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Plug-Ins and Standalone tools for all of you mixing and sound design needs

  • 800+ sounds from one of the most complex and varied sounding instruments that we’ve come across in our junk shop travels. Broken strings, creaky wood and a great resonant cavity gave us a massive collection of sounds ready to be bent and twisted.

    This is a fretless German harp zither, which differs in quality significantly from concert zithers, which have several strings with fretted necks beneath them. This version was manufactured by Friederich Menzenhauer, the father of the zither in the US. Zithers of this kind are notoriously difficult to identify because they contain no distinguishing marks on the bodies themselves, and the only branding is on the paper label deteriorating inside the soundhole.

    Our version had been worn beyond all repair through decades of age and neglect. Broken strings, creaky wood and a great resonant cavity gave us a massive collection of sounds ready to be bent and twisted.

    We did much more than just throw a couple of mics up and pluck – this instrument was recorded with a stethoscope mic, a lav inside the cavity, overhead xy, room mics, and more. We banged, scraped, bowed, ebowed, and thumped every last noise out of this one in three separate sessions. The end result was a collection of about 5 Gb of edited stereo 24 bit 96k sound.

    The Kontakt instruments are where the real magic happens with this instrument. There are presets for horror string hits, angelic and demonic pads, old creaks and more. The zither barely survived, but it gave us an array of sounds that are very different from what you’ll get from a properly tuned and maintained instrument. It is the uniqueness of the decay that gives our zither its character.

    Forgotten Zither is available in two versions

    Key features for the Forgotten Zither Limited Collection

    • 88 unique articulation groups
    • 10+ performances per articulation
    • photographs and video stills

    Key features for the Forgotten Zither Full Collection

    • 88 unique articulation groups
    • 10 + performances per articulation
    • 29 Kontakt unlocked .nki files
    • .nki files require full version of NI Kontakt 4 or higher
    • photographs and video stills

    Note: Can be used without Kontakt too!
    All Kontakt instrument libraries include fully unlocked and accessible metadata tagged .wav files. You don't need any version of Kontakt to use these files as a standalone sample library.


    DEBIRD automatically recognizes bird noises in your recordings and removes them with surgical precision.

    Meet the involuntary #1 enemy of recordists and editors alike: Birds.

    While their lively and delightful song is a true asset in nature ambiences, it ruins just about everything else.

    As a result, countless hours are spent on the rather tedious task of cleaning recordings before one can get back to the fun part and focus on the creative process.

    Meet DEBIRD – your simple but powerful tool that utilizes Deep Learning to do all the cleaning work for you.

    Sit back and relax while DEBIRD effortlessly extracts all the unwanted chatter from your audio file within seconds!


    1. Select any sound you want to clean up and use DEBIRD on your DAWs audio tracks.

    2. Hit Play and enjoy DEBIRD removing all the birds from your sound in REAL TIME.

    3. You can see the removed bird sounds in the lower spectrum display. Adjust the built-in filters and sensitivity to your likings.

    THAT’S IT?
    Yes! It is really that simple. You need some more features? You can also do the following:

    Would you like to keep certain sounds that would otherwise be removed? No problem! Grab a boundary box or brush and show DEBIRD what to keep.

    Solo and export the extracted bird sounds if needed. DEBIRD can be used in the exact opposite way it was designed for.

    DEBIRD turns hours of work into seconds.

    No matter how fast you remove bird sounds, DEBIRD is faster.

    No more need to plan recording sessions at night or use invasive methods such as scaring off birds.

    DEBIRD‘s Machine Learning capabilities help the tool to improve over time.

    DEBIRD works with a neural network that further improves the more input it gets. We will continuously feed the deep learning algorithm with recordings of birds to improve the results and to better handle edge-cases.

    You have a file and DEBIRD struggles to properly remove the bird sounds? Contact us via [email protected] and send us your audio file. We will include it into the machine learning routine and DEBIRD will handle such cases better over time.


    Please note: This plug-in requires an audio host software. It does not work as a standalone application.
    It works with the most common audio host software apps that support VST3, AU or AAX plug-ins:

    Windows Windows 7 (64-bit), 8 GB RAM, Intel® Core i5
    Mac Mac OS X 10.11, 8 GB RAM, Intel® Core i5

    Available licensing options:
    Machine License activation and USB Dongle


    EnRage is a highly addictive multi-modular FX processing tool that opens up unlimited possibilities in how you tweak and process your sounds. It will easily handle your daily FX plug-in needs but will also introduce you to a world of insanely wicked sound processing. EnRage is super responsive and extremely precise. To put it simple: EnRage will change the way you experience sounds.

