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Home Animal Sound Effects Page 5

Animal Sound Effects

Authentic animal sound effects, animal recordings and designed creature and monster sound effects.

  • Need massive sounds of lions and tigers? This library features over 3.4 GB of growls, sniffs, snarls, mating calls, moans and incredible roars. The library features a single lion, lioness, groups of lions, a tiger, and cougars.

    Use this library as a complete animal SFX library for all sounds related to big wildcats – or as a source for building amazing creature sounds.

    Make your mixing room shake with these huge sounds!

  • Recorded by renowned innovators of film sound design Ann Kroeber and Alan Splet, the Stallion library features an incredible variety of charismatic horse sound effects including movements and vocalizations.

    Intensify your projects with rumbling racing gallops, thumping canters, steady trots, and heavy rhythmic breathing. Bring creatures to life with the emotive whinny and neigh sounds of mustang stallions plus strong snorts, charming grunts, light nickers, and guttural exhales.

    Many of these horse sounds were recorded for major feature films including The Black Stallion, The Horse Whisperer, and Hidalgo. Splet’s work on The Black Stallion won him a Special Achievement Academy Award® for Sound Editing. This recognition was largely due to the quality and depth of the source recordings he and Kroeber created.

    Using a unique custom microphone rig (one mic fastened under the belly, another placed in front of the nose), the galloping sound effects in this library achieve an extraordinary dramatic quality with the horse’s powerful footsteps captured in harmony with its breathing.

    Get an array of horse footsteps at your fingertips – moving at every gait and on various surfaces from gravelly dirt to shallow water, grass, sand, cobblestone and more. The Stallion library also includes miscellaneous sounds like chewing, saddle creaks, stretching leather, and scraping carriage wheels.

    Following the libraries Cinematic Winds and Industrial Sounds with Soul, Stallion is the third exclusive release by Pro Sound Effects curated from Sound Mountain: Kroeber and Splet’s venerable private recording collection created over decades of film sound work with celebrated directors like David Lynch, Carroll Ballard, and Peter Weir. Kroeber has since worked on or supplied sounds for film, TV, and games – including 6 movies that won an Academy Award® in sound, and 7 additional nominations.

    Key Features:

    • 89 sound effects (1.1GB)
    • 24-bit/48kHz broadcast .wav files
    • Descriptive embedded metadata
    • 100% Royalty-Free
  • Animal Sound Effects Collections Animals Bundle Play Track 234+ sounds included, 308 mins total $140

    This bundle was built with 5 different sound libraries.

    Experience the sound of the honey bees‘ hive. All files were recorded outside the town, far away from the roads to capture the clean sound of hard working bees. 14 stereo files were recorded with Sound Devices 702, Sony PCM-M10 recorder, two DPA 4061 microphones hidden inside a hive and two Sennheiser MKH 8040 to capture the ambient in front of the hive. Every stereo AB interior recording can be split to mono to isolate the single buzzes. Recording those sounds was one of my dreams as a field recordist. I always wanted to hear the interior sound of a hive. This session wasn’t the easy one, because of my strong allergic reaction to bees, but thanks to a proper clothes and suit, I was able to walk through the bees for 2 hours without any harm. My main goal was to capture different sounds, not only the ambients but also some close ones, like the sound of the bees landing on their landing zone or just the interior sound of the hive. The overall character of the sound really depends on the time of the year and time of the day. I had a chance to record those insects before the feeding time. They were hungry and really active. The total length of recorded files is 44 minutes.

    The Cat – Meow Library features 130 files ( 51 192kHz, 79 96kHz ) recorded with Sennheiser 8040 / Rode NTG3 and Sony PCM-D100. This small bundle contains different sound effects made by two very vocal cats. From subtle squeaks and digging in litter box, through eating and purrs to loud meows.

