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Electrical zaps, electricity current sparks and other power, thunder and lightning crackling sounds. Also check out the Hums, Buzz & Glitches category

  • Computer Sound FX from SoundBits features 650 computer noises, glitches, digital distortions, stutters, bleeps, signals, interfaces, buttons, loading and feedback

    60 %
  • This library has a unique selection of electromagnetic sounds, recorded and edited with the utmost care.

    Includes over 600 sounds, 200 raw stereo 24Bit/192kHz recordings of more than 40 different electronic devices and industrial machines. Only the most interesting have been selected for this collection.

    Perfect resource for SCI-FI sound design, weapons, spaceships and many more. Recorded with extended frequency range, which allows drastic pitch changes and offers extreme ease of handling.

    Inside you’ll find different kinds of Noises, Glitches, Whooshes, Passbys, Beeps, Mechanical Movements, Hum, Buzz, Clicks, Crackles, from simple smartphone to carving machine or laser engraving machine, eco-solvent printer, cutting plotter, touch screen terminal and more.

    Includes embedded Soundminer metadata.

      Get The FREE Mini Pack Here ( 103,1 MB )

    75 %
  • Electric Motors is a collection of 148 recordings of small and large motors performing various activities, including rotations, general movement, pulses, speed changes and more.

    The collection is divided into 10 folders, according to the sound type:
    • Changing: 8 (Moderating from one speed or position to another)
    • Cooling: 3 (Slowing down and cooling after being deactivated)
    • Function: 5 (Various multi speed movements)
    • Long: 21 (Long sustained single movements)
    • Medium: 20 (Short and medium length single movements)
    • Part: 8 (Functioning singles machine parts, isolated from the main unit)
    • Pulse Multiple: 31 (Multiple energy pulses)
    • Pulse Single: 29 (Single energy pulses)
    • Rotator: 15 (Rotating sounds)
    • Unstable: 8 (Broken and unstable motors)

    All sounds recorded and edited at 24-bit / 96kHz, with embedded meta data and accompanying spreadsheet.

    40 %
  • – Glitchy and Organic Textures and Gestures

    This pack contains a selection of a series of recordings we made while journeying freely through our studio, using a custom microphone we created. We chopped a bunch of single ”motions” and ”gestures” from the recordings, but the main course is the collection of long, evolving and unpredictable takes we got.
    Even though everything in this pack can stand on the stage as it is, it also fits every kind of electronic application and manipulation.

    40 %
  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Slinky Pews and Pows Play Track 156+ sounds included, 24 mins total $10

    Sounds for you to use for sci fi lasers, thin sheets of ice and electricity popping sounds recorded with a contact microphone and a slinky.

    Inspired by thin ice sound recordings and huge pictures of power lines, I recorded a slinky with a contact microphone in order to get some sounds for some thin ice. I ended up with a lot of sci fi lasers and “star trek torpedos.” With some cool bouncing popping electricity stuff, take a listen and pick up a copy to throw in your library when creating sci fi stuff and/or some electricity being sent through power lines!!

    Here is a little demo. I think some cool sounds were captured. with the 96k recording you can pitch it quite harshly and get some fine stuff…..the last 2 laser “blasts” have been pitched for you to hear. the first one at 20% of the original speed and the last at 15%. Feel free to send me an email if you want to hear more.

    Don't be fooled at the size of 350mb and 24 minutes….there is all the sounds you could want from a slinky in here. :D

    50 %
  • In this bundle you will receive three libraries full of dark, glitchy and ambient textures. 'Glitch & Noise' brings abstract and interesting tones to your sound palette. 'Twelve Tones' has detailed industrial hums for your spaceship interiors. 'Sphere' has dark atmospheres made from bowing a metal bin, which were then processed and mangled using Twisted Tools Slayer. Whether your project is a sci-fi soundscape or a shredded atmosphere, this bundle has something for everyone.

