Home Highlights Page 7
Highlighted sound libraries that stand out from the crowd
• In Great Lakes: Quiet Nature, get a collection of tranquil ambiences from some of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. Hear the soothing rush of coniferous wind as is sings across still water and delicate fluttering of deciduous foliage. Hear the lonesome hoots of Barred Owls as they sing their haunting nighttime song and Common Loons yodeling with endless echoes.
• This library offers you an extensive collection of ambiences with sparse flora and fauna from the pristine lakes of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Hear the majestic sparseness of summers near the Great Lakes of North America.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
• In Great Lakes: Sandhill Cranes, get a collection of ambiences from some of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. Hear the calming openness of still water and the magical echoes of regal waterbirds. Hear the startled alarm cries of Ospreys and the prehistoric calls of Sandhill Cranes so visceral you’ll think pterodactyls are still alive.
• This library offers you an extensive collection of Sandhill Crane ambiences from the pristine lakes of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Hear these majestic birds and feel the power of their intense calls as they sing across the Great Lakes of North America.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
Get ready to take your UI to the next level with this massive dual library of organically recorded sounds and machine generated sounds. This is not your average UI Library.The process for creating this library was simple: record every day sounds that happen organically. That includes pen clicks, paper crinkles, wood blocks, garbage rustling, paper shuffling, elemental material impacts and movements, etc. Then take those sounds and send them through a chain of modules in a modular synthesizer that is patched specifically to mangle, tangle, distort, pitch shift, warp, and rearrange. The result is somewhere between alien and mech, familiar and unfamiliar; a treasure trove of refreshing and unique sounds at your disposal.
You might call it Future UI, Alien UI, Biotech, or Bio-Mech. Whether your project needs material, organic, clean UI sounds or futuristic, sci-fi, biotech UI sounds, this dual library gives you the freedom to pick one or the other or somewhere in between. All sounds were recorded at 192 kHz and with over 540 sounds your options are vast. Keep a clean sonic palate and choose from the Organic sounds. Build something refreshingly out of this world with the Machine sounds. The choice is yours, enjoy Organic vs Machine!
• In Pacific Northwest: Wind get an expansive collection of coniferous wind from the pristine wilderness of the Eastern Cascades, Washington. Hear the soothing wind of short needled Douglas fir and Spruce. Hear gentle whisps topping distant ridge tops and blustery 50 mph blasts swinging the forest in a wandering dance. Hear the austere emptiness of recently burned forest and eerie creaks so emotional it sounds like the old trees are talking.
• This library offers a large collection of coniferous canopy wind. I hope you enjoy the sounds of this winter wonderland.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
It’s been awhile since Doom Drones, came out, and we put another excellent collection together that is over twice the size! Enter Doom Drones 2, a collaboration between SoundMorph, Tibo Csuko (Robotic LIfeforms 2, Sinematic 2), Boris Karékine (Robotic LIfeforms 2, Sinematic 2), Real Cardinal (Sinematic 1&2). Doom Drones 2 is a great addition for anyone wanting to enhance dark ominous moments.
Doom Drones 2 contains more than 9.7Gb of eerie, doomful, dark, atmospheric field recordings, designed drones, backgrounds, and musical drones. Perfect for something in the realm of a David Lynch film, ambient music production, a horror film, or just to set the mood of a foreboding sound scape.
All files are 24bit/96khz .WAV stereo files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata.
PRAIRIES is your library of coice if you are looking for extraordinary material to support your natural sound scenery. Whether you’re conceptualizing an adventure movie or documentary project, a catchy advertisement or the next big gaming hit – whatever creative idea occurs to you, this library supports your potential: with more than 4.8 GB exceeding 5 hrs and a total of 105 files of high-quality material, you’ll surely find what you need.
The collected bio-acoustic treasure of PRAIRIES includes for instance various indigenous animals such as a wide spectrum of songful birds, buzzing insects, howling coyotes or chirping prairie-dogs.
The PRAIRIES library naturally also comes with a generous range of wind recordings: gusting, blustering, softly blowing, breezing, roaring through the typical vegetation of this area. As special features, the library holds weather phenomenon recordings of grass fire and distant thunder rolling in.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.ROARING, GUSTING, WHISTLING, HOWLING AND MORE – THE ULTIMATE WIND SOUNDS LIBRARY
WINDS OF NATURE is the second SFX library from our series of absolutely stunning nature recordings by Emmy-winner and nature recording genius Gordon Hempton covering a vast variety of wind sounds. Hempton has searched the globe for more than three decades to record nature at its most pristine. We are proud to be the exclusive distributor besides Gordon’s very own company QUIET PLANET.
