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Real and designed humming, buzzing, crackling, glitchy sound effects and recordings. Also check out the Electricity sound category

  • Bundles The Complete Collection Play Track 1582+ sounds included, 521 mins total $100

    The Complete Collection contains 1582+ sound effects from every sound library that we have released so far. It features Sci-Fi, Fire, Ice, Mecha, Rocks, and Plastic sound effects and field recordings, including ambiences, drones, textures, swooshes / wooshes, impacts, glitches, sequences, and more. Royalty-free.

    Included libraries: 

    • Designed Sci-Fi – 546 files / 3.06 GB
    • Designed Fire – 255 files /  1.17 GB
    • Designed Circuits – 272 files / 1.58 GB
    • Designed Mecha – 47 files / 190 MB
    • Designed Ice – 47 files / 236 MB
    • Designed Rocks – 60 files / 309 MB
    • Designed Plastic – 146 files / 490 MB
    • Designed Atmospheres – 82 files / 4.47 GB
    • Designed Glitch Scenes – I – 30 files / 745 MB
    • Designed Statics – 53 files / 1.07 GB
    • City Ambiences: Berlin – 44 files / 5.9 GB
    • 9+ Hours in total
  • Need electrical sounds? Electricity-Sparks N Arcs delivers more than 200 files of 12,000 volt sparking electrical arcs, industrial welders, electrical shorts, Taser gun discharges, Van Der Graph Generator and custom-made Jacob’s Ladder for those classic sci-fi lab effects… even the sounds of the electrocution of an innocent pickle.

    These hard-to-find sounds of massive power and electricity are perfect for adding sizzle to video games, movie projects and multimedia.

    All sounds were recorded at 96k/24 bit with multiple microphones. Embedded with metadata (Soundminer, Broadcast Wav)

    11 %
  • Ambisonic Sound Effects Ambisonic – Synthetic Sphere Play Track 10 sounds included, 51 mins total From: $5

    Synthetic Sphere is a collection of spatialised synthetic pads, mixed in an ambisonic format for a complete 360 interactive soundtrack. Multiple layers of pads, tones and amorphic FX are spreaded across the sphere, resulting in a truly immersive experience. These pads include gentle movement across 3D space, creating rich ambiances but without catching to much of the listener attention.

    This collection is great for post production, VR/AR experiences, game developers and any real-time 3D audio engine.

    All files are tagged and categorized for your convenience – supporting tag filtering browsing applications.


    This package includes 10 Samples – Total 51 minutes of content.

    Supported formats: First Order AmbiX and Stereo (Total of 20 files).

    Download a B-Format Ambix demo here: Demo

    The library is also available in a stereo only version.

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Harsh Noise Play Track 40 sounds included, 40 mins total $12

    Harsh Noise is a collection of analog feedback loop manipulations where traditional audio equipment is pushed to extremes and sent spiralling out of control.

    Featuring glitched-out signal malfunctions, huge walls of noise and piercing high-frequency tones, these sounds will really set the mood for any abstract scenes, unsettling moments or technological nightmare situations in your productions, particularly if working to a horror, science fiction, dystopian or experimental theme.

    With each file coming in at 1 minute in length and recorded at a high resolution of 24/96, you are invited to go beyond the source material and explore your own sonic territory by way of editing, filtering and processing to suit your needs.

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Circuits Play Track 30 sounds included, 27 mins total $39

    A collection of textural recordings of electric and electronic sound sources.

  • Travel & Transportation Subway Play Track 58+ sounds included, 133 mins total $49

    An in-depth collection of subway recordings, captured in Kyiv, Ukraine. There are platform ambiences, train interior and exterior, escalators, underground tunnels with people.
    Recorded in quadro on Nevaton MC 50 QUAD; in double-MS on Oktava MK-012 set; in stereo on AKG C414 pair. The double-MS recordings were encoded to quadro and the sources (Mid, Side, Rear) included as well.
    DMS at the end of file name means Double-MS recording; Quadro means direct quadro recording; AKG means stereo recording.

  • This library has a unique selection of electromagnetic sounds, recorded and edited with the utmost care.

    Includes over 600 sounds, 200 raw stereo 24Bit/192kHz recordings of more than 40 different electronic devices and industrial machines. Only the most interesting have been selected for this collection.

    Perfect resource for SCI-FI sound design, weapons, spaceships and many more. Recorded with extended frequency range, which allows drastic pitch changes and offers extreme ease of handling.

    Inside you’ll find different kinds of Noises, Glitches, Whooshes, Passbys, Beeps, Mechanical Movements, Hum, Buzz, Clicks, Crackles, from simple smartphone to carving machine or laser engraving machine, eco-solvent printer, cutting plotter, touch screen terminal and more.

    Includes embedded Soundminer metadata.

