to emulate the main features of two types of limiter: VCA-limiters, which is a modern type of analog limiter, and Opto-limiters which are vintage optical limiters. Keep in mind, however, that PSP Twin-L’s limiting algorithms are not intended to emulate any specific hardware but rather to bring the capabilities of both types into a versatile plug-in. It’s also worth mentioning that the PSP Twin-L is part of our series Zero Latency Processing plug-ins; no additional latency is critical in many situations such as live monitoring and managing automation.
PSP VintageWarmer2 (plug-in AudioUnit, VST, VST3, RTAS for Mac OSX (Universal Binary); VST3, VST and RTAS for Windows; VST, RTAS and MAS for Mac OS Classic) is a high-quality digital simulation of an analog-style, a single- or multi-band compressor/limiter. It combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets. The plug-in processor is highly flexible and can be used for both softknee compression and brick-wall limiting. This makes it an essential tool for mixing and mastering engineers. Careful attention has been paid to PSP Vintage Warmer’s overload characteristics with the processor being capable of generating saturation effects typical of analog tape recorders. PSP Vintage Warmer also incorporates professional VU and PPM metering together with accurate overload indicators thereby assuring professional quality results.
PSP VintageWarmer2 version installer contains 3 versions of the plug-in:
• PSP MicroWarmer which provides the same sound quality as it’s big siblings, but with a simplified single-band interface and low latency performance optimized for use on individual tracks;
• PSP VintageWarmer (LE) which is a direct descendant of the original PSP VintageWarmer with its all strengths such as low resource usage and latency;
• PSP VintageWarmer2, the main addition being the FAT double sampling mode for even more analog sounding processing.
We strongly recommend that you use the PSP VintageWarmer (LE) or the PSP MicroWarmer in all multitracking applications except situations where FAT mode is important. The PSP VintageWarmer2 is recommended for mastering purposes and groups or master busses only.
PSP X-Dither is a mastering dither and noise shaping processor (VST, RTAS and AAX for Windows; AudioUnit, VST, RTAS and AAX for Mac OSX). It is designed to cover wide range of situations when dithering or noise shaping is the way to maintain the quality of an original mix, group or individual track during various stages of the recording and mastering process, including final digital mastering.
PSP Xenon is a full band, dual-stage limiter plug-in (AudioUnit, VST and RTAS, AAX for MacOSX; VST and RTAS, AAX for PC) featuring an integrated Leveller, advanced K-System metering and psychoacoustically optimized wordlength reduction. PSP Xenon offers 64-bit precision processing throughout its entire signal path, and can operate at sample rates up to 192kHz.
Once you experience for yourself the pristine, transparent response and intuitive design of this plug-in, we believe it will become your “go to” limiter for mastering and other critical audio applications.
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