    The Cormorants sound library was recorded during 4 recording sessions spread through the course of two months. As you can hear in the preview file, the sounds of cormorants are really detailed, because of the super close perspective. In some cases, cormorants were literally walking on my DPA microphones. All files were recorded in 96kHz and 24bits with equipment like: Sound Devices 702, Sony PCM-M10, Rode NTG3, two Oktavas MK012 with different adapters and capsules and two DPA 4061. When it comes to the usability of this library, I think that it’s a great source material for designing sound for different creatures. The textures of nestling recordings are perfect to start designing sounds of small out of the world animals. Some of the files also contain seagulls, which unfortunately are a part of cormorants colonies. The amount of those ‘unwanted’ sound effects in my files is really low though, and some of them were left on purpose. Even though it’s all about cormorants, the single squeaks those seagulls can make are really great. This library contains 32 files with total length of 119 minutes.

    The Eurasian Cranes sound library was so far the hardest to record. Eurasian cranes, also called common cranes are beautiful and really easy to scare big birds. This library features the sound of more than 1000 birds singing their song at the same time. If you’r not familiar with those birds, here’s a link to wikipedia. I finally got a chance to record them. It wasn’t my first attempt. More than one year ago I’ve tried to do the same thing, but because of the lack of experience, I’ve ended up with bad recordings. I did not wanted to repeat my mistakes, so I’ve spent the whole night in the wild, testing my gear and patience, got bit by mosquitoes to record those animals. You can hear the results in the preview. All sounds have HPF set to cut out anything below 100Hz, because of the trains passing by from time to time somewhere in the distance. It doesn’t affect the sound of the cranes since there’s no informations in the lows. When it comes to recording wild animals, you have to accept and take whatever you’ve been given. It was impossible for me to come closer to those birds, or avoid the sound of wind going through the reed, because few more steps would scare the birds. All the files were recorded with Sound Devices 702 and two Oktavas MK012 set into ORTF. All the hardware was set in the reed in deep mud, and cranes were standing about 40m away.

    The Roaring Stags contains 45 files recorded with Sound Devices 702, two Oktavas MK012 set in XY pattern, and Rode NTG3. All files sounds different, because I was recording everything in the middle of the forest during different times of the day. Recording wild animals is not something you can plan, and I had to record whatever I could, no matter what was happening around. About 90% of the files were deleted, and this 65 minutes of audio is 10% I got left with. In this sound library you’ll find reverberant sounds and ones that has less of the reverb. The distance between me and stags was changing, and that’s the reason of different amount of reverb. Also the animals were constantly moving, and sometimes they turned in completely opposite direction, so roars sounded more distant. Sometimes between roars you’ll hear subtle sounds of me moving close to microphones. I left those sounds so anyone can make cuts in desired places, but those subtle sounds happens very rarely.


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  • High-quality nature ambience of wild landscapes in eastern Oregon – with a focus on bird sounds in the high desert across times of day and seasons. These are authentic western desert sounds appropriate for use in westerns, wild west, and related games and films.

    Many tracks are quite long – several minutes or longer. Species include woodpeckers, meadowlarks, woodpeckers, distant owls, and more. Includes bonus clips of fly buzzes and a few bats. A number catch birds quite close to the recorder.

  • Insect Sound Effects Ultrasonic Insects Bundle 2024 Play Track 3000+ sounds included, 221 mins total $189

    Want to get brand new sound material from nature? Get all the sounds from Ultrasonic Insects Volume 1, Ultrasonic Insects Volume 2 and Ultrasonic Insects Volume 3 at a special price.

    Recorded over three years, Ultrasonic Insects Bundle contains more than 130 insect songs and flights, recorded with precision, patience and love. All insects were recorded in quiet environments or studio with close-miking for unparalleled quality. Each insect is identified by its scientific name.

    Get the isolated song of 75 species of bush-crickets, grasshoppers, crickets, cicadas and other noisy insects. Pitch down the sounds up to 4 octaves (and even more!) and find inspiration for your next project: creatures, monsters, unreal insects or animals but also computer beeps, alarms, lasers… there are plenty of sounds to be created.


    • 27 species of grasshoppers
    • 21 species of bush-crickets
    • 12 species of crickets
    • 4 species of cicadas
    • 12 species of flying insects
    • Rare death’s head hawk-moth vocalisations
    • 2 species of Madagascar hissing cockroaches
    • 20 stereo ambiances recorded with MKH 8040


    • 192 KHz/24 bit
    • Metadata UCS-compliant
    • Each species is identified with scientific name, common name and picture
    • Solo insects recorded with Sanken CO-100K
    • No insects were harmed while recording this library (except a few mosquitos!)