      Get The FREE Mini Pack Here ( 103,1 MB )

    75 %
  • Vinyl Record Noise is the first sound library from Oddball Audio. The library features eleven 10” blank records recorded from start to finish at 45rpm. The records were cut and pressed by Lathecuts in Arizona using a myriad of techniques to get the most surface noise, pops, crackles, and hiss for your sound design pleasure. In the cutting process they used four different lathes with varying noise floors and records made from many types of materials.

    The library is perfect for use in any project that may need vinyl records to give it that vintage feel! Additionally these samples are great to use in granular processing, music, or to add subtle layers to a burning fire.

    At a glance:

    • 11 .wav files
    • over 55 minutes of content
    • recorded on U-Turn Audio table through tube preamps and RME interface
    • 2.07 GB uncompressed size – 1.69 GB zip archive
    • recorded and presented as 24 bit/96 kHz stereo files
    • free lifetime updates
  • TEXTROBOT is a NI Kontakt instrument designed to help you in the sound design of UI sounds and to produce retriggered samples for VFX text animations.

    All 165 sounds are easily accessible using a MIDI master keyboard from the first octave. You can choose a category to load a set of samples and play it manually, or in the retriggered way (if active) by holding down the note. The full version of NI Kontakt is required to use this library.

    Sound categories:

    Click (10 samples): very tight, clicky sounds for UI interface usage or small text VFX
    Bleeps (16 samples): it contains bleeping sounds, tones, and alerts for telemetrics and sci-fisound design
    Big Size (16 samples): a collection of low frequency sounds for big title animation
    Percussive (22 samples): organic and processed percussive sounds like shakers, maracas, and woods for multimedia apps or menu sound design
    Fun (30 samples): a collection of funny sounds for cartoonish motion graphics
    Digital (20 samples): glitches and lo-fi sounds for experimental videos
    Keys (28 samples): keyboards, typewriters, and mouse sounds
    Mechanical (23 samples): switches, clangs, squeaks, and metal impact sounds for mechanic motion graphics

  • This library features recordings of a Moog analog synthesizer. The sounds range from raw lo-fi zaps, buzzes and glitches, to more futuristic high-tech robot movements, morphs, vocalizations and drones.

    Both source recordings, and designed sound effects are included for further sound manipulation.

  • 3Dimensional Printing is the multicolored result of different recording sessions of a couple of 3D printers (the Sharebot NG – Next Generation and the DeltaWASP 20 40) at Fabb and at FabLab Milan between 2014 and 2015.
    All the sounds were recorded directly as uncompressed .wav files through both a RME Fireface UCX and a Zoom H6 Portable Recorder.
    Duration ranges vary from 1 to 5 minutes, with the most sonically interesting excerpts from full printing cycles. Lots of pattern and sequences are available for selection and transformation.
    Five different transducers were chosen to capture all the sonic details of these mechanisms:
    – C-SERIES pro contact microphones, hand-made by Jez Riley French;
    – Barcus Berry 4000 Planar Wave System (Piezo crystal sensor+4000XL Piezo Preamp);
    – Piezo Film Tab Contact Microphones by Cold Gold Audio;
    – Custom Induction Coil Pick-up (also used to create the Unseen Noises collection);
    Zoom MSH-6 MS Capsule (the stereo image of the Mid-Side recordings is rendered as balanced stereo LR files).

  • Hum, Buzz & Glitch Sound Effects Newsreel Noises Play Track 158 sounds included, 22m 30s mins total $40

    Newsreel Noises features a collection of unwanted Noises, Rumbles, Hums & Crackles – collected when digging through copies of newsreels from the the 40ies and 50ies of the last century. Whenever such a newsreel starts or ends a lot of sidenoises occur and each one plays another pattern of mysterious sounds. The library is organised into 10 categories:

    * Cadenced, Crackle, Hum, Impulse, Noise, Pulsed, Rattle, Rhythmical, Shuttle, Tonal

    The library delivers more than 150 WAV-files with embedded loop points. Each file has a descriptive name where the first part describes the strongest element of the sound and the second part gives additional informations about the structure of each sound.

  • Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are all around us, they are everywhere and each electronic device produces them. Imagine a whole new world hidden from us. It is time to lift the veil of secrecy and look into it.

    This library contains raw electronic sounds – a perfect source for sci-fi movies, trailers, games, computer interfaces, experimental music or whatever you can think of. The frequency range of these sounds is impressive, it reaches 48 kHz allowing you to effectively manipulate their pitch and spectrum.

    All sounds are sorted into categories, such as: Glitch, Hum, Click, Movement, Distortion, Beep and many others, which makes it easy to navigate and choose not only by the recorded object but by the type of sound it generates. And last, but not least: this library was recorded with high-quality 96KHz/24bit.