  • KING OF STRINGS is the first Octobass sample library for Ni Kontakt.

    Featuring the sampling of the unique  custom made “Bohr-Moneta” Octobass.

    There are only 4 octobasses in the world, this instrument is the perfect way to add the power of a rare bass instrument to your music compositions, giving an organic flavor without sacrificing the natural rough sound of a string instrument.

    NOTE: KING OF STRINGS is an instrument for Ni Kontakt, it requires full version of Kontakt 5.8 or highter versions


    SOUNDWEAVER helps you design new sounds from your existing sound library in less time.
    SOUNDWEAVER opens up a highly inspirational sound design workflow.
    SOUNDWEAVER explores the depths of your sound library.


    Offering you an unlimited wealth of sound design power, SOUNDWEAVER is a standalone application that unlocks the full potential of your sound library. Easily add textures and complexity to your sounds while seamlessly blending different layers together. Create massive rumbles, bone-crunching organic thuds, falling impacts, hyper-complex futuristic effects, snarling creatures – with SOUNDWEAVER anything from your library can be magically morphed and layered into a new sound.

    SOUNDWEAVER | Advanced Sound Layering | Trailer


  • The Heads Up Display sound effects library is the first installment in the Robotic Creations Collection. Each library within the Robotic Creations Collection contains sound effects designed to match five different robotic personalities with their own unique sonic characteristics: Mimo, the robot buddy; Q5, the vintage robot; NGage, the exosuit; Gregory, the android; and Firewall, the mech suit.

    Features the internal tech sounds that you would hear within each distinctive robot’s heads up display, such as:
    150+ interface beeps • 80+ success beeps • 70+ fail beeps • 50+ data readouts • 45+ countdowns • 15+ alarms • 100+ power ups • 95+ power downs

    Also available in a special Sound Design Toolbox version.

  • The Mastering Bundle contains FabFilter’s essential plug-ins for mastering: our professional limiter, EQ, multiband dynamics and compressor plug-ins.

    Contains 4 plug-ins


    • FabFilter Pro-MB
    • FabFilter Pro-L 2
    • FabFilter Pro-C 2
    • FabFilter Pro-Q 4
  • Realtime Pitchshifting PlugIn version 2!

    Elastique Pitch is the real time pitch shifting solution for RTAS, VST, AU and AAX. Powered by zplane’s élastiquePro pitch shifting engine which is used by millions of end users around the world, the plugin ensures the highest, program independent pitch shifting quality.

    Elastique Pitch focuses on the essential things: you won’t find any unnecessary or confusing controls or functionality. Instead, the plugin offers you quality, stability, and ease of use.

    In the second edition we´ve added a feedback delay and the infiniSTRETCH function of the new élastiquePro v3 engine. Both make it easy to use Elastique Pitch in a more creative way.

    The key features of Elastique Pitch V2 are:

    • multi channel: support for synchronous pitching of up to 8 audio channels
    • real time: no offline pre-analysis required
    • feedback with delay for more creative usage
    • Three different views
    • Program-independent high quality with the highly-acclaimed élastiquePro v3 engine (speech, single-voiced, classical/popular music, etc.)
    • phase coherence: absolute phase stability between all channels
    • MIDI input: for pitch control
    • formant shifting: shift formants independent from pitch
    • factory presets: for typical film pull-ups/pull-downs
    • AU, VST, AAX and RTAS support for Mac & PC

    technical specifications

    • audio format: 1-8 channels (I/O), 44.1-192kHz sample rate
    • plugin format: AAX, RTAS, AU, VST
    • pitch range: ± 12 semitones = 50-200%
    • timbre range: ± 12 semitones = 50-200%
    • plugin latency: 150ms @48kHz
    • min. system CPU: 2GHz
    • OS: MacOsX >10.6.8, Windows 2000/XP, Vista, Win7/8
    • Host: Pro Tools > V8

    WIN | MAC

  • The FX Bundle contains all of FabFilter’s most important effect plug-ins: our professional EQ, reverb, compressor, multiband dynamics, limiter, de-esser and gate/expander, and our inspiring distortion/saturation, delay and filter plug-ins.

    Contains 10 plug-ins


    • FabFilter Pro-MB
    • FabFilter Pro-DS
    • FabFilter Pro-G
    • FabFilter Saturn 2
    • FabFilter Timeless 3
    • FabFilter Volcano 3
    • FabFilter Pro-R 2
    • FabFilter Pro-L 2
    • FabFilter Pro-C 2
    • FabFilter Pro-Q 4
  • The Essentials Bundle gets you FabFilter’s most essential mixing tools: our professional EQ, reverb, and compressor.