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  • All tracks are recorded with Sennheiser Mkh416 and DPA 4060 mics interior, either in a studio space or living room, and contain wings flapping, buzzing, crawling, and pass bys from the little critters.

    Featuring both small and big fat fly recordings, The Housefly sound effects library is 15 tracks of close up encounters with alot of buzz in it.

    All tracks are recorded interior, either in a studio space or living room, and contain wings flapping, buzzing, crawling, and pass bys from the little critters.

    15 tracks, mono and stereo. 180Mb recorded with Sennheiser Mkh416 and DPA 4060 mics. UCS ready!

  • Humaninal Mimicry is a handy collection of human vocalizations mimicking the sound of animals.

    These naturally-sounding samples are useful for shaping expressive creature sounds.

    Tens of actors were involved in the process, but also one metal singer. Recorded up to 192KHz with Sanken Co-100k, or 96KHz. Included are more than 60 various animals (imitated) such as Eagle, Koala, Tiger, Whale, Seal, Crane, Gopher, Dolphin, Elephant, Lion, Crow, Goose, Camel, Bear, Horse, Frog, Platypus, Raccoon, Seagull, Honey Badger, Squirrel, Wolf, Monkey,…

    The sounds delivered are well edited and meta-tagged. These are crisp, easy, and malleable sounds that will enrich your existing collection.

    Alternatively, these sounds can also be used for cartoon or comical effects.

    What’s inside:

    • 60 animals, imitated by more than 10 different actors (including metal singer).
    • Variations of each sound
    • 2 versions: Separated (1 sound per file) & Glued (many variations per file)
    • Clear, malleable sounds, without background noises, up to 192 KHz for processing, or 96KHz.
  • A unique collection featuring 415 originally recorded sounds from Earth’s coldest continent.

    From the majestic Emperor Penguins to the thunderous Southern Elephant Seals, the Icebreaker ship, and the serene Antarctic ambiences, this pack offers a diverse array of wild and untamed sounds.

    Four categories are inside:
    • Animals (258 sounds)
    • Ice Breaker Ship (68 sounds)
    • Antarctic Ambiences (50 sounds)
    • Sea Ice Sounds (39 sounds)
  • Meet Sybelle de Bauvais, a beautiful Percheron mare who helped us record this sound collection.

    Recorded with and without the carriage, the libraries features this huge draft horse walking, trotting and galloping on various surfaces such as concrete, dirt, gravel, sand, grass and others.

    For the carriage, microphones were positionned on various positions to capture a large variety of metal rattles, squeaks and creaking sounds. The library also contains clean hoove sounds recorded with microphones mounted on, or following the rider.


    Multiple mic perspectives

    This sound pack includes multiples channels of onboard perspectives around the carriage and the horse, capturing the wheels, the hooves, the frame or the harness.

    Gear used

    Sound Devices MixPre-6 II • Zoom F6• Sound Devices 722 • Neumann Kmr81i • LOM Usi Pro • Sennheiser MKH416 • Tascam DR-40 • LOM MikroUsi


    This sound library is UCS compliant and comes with fully embedded metadatas compatible with Soundly, Soundminer and Basehead.

  • Introducing ‘Expressive Dogs,’ a canine sound effects library featuring 172 vocal expressions recorded at 96kHz/24 bit. Originating from a curated set of sounds recorded for a film project, where infusing character and emotion into the featured dog was paramount, these recordings have proven to be so versatile and impactful that we couldn’t resist sharing them with the world!

    This extensive collection captures a diverse spectrum of expressive dog noises, ranging from playful grunts and impatient whines to heartwarming breaths and gentle whimpers. Whether you’re working on film projects, animations, or games, these high-quality recordings offer a great toolset of emotionally charged dog sounds to enhance and bring life and personality to your dog based projects.

    As a side note rest assured that our beloved Session Dog, Paddy, was pampered and treated like the star he is during these recordings. It only takes a shake of his treat jar to get him singing – a testament to the joy and excitement behind each sound!

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  • Animal Sound Effects Medieval Town Play Track 400+ sounds included, 38 mins total $49

    Medieval Town takes you on a historical journey through a map of an imagined town. Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.

