Home Environments & Ambiences Nature & Countryside Ambiences Page 4
Nature sound effects and recordings, from forests, jungles, plains and fields
NSL – Ubrique is a 44 Files Sound-Pack composed of Spain Life Sounds, All Royalty-FREE to use in your productions. You will have access to many samples: Spain Neighbourhoods, City Life, Farm Animals, Nature Winds, and many more sounds…
Recorded in Eastern Oregon’s Great Basin and High Desert Region – classic sounds of the American West, forest or desert.
These tracks are stripped highlights from the hundreds of hours of field recordings I use to make my films. A number of them include the birds fluttering and making deep natural calls right next to the recorder – about as close as you can hope to get of birds in the wild.
A collection of stereo-ambient and mono-bird recordings made in spring, at the edge of the Saharan Atlas Mountains in eastern Morocco, and reflecting the sound of the deserts and other arid habitats of North Africa and beyond into the Middle East.
Please scroll down for full info and file list
The Farm Animals SFX library represents an big selection of domestic animal and bird sounds. The sounds were primarily recorded on farms with a focus on vocalizations.
Baby Chicks: Chirps as a group and single.
Chickens: Clucking after laying eggs, squawking when scared, and clucking in a group.
Cow: Single long and short mooing, breathing recorded with close and far distances. Mooing in farm ambience recordings.
Dogs: Single medium-sized mongrel barking. Whining, yelping and aggressive growling. Big mongrel single barking.
Ducklings: Single calls to mother.
Ducks: Quacking as a group and single.
Geese: Calls in a poultry group.
Guinea Fowls: As a group and single.
Horses: Stallion neigh, grunt, breath, snort and head shake. Ambients of a stable (feeding hay, stableman working).
Peacock: Single calls.
Piglets: European piglets squeals and screams, slurping when eating.
Pigs: European big pig grunt, snort, breath, slurping when eating. Vietnam big pig squeal, scream and breath.
Roosters: Old and young rooster crowings. Recorded at close and far distances. As single and in a poultry group.
Sheep: Single sheep’s bleatings recorded at close and far distances. Also contains recordings of milking.
Turkey: Calls in a poultry group.
Explore a large collection of beautiful, tranquil sounds from remote desert locations across the American southwest and enjoy listening to the morning sun awaken desert wildlife. This serene collection features sounds that will make you fall in love with the harmonious desert dawn. Sounds include doves cooing, woodpeckers hammering, White-throated Swifts in swirling flocks, and much more. Featured like never before are recordings of Swainson’s hawks so close you can hear the whoosh as their powerful wings cut through the air. For the second installment of my extensive nature sounds from the heart of the American Southwest, here is High Desert Ambiences 2: Active Nature.
2% for the Planet:
Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• This library is filled with the “Active Nature” sounds of desert mornings.
• Swainson’s Hawks – a male and female recorded near their nest in a 200-foot cliff. Recordings are from below the nest and include close, distant, circling, diving, and soaring perspectives.
• White-throated Swifts – flocks of small barn swallow-like birds circling, darting, and whooshing in front of a desert cliff.
• Other Birds/Wildlife Included: Canyon Wrens, Bewick’s Wrens, Montezuma Quail, White-winged Doves, Western Screech-Owls, Aoudad Sheep, Rufous-crowned Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlarks, and many more labeled as “songbirds” if not identified by species.
• Tracks starting with the filename “Quiet Desert” have low wildlife activity and are perfect “natural roomtones” to use as the foundation of a designed environment. If you need more “Quiet Nature” tracks check out High Desert Ambiences 3: Quiet Nature or the miniature pack of desert sounds in High Desert Ambiences 1: miNiATURE.
• Most files are 3-6 minutes in length
• Named markers included in each file to help find interesting events in an otherwise uniform waveform. Starting in Soundminer 4.5Pro_v252 you can now read text markers from within Soundminer!
• Marker text included in the Soundminer Description and BWAV description fields.
• Recording Location – Davis Mountains, Texas
• *Note – Birds were self-identified using several iOS apps and bird identification websites, so I cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of species identification.