    Glitch & Noise:
    • 97 Glitch & Noise single sounds
    • 13 Texture loops
    • 35 UI clicks
    • 17 Impact sounds
    • 53 Musical loops (at 120 bpm)
    • 48 KHz, 24 bit
    • Embedded metadata

    Twelve Tones:
    • Twelve 96 kHz, 24-bit tones.
    • Two minutes each with 9 second bleed.
    • 851 MB (uncompressed).
    • Embedded metadata.
    • Description for each file inside the excel spread sheet.

    • 230 sound effects.
    • 126 designed sound effects. With reverb, fast delay and tremolo/stutter.
    • 124 twisted (original recordings mixed and played forwards and backwards) source files.
    • Embedded metadata.
    • Recorded and designed at 48 kHz and 24 bit.

    20 %
  • Cinematic/Trailer Instruments Mini Thunder Play Track 30 sounds included, 13 mins total $6.99

    Mini Thunder – 30 files of Thunder sound effects, at varying distances and intensities. From low and slow rolling distant rumbles to violently fast and bombastic direct cracking impacts. Mini Thunder comes in at over 13 minutes of short and long scenes of thunder and lightning for every occasion. Recorded during several storm seasons and dozens of independent thunderstorms, with indoors and outdoors perspectives. Mini Thunder’s filenames are in the Universal Category System format with additional Metadata baked-in.

    Looking for a Massive amount of Thunder sound effects? We offer ‘Massive’ sound effect libraries as companions for all of our ‘Mini’ sound effect libraries. All recordings are unique to each library with no overlap. Go Mini today, and upgrade to the corresponding Massive library later, when you need more of that particular sound effect.

    30 %
  • Records, lots of records. Some vinyl, some shellac some acetate and flexi disc. Sounds of scratching, crackle, needle drops and lifts, records being smashed, crate digging sounds and more. See excel doc for full details.

    40 %
    Ends 1739574000
  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Didgeridoo Play Track 775+ sounds included, 70 mins total $65

    • In this library, get a collection of the hypnotic and meditative calls of a handmade wooden didgeridoo. These beautiful wind instruments have guttural calls that sing like wild animals. Hear overtone filled whooshes and aggressive barking attacks. Hear snarling vocalizations and gravelly growls. Hear lengthy mesmerizing drones and oscillating overtones. This library is packed full of tracks showcasing the full range of possible didgeridoo vocalizations and drones. Perfect for use as the foundation for all your designed animals and creatures.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

    • Hypnotic and meditative drones
    • Oscillating overtones
    • Gravelly growls
    • Guttural attacks
    • Singing vocalizations
    • Buzzing and humming drones
    • Whooshing drones
    • These recordings were not made using circular breathing, so each drone ranges from approximately one to 30 seconds in length.
    • Multiple similar sounds are grouped into single audio files with silence and fade ins/outs between each sound.
    • 645+ drones and attacks
    • 130+ whooshes
    • 775+ total sounds
    • Please note: the “Pitch Shifted Demo” was made to demonstrate the potential of the sounds in this library. However, Didgeridoo does NOT include pitch shifted sounds, only mastered field recordings.

    • Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in files with multiple variations!
    • Marker text included in the Soundminer description and BWAV description fields.

    • View in Browser or Download CSV

    • Sennheiser MKH 50 and 30 in MS
    • Sennheiser MKH 8040 Matched Pair in ORTF
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote ORTF Blimp
    • Rycote MS Blimp

  • Weather Sound Effects Rain and Thunder Play Track 73 sounds included, 39 mins total $30

    Do you want to add some tension with thunder sound effects? Are you looking for immersive rain? Do you need perfect loops of rain in your game?

    'Rain and Thunder' is a collection of high-quality sounds recorded over a timespan of several years at different locations with a Mid-Side and XY rig. This sound pack contains variations of rain: soft, hard, under metal, under plastic, on top of plastic, and with and without thunder rumble.

    This pack is guaranteed to immerse the listener with the pattering drips of water and the roaring thunder!