    About Medieval Town SFX Pack

    It includes 400+ sound effects from a simple town’s parts such as; barn, field, grassland, tavern, blacksmith, carpenter, library, church, graveyard, mine, and many more a medieval town could offer.

    With the Medieval Town SFX Pack you will have access to dressage sounds, kitchenware sounds, church bells, town ambiences, medieval mechanical devices, mining sounds, animals, tools, weapons and more.

    These sounds are available in 24-bit / 96kHz, were recorded delicately with DPA 4060s and Neumann KM184 pairs, have clarity and room for further sound design with the flexible texture of the sounds for customization. Recorded and designed delicately for all your historical needs.

    What’s Inside

    Medieval, town, ambience, object, church, bell, bird, animal, duck, food, drink, lake, horse, blacksmith, hammering, fire, tool, metal, nail, chest, materials, wooden, metal, fire, objects, chest, iron bell, vegetation, nail tools, bench, firewood, coin, opening, action, closing, creaking, hammering, breathing, dropping, ringing, shaping, picking, rolling, breaking, church, bell, sunny, peaceful, weather with and without animals, lake, fire castle, locations, barn, blacksmith, church, lake, campside, animals actions, birds chirping, flying, ducks quaking, cows, mooing, horse, eating, hay, from trainer’s hand, breathing, licking, chewing, bridle, clicking, perspective, texture, middle, distant close very close, heavy breaking, pile, ceramic, tress, rattling, wallet, heat, blade, shovel, sand, pebble, doorbell, saddle, cart, earthquake, farrier, book, cough, cloth, cricket, kitchen, pottery, lis, frog, mechanical, winch, copper, lock, rockaxe, mining, pouring, sailing, boat, rooster, footstep, rope, tavern, treasure, water, light, game, movie, film, video.

    What else you may need
    You may want to check out our Medieval Warfare and Gore SFX Packs for fierce battle scenes, Essential Magic and Green Witch’s Cauldron for dark and green magic scenes and Crafting & Survival for 1000+ gathering, movement and crafting sounds.

  • Seabirds (marine birds) on this library are:
    Seagull (Yellow-legged gull-Larus michahellis);
    The European Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) a species of cormorant; The Common Tern (Sterna hirundo);
    Recorded in natural environment and in urban environment.
    Recordings from the nature are recorded during ornithology monitoring of the birds (nests) on offshore islands and in National Parks.
    Urban recordings coming in variety of situations: birds are recorded in flight, stationary, singly, several birds or in flock, near/mid/far field etc.
    Recorded in various microphone techniques and with some special mic arrays (Jacklin disc, Olson’s wing) to get height on some recording (birds in flight), description included in metadata chunk. Generally recorded with Sennheiser MKH 60/40/30 microphones in MS pattern with Sound Devices Mix Pre or 744T recorder (equipment list included in metadata chunk).

  • This collection of sounds contains 23 horse race passing by tracks, all recorded during steeple-chase races. The sounds have been recorded in 24bit / 96 kHz Mono with a wide-frequency response microphone (30 Hz to 50 KHz).

  • Animal Sound Effects Collections Botswana Play Track 49+ sounds included, 136 mins total From: $60

    Botswana Faunethic sound library is a unique collection of 49 sounds recorded through several national parks of the country (Okavango, Chobe,…). All these sounds has been recorded and produced with high quality equipment in multichannel.

    This collection offers a wide diversity of soundscapes and animals sounds such as:

    -Bush, savanna and forest soundscapes.
    -Hippopotamus grunt and vocals.
    -Elephants vocals, showering and drinking.
    -Zebras and impalas fighting.
    -Lion chasing an elephant during one night.
    -Birds and insects at different perspectives.

    If you want to hear more about this field recording trip, feel free to check this post.
    The multichannel version contains 40 tracks in native 4.0 and 9 tracks recorded in stereo only.

    This library provides authentic and interesting sounds, recorded with DPA, MBHO and Neumann mics powered by an Aeta 4minX.
    All Faunethic tracks includes metadata carefully edited, compatible with Soundminer, Soundly and Basehead.