• In Pacific Northwest: Active Nature, get an expansive collection of active ambiences from the Hoh Rainforest, a temperate rainforest on the Olympic Peninsula in Olympic National Park. Hear lonely frogs croakings and syncopated drips from moss covered branches. Hear high twittering songbirds’ joyous chirps twittering from canopy perches. Hear the soothing rush of the Hoh River from close and distant perspectives as it divides the valley and flows to the Pacific. Hear the Magical Dripping Tree, a majestic big-leaf maple covered head to toe in fog soaked moss. Hear massive drops from canopy mosses make rich plopping transients, pinging and enlivening the space of the old-growth forest.
• This library offers you a large collection of active nature sounds from one of the wettest forests in North America. Some places on the Olympic Peninsula get over 200 inches of precipitation per year and that abundance of moisture makes for a magical fern and moss filled ecosystem brimming with soothing ambiences.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased for the Pacific Northwest Series. Field Recording travel for these libraries was carbon neutral!
'Jungle and forest of Asia' is a unique collection of 72 sounds of nature through Asia, recorded and produced with high-quality equipment over 2 years. From 5 different countries and many national parks at different seasons, this collection includes:
This collection provides authentic and interesting nature sounds recorded through all Asia using DPA and Neumann mics, Audio technica preamp, Aeta Mixy Recorder, and PCM D-100 digital recorder. All Faunethic tracks include Soundminer metadata tags.
These sounds are also included in the following collections:
Lao, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia and South India.
Sounds of Canada includes a huge variety of local ambiences and sounds unique to Canada. From Canadian crowds, restaurants, bars and markets to community sporting events, stadium events, street parades, nature sounds, ski villages, the distinct rattling sound of the Vancouver Marathon, the Canadian pedestrian crossing button sound and even Vancouver’s famous steam-powered organ clock.
This collection is a true representation of Canadian sounds, all recorded on location whilst living in Vancouver, around British Colombia, Vancouver Island and beyond.
All tracks recorded by Evan Buist, sound engineer and field recordist (National Geographic, Dreamworks, Paramount Pictures).
High-quality nature ambience of wild landscapes in eastern Oregon – with a focus on bird sounds in the high desert across times of day and seasons. These are authentic western desert sounds appropriate for use in westerns, wild west, and related games and films.
Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer. Species include woodpeckers, meadowlarks, woodpeckers, distant owls, and more. Includes bonus clips of fly buzzes and a few bats. A number catch birds quite close to the recorder.
• In Nature Roomtones: Deserts, get a collection of ambiences with zero wildlife and barely audible wind. Hear the nothingness of desert plains and open sparseness of mountain valleys resonated by barely audible wind. Hear wildlife-free, natural roomtones from 44 different locations perfect for your post-apocalyptic productions or as atmospheric beds for any type of environment.
• This library offers you an extensive collection of ambiences with sparse flora and zero fauna from winter nights in the desert. Hear the majestic sparseness of desert nights perfect for your dystopian adventure story.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
Nature Roomtones: These are natural soundscapes with zero fauna, sparse flora, and sparse water. These recordings are location nonspecific because there is zero wildlife. As a result, these sounds can be used as a foundation for any natural environment you create.
Quiet Nature: These are natural soundscapes with sparse fauna, sparse flora, and sparse water. These recordings are geographically linked to a place because of the wildlife present in the recordings.
Get the true sounds of Italy in this authentic collection.
The Italian Ambiences sound effects library features recordings from places such as an Italian airport, bar, beach, city ambiences, crowd, countryside, market, pub, school, residential area, supermarket, train station, marina, museum, office, restaurant, tavern, village and many more.
Also includes a great collection of recordings from the historic city of Venice, Italy – excellent for old-city atmospheres. In total, more than 4.5 hours of atmospheric Italian recordings and ambiences are included.
Each sound file has been carefully named and tagged for easy search in Soundminer and is Universal Category System (UCS) compliant.
(see the full track list below).