    Contains 3 plug-ins


    • FabFilter Pro-C 2
    • FabFilter Pro-R 2
    • FabFilter Pro-Q 4
  • Multiband compression and expansion are powerful tools, but notoriously difficult to set up and control. Enter FabFilter Pro-MB: making multiband dynamics processing intuitive yet powerful at the same time.

    FabFilter Pro-MB introduces a unique Dynamic Phase processing mode. It has virtually the same frequency response as traditional multiband processing, but doesn’t introduce latency or pre-ringing, and only introduces minor phase changes when the gain actually changes. Of course, we have also included an excellent Linear Phase mode and a traditional Minimum Phase mode.

    The powerful combination of high quality processing, optimized workflow using the interactive multiband display and all the expert features you need, makes Pro-MB both a lifesaver and timesaver!

  • Igniter is the new industry standard for creating any real-world or sci-fi vehicle and engine sound effects with ease. Whether you work in audio post or game audio, Igniter enables you to design, perform and automate any complex vehicle behaviour directly in your DAW – from sports cars, motorbikes, planes, helicopters, spacecraft and other engine sounds to moving ambiences, textures, Foley or whatever sparks your imagination.

    Krotos Igniter - Powerful Vehicle Sound Design Plugin Overview

    Igniter is the only solution of its kind to come jam-packed with over 20 performable vehicles and 614 audio assets from vehicles including Aston Martin, Ferrari, Porsche, Tesla, Harley Davidson, Huey UH-1H, Agusta Westland 119x, CH-47D Chinook, Bombardier Challenger, Cessna 560XL, skids, sweeteners and much more. Recordings come from Watson Wu, The Recordist, Sounding Sweet, George Vlad, Echo Peak and Flysound.

  • The ultimate weapon sound design solution, Weaponiser Fully Loaded extends the power of Weaponiser Basic by offering our most comprehensive library of professionally recorded weapon sounds.

    Weaponiser Fully Loaded offers a total of 2288 assets, 1596 edited Weapon recordings, 13 weapons, 692 sweeteners and 39 IRs and 135 presets. It also allows you to import your own assets.

    Library highlights:
    • 1596 weapon recordings
    • 13 weapons
    • 692 sweeteners and 39 irs
    • 135 presets

    Formats (64-bit only): AAX Native/AudioSuite, VST, AU. An iLok account (available for free at ilok.com) is required to activate and use the software. A dongle is not required, but if you want to use one, an iLok 2 or later is the one to use.

  • The Burroughs Protectograph that we acquired was manufactured around the turn of the 20th century and had a single unique function – to stamp and emboss checks for banks. The Burroughs corporation has been around since 1886, and was an early force in the adding machine, check stamper and typewriter industries. This Protectograph version had an electric mechanism that would move large printheads down through a ribbon and would stamp a check hard and repeatedly for as long as the print key was held down. Our machine was acquired in perfect working condition.

    Its keys have a short through but a satisfying clack, and the punch mechanism is a huge whir stamp sound than can cycle if the punch button is held down. We rolled with the case both on and off, which revealed very different sounds from the main electric mechanisms.

    We ran the whole session with three perspectives miked up – front by the keys, in the back by the punch and a wide perspective perfect for bgfx placement. The front and back mics were Schoeps CMC6.MK4 and the wide mic was an AT 4050 in omni about 5 feet away. Listen to the straight examples give a clear accounting of the type of sounds we got from this machine, and the bent examples show what can really be done with those sounds and the Kontakt instrument.


    Key features for Burroughs Protectograph

    • 3 mic perspectives of each performance
    • 10 unique articulation groups
    • 10 + performances per articulation
    • 13 Kontakt .nki files (unlocked)
    • .nki files require full version of NI Kontakt 4 or higher
    • photographs and video stills

    Note: Can be used without Kontakt too!
    All Kontakt instrument libraries include fully unlocked and accessible metadata tagged .wav files. You don't need any version of Kontakt to use these files as a standalone sample library.

  • Cinematic Horror Storeroom – Volume 1 is a collection of spooky, gnarly, gritty and screeching sounds. There is a variety of sounds in it, all scary!

    The library’s interface is made up of two sections:

    – Sample

    – Reverb

    A brand new sample library for horror trailers, movies and video games. If you need fresh inspiration and professional assets for your next horror project, you’re in the right place!

  • Glass Bottle Percussion is a cinematic instrument built from 400+ sample recordings of antique glass bottles.

    Our Audio Craftsmen meticulously edited, balanced and programmed 4 round robins and 3 velocity layers for each bottle, before integrating them into our Kontakt interface, giving Film Composers and Music Producers a suite of unique textures to use in their tracks. These sounds are perfect for trailer percussion loops, rhythmic tension, electronic music and film score cues with an exotic tonality.