  • Nature & Countryside Ambiences Birds and Nature Play Track 86 sounds included, 124 mins total $89

    Over two hours of birds, crickets, cicadas and frogs primarily from Southern Ontario, Canada, but also from Britain and Costa Rica. Specific calls and ambiences from the forest, the beach, the neighbourhood or on the dock of a quiet pond. Essential sounds to bring background tracks to life.

  • Insect Sound Effects South African Crickets Play Track 40 sounds included, 197 mins total $55

    Get an extensive collection of South African nature ambiences (average duration: 5 minutes), from places like the Mhkaya Jungle, Kruger National Park, The Wetlands and more. Locations include jungles, swamps, ponds, rivers and towns. Featuring all sorts of crickets and cicades, of course – but there’s also plenty of other South African wildlife, like mosquitoes, birds, fighting baboons and snorting hippos The sounds were captured during various times of both day and night and give you a huge variety of ambiences to work with.

  • Insect Sound Effects Frogs and Grasshoppers Play Track 10+ sounds included, 14 mins total $15

    This library was recorded in southern France and Komagane, Japan for a diverse collection of cricket, grasshopper and frog sounds. With a Fostex FR2, Sennheiser 418S and Olympus LS11, these focused sounds were captured without the rumbling of nearby traffic or wind. They are clean enough to be dropped right into your project, and they are long enough to offer loop points for interactive use.

  • Dog Sound Effects Dog Play Track 123+ sounds included $50

    Recorded in the woods, two pit bull families. These guys are all playing, but they sound totally fierce. Compress a little, pitch down a little, all fun.

    These are wonderful recordings of dogs. Very scary very vocal very violent. Really good deep growling with lots of character. Just a joy to design with.

  • Bird Sound Effects Parrots Play Track 101+ sounds included $65

    This Parrot SFX library was recorded by our sound recordists in Thailand in 192 khz, 24-bit WAV format. It includes a huge variety of sounds from calls, cries and vocal gestures. A great resource for post-production or game audio sound design.

  • Animal Sound Effects Guinea Pigs Ultrasonic Plus Play Track 500+ sounds included, 143 mins total $89

    A comprehensive anthology of Guinea pigs’ vocalisations and other characteristic sound effects. Single pigs: male, female, little ones, duets, trios and in groups of up to 9. Full spectrum of emotions from lively chatter to aggressive fast teeth clicking (yes, they click teeth!) and synchronous hysterical whining and scared ear-piercing squeals. Recorded simultaneously in EXTREME CLOSE UP with Nevaton and Sanken CO-100K microphones for full coverage from deep bass to rich ultrasonic content (and a mix of these two microphones is also provided for your convenience), as well as general CLOSE UP with Nevaton for more natural perspective. Guinea pigs are very social and vocal, but the sounds they make are so unexpected and weird, that they can greatly work not only for rodents, but for extraterrestrials or robots. Lots of ultrasonic content makes a perfect basis for speed and pitch manipulations. 10% of the library’s revenue goes to nature preserves and wild animal shelters.

  • Bird Sound Effects Birds Play Track 45 sounds included $50

    The Audio Hero Birds collection features 45 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions. Included in this library are Loons, Falcons, Flamingos, Peacocks, Woodpeckers, Nightingales, Robins, Ravens, Parrots and much more! These sounds are all hand-picked from the Sound Ideas Just Birds and Animals, Wild World of Animals, International, Series 1000, Series 2000 and Series 6000 libraries.

  • The Audio Hero Insects collection features 200 professionally recorded sound effects, ready for use in your productions.  Included in this library are bees, flies, crickets, cicadas, locusts, mosquitoes, centipedes, various swarms and more! These sounds are all hand-picked from Sound Ideas Just Birds & Animals,  SoundStorm Sound Effects Library, Sound Ideas Wild World of Animals, Hollywood Edge Premiere Editions, Animal Planet and Animal Trax libraries, Series 6000 and General HD 1, 2 and 3 sound effects libraries.

  • From Farmland, Rural Forests & Mountains to the countryside of Italy, Nature’s Soundscapes – Country Mountains, Fields & Streams contains many essential habitats of real life & sound types needed for video games & movies. Experience new & exciting natural locations captured across the rolling hills of Tennessee, Cades Cove, the Smoky Mountains, Breckenridge Mountains, Natchez Trace, North Carolina, New York & the countryside of Italy. Nature’s Soundscapes brings you the sounds of the organic world in both long form & seamlessly loop-able file format giving you extended length, maximum versatility and time saving files.