This collection of 130 carefully recorded wind sounds captures a full range of intensities from zephyr to raging storm in natural settings and built environments. These recordings sound different than those in other sound libraries which use artificial sources. We offer a nuanced collection of true winds with details like the rustling of leaves, the whistling hiss of pine needles and the deep roar of expansive deserts.
These details facilitate richer, subtler and more intimate and evocative sound design, thus more compelling listening experiences. Metadata include: Type of substrate, geographic location, intensity, plus suggestions on using particular sounds to achieve the best results.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.• In Wild Turkeys, get an eccentric collection of exuberant gobbles from a flock of wild turkeys. Hear massive wings swooping in to land like helicopters. Hear antiphonal gobbles between two dueling males. Hear amazingly close vocalizations from a Sony D100 left secretly in the grass mere feet from these delightful wild birds.
• This library offers you an extensive collection of funky mating calls from one of the largest birds in North America. I hope they bring a little joy to your sound design sessions. I can’t listen to them without smiling :)
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
• In Pacific Northwest: Active Nature, get an expansive collection of active ambiences from the Hoh Rainforest, a temperate rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula in Olympic National Park. Hear lonely frogs croakings and syncopated drips from moss covered branches. Hear high twittering songbirds’ joyous chirps twittering from canopy perches. Hear the soothing rush of the Hoh River from close and distant perspectives as it divides the valley and flows to the Pacific. Hear the Magical Dripping Tree, a majestic big-leaf maple covered head to toe in fog soaked moss. Hear massive drops from canopy mosses make rich plopping transients, pinging and enlivening the space of the old-growth forest.
• This library offers you a large collection of active nature sounds from one of the wettest forests in North America. Some places on the Olympic Peninsula get over 200 inches of precipitation per year and that abundance of moisture makes for a magical fern and moss filled ecosystem brimming with soothing ambiences.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased for the Pacific Northwest Series. Field Recording travel for these libraries was carbon neutral!
Comrade Tractor is a 5-channel recording of a Universal 650M tractor, designed in Soviet era Romania and virtually unchanged since the 1960s. Powered by a 4.8 liter Diesel engine, this beast hadn’t been started since 2004. I got to drive it for an hour and all I can say is it doesn’t go too fast but it growls like a tank.
• In Pacific Northwest: Roosevelt Elk, get a mini-nature collection of ambiences from the Hoh Rainforest, a temperate rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula in Olympic National Park. Hear Roosevelt Elk clack antlers and bugle as they fight for the chance to mate. Hear Pacific Wrens joyous chirps as they dance on rotten logs. Hear the massive sparseness of forests filled with 200-300 foot douglas fir and spruce. Hear haunting reverberations as ravens caw in groves of titans and the Hoh River’s soothing wash, the perfect sound to lull you off to peaceful dreams.
• This library offers you a small collection of both quiet and active nature sounds from one of the wettest forests in North America. Some places on the Olympic Peninsula get over 200 inches of precipitation per year, and that abundance of moisture makes for a magical fern and moss filled ecosystem brimming with soothing ambiences.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased for the Pacific Northwest Series. Field Recording travel for these libraries was carbon neutral!
• Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in an otherwise uniform waveform!
• Marker text included in the Soundminer description and BWAV description fields.
Geophonic Design contains a wide variety of unique and abstract designed sounds which include infrasonic frequencies as low as 10Hz. The effects in this library have a science fiction/horror vibe, everything from alien spaceships to underwater ambiences. These are perfect for your films, video games, documentaries and other projects that require a mysterious and ominous soundscape.
Our Audio Craftsmen used a ‘Geophone’ which is a seismic measurement device used to record seismic waves and vibrations of the earth, to record low heavy vibrations and rumbles of various surfaces and materials, often using metal resonators to enhance the sound. We captured sounds from window glass, busy roads with vehicle pass bys, metal posts and rails with football impacts, water passing through pipes, metal containers, plastic buckets and much, much more.
