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Real and designed humming, buzzing, crackling, glitchy sound effects and recordings. Also check out the Electricity sound category

  • Mechanical Sound Effects Annihilated Hard Drives Play Track 200+ sounds included, 200 mins total $45

    This Hard Drive SFX library delivers the sounds of severely mistreated hard drives. We hit hard drives with hammers, drilled holes in them, bent them and inserted objects into them before turning them on. Power ups, shut downs, grinding, screeching, whines, and rattling are just a few of the sounds you’ll find here. Great source material for sound design and heavy processing.

    Annihilated Hard Drives – Microphones Used:
    • 1x Neumann KM130 (cardioid)
    • 1x Sennheiser MKH50 (cardioid)
    • 2x Barcus Berry contact microphone
  • Looking for electric car sounds? This library delivers 111 files / 123 minutes of 96k recordings in mono and stereo of the Renault Fluence Dynamique electric vehicle.

    The Reanult Fluence was one of the first medium sized electric vehicles in Europe, originally produced in 2012. The car is based on the Renault Megane conventional vehicle.

    In these recordings, we have recorded the engine with contact mics, capturing the raw sound of the otherwise very quiet electric engine.

    We also have a lot of tire sounds on different surfaces, gravel, asphalt and rumble strips on the highway, as well as passby sounds.

  • I have recorded 6 different fluorescent bulb lamps in an industrial warehouse with two close mic'd dpa 4060 in each that I then edited into 30 stereo files (about 5 takes of each with different lengths). Excellent for all of your warehouse, slum, industrial sound and ambience needs. Check out the video, or email before buying if you feel like it! Enjoy.

  • Over 300 sounds of electronic devices.
    Static noise, working devices, beeps, glitches and much more.

    Real recordings, made with an electromagnetic microphone, modified cables, devices and other things.

  • Vinyl Record Noise is the first sound library from Oddball Audio. The library features eleven 10” blank records recorded from start to finish at 45rpm. The records were cut and pressed by Lathecuts in Arizona using a myriad of techniques to get the most surface noise, pops, crackles, and hiss for your sound design pleasure. In the cutting process they used four different lathes with varying noise floors and records made from many types of materials.

    The library is perfect for use in any project that may need vinyl records to give it that vintage feel! Additionally these samples are great to use in granular processing, music, or to add subtle layers to a burning fire.

    At a glance:

    • 11 .wav files
    • over 55 minutes of content
    • recorded on U-Turn Audio table through tube preamps and RME interface
    • 2.07 GB uncompressed size – 1.69 GB zip archive
    • recorded and presented as 24 bit/96 kHz stereo files
    • free lifetime updates
  • Signal Return is a performable Kontakt instrument and soundset designed to create a wide variety of interesting and textured sounds.

    All of the source material comes from recordings of various devices feeding back into themselves either electrically or acoustically. No software based speaker emulators or distortions were used in the creation of these sounds. Comes with 250 .wav files – more than 2 hours of recordings + 22 Kontakt instruments (these require the full version of NI Kontakt 5.0 or higher).

    Note: Can be used without Kontakt too!
    All Kontakt instrument libraries include fully unlocked and accessible metadata tagged .wav files. You don't need any version of Kontakt to use these files as a standalone sample library.

  • This Halloween, be prepared to be scared! From Carma Studio, comes the ultimate Halloween package.
    With over 1500 individual sounds, this collection has something for every media artist.  Whether you’re searching for vocal phrases, eerie ambiance, terrifying screams, or possessed toys, we’ve got you covered with a truly unique collection of Halloween delight!

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Didgeridoo Play Track 775+ sounds included, 70 mins total $65

    • In this library, get a collection of the hypnotic and meditative calls of a handmade wooden didgeridoo. These beautiful wind instruments have guttural calls that sing like wild animals. Hear overtone filled whooshes and aggressive barking attacks. Hear snarling vocalizations and gravelly growls. Hear lengthy mesmerizing drones and oscillating overtones. This library is packed full of tracks showcasing the full range of possible didgeridoo vocalizations and drones. Perfect for use as the foundation for all your designed animals and creatures.

    • Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!

    • Hypnotic and meditative drones
    • Oscillating overtones
    • Gravelly growls
    • Guttural attacks
    • Singing vocalizations
    • Buzzing and humming drones
    • Whooshing drones
    • These recordings were not made using circular breathing, so each drone ranges from approximately one to 30 seconds in length.
    • Multiple similar sounds are grouped into single audio files with silence and fade ins/outs between each sound.
    • 645+ drones and attacks
    • 130+ whooshes
    • 775+ total sounds
    • Please note: the “Pitch Shifted Demo” was made to demonstrate the potential of the sounds in this library. However, Didgeridoo does NOT include pitch shifted sounds, only mastered field recordings.

    • Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in files with multiple variations!
    • Marker text included in the Soundminer description and BWAV description fields.