    • Features over 11GB of nature ambiences
    • 5 hours of ambiance sounds.
    • Includes 90 lightly edited ambience files
    • In addition, you get 103 nature loops.
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  • Crickets, insects, soundscapes recorded in Ambisonic. Recorded in spring and summer. Daytime and nocturnal recordings, with wind in background or without. With birds and without birds in background. In nature environment or in rural area. Check the sound list for additional info.

    tech note:

    Ambisonic recording (3D audio, VR360 audio) – Immersive Audio, Spatial audio;

    Recorded with Sennheiser Ambeo VR microphone (tripod, Rycote blimp/windjammer included) and Sound Devices recorder. All channels matched with pink noise generator.

    Stereo files rendered via Reaper/Ambeo (Sennheiser), A to B format converter (Ambix) and they are ready to use.

    RAW files are 4 Ch. original Sound Devices files (A format). You can import them to Reaper and with Sennheiser Ambeo plugin

    here is free download link:


    you can then manipulate in 360º audio image to get sound image/source to your taste/need/application.

Animal sound effects libraries

Animal sound effects libraries

Looking for animal sound effects for your projects? The independent sound effects community has recorded a huge number of original animal sound libraries, covering everything from tiny chirps to earth-shattering roars.

From animal sounds heard in Antarctica’s freezing cold to the wildlife of the scorching hot deserts of Namibia, the sound libraries have been recorded across the globe - giving you unique atmospheric ambiences, as well as rare and expressive recordings of individual animals.
So whether you need sounds of domestic animals like cats, dogs, horses and cows, or wild animals like lions, tigers, bears and wolves, you'll find them in these sound libraries. You can also find sounds from exotic and endangered species like pandas, gorillas, elephants and rhinos, or discover the sounds of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects.
The sounds are highly useful for both films, documentaries and game projects, and can be used to create realistic or designed sonic environments, as well as for monsters, beasts, fantastical creatures, aliens and so much more.

Animal sounds commonly found in this category:

Bark, bleat, buzz, caw, chirp, croak, growl, hoot, hiss, meow, moo, neigh, oink, quack, rattle, ribbit, roar, snarl, squeak, tweet

Animal sound FAQ:

Q: What are some of the most popular animal sounds?
A: Click to sort the category by most popular animal sound effects libraries

Q: Are there any animal sound libraries on sale right now?
A: Click to sort the category by animal sound libraries on sale

Q: How do I download the animal sounds?
A: Add the sound libraries you're interested in to the cart, and complete the checkout - you can then instantly download your chosen animal SFX.

Q: Are these sounds royalty free?
A: Yes, they're royalty free, and no attribution is required

Q: Who has recorded and designed these sounds?
A: They're created by the independent sound community, and have been recorded by some of the best recordists and sound designers on the planet. There's a constant flow of brand new sound libraries coming from the community, giving you the absolutely freshest sound effects available anywhere. Oh, and by getting sounds from the community, you support individual sound designers and sound recordists – that’s a pretty cool thing too.

Trending animal sound libraries:

  • The Animal Symphony – Goat & Sheep Vol 2 offers a collection of 53 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations carefully captured to ensure exceptional quality. The recordings are organized with consistent nomenclature, making it easy to swap or combine different microphone takes depending on the needs of the project.

    For this occasion, a Sennheiser MKH 8050 and a Sanken CO-100K microphone were used, along with a Zoom H6 recorder to capture the stereo sound. In this second volume, we have gotten even closer to the animals than in the first volume, managing to capture a greater amount of ultrasonic information. This is especially useful if you want to tone down sounds to create fantastic creatures or other sound effects, providing an exceptional richness of frequencies.

    The recordings were made at 24-bit and 192 kHz/96 kHz, ensuring professional clarity and depth in each track.

    This collection includes a wide variety of bleats, from adult goats, mountain goats, kids and sheep, to group bleats, ideal for adding realism and authenticity to any production, be it documentary, film, video games or creative projects.