    The Main Articulations include: Drumstick Hits, Hand Taps, Bottle Top Hits, Drum Beater Hits, Nail Taps, Rolls, Scrapes and Wobbles.

    But we didn’t stop there… As always with our Kontakt library releases, our in-house Composers designed an eclectic array of designed patches. Pads, choirs, drones, oil drums, screams, plucks and even karate chops give the user both tonal and atonal material to layer with their percussion, and build a haunting, glassy texture into their sound.

    The 344 Audio Kontakt interface provides a variety of controls that encourage experimentation with the patches. The built in Arpeggiator is great for generating hundreds of percussion variations on the fly, while the Main View provides a set of parameters perfect for shaping the sounds your way.

    Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher is required.
    NOTE: This library does not run in the free ‘Kontakt Player’

  • Pro L2 is a major update to the Pro-L limiter plug-in. With four brand-new limiting algorithms, “Modern” for general all-purpose limiting , “aggressive” for EDM and rock music, “Bus” specific for drums and individual track limiting and “Safe” which avoids distortion at all costs. Also newly added is the true peak limiting mode which makes it extremely easy to hit a maximum true peak target. Combined with improved true peak metering and extensive loudness metering that’s compliant with the EBU R128, ITU-R BS.1770-4, and ATSC A/85 standards.

    Complete support for surround audio with flexible channel linking makes Pro-L 2 much more versatile in multi-channel scenarios, while the sound quality is even higher than before with up to 32x linear phase oversampling. New features like a DC offset filter, external side chain triggering for stem mastering, and a Unity Gain option ensure that Pro-L 2 is the solution to any mastering challenge.

    The unique real-time level display is now even more effective with new innovative display modes, including an Infinite mode that shows all audio for an entire session. Moments of significant gain reduction are highlighted with peak labels to give additional insight in the limiting process. The interface has been carefully redesigned to be aesthetically pleasing with a perfectly optimized workflow.

    Seize control over your stereo imaging with this one-stop stereo plug-in. Keep your sounds three-dimensional and dynamic by using STEREOLAB to morph your mono signal into a full-range stereo sound, or shrink your wide field into a coherent, single mono mix. With left/right independent panning, mid-side gain, left and right delays to create interaural time differences. STEREOLAB truly is an all-in-one stereo-mono plug-in that is a must-have on every FX chain.

    STEREOLAB | Advanced Stereo Tool | Trailer

  • Grotta is Max4Live device developed to creatively work with the Outer Fields sound libraries and any other recording.

    It’s an audio effect implementing a real-time granular synthesis algorithm using a multi-voices audio scanner that creates a constant stream of destructured crossfading sections of the input sound source.

    Pitch, size, windowing and density of each grain can be modulated to create a deep variety of sound processing with an additional blurring effect provided on-chain to generate vast and dense soundscapes.

    Please note: Ableton Live (not included) is required to use this product

  • Stretch, pitch & morph your sounds to infinity! 3.6Gb of custom sounds made by Ivo Ivanov & SoundMorph!

    TimeFlux: the ultimate time stretching, morphing, and spectral effects processing software. Just like time is endless, the possibilities in TimeFlux are endless as you Morph between 8 snapshots using our custom Sphere controller area. Control TimeFlux with your mouse, or as an added bonus control it with an optional Leap Motion controller and harness the powers of time in your hand! TimeFlux takes your sound to a whole new level of control and sonic manipulation.
    You can load up to 4 sounds and 4 VSTs in TimeFlux, record your performance, and export it as a .WAV file or record straight into your DAW.
    TimeFlux also contains 3.6Gb of custom made sound design revolving around the theme of time manipulation. All sounds included were carefully crafted by SoundMorph and Ivo Ivanov of Glitchmachines. Both experimental and practical, the included sound design library complements the TimeFlux software, and is also quite usable on it’s own. Time and space will never be the same!


    Load up to 4 sound files
    Load up to 4 VST plugins within TimeFlux
    8 snapshot Sphere Controller
    Optional Leap Motion controller. Leap Motion sold separately here: http://www.leapmotion.com
    2 time stretchers
    1 morpher
    4 filters
    Record and Export your performance in WAV files
    3.6 GB TimeFlux sound design soundpack included made by SoundMorph and Ivo Ivanov
    Compatible with Mac and PC (32 bit and 64 bit)
    System Requirements:

    An Intel® Mac with Mac OS X 10.11.6 (or later), OR a PC with Windows 7 (or later); Multicore processor; 2 GB RAM; 1024×768 display.