    • View in Browser or Download CSV

    • Sennheiser MKH 50 and 30 in MS
    • Sennheiser MKH 8040 Matched Pair in ORTF
    • Sound Devices 702
    • Rycote ORTF Blimp
    • Rycote MS Blimp

  • SHHhhhhh… They are listening…

    282 strange, ghostly and spy-like sounds collected from 2 old analog dictaphones, 1 portable cassette recorder, 1 very small digital dictaphone, 3 portable modern recorders, 1 video cam, and finally 1 very famous portable Reel to Reel recorder (a Nagra IS).

    The Undercover Sound FX Library Contains:

    • 136 tracks of, Microphone bumps, lav. Microphone put on clothes, Microphone Feedback, Microphone Noises, and the sounds of the inside of a video cams Mechanics.
    • 41 tracks of, Dictaphone & Cassette Processed (Kyma, GRM Tools, SoundToys) Sounds, weird telephone answering machine noises, Buttons, Play, Rewinds, and Fast Forward sounds.
    • 82 Reel To Reel sounds. Buttons, Tape on, Rewinds/Fast forwards, Manual searching and scratches, where the recorded sounds are heard through the internal speaker of the tape recorder, as well as recorded line out.
    • 23 Various processed (Kyma, GRM Tools, SoundToys) sounds. Different stuff speed up, and mangled.

    Many of the recorded sounds have been re-recorded on to tape to get that smooth analog sound. Especially the feedback sounds, and bumps benefit from this technique, but also ambience sounds recorded onto a over used 5″ tape has a certain undercover sound to them!

  • Drops ‘n’ Braams brings to the table 137 new sounds of hybrid cinematic Braams and Drops to boost your production with time-bending elements and sonic manipulation brought to the max. The SFX library is produced from scratch by Alessandro Romeo, owner and lead sound designer at SampleTraxx.

    With Drops ’n’ Braams you can create massive stingers, deep impacts, trailer and score elements, morphing bass, transition woosh and much more.

    A great addition for trailer cue creators, score composers and cutting-edge electronic music producers.

    The library includes:
    • 86 Braams _ Design, Elephant, Granular, Larsen, Raw, Textures
    • 51 Hi Tech Drops/Downers/Sting/Power Down

  • TEXTROBOT is a NI Kontakt instrument designed to help you in the sound design of UI sounds and to produce retriggered samples for VFX text animations.

    All 165 sounds are easily accessible using a MIDI master keyboard from the first octave. You can choose a category to load a set of samples and play it manually, or in the retriggered way (if active) by holding down the note. The full version of NI Kontakt is required to use this library.

    Sound categories:

    Click (10 samples): very tight, clicky sounds for UI interface usage or small text VFX
    Bleeps (16 samples): it contains bleeping sounds, tones, and alerts for telemetrics and sci-fisound design
    Big Size (16 samples): a collection of low frequency sounds for big title animation
    Percussive (22 samples): organic and processed percussive sounds like shakers, maracas, and woods for multimedia apps or menu sound design
    Fun (30 samples): a collection of funny sounds for cartoonish motion graphics
    Digital (20 samples): glitches and lo-fi sounds for experimental videos
    Keys (28 samples): keyboards, typewriters, and mouse sounds
    Mechanical (23 samples): switches, clangs, squeaks, and metal impact sounds for mechanic motion graphics

  • SampleTraxx is back with SHOCKING SIGNAL, a collection of big screen alarm, disturbed cinematic feedback, ping, distortion and re-amped production elements.

    Shocking Signal is all about alerts, notifications, danger, disaster, emergency, panic red alerts, sirens, warnings, static, bad signals, blasts, broken circuits, electrics, glitches, neon, power and anything requiring sophisticated and extreme sound design.

    Providing new and experimental sound materials generated using the most cutting-edge digital techniques, this collection is designed to suit the needs of people who want to add something unique to their production.

    Dedicated to sound designers, experimental composers, cutting edge electronic music producers, busy post-production facilities, video editors, broadcast radio/TV stations.

    Featuring 170+ sound effects with detailed Soundminer metadata in 96/24 HD resolution ready to be fired in your favorite DAW.

  • Drones & Mood Sound Effects Sonikscape Play Track 338 sounds included, 191 mins total $29

    SONIKSCAPE has been produced to create intense underscore, dark atmospheres and abstract textures.

    This collection comes packed with cinematic soundscapes, vocal atmospheres, textures out of processed flutes, ghost breaths and vocal effects, dark low oscillations and subsonic frequencies, bowed cymbals, psychological screech and more.

    Dedicated to the movie trailer, suspenseful film and television soundtrack, dark ambient music, audio-visual installation and sound artist.

    Sonikscape is a collaboration between SampleTraxx and German sound designer Sebastian Emling who already collaborated on Cinematic Zither and Old Broken Piano.

  • Sometimes you need that background sound to define the mood: The buzzy insomnia of a flickering light, a lost alien transmission, the lazy spin of a fan above, haunting radio static, the violent rush of air as you free fall into terminal velocity…

    With noise sounds recorded from an incredible array of sources, if it goes hum, whir, buzz, or hiss this library has got you covered.