    In addition, all recordings have been carefully edited to remove any external noise, such as birds, wind or people, ensuring a clean and professional experience. Thanks to ultrasonic microphones, any tonal modification will maintain a unique frequency richness, perfect for creating custom sounds.

    Ideal applications:
    Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    Total audios: 53 (250 Individually)
    Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and EM258 capsule microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.

  • Bird Sound Effects Crows Play Track 30+ sounds included $45

    The Crows library includes 30 stereo tracks of nothing but crow sound effects, perfect for single isolated effects, but also for ambience track layering.

    Every sound is recorded inside forests, and close to crows’ nests with younger birds being fed and calling out, and next to natural habitats where bigger flocks gather in trees. It also has a variety of up-close caw sounds from the only tame albino crow in Scandinavia, recorded in a bird’s zoo.

    The crow has quite a large vocabulary, and the classic calling usually is a little different from bird to bird. Some are more round when sounding out, while others are just plain hoarse and rusty-sounding.

    The library includes both untreated tracks, and noise reduction-processed tracks in two separate folders. Noise reduction-processed tracks have been cleaned up with a CEDAR NR system.

    Equipment used: Telinga Stereo Microphone and Flexible dish, and Sound devices 702 Recorder.

    All tracks are 96K/24 bit apx. 1 Gb big when unzipped. All meta data tagged.

  • Experience the distinctive call of the Laughing Kookaburra with this meticulously crafted sound library, offering 30 high-quality audio tracks, each with multiple variations to suit the needs of any project.

    Organized for seamless use
    Recordings are uniformly labeled to ensure effortless integration into your workflow, allowing for easy selection, combination, or swapping of takes based on your creative vision.

    Accurate recording with professional equipment
    Captured at an intimate distance of just 20cm, these recordings deliver unparalleled clarity and detail.

    Equipment used is as follows:
    – Sennheiser MKH 8050: For direct, natural sound capture.
    – Sanken CO-100K: Ideal for capturing ultrasonic frequencies.
    – Zoom F6: Professional audio recorder that allows recording at 192Khz.
    – Zoom H6: For capturing a stereo recording.

    Ultrasonic capture ensures that even when sounds are pitched down, their depth and frequency richness is preserved, making them perfect for designing fantastical creatures or unique soundscapes.

    Professional Standards & Quality
    – Resolution: Recorded at 24-bit/192kHz and delivered at 96kHz/24-bit.
    – Editing: Tracks have been carefully cleaned of external noises such as distant birds, wind, footsteps or human activity, ensuring a pristine, professional-quality product ready for immediate use.

    With The Animal Symphony: Laughing Kookaburra, you’ll have access to a versatile, perfect for enhancing any audiovisual project or creative endeavour.

    Ideal applications:
    – Video games: Add realism and depth to the natural environments of your games.
    – Cinema and Documentaries: Enrichment of the audiovisual product with authentic sounds.
    – Educational Applications: Use these sounds in educational projects to teach about wildlife and animal behavior.
    – Multimedia Projects: Ideal for any project that seeks to enrich the user’s listening experience.

    Technical details:
    – Total audios: 30 (544 aprox Individually)
    – Format: 192kHz – 96kHz/24bit
    – Equipment used: Zoom F6 recorder with Sennheiser MKH 8050 microphone and Sanken CO-100K microphone, as well as a Zoom H6 recorder for stereo.
    – Duration: 04:44

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  • Bird Sound Effects Urban Crows Play Track 31 sounds included, 90 mins total $35

    Urban Crows is a library full of interesting sounds of single crows and swarms.

    These proud birds deserve a lot more attention than they usually get. They are amazingly intelligent, social and by no means aggressive or monotonous when it comes to their communication capabilities.

    The library evolved throughout winter 2015/16 and was taken from the attic of a house surrounded by trees were the crows frequently stayed overnight. So it was a great pleasure to record them arriving in the evenings as well as hearing them chatting during the dawn. They have a huge arsenal of clearly distinguishable single caws, funny sighs or nervous screams that often evolved to a huge cluster of noises that became stronger when the church bells began to ring and the sun came up.

    All takes are recorded in Mid-Side stereo, with Sennheiser MKH-70 shotgun for a strong mid-signal and AKG-C394B for the ambience. The total playing time of the library is approx. 1h 30min.

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