All of the included sounds were then precisely edited and designed by our dedicated in-house team to build ambiences such as: outer space, underground bunkers, submarines, weather stations and other abstract ambiences. Moreover, all the files are available in 24Bit 96kHz and extensively tagged with metadata and are UCS compliant to simplify your workflow.
The subsonic sounds in this library will also make a great addition to your library as layered effects, to build an enigmatic mood in your projects, and will be perfect as drones and backgrounds for futuristic, sci-fi and horror scenes.
Recording of a 2017 Audi R8 with a FSI 5.2 Liter V10 engine from a German luxury car.
The 2017 Audi R8 sound bundle includes 472 clips in 25.31 gigabytes of field recordings. It features the sound of a FSI 5.2 Liter V10 engine from a German luxury car.
The collection gathers 12 synchronized takes of onboard and exterior driving. The onboard perspectives share recordings from the interior (including an Ambisonic perspective), engine, and exhaust while driving with steady RPMs, ramps, and gearshifts. The exterior microphones were arranged at 5 locations to capture slow-to-fast driving while departing, passing by, and arriving, as well as idles. Also included are performed effects of dashboard effects, levers, and doors, impulse responses, and custom mixes of the onboard perspectives.
The collection includes 18 fields of Soundminer metadata, plus BWAV metadata and MacOS Finder comments, Reaper and Pro Tools mixing sessions, and text files of translated search keywords in 7 languages, ready for import into your favourite metadata app.
• In Northern Rockies: Active Nature, get a collection of lively and euphoric ambiences from the mountains of Montana. Hear the rich diversity of ambiences brimming with wildlife. Hear haunting winnows of Wilson’s Snipes and trilling tremolos of Dark-eyed Juncos. Hear wildlife greet the sun in four extended dawn choruses, each ranging from 30 to 50 minutes! This library is packed full of tracks teeming with active flora and fauna from the continental divide of North America and perfectly complements the other Northern Rockies Series libraries to give you a full picture of these stunning glacial valleys.
• Only 26 glaciers (of the 150 in 1850) remain in Glacier National Park and all could melt within 30 years. Hear the sounds of this stunning natural cathedral while the glaciers remain. The ecosystem won’t sound the same when they’re gone.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased for the Northern Rockies Series. Field Recording travel for this library was carbon neutral!
DECIDUOUS FORESTS are intimate and harmonious spaces. Their sound character is much quieter than that of tropical forests – but nonetheless spectacular. Their loudness varies and changes with the seasons, as the angle of the arriving solar energy gradually impacts their character. Winter, spring, summer or fall – you’ll find what you need to create the whole acoustic range of different weather conditions and day times in this collection, e.g. dawn onsets with early birds, day birdsongs and insects, wind drips and frogs, passing flocks, rainy storm aftermath…
DECIDUOUS FORESTS is especially rich with songbird and insect ambiences. The sheer selection of birds included in these all-natural hardwood ambient recordings ranges from American Robin, Barred Owl and Darkeyed Junco to Ruffed Grouse, Tufted Titmouse, Whippoorwill and so many more. Whether talkative, rhythmic, active or relaxed, their bird songs shape the unique characteristic of these natural cathedrals as the echo or afterlife of the original sound has a pronounced forest acoustic.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.AMONG NATURE’S MOST ENORMOUS FORCES
Sound Tracker® Gordon Hempton has recorded a fantastic and remarkable collection of waves in its various appearances. Hempton has searched the globe for more than three decades to record nature at its most pristine.
Waves are among the most universally appealing of all nature sounds. Their character changes dependent on tides, climatic and ground conditions, so they can come in as lapping, gurgling, surging, bubbling, sweeping, splashing, rumbling, rolling, howling, thundering, roaring, crashing and many other forms.
The library contains more than 5.5 hrs in 5.42 GB of pure and unaltered source recordings: 111 files which are classified by wave size and beach substrate (solid rock, boulder, pebble, sand).
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.WATER IN MOTION, AS PURE AND NATURAL AS IT GETS
This collection contains 121 beautiful recordings of stream, river, and waterfall sounds with close and distant perspectives. Dig into more than 3 hours of high quality material to find the perfect water sound.
No matter if you’re searching for trickles, babbles, gurgles, glugs, roars, splashes, surges, swishes, booms or some gentle water SFX, you’ll find it in this great and well-selected collection. This library offers a complete kit to produce whatever stream, river, or waterfall sounds you may need.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.THE COMPLETE NATURE AMBIENCE TOOLKIT
NATURE ESSENTIALS is the first SFX library from a series of absolutely stunning nature recordings by Emmy-winner and nature recording genius Gordon Hempton. Hempton has searched the globe for more than three decades to record nature at its most pristine.