    Equipment used:

    • LOM Audio Elektrosluch Mini City
    • Sound Devices MixPre 6

    Main features:

    • 134 raw electronic sounds with variations
    • Perfect source for all kinds of harsh noises, glitches, drones, movements, whooshes, beeps, hum, clicks, buzz, nasty distortions etc
    • Astonishing frequency range up to 48KHz
    • Created for further manipulation with spectrum and pitch
    • Recorded with high quality 96Khz/24bit
    • Categorized by types: Glitch, Hum, Click, Movement, Distortion, Beep and so on
    • Contains metadata for search engines


  • Hum, Buzz & Glitch Sound Effects Magnetic Fields Vol.1 Play Track [105+ Full / 13+ Micro] sounds included, [128 Full / 14 Micro] mins total From: $13

    If you're after electromagnetic sounds, this library delivers: Captured with The LOM Elektrosluch 3+ throughout 2015. The sounds heard with this special piece of equipment are other-worldly, ghostly and oftentimes, scary. If you haven't managed to get your hands on one yet, or missed out while pre-orders we're presenting this library as the definitive Elektrosluch 3+ sound. Hear the analog and digital: screaming whirls of electronic servo motors, the intense hum and whoosh of new and old transformers, and the pained glitching of processors and data paths of a circuit-bent Furby. 

    We have designed this library to be as useful and versatile as possible to be used in every application, from television, music sampling, theatre, to film. We recorded, edited and hand-picked a selection of science fiction-inspired electrical props in order to obtain the best sound sources for this library. All sounds have not been processed through special effects processors, they are simply the sounds of Electromagnetic Fields, recorded with a LOM Elektrosluch 3+.

    Available in two versions: Full & Micro

    Full: The complete library.
    Micro: A cut down library featuring some of our favourite sounds from the complete collection.

    Includes over 2 hours of Electromagnetic Field sounds from sources such as:

    Transformers, Televisions, Motors, Servos, Hard Drives, Vintage and New Electrical Technologies, Circuit Bent Props, Cameras, Telephones, Computers, Disk Drives, Remote Controls, Toys, Power Supply Units, Fairy Lights, and Vacuum Cleaners.

  • Audio files for testing speakers and sound systems. These include Noises (Brown, White, Pink, Black/Silence), DTMF, Panning (50%, 100% Left, Right, Centre), Sines (20Hz-20KHz), Oscillator Sweeps (1-24000Hz)

  • UI DESIGNER is an advanced soundset dedicated to the interaction between human and machines. The library is suitable for modern sci-fi movies, sound for apps, futuristic sound logos and any projects where sound design is needed to improve the users’s experience and make it more pleasant.

    Essential metadata has been included in the filenames. This was done to facilitate users that do not own a library management tool to access the informations and to navigate the library more efficiently.

    UI DESIGNER covers sounds in 14 categories:• Elements Appear
    • Elements Flying
    • Window Open – Hologram
    • Window Close
    • Data Stream
    • Bad Data Crunching
    • Confirmation – Notifications – Navigation
    • Text Typing – Warning Text
    • Access Denied
    • Buttons – Selections
    • Screen Noise
    • Warnings
    • StandBy
    • Notifications – Navigation

  • Signal Return is a performable Kontakt instrument and soundset designed to create a wide variety of interesting and textured sounds.

    All of the source material comes from recordings of various devices feeding back into themselves either electrically or acoustically. No software based speaker emulators or distortions were used in the creation of these sounds. Comes with 250 .wav files – more than 2 hours of recordings + 22 Kontakt instruments (these require the full version of NI Kontakt 5.0 or higher).

    Note: Can be used without Kontakt too!
    All Kontakt instrument libraries include fully unlocked and accessible metadata tagged .wav files. You don't need any version of Kontakt to use these files as a standalone sample library.

  • Police radio and general walkie talkie comms sounds.

    This pack contains both ‘police radio’ and general radio communications sounds.

    I have recorded the police chatter stereo ‘PR’ files using real walkie talkies rather than affecting with software in post. There are some specific scenarios such as a police chase but mainly these will be best as undefined background or incidental sounds in a video game, film, theatre or other project.
    The Police sound files in this pack are all English and reflect the style of classic TV shows like Z Cars, The Sweeney, The Professionals and The Bill.

    The Garbled Radio Communications mono ‘GRC’ files are vintage recordings and suitable for any radio communications sounds from CB Radio to Military, other emergency services or even sci-fi.
    The music in the preview is merely intended as an audio watermark and is not available in the pack.

    I have read through the NATO alphabet three times. One is a flat read one has an upward inflection at the end of each word and one down, good for concatenation.

    Have fun, hope they can help bring your project to life!

    Wavs and MP3 versions both in the pack.