    All sounds included are tagged with metadata (keywords and description) for use in Soundminer/Basehead, etc.

    Rain and Thunder includes:
    • Rain Hard Loop (12 sounds)
    • Rain Hard and Stream Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain Pouring Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Pouring and Thunder Rumble Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft Loop (11 sounds)
    • Rain Soft and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft and Stream and Bird Loop. (1 sound)
    • Rain Soft and Thunder Really Long Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain and Distant Thunder Loop (5 sounds)
    • Rain and Distant Thunder Rumble Loop (11 sounds)
    • Rain and Stream Loop (5 sounds)
    • Rain from Inside Loop (2 sounds)
    • Rain on Plastic Inside Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Plastic Outside Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Rocks Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain on Water and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain under Metal Loop (4 sounds)
    • Rain under Metal and Thunder Rumble Loop (6 sounds)
    • Rain under Umbrella Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain, Distant Thunder Rumble and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Rain, Distant Thunder and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    • Thunder and Bird Loop (1 sound)
    Gears & Specs
    • Every file included is tagged with metadata keywords and a description for use in Soundminer, Basehead, etc.
    • Recorded with a Oktava MK-012 in Mid Side configuration and Zoom H6 XY.
  • SHHhhhhh… They are listening…

    282 strange, ghostly and spy-like sounds collected from 2 old analog dictaphones, 1 portable cassette recorder, 1 very small digital dictaphone, 3 portable modern recorders, 1 video cam, and finally 1 very famous portable Reel to Reel recorder (a Nagra IS).

    The Undercover Sound FX Library Contains:

    • 136 tracks of, Microphone bumps, lav. Microphone put on clothes, Microphone Feedback, Microphone Noises, and the sounds of the inside of a video cams Mechanics.
    • 41 tracks of, Dictaphone & Cassette Processed (Kyma, GRM Tools, SoundToys) Sounds, weird telephone answering machine noises, Buttons, Play, Rewinds, and Fast Forward sounds.
    • 82 Reel To Reel sounds. Buttons, Tape on, Rewinds/Fast forwards, Manual searching and scratches, where the recorded sounds are heard through the internal speaker of the tape recorder, as well as recorded line out.
    • 23 Various processed (Kyma, GRM Tools, SoundToys) sounds. Different stuff speed up, and mangled.

    Many of the recorded sounds have been re-recorded on to tape to get that smooth analog sound. Especially the feedback sounds, and bumps benefit from this technique, but also ambience sounds recorded onto a over used 5″ tape has a certain undercover sound to them!

  • Drops ‘n’ Braams brings to the table 137 new sounds of hybrid cinematic Braams and Drops to boost your production with time-bending elements and sonic manipulation brought to the max. The SFX library is produced from scratch by Alessandro Romeo, owner and lead sound designer at SampleTraxx.

    With Drops ’n’ Braams you can create massive stingers, deep impacts, trailer and score elements, morphing bass, transition woosh and much more.

    A great addition for trailer cue creators, score composers and cutting-edge electronic music producers.

    The library includes:
    • 86 Braams _ Design, Elephant, Granular, Larsen, Raw, Textures
    • 51 Hi Tech Drops/Downers/Sting/Power Down

  • Make use of the diverse mechanized noises from a standard office printer, scanner, and copier in your audio projects!

    Print is a boutique sound effects library of automated clicking, beeping, and whirring sounds all captured from a single Ricoh® laser printer. Every action, setting, and component of the machine was pristinely recorded to give you high-quality printer sound effects including the paper feed, scanner bed, duplexer and more.

    These printer recordings are perfect for office backgrounds. And they are equally useful in the sound design of retro-futuristic devices, robotic creatures, electronic gadgets, and steampunk industrial machines. The Print library also includes several pre-designed steampunk sound effects ready for immediate use.

    Print is also included in Pro Sound Effects’ CORE: Standard.