NATURE ESSENTIALS offers all the necessary ingredients to immediately produce stunning natural soundscapes. The sonic palette includes wind, rain, thunder, streams, surf and a wide selection of ambiences and wildlife vocalizations. These sound files are unmixed so you can confidently present actual places or creatively mix something uniquely yours.
In addition, these files are embedded with metadata offering geographic location, the bird species or animals that are heard, plus advice on how to use a particular sound to achieve best results.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.Evil Twin is a Reaktor 5 and 6 ensemble for creating cinematic sound design, BPM synced rhythmic loops, intense impacts, whooshes, glitches, drones, and special effects.
Evil Twin is sample-based and contains a custom 128 sample library from SoundMorph. You can also load your own samples easily. If you own the new Reaktor 6, Evil Twin is a must have.
• Presets by Richard Devine, Ivo Ivanov, Jason Cushing, Yan David and more
• 3 LFOs
• Drawable envelopes
• Complete knob modulation
• Load up to 6 samples
• 3 effects
• Filter
• Grain, Jitter, and Pitch controls
• BPM synced loops
• Included Touch OSC template
• Note: This library requires a full version of Reaktor 5 or 6
African Desert: Sahara is a collection of stereo and quad soundscapes recorded in the barren but beautiful mountain range at the heart of the Sahara desert. This is the largest hot desert on Earth, incredibly difficult to access and explore. It’s a breathtaking place with a huge dynamic range, from dead silence to powerful winds. The soundscapes in this collection were recorded around giant rock formations, rocky outcrops, canyons and sand dune expanses.
This spatial collection of 101 carefully mastered shoreline sounds allow you to balance just the right amount of wave presence with appropriate wildlife to fit nearly every mood. Day or night, dune or forest, calm or windy, you will be able to craft your most compelling soundscapes.
For example, distant ocean waves and clear gull cries or inspiring songbirds will produce a full frequency spectrum and depth of field. Need something more sheltered? One of the many cricket medleys combined with windblown dune grass will render an acoustic safe harbor for your audience to enjoy many pleasant vacation memories.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.WHAT’S INSIDE
DESERTS are simple, spacious and lack echoes. Quiet prevails. Even so, you’ll want to challenge your audience, jolt them from their comfortable seats and immerse them in this inhospitable habitat. Do not be afraid to use harsh insects, driving winds, or even startle your listeners with a sudden, loud, unexplained alarm call of a strange bird nearby. Then settle them with expansive concerts, such as a reassuring gecko chorus composed of thousands of point-source clicks in step with the setting sun. All this is included in DESERTS – WEATHER & WILDLIFE which gives sound designers the easiest access to super-authentic soundscapes.
We offer you super-clean sounds from different deserts (temperate vs tropical), different times of day (morning, day, dawn) and different weather conditions. In addition you get very rare and clean sounds of desert wildlife.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.WHAT’S INSIDE
New and truly fascinating: CANYONS is a SFX library from our remarkable series of high quality nature recordings by Emmy-winner and nature recording genius Gordon Hempton. He has searched the globe for more than three decades to record nature at its most pristine.
Canyons have bright reflections and a deep resonant echo, making them a Holy Grail for nature sound libraries. The key to using Canyons to produce compelling sound designs is paying attention to the echoes as they vanish into a seemingly never ending space, allowing them to change and transform as they flow down a rock-walled corridor to ultimately disappear below the threshold of hearing.
This Library is also part of The Complete Quiet Planet Bundle.
Libraries from Quiet Planet are covered by a special EULA - read it here.THE LAST NATURE AMBIENCE LIBRARY YOU WILL BUY
High quality nature and ambience sound effects are a real treasure when it comes to designing the backround ambience of a movie or game scene. If you’re looking for such sounds, you’ve just found the Holy Grail. With this package you’re ready for the next sound design decades.
Contains all 17 stereo packs of our QUIET PLANET® nature series. You will have full access to the unique spectrum of these vivid regions with all their depth. It will definitely enrich your portfolio!
THE COMPLETE QUIET PLANET® – BASICS features a thorough collection of 1000 stereo files from all 17 QUIET PLANET® nature packs.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.