  • Even when using the best mics, pre-amps and converters, sibilance in vocal recordings can easily get over-accentuated during post-processing like compression or saturation. But don’t worry, FabFilter Pro-DS comes to the rescue!

    With its highly intelligent ‘Single Vocal’ detection algorithm, FabFilter Pro-DS accurately identifies sibilance in vocal recordings and attenuates it transparently.

    When using the ‘Allround’ mode, Pro-DS becomes a great tool for high-frequency limiting of any material, like drums or even full mixes. Try it out yourself!

    FabFilter Pro-DS offers everything you need to get the best result possible, presented in a simple and easy-to-use interface. Wide band or linear-phase split band processing, an optional look-ahead of up to 15 ms, adjustable stereo linking with optional mid-only or side-only processing, up to four times linear-phase oversampling… it’s all there.

  • Instruments Ponticello Play Track 90 sounds included $26

    The “Cedar” library series is a collection of libraries, comprised of three different instruments:

    – Ponticello (the present one)

    – Sul Tasto

    – Bizzarro

    Each volume is a single Kontakt instrument with a peculiar timbral personality. The entire series is created recording sounds from a luthier classical guitar. They can be used for composing and producing purposes – like an acoustic percussion setup – as well as for soundtrack composition and sound design in films, video games and any other multimedia product. “Ponticello” and “Sul Tasto” also feature a dedicated effects page that can be used to process the sounds in the library with several processors, both send and insert effects. They are “percussion oriented” sounds, while “Bizzarro” is a keyboard instrument.

    Introduction to “Ponticello”

    The instrument contains 10 sets of sounds, called “Engines”. Each set has a dedicated channel strip in the interface and can be processed with a dedicated sub-page. You can also choose an individual audio output for further processing in your favorite DAW with effect plugins of your choice. Each sound has been recorded with two different mic placements, and you can mix them to your taste.

  • Weaponiser is the only all-in-one solution for weapon sound design; providing a powerful and efficient workflow, a comprehensive library of professionally recorded weapons, carefully designed presets with high-end, real-time synthesis and unparalleled sound quality – making it the ultimate ‘go to’ tool-kit for creating dynamic assets.

    Weaponiser Basic gets you started with an introductory library of professionally recorded weapons, carefully designed presets with high-end, real-time synthesis and unparalleled sound quality – making it the ultimate ‘go to’ tool-kit for creating dynamic assets.

    Weaponiser Basic offers a total of 952 assets, 515 edited Weapon recordings, 4 weapons, 398 Sweeteners and 39 IRs and 70 presets. It also allows you to import your own assets.

    Need more firepower? Be sure to check out Weaponiser – Fully Loaded, featuring 13 weapons and much more.

    Library highlights:
    • Fully functional version with +900 audio samples
    • 515 weapon recordings
    • 4 weapons
    • 398 sweeteners and 19 irs
    • 90 presets

    Formats (64-bit only): AAX Native/AudioSuite, VST, AU. An iLok account (available for free at ilok.com) is required to activate and use the software. A dongle is not required, but if you want to use one, an iLok 2 or later is the one to use.

  • Beautiful Bells Vol 2 contains the solo sound of 135 different stationary bells, captured in 39 bell towers, chapels, carillons, churches, cathedrals and clock towers across France, with unprecedented quality. Most of the sounds were recorded inside bell towers.

    Stationary bells are struck by external hammers. They have a steady and rich tone, with a long sustain. They are mostly used as musical instruments in carillons, to indicate the hour in clock chimes or to alert the population in tocsins.

    Every bell size and pitch is represented in this library, from huge 8 ton bourdon to tiny carillon bells weighing a few kilograms. You will find bells founded from 14th to 21st century with a great variety of timbres and tunings, over a range of 5 octaves (from G2 to G7).

    The library contains 2 carillons with 54 bells and 10 bells, available as sound files and virtual instruments (NI Kontakt and EXS24 with round robin).

    All the sounds in this library were recorded in bell towers or as close as possible to provide great sonic precision and optimal signal-to-noise ratio.

    Over 12,000 kilometers were traveled during six months to get you one of the most exhaustive stationary bell, chime and carillon sound collection ever recorded.


    • A total of 135 different bells, sorted by note from G2 to G7
    • Wide variety of bells (size, age, tuning)
    • 2 carillons virtual instruments
    • Contains a collection of 10 small ancient bells
    All notes from G2 to G7
    • Metadata with detailed information about each bell


    • 96KHz/24bit
    • Very low noise
    • Metadata UCS-compliant
    • Mainly recorded with Sennheiser MKH 8040

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