'Laos' is a unique collection of 49 sounds recorded and produced with high-quality equipment. From north to south, this collection includes:
This collection provides authentic and interesting sounds recorded through all the country using DPA, Neumann and Audio technica mics powered by an Aeta Mixy Recorder. All Faunethic tracks include Soundminer metadata tags.
The library is a collection of atmosphere recordings of different sized/aged forests during summer time in Eastern and Southern Finland.
In these recordings you can hear a huge variety of birds during different times of the day and also some changes of the weather such as multiple states of the wind.
The library contains 30 files (10 FuMa, 10 AmbiX and 10 Stereo files) captured at 24bit/96kHz. Total length of over 1.5 hours.
B-format files are in FuMa and AmbiX format.
With the free SoundField SurroundZone 2 plugin you can convert the B-format files into your preferred format (stereo, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0 or 7.1 surround). There's also other plugin options such as Harpex-X.
The library also contains ready-made stereo (ORTF with wide cardioid pattern) mixdowns for your convenience.
These recordings are very raw. Very little or none denoising, EQ or any other processing method was used.
• In High Desert Ambiences 5: Crickets, I revisit the place where my field recording journey started: West Texas. The heavy summer rains spawned a lively cricket chorus unlike anything I had heard before. Hear 10,000 cricket chirps weave into lush blankets of sound that gently float through mountain valleys. Hear the slowly sagging pitch of lush choruses as nighttime temperatures fall. Hear the joyous chirps of countless crickets that will make you want to take out your tent immediately.
• This library offers you an extensive collection of crickets from a unique slice of time in the life of a desert. Hear the rejuvenating summer rains fill a desolate desert with 10,000 tiny violins.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause, as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased to offset my field recording travel for this library.
Nolan Sound Library – ALL IN ONE Bundle.
Get 1500+ Files in one bundle: Nature Soundscapes, Radio Noises, Motocross, Foley Sounds, Spain Ambiences, Planes, Airports, New York Life, Mountains Winds, Forests and many more…
Also includes the NSL in ATMOS Format for big productions.
Get an extensive collection of South African nature ambiences (average duration: 5 minutes), from places like the Mhkaya Jungle, Kruger National Park, The Wetlands and more. Locations include jungles, swamps, ponds, rivers and towns. Featuring all sorts of crickets and cicades, of course – but there’s also plenty of other South African wildlife, like mosquitoes, birds, fighting baboons and snorting hippos The sounds were captured during various times of both day and night and give you a huge variety of ambiences to work with.
High-quality nature ambiance of wild landscapes in both eastern and western Oregon – with a focus on different cricket sounds by day and night.
Types range from hot desert heat to cold windy forest nights, to vibrant riversides. Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer. A number catch crickets quite close to the recorder
The Dark Woods Ambience sound effects library contains sounds of natural night ambiences, all recorded in the woods in Southwest Florida, USA (under trees, woods, etc). All 68 ready to use and loop-able stereo wave files were captured in 24 Bit, 96 kHz stereo (each in 3 or 5 minutes long). There are sounds of birds, a Coyote, frogs, insects, wild pigs, waves/water splashes from fish/wind, thunders, etc (check out the file names). See if you can identify what the two creatures are that approached my microphone. One of the creatures dragged the microphone fur a few feet away!
Windy forest is a collection of forest ambiences with wind ranging from soft to strong. We spent two stormy days out in the deep forests of Norway and managed to capture a wide variety of wind sounds. The recordings are nearly 100% bird free so they are very usable internationally.
The Australian bush is something very close to my heart. Most of these recordings were taken on my family's property in Molong NSW.
This collection includes a large number of natural bush ambiences recorded at all times of day. There are plenty of birds, some sheep, turkeys, bees, cicadas, crickets, dogs and chickens. As well as motor vehicles on gravel, chainsaws, campfires, generators, footsteps, and even a wall construction. There is as always some random stuff fin there as well.
Recorded with a Sound Devices 633 and Sennheiser MKH8040s. The library is 2GB and includes 126 x 24bit 48kHz .wav files. Sound Miner metadata embedded.