    40 %
    Ends 1739574000
  • Bowling is a collection of sounds recorded at a private lane, completely devoid of extraneous human and HVAC sounds.  This exclusive access allowed for recording various perspectives, including deep in the guts of the machinery, up-close to the pins, bowler’s perspective, and side perspectives.  This library includes all of the mechanical sounds, machinery ambiences, ball “pass-by’s”, ball return, gutter balls, pins resetting, and even some bowling sounds without any machinery noise at all.

  • Vintage Telephones SFX library contains 244 sounds extracted from 10 vintage, rotary dial devices manufactured between the 1880s and 1980s. In this library, you’ll find three common ringing patterns (used in the USA, Australia, and Europe) for each telephone type, handset pickups/set downs, number dials 1-0, hook toggles, as well as single ringings with natural long ring decays to design your own ring timings according to your project needs.

    As an addition to the standard telephone sounds, we have captured some experimental ones, that were generated by feeding the devices with random low frequencies, producing some really strange mechanical rattles, buzzes, glitches, and unusual bell rings.


    • 3 Box Phone [1882]
    • Antique Wooden Phone [1930]
    • Siemens W48 Wandapparat [1934]
    • Ericsson DBH15 [1947]
    • Siemens W48 [1948]
    • Siemens Fg Stat 23a [1956]
    • Siemens H70 [1968]
    • Siemens FeTap 611-2 [1970]
    • Siemens H70 [1975]
    • Siemens Masterset 111 [1980]

    If you want to make a rotary telephone device ring, without any landline nearby, head over to our blog here

  • Lost Transmissions is a collection of electromagnetic and radio recordings with an emphasis on communications gone wrong. Malfunctioning static, radio recordings, analog hums, designed passbys, & tonal/fluctuating noise. Lost Transmissions is another essential set of utilitarian libraries to add to your tool box. Recorded and designed by Jason Cushing (co-founder of SoundMorph).

    Not only that, as a bonus we've also teamed up with and included Echo Collective's kontakt instrument “Squelch” and accompanying sample library, giving you an additional 100+ real radio samples to work with and playable radio instrument.

    Lost Transmissions includes sounds such as:

    • Malfunctions
    • Static Passbys
    • Tonal Passbys
    • Tonal Noise
    • Designed Noise
    • Radio Noise
    • Noise Loops
  • Scene Switch: Transitions & Textures features 64 sound elements ready to bring an extra dimension to your cutaways, wipes, time shifts or any kind of motion change.

    From subtle swooshes and smooth synth tones to glitched-out, abstract phrases and dramatic noise rushes, as well as serving as a ready-to-go sonic toolkit, this highly malleable bag of tricks is also useful for sound designers looking for inspiring source material to mangle.

    With a raw, dark and edgy feel to a lot of the sounds, they are particularly well-suited to Science Fiction, Horror and Dystopian projects. If you're looking for quick fix scene stitch sounds, this one is handy to have around!

  • Insect Sound Effects Ultrasonic Insects Bundle 2024 Play Track 3000+ sounds included, 221 mins total $189

    Want to get brand new sound material from nature? Get all the sounds from Ultrasonic Insects Volume 1, Ultrasonic Insects Volume 2 and Ultrasonic Insects Volume 3 at a special price.

    Recorded over three years, Ultrasonic Insects Bundle contains more than 130 insect songs and flights, recorded with precision, patience and love. All insects were recorded in quiet environments or studio with close-miking for unparalleled quality. Each insect is identified by its scientific name.

    Get the isolated song of 75 species of bush-crickets, grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas and other noisy insects. Pitch down the sounds up to 4 octaves (and even more!) and find inspiration for your next project: creatures, monsters, unreal insects or animals but also computer beeps, alarms, lasers… there are plenty of sounds to be created.


    • 27 species of grasshoppers
    • 21 species of bush-crickets
    • 12 species of crickets
    • 4 species of cicadas
    • 12 species of flying insects
    • Rare death’s head hawk-moth vocalisations
    • 2 species of Madagascar hissing cockroaches
    • 20 stereo ambiances recorded with MKH 8040


    • 192 KHz/24 bit
    • Metadata UCS-compliant
    • Each species is identified with scientific name, common name and picture
    • Solo insects recorded with Sanken CO-100K
    • No insects were harmed while recording this library (except a few mosquitos!)

    17 %
  • ‘Alarms & Warnings Designed’ is a collection of 52 alarm sounds suitable for the science fiction genre. This library includes ‘one-shot’ audio files that are ready to be placed in a sampler as well as 30 second loops of those same files. All sounds are ‘dry’ and ready to be processed.

    This library goes well with ‘Fully Charged Vol.1’

    Please note that my sound libraries do not go on sale (this is so prices are fair all year round), and they are sold exclusively on asoundeffect. :-)

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