    All natural and organic sounding makes this versatile library an outstanding resource for both film and game sound designers.

    The library includes:

    Generators and Compressors
    • Industrial Machinery
    • Radio static
    • Crackles and glitches
    • Ground hum and buzz
    • Transformers
    • Transportation cabin hums
    • Gas leaks, air leaks and bursts
    • Air conditioners
    • Fans, from tiny to massive
    • Vents
    • Elevators
    • Afterburners
    • Voids
    • Rumbles
    • Force fields
    • Transmissions
    • Sci-Fi Machinery
    • and more…

  • We’ve dug deep into the circuit paths of electronic equipment using signal tracers to scan and record electronic noise and electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic equipment.

    This first in a series of three sound libraries focus on the feel of clocking, ticking, pulses, crystal oscillator timing and other cyclic repetition to provide a rhythmic element to the sound effect. Includes sounds of data flow with beeps, tones, glitch, pops, snaps, crackles, static noise & interference.

  • UI DESIGNER is an advanced soundset dedicated to the interaction between human and machines. The library is suitable for modern sci-fi movies, sound for apps, futuristic sound logos and any projects where sound design is needed to improve the users’s experience and make it more pleasant.

    Essential metadata has been included in the filenames. This was done to facilitate users that do not own a library management tool to access the informations and to navigate the library more efficiently.

    UI DESIGNER covers sounds in 14 categories:• Elements Appear
    • Elements Flying
    • Window Open – Hologram
    • Window Close
    • Data Stream
    • Bad Data Crunching
    • Confirmation – Notifications – Navigation
    • Text Typing – Warning Text
    • Access Denied
    • Buttons – Selections
    • Screen Noise
    • Warnings
    • StandBy
    • Notifications – Navigation

  • We’ve dug deep into the circuit paths of electronic equipment using signal tracers to scan and record electronic noise and electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic equipment.

    This third installment in a series of three sound libraries focuses on the elements of power sources with noise drones of electrical power, 60Hz cycle hum, dirty ground buzz with static, glitch, pops, snaps, crackles & electronic interference including low-end & pulsing frequencies.

  • The Glitch UI SFX library delivers a collection of user interface sounds created from mangled video files, circuit bent keyboards and dying hard drives.

    Pops, clicks, glitches and transitions, all sourced from our Error Tone library but re-edited and processed specifically for sound designers with extensive Soundminer metadata.

    Contains sounds which will work for all your user interface feedback needs, from retro computer interfaces to modern tablets to futuristic sci-fi UIs.

  • Sci-Fi Sound Effects Fringe Elements Play Track 225 sounds included, 46 mins total $59

    Fringe Elements is an aggressive sample pack of divergent and destructive sounds designed for musicians and sound designers in need of a hard-hitting sound pallet on the periphery of normal. Each sound was built in the modular world and heavily processed through DSP algorithms to create structurally unique outcomes and ultimately highly usable samples.

    Contained in this collection are 225 unique sounds designed as FX, rhythmic elements, evolving textures, noise, distortion, spectral atmospheres and other elements perfect as building blocks to new music and sound projects or to be layered into existing work to add weight, depth and dimension.

  • We’ve dug deep into the circuit paths of electronic equipment using signal tracers to scan and record electronic noise and electromagnetic fields (EMF) emanating from electronic equipment.

    This second in a series of three sound libraries focus on the elements of steady signal noise & radiation background mostly in the mid to high frequencies. Includes static noise, buzz & hum interference with pops, snaps, crackles, beeps and glitch tones.

  • Hum, Buzz & Glitch Sound Effects Electrify Play Track 299 sounds included, 85 mins total $39.99

    Electrify contains a wide variety of high quality electrical noises, sound effects, and ambiences. Perfect for film, game, music, and television.

    Recordings taken from an enormous variety of devices and equipment, including: harddrives, motors, sockets, powertools, interfaces, amplifiers, printers, scanners, and many more.

    Sounds consist of beeps, glitches, hums, fuzz, noises, processing, crackling and more.

    All sounds are cut, and ready to use, for seamless integration in to your latest productions.

  • Electricity Sound Effects Electrical Hum Play Track 25 sounds included, 39 mins total $19

    Get the hums of a big electric station, a small buzz of an electrical substation’s transformer and also synthesized sounds. All synthesized sounds were re-recorded with the “Worldizing” technique initially conceived by legendary sound designer Walter Murch.

  • RADIO IMAGING SELECTION is a collection of 50 stereo 24-bit 44.1Khz radio ready imaging elements for CHR and HOT AC radio Jingles, StationID, Liners and Dj Drops.

    All sounds are royalty free and ready to be included in your radio productions.

  • NSL – Radio & Analog Bundle is a 209 Files Sound-Pack essentially composed of Radio sounds. You will have access to many samples: Interferences, LW/FM Frequencies Swiping, Phone Tonalities, Analog Glitchs, Noises and many more…

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