Khao Sok jungle is a unique collection of 30 sounds from Khao Sok national park in south Thailand.
This natural reserve is the oldest evergreen rainforest of the world, it contains more than 1,500 species of tree and plants and over five percent of the world's animal species.
All these sounds has been recorded and produced with high quality equipment and a lot of patience.
In addition to that, 2 bonus tracks from the Mekong delta are included to this library for free.
This library provides authentic and interesting sounds of wild nature, caught with DPA and MBHO mics powered by an Aeta 4minX at 24/96Khz in multichannel.
All Faunethic tracks includes metadata carefully edited, compatible with Soundminer, Soundly and Basehead.
Recorded over an entire year, Ultrasonic Insects Volume 2 contains dozens of new insect songs recorded with love, precision and a lot of patience! More than 3 000 kilometers were traveled to get to 12 beautiful french sites sheltering common and endemic species. All insects were recorded in quiet environments with close-miking for unparalleled quality.
Want to get brand new sound material from nature? Listen to the songs of those tiny creatures, pitch them as much as you want and find inspiration for your next sound design.
• 22 species of grasshoppers, crickets, bush-crickets and cicadas
• Rare death’s head hawk-moth vocalisations
• 5 species of flying insects
• Solo insects recorded with Sanken CO-100K
• 8 bonus stereo ambiances recorded with MKH 8040
• 192 KHz/24 bit
• Metadata UCS-compliant
• Each species is identified with scientific name, common name and picture
• No insects were harmed while recording this library (except a few mosquitos!)
'Morocco' is a unique collection of 39 sounds recorded at 2 different seasons, winter and summer for Ramadan. Through different part of the country, this library includes:
This collection provides a wide variety of authentic sounds from this beautiful country. All Faunethic tracks include Soundminer metadata carefully edited.
• In Northern Rockies: Common Loons, get a collection of the strange and mythical calls of Common Loons. These beautiful birds have haunting calls that sing across the boreal lakes of North America. One of the greatest pleasures I’ve had as a field recordist was hearing their majestic wails echo across still waters. This library includes sounds of a nesting pair captured during a full week of nighttime and dawn recording in Glacier National Park, Montana.
• Two percent of the price of this library is donated to an environmental cause. I view it as an “artist royalty” for the planet!
• Carbon offset credits were purchased for the Northern Rockies Series. Field Recording travel for this library was carbon neutral!
• Named markers are included in each file to help find interesting events in an otherwise uniform waveform. Starting in Soundminer 4.5Pro_v271 you can now read text markers from within Soundminer!
• Marker text included in the Soundminer description and BWAV description fields.
With A Sound Effect, Asbjoern has created a web site where our international community can browse, learn, and share the vast fruits of our labors. Together we are accelerating the very real potential power of sound design as a recognized art form.
A Sound Effect is an excellent resource for us to keep our animated films sounding unique and exciting.
A Sound Effect is a great asset to have discovered.
We found the site very easy to navigate, purchasing and downloads were effortless and the effects themselves are awesome! Asbjoern has done us all a great service.
We’ll definitely be back!
There are many great independent sound effect libraries available these days. The main problem with having so many, is keeping track of them!
A Sound Effect is a great hub, and is one of the first places I visit to look for sounds by category or genre. I started coming here to see if I could find libraries that I knew I had heard, but forgot WHERE I had heard them.
And in the process discovered libraries I never would have found otherwise. Great work! Keep it up!
We're always looking for new sounds to mangle, so when A Sound Effect had a holiday sale, I tried them out.
The purchase experience is really smooth and quick, and delivery is almost instant.
I'll definitely come back to them again in the future!
A Sound Effect is a wonderful resource for indie sound effects libraries. On top of that, it has some of the finest sound design, film and game audio interviews!
I often need very specific types of sounds so I've become a big supporter of independent recorders.
Until now I've always had to go to their individual websites. Now I can find them all in one place.
And, Asbjoern is great to work with!
A Sound Effect is a well curated boutique sound effects shop and a great place to find industry interviews and learning resources.