    Key Features:

    • 50 sound effects (2.2GB)
    • 24-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free




    Colin Hart: Recordist, Editor
    Joseph DiMarco: Editor, Librarian

  • TEXTROBOT is a NI Kontakt instrument designed to help you in the sound design of UI sounds and to produce retriggered samples for VFX text animations.

    All 165 sounds are easily accessible using a MIDI master keyboard from the first octave. You can choose a category to load a set of samples and play it manually, or in the retriggered way (if active) by holding down the note. The full version of NI Kontakt is required to use this library.

    Sound categories:

    • Click (10 samples): very tight, clicky sounds for UI interface usage or small text VFX
    • Bleeps (16 samples): it contains bleeping sounds, tones, and alerts for telemetrics and sci-fisound design
    • Big Size (16 samples): a collection of low frequency sounds for big title animation
    • Percussive (22 samples): organic and processed percussive sounds like shakers, maracas, and woods for multimedia apps or menu sound design
    • Fun (30 samples): a collection of funny sounds for cartoonish motion graphics
    • Digital (20 samples): glitches and lo-fi sounds for experimental videos
    • Keys (28 samples): keyboards, typewriters, and mouse sounds
    • Mechanical (23 samples): switches, clangs, squeaks, and metal impact sounds for mechanic motion graphics

  • SampleTraxx is back with SHOCKING SIGNAL, a collection of big screen alarm, disturbed cinematic feedback, ping, distortion and re-amped production elements.

    Shocking Signal is all about alerts, notifications, danger, disaster, emergency, panic red alerts, sirens, warnings, static, bad signals, blasts, broken circuits, electrics, glitches, neon, power and anything requiring sophisticated and extreme sound design.

    Providing new and experimental sound materials generated using the most cutting-edge digital techniques, this collection is designed to suit the needs of people who want to add something unique to their production.

    Dedicated to sound designers, experimental composers, cutting edge electronic music producers, busy post-production facilities, video editors, broadcast radio/TV stations.

    Featuring 170+ sound effects with detailed Soundminer metadata in 96/24 HD resolution ready to be fired in your favorite DAW.

  • Environments & Ambiences Thunder and Rain Play Track 43+ sounds included, 152 mins total $40

    Looking for sounds that make you want to grab a warm blanket and stay inside? This collection has thunder and rain recordings collected during window-shaking storms from 2012 to 2015.

    Most sounds are recorded in Helsinki, where summers contain a few weeks of hot weather accompanied by dramatic thunderstorms.

    It also features a hot, violent storm captured in France that lasted several hours.

    With recordings that last from 13 seconds to over a half hour, you're sure to get all the drizzling and cracking thunderclaps you're looking for!

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Sonikscape Play Track 338 sounds included, 191 mins total $29

    SONIKSCAPE has been produced to create intense underscore, dark atmospheres and abstract textures.

    This collection comes packed with cinematic soundscapes, vocal atmospheres, textures out of processed flutes, ghost breaths and vocal effects, dark low oscillations and subsonic frequencies, bowed cymbals, psychological screech and more.

    Dedicated to the movie trailer, suspenseful film and television soundtrack, dark ambient music, audio-visual installation and sound artist.

    Sonikscape is a collaboration between SampleTraxx and German sound designer Sebastian Emling who already collaborated on Cinematic Zither and Old Broken Piano.

  • Sometimes you need that background sound to define the mood: The buzzy insomnia of a flickering light, a lost alien transmission, the lazy spin of a fan above, haunting radio static, the violent rush of air as you free fall into terminal velocity…

    With noise sounds recorded from an incredible array of sources, if it goes hum, whir, buzz, or hiss this library has got you covered.

    All natural and organic sounding makes this versatile library an outstanding resource for both film and game sound designers.

    The library includes:

    Generators and Compressors
    • Industrial Machinery
    • Radio static
    • Crackles and glitches
    • Ground hum and buzz
    • Transformers
    • Transportation cabin hums
    • Gas leaks, air leaks and bursts
    • Air conditioners
    • Fans, from tiny to massive
    • Vents
    • Elevators
    • Afterburners
    • Voids
    • Rumbles
    • Force fields
    • Transmissions
    • Sci-Fi Machinery
    • and more…

  • Introducing the ultimate roller coaster sound library: Roller Coaster Sound Builder includes high-quality recordings from 5 different roller coasters, from classic steel coasters to aggressive impulse coaster. This huge collection includes clean roller coaster passbys, onboard recordings, and classic roller coaster screams.

    Roller coaster pass by sounds were recorded without background noise in an amusement park that was closed to the public. A great amount of natural screams with different intensities is also included, recorded during a regular summer day in the amusement park.

    Roller Coasters included:

    – Big Steel Coaster (inverted steel coaster with high speed and loops)
    – Small Steel Coaster (classic-sounding sit-down coaster)
    – Flying Coaster (with a more metallic and rumbly sound)
    – Impulse Coaster (unique-sounding coaster with electro-magnetic propulsion)
    – Motorbike Coaster (fast flywheel launch)

    This collection provides unique, hard-to-access source material in high-quality, with a large amount of takes for creative sound design. We worked hard to capture as much useful material as we could when we had full access to the rides. All sounds were recorded in Särkänniemi amusement park, Tampere, Finland. Also available in the special Complete Amusement Park Sound Bundle.

  • We’ve dug deep into the circuit paths of electronic equipment using signal tracers to scan and record electronic noise and electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic equipment.

    This first in a series of three sound libraries focus on the feel of clocking, ticking, pulses, crystal oscillator timing and other cyclic repetition to provide a rhythmic element to the sound effect. Includes sounds of data flow with beeps, tones, glitch, pops, snaps, crackles, static noise & interference.

  • Electricity Sound Effects Radio Noise Play Track 157 sounds included, 333 mins total $50

    All kinds of radio noise you can imagine.

    157 recordings. Humming, buzzing, squeaking, whirring, noise, voice fragments and much more, static and changing, from all frequency bands (FM, LW, MW, SW).

    Recorded in 96 kHz, the best conditions to be able to resample if you want.

    Carefully edited and with detailed metadata.

    If you need radio interference this is your library!

  • UI DESIGNER is an advanced soundset dedicated to the interaction between human and machines. The library is suitable for modern sci-fi movies, sound for apps, futuristic sound logos and any projects where sound design is needed to improve the users’s experience and make it more pleasant.

    Essential metadata has been included in the filenames. This was done to facilitate users that do not own a library management tool to access the informations and to navigate the library more efficiently.

    UI DESIGNER covers sounds in 14 categories:• Elements Appear
    • Elements Flying
    • Window Open – Hologram
    • Window Close
    • Data Stream
    • Bad Data Crunching
    • Confirmation – Notifications – Navigation
    • Text Typing – Warning Text
    • Access Denied
    • Buttons – Selections
    • Screen Noise
    • Warnings
    • StandBy
    • Notifications – Navigation

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Sense Play Track 75 sounds included, 29 mins total $25

    “Sense” is an exciting collection of textures to enrich the sonic world of your Sci-fi production. If you need that extra ingredient when you are creating a dense and deep Sci-fi atmosphere, this library can help you to achieve that.

    Movements, atmospheric elements and energies are some of the things you will find in this pack of sounds. Sounds with a strong and futuristic feeling, elements that are a great addition to your collection.

    Categories:Atmospheric element • Energy • Feedback • Glitch • Impact • Interference • Movement • Robotic

    In addition to being a great library for Horror or Sci-fi games and movies, this collection works well for trailers too.

  • We’ve dug deep into the circuit paths of electronic equipment using signal tracers to scan and record electronic noise and electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic equipment.

    This third installment in a series of three sound libraries focuses on the elements of power sources with noise drones of electrical power, 60Hz cycle hum, dirty ground buzz with static, glitch, pops, snaps, crackles & electronic interference including low-end & pulsing